Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 2009 Exemplar, Winter 2009 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Exemplar, Winter 2009" (2009). Alumni News. 178. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/178 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. How to make a difference: f· MICHIGAN ..,.. Mcke a direct contribution to the EMU Alumni Association Scholarship Fund or attend an event that supports it. For more information about the scholarship fund, visit emich.edu/alumni/awards/scholar.html . ..,.. Get an EMU license plate from the State of Michigan. The fee is $35 in addition to your annual vehicle registra­ tion foe. Of the $35, $25 supports alumni scholarships and EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY programming initiatives. For more information, please visit emich.edu/alumni/programs/license.html. EMU Alumni Association emich.edu/alumni/association 734.487.0250 [email protected] CONTENTS 12 I A Practice of Giving "I saw a lot of Vietnam vets in pain and struggling co figure out what co do with their lives. I became absorbed with human behavior and ac.ljuscmenc." 16 I Mystery Sisters Individually. they liked to write. Together, they became a UJ+"iter. "Unfortunately, there is still a bias against women crime writers, and since our books are rather gricry-'hardboiled' in cl-e geue slang-our publisher asked us to come up with a pen name " 18 I Saving Brace Jeremy Murray's orthotic devices relieve pain and restwe careers ''I've never had anyone re-injured wearing one of my masks. A couple years ago Rip goc elbowed and the mask cue his eye but his nose wasn't broken again." 22 I Proof Positive Magazine shows that good news does sell "Do I think chis economy is garbage? Absolutely. lc's so cough right now. I could just cell that if chis was a better econociy this produce and chis idea would"ve done a lot better-bur we·re doing enough co survive right now.'· 34 I Memories from the Class of 1958 "I can remember when Eleanor Roosevelt came co camp.1s and my sorority had dinner with her; it was a wonderful evenin6." DEPARTMENTS 4 From the President 26 Class Notes 6 -11 I Notebook 32 Photo Gallery EMU and the nursing shortage I New football coach I 10 things 37 I Giving News you should know about the science complex I Dann Florek and 38 I Calendar of Alumni Events George Gervin awarded honorary degrees I Farnlcy Digest ' . 24 I Take Five ;;.··... :'' with Patrick Barry ('71, ·7 3) .. ,:, · .. .. •. F:.,rmplarI WINTER 2009 :l Winter 2009 Vol. 6, Issue 2 EDITOR Darcy Gifford ART DIRECTOR Mike Andaloro ('75) Looking Forward PHOTOGRAPHY Randy Mascharka ('85) (editor's note: The following is an excerpt from Dr. Susan W Mctrtin's Nov. 20 inaugural address. CONTRIBUTORS To read her fit!/ remarks, visit wtich.ed1t!pres1dent/ina11guration/inaug11ral_address.html.) Danielle Clair, Nancy Mida ('72), Vic,iReaume <'91, '96), Carherine Kavanaugh ('86), Ward Mullens, Allen Einstein, CaraJones, e meec here, on chis historic campus, during Eastern Michigan University's l 59ch Ju ia Lynn, Kurr Anthony Krug, Rco Podell, Wyear. As at ocher cricu:al junctures in history, we see change, and the demand for Acadia l:-lahlbrock ('07), Cl1£is Azzo.,ardi, Marc A.1st, Kimberly Wilcox, Ken Ruppel •"08), Lisa change, all around us. The times are uncertain, unprecedented, sometimes deeply unset­ Dcnovan, Amy Whitesall, EMU Archives, tling. Industries we have relied on for decades are struggling; traditional ways of going J,r thony Gattine, The Ernest J le:r 111gway about our business are no longer feasible; the planet strains under the very weight of us. Foundation of Oak Park And yet, along wich these sweeping changes comes great opportunity: opportunity for EDITORIAL OFFICE dramatic impact; opportunity for revolucionary new ways of teaching and learning; opportu­ 15 Welch Hall Ypsilanti, Ml ·18197-22 l 4 nity for innovation, for renewed energy, and for whole new ways of looking at the world. Telephone: 734.487.248:, All of us at Eastern feel chis in the air. We feel a great sense of excitement abom the E-mail: exemplar<l.temich.eL important role our university can play at chis transformational time. We are prepared, and ADDRESS CHANGES 1349 S. Huron St., Suite 2 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Telephone: 734.487.025(• E-mail: alumni.relations0'emicl• .edu Next issue: Spring/Summer 2009 ABOUT EXEMPLAR Exe:nplar (ISSN-1549-5361) is pub.is.1ed three times a year by the Office of Advancement Communications wirhin Marketm,:\ and Communications at Eastern Mi,:higan Un.versity. © Eastern Michigan University. All rights reserved. The views presented are nor necessarily chose of the edirots or rhe official policies -:f rhe University. DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT Associate vice president of marketing and communications Theodore G. Coutilish red.coucilish@'emich.edu OFFICE FOR ALUMNI RELATIONS Executive director of alumni relations Vicki Reaume ('91, '96) vicki.reaume((llemich.edu Assistant direccor, alumni programs Ken Ruppel ('08) ABOVE: In her appropriately titled inaugural ken.ruppel@'emich.edu address-"Opportunity"-Or. Susan W. Assistant dircccor, consrirucnt relations Martin honored the past, saying the day Acadia Ilahlbrock ('07) "could not have happened without many on ahahlbroc@'emich.edu whose shoulders I stand." LEFT: A large crowd packed Pease Office supervisor Auditorium to witness the inauguration of Patti Cartwright EMU's 22nd president One attendee, 99- Student assistants year-old Red Simmons ('32), was specifically Tom Borg ('79), Danielle Clair. mentionedby Dr. Martin as an example of Chelsea Havekosc, Jessica Novz.k, the opportunities that EMU provides. David Reeser ('08), Chris Vi lag, Timon Simmons, a track and field star, arrived in Sherman, Ellen \Xi'eaver Ypsilanti with barely any money. He went on to qualify for the 1932 Olympics in the 400- meter run and start the women's track pro­ gram at theUniversity of Michigan. -! farrnpl,u· I WINTER2009 we are ideally well positioned, to be a catalyst for the kind of change and opportunity our state, and the world, desperately needs now. Eastern has always been a university of opportunity. But now, at this ti me and chis place in our history, we feel an energizing sense of forward momentum. Our mission is simple; harness chat momentum. Fuel it. Run with it. I see opportunity and hope all around us. Eastern can and muse be a driving force for the change our state needs right now. A university first known for teach­ ing teachers is now ideally suited to educate those who will be tomorrow's innovators and leaders. I believe Eastern is destined to be the "university of choice" for a whole new generation of scudents-scudents from Michigan and around che world-who follow traditional and noc-so-cradicional paths to educational excellence. We want to educate more of these fucure leaders than ever before. We will open our doors wide for scudents of all back­ ABOVE: A reception :it the Student Center followed the ceremony, and Dr. Martin chose to walk across campus-giving students another chance to share in the day. grounds, students who are willing ro give us cheir besc, students who are looking for cbe opportunity to excel in roday's complex, incer­ We will launch a comprehensive fundraising campaign connecced world. next year to support our future growth and excellence. Those of us in higher education understand chat, indeed, a paradigm ur vision for chis university is an ambitious one. le will bas shifted when it comes to che funding model for public Orequire hard work and new ideas, and yec all over chis universities. Philanchropy has become critical co a public uni­ campus I hear support from our faculty and staff. Like me, versity's ability to advance academic quality while keeping they are eager co achieve chis university's great potential. the cost of education affordable for students and chei r fami­ Together, we will establish scracegic priorities and meet con­ lies. crete goals. And finally, we will encourage a greater level of collabora­ We will build on our pillars of academic excellence to fos­ tion with community colleges, public and private universities, ter dynamic academic programs which meet contemporary industry and government, so our academic resources are put needs. co che greatest use for che greater good. We will earn che public's crust by our actions wich a non­ All the buildings on our campus, all cl:e genera:ions of negotiable commitment co fiscal integrity, transparency, and scudencs, faculty and staff who have passed through these co campus safecy. halls; all of it, all of us are united by a common thread - the We will enhance the scudenc experience so char every stu­ importance of education, research, teaching, and learning. dent continues co enjoy a well-rounded and satisfying colle­ We care deeply about our scudencs and we know chere is gial life in everything from customer service co residential liv­ no higher calling for a university chan co provide an education ing to intercollegiate athletics. which creates opportunity-especially today-especially right We will refresh our relationship with alumni as members ac this moment. We cannot afford co lee a single good mind of the EMU family. Our alumni represent noc only chis uni­ be less than che best ic can be. We cannot afford co lose sight versity's greatest accomplishments, buc also che foundation on of che fundamental truth chac che world can be made beccer, which we will build Eascern's future.
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