ALLDAYENTERTAINMENT i TFIE BROADLAND i BOAT.TRAIN Unique ro the Bure Valley Raihvay, the combinarion of rhe nostaleic trip br steam ftain through rhe B.oadlaqd Counnyside and the boar joumey lrom Wroxhan throuch the Beaurilul Broads all adds up to a ereat dar out for all Th" BOA IRAIN le.\.. A) ,\im 5rdron d l0 qeve,l dar between 10th May and the 5rh Septembe.. Afrer arriving ar ou wloxhan Starion rhere is a short sftoll to Wroxham Bridge where rhe Boat departs for a th hour ftuce. The boar a(ives back ar abour 1.00. There s no lush to catch the tiain to Ayhham d you can retum or any train. The incluive price ofr8.00 saves you 12.40 on rhe L992 i tHr. gLtcrnNc E] J HERITAGE LINK I Enjoy the Bure Valley RaiLway and rhe Narional Tru;\ * * Br.lJrng H,.. on 'he dme da. Tre ,r,ir dep"r i -o"Ldr r U S-a,,o, I', Bli, l ins r . .|1 "rery V edne.d + i * fron rhe llth May unril 15rh lulv and everv Tuenlav and * ) Wedne.dr' n,m,\.ll' ,l\ rnrillno c,Drember Al"e r : ,^,.h,,k..,o"-oBt"t.''g -, r.,. *,-^r",,^'. i * the House and Gardens. The coach then rerums in rime ro * ' .nch rhc 4.15 deur,re n,cl ,., W' nhrn Th. n'.. , rn.ld nu he BLiclLnp rorr L .nlv.La.50 a or .l] r ' '3v,np l5 .o.r. mdkrng r'|rF d ven .De! d dd\ oL * r (Further savinss available for N.T. nenbes). * * * ****** * * *** * * ***** * **** * ** * **** * * i SPECIALEVENTS i * 17th.20th Arril . .Easter Ese Specials EASY TO FIND THnoucH BRoADT-AND 3rd-4th May ... ...Fat Con!rcllcls Fun Days JounNEv llthJuly..........Teddy Beas Picnic ON Eesr ANcLTA's PREMTER 3rd.4th Ocrober . .Annual Sream cala 19th.25th October. .Half Tem Speciah (and chanty day) woxnlE (HoKron) riom No^!ch, Nannow GaucE R{rL\rAY 3lsrOctober.......Halloveen Spooky Specials 5th.23rdDecenhd sanb i slecials i T.'L.i lr,!r. a:61 7-r 1353 ** llri," \,,Lir\ ii,LiLrrr lo-rl l-i,l 1992 JUNE JULY AUCJUST Passengers SLPTEMBER OCTOBER I)ECEMBER Disabled Ve re plcatd ro *elcome pasngetr li wheLhans bY pdo, ransemeni 8.th ndDns at eKLble and theE -de prFF builr bik {a.ifths. - GrouP Bookings C,oup and .duotion, b@kinss ar uhn { disnNntd To use tinetable frst check calendar to see if trins rard bakd on a mininum pany sn oil0ptople Ve,it are runnins. No colour ncans no ftains. Matchcolour als. phaed io aiEnge 5p(hl rharas ol complet m n, on calendar kr tifretable cololr tu sive servicc on ihe -ai rim6 ouGide th€ nomalrimd,blt. Tdtphone- ot wite AYI-SHAM WROXHAM [:l'en rr.-drJ,h, Bure vdlley Rar]wr] r.r d ,JUme\ r', rem.nh+l i ,md Chidrcn ard Smtn Cintms wh m.o.,,h \"rf^[,.unrnqJ.,nd heaunfurBr^all,nJ nla" ,l 5 l{ pa a 10.10 10.10 10.15 11.00 10.10 IJ 1,h,, ',1.e. Childrcn ind unds tiav.l fte.. ChiLdtn m L lAnllid \nr{r{na o\-saus. railrJy -dis.ounied {are. Smbr Cirians tav.l du(ed- lai. 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.15 12.00 The nlne-mile Bure Vallev line links hisroic Aylsham *1th the bu$lins 12.10 12.10 12.t5 l.l5 12.10 12.t0 Broadland town ofvroxham, the ilo ninure joumey fteatins pa$enges t) !)ne of 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.15 z.t5 rhe finer scenery Norfolk can offer. Fc tunhc rn{o'mnion Lonrt, 3.r0 Ll0 2.15 l5 3.10 l.r0 Betveen the two main stanons are three request halts at thd villages ofBranpt'n, I Bwe Valb Raiha Burron and Orntshall, whet the s!.id will eladly stop to ticl tou up, or Jft)p you off 4.20 4.14 4.20 4.24 3.15 4.lt Rdad, Aylshan, No{oll Built (, a verr hish nandad, the cadiases provide one the best ndes ofany nanop- Nor{(h 5.30 4.r5 5.10 5.10 0261 E sauserarlNay, and the starion faciliries at both ends.fth€ line are se.on.ltdnone Telerhone: illE 5.15 Bure Valley\ hcarJquanen aie at Aylsham, phere there s lree pa,kins for 150 cars, an S0aeat coffce shop, ndel railway cxhibitbn, sift shop selllns n)uvcnns, Allmrns stop a( cloltnhall, Buxton ellway b&Jks an.l videos. jo$ ancl Biampt()n (l!).n rcque*. Wroxhln rion, linked by fd't!.th to Brnish Rail\ tt.tn)n, s five ninutes walk Fom the cenre d the town an.lprovides an idealopllrnunitr fortbse eni(Jvins borr ins h.lidars on rheBroads tu make a leisurely explorat bn ol rhe countrysidc Yello* days are Sant! Sricc ials for *hich The Bue Valle! Walk. *hich follows the line of the rails.y, oft:r the nore a serahte tine table n aviilable. enereetlc the opro.tuniry () dccover thc deli,rhts of the ea on fmr pat of the was 15'inch t,'he hulk with All tim$ables are sobiect nJ chanse Nithout pttur not,ce. Opened in 1990. the Brre Valley line thefn* rail*a! a Lrght Railway OrrJer for 60 yea6. Plannins beBan in 1986, the ordcr was obuined 1n 1989 and l2 months later Nor{olk had a nc* rarlway line, comFlete *tth a haulasr Whilsr e'er! effo will be made to ensure stelm !200,000 tunncl und€! Aylshan,'s byF$. LC rhe nsh' d,"<lhduldrr fne'e* r\. w.rfl i.ur Sincc then, the Bure Valley Railway has been rrcvidins bass of enj,rlment f{r holiday visitds a^d localpe(ple alike, allofwhom arcfindins that they ve ncvcr had 50 nuch fun eett'nsfrom A bB..
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