CHATTAHOOCHEE-OCONEE NATIONAL FORESTS APPENDIX B GLOSSARY ACRONYMS AA - analysis area CMAI - culmination of mean annual ACP – Agriculture Conservation Program increment AD - Administratively Determined CO – the molecule carbon monoxide ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act CUA – concentrated use area AMSL – above mean sea level CVHW - cove hardwood. AMS - Analysis of the Management CWA - Clean Water Act Situation CWD – coarse woody debris APHIS - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service DBH - diameter at breast height AQRV – Air Quality Related Value DEIS - Draft Environmental Impact ASQ - allowable sale quantity Statement AT - Appalachian Trail DEM – Digital Elevation Model ATSA – Automated Timber Sale DFC - desired future condition Accounting System ATV – all-terrain vehicle EA – environmental assessment AUM - animal unit month ECOMAP - Ecological Classification and Mapping Task Team BA - basal area ECS - Ecological Classification System BF - board foot EIS - Environmental Impact BIO – biological oxygen demand Statement BMP - best management practice EPA – United States Environmental BSS - base sale schedule Protection Agency EPD – Georgia Environmental Protection CAA - Clean Air Act (federal) Division CCF - hundred cubic feet EWPP- Emergency Watershed Protection CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality Plan CF - cubic foot CFL - commercial forest land FDR - forest development road CFR - Code of Federal Regulations FEIS - Final Environmental Impact CFS - cubic feet per second Statement CIP - Capital Investment Program FH - forest highway CISC - continuous inventory of stand FIA - forest inventory and analysis conditions FMAP - Fire Management Action Plan FR - forest road LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-1 APPENDIX B CHATTAHOOCHEE-OCONEE NATIONAL FORESTS FRP - forest road program M&E – monitoring and evaluation FS – USDA Forest Service MA - management area FSH - Forest Service Handbook MAR - Management Attainment Report FSM - Forest Service Manual MAUM - thousand animal unit month FTE - full-time employee MBF - thousand board feet FVS – Forest Vegetation Simulator MCF - thousand cubic feet FWRBE (Team) – Fish, Wildlife, Range, MIL - management intensity level Botany, and Ecology MIS - management indicator species FY - fiscal year MIST – minimum impact suppression GAO - Government Accounting Office techniques GEPD – Georgia Environmental MM - million Protection Division MM$ - millions of dollars GFA – general forest area MMBF - million board feet GIS - Geographic Information System MMCF - million cubic feet GPD - gross domestic product MMR - minimum management requirement ha – hectare MMRVD - million recreation visitor-days HMA – habitat management area MOU - memorandum of understanding HRP - Human Resource Program MRVD - thousand recreation visitor-days HU – Hydrologic Units MWFUD - thousand wildlife and fish HUC – Hydrologic Unit Codes user-day IDT - Interdisciplinary Team N – The element nitrogen IPM - integrated pest management NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality IS - Interpretive Services Standards NAPAP – National Acid Precipitation KCfast - Kansas City fire access Assessment Program software NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act NF - National Forest LAC – limits of acceptable change NFMA - National Forest Management Act LAR - Land Area Report NFRS – National Forest Recreation LE - law enforcement Survey LOAP - Landownership Adjustment Plan NFS – National Forest System LP – linear programming NFSR – National Forest System Road LRMP – Land and Resource NLFCA – National Listing of Fish Management Plan Consumption Advisories LTA - landtype association Nox – Nitrogen oxides LTP - landtype phase NO3 – The anion nitrate LTSYC - long-term sustained-yield NPL – National Priorities List capacity NPS – National Park Service LUG - land-use group NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation L&WCF - Land and Water Conservation Service Fund NRI – Natural Resource Inventory LWD – large woody debris NSO – no surface occupancy (mineral stipulation) M - thousand NTMB - neotropical migratory birds M$ - thousands of dollars NVUM – National Visitor Use Monitoring B-2 LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN CHATTAHOOCHEE-OCONEE NATIONAL FORESTS APPENEDIX B NWPS - National Wilderness RN2 - roaded natural 2 Preservation System ROD - Record of Decision ROS - Recreation Opportunity Spectrum OHV - off-highway vehicle ROW - right-of-way OMP - operation maintenance and RPA - Resources Planning Act protection RVD - recreation visitor-day ORV - Outstandingly Remarkable Values S – The element sulfur as used to characteristize streams SAA - Southern Appalachian Assessment under the National Wild and Scenic SARRWAG – Southern Appalachian Rivers Act. Also,off-road vehicle. Recreation, Rivers, Wilderness OUDS – overnight use developed sites Advisory Group (FS IDT) SCORP - State Comprehensive Outdoor PAOT - persons-at-one-time Recreation Plan PETS - proposed, endangered, S&G - standard and guideline threatened, or sensitive (species) SH - state highway PILT – payment in lieu of taxes SIO – Scenic Integrity Objective PNWR - Piedmont National Wildlife SIP - State Implementation Plan Refuge SMS – Scenery Management System PL - public law SMZ – streamside management zone PM - particulate matter SOX – Sulfur oxides PNV - present net value SO4 – The anion sulfate PNW - present net worth SPB - southern pine beetle PRODCL - productivity class SPMO - semiprimitive motorized PSD - prevention of significant SPNM - semiprimitive non-motorized deterioration STARS – Sales Tracking and Reporting PSI - pounds per square inch System SUDS – Special Uses Data System R8 – USDA Forest Service, Region 8 RAP – Roads Analysis Process or T&E - threatened and endangered Procedure TES – threatened and endangered RARE - Roadless Area Review and species Evaluation TNC - The Nature Conservancy RARE II - the second Roadless Area. TSI - timber stand improvement Review and Evaluation TSPIRS - Timber Sale Program RBP – Rapid Bio-assessment Protocol Information Reporting System RCW - red-cockaded woodpecker TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority RCW EIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement for the management of the UPLD - upland hardwood/mixed Red-cockaded Woodpecker and its USC - United States Code habitat on National Forests in the USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture Southern Region USDI - U.S. Department of Interior RD - Ranger District USFWS - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service RIM - recreation information USGS - U.S. Geological Survey management UV – ultraviolet RMO – road management objectives RNA - research natural area VIS - Visitor Information Services RN1 - roaded natural 1 VMS – Visual Management System LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-3 APPENDIX B CHATTAHOOCHEE-OCONEE NATIONAL FORESTS VOCs – volatile organic compounds VQO - visual quality objective WCR – Watershed Condition Rank WHI - wildlife habitat improvement WIN - Watershed Improvement Inventory WO - Washington Office WPIN - white pine WRD - Wildlife Resources Division WRP – Wetlands Reserve Program WSA - wilderness study area WSMA – watershed management area WURR – water use rights and requirements YPIN - yellow pine B-4 LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN CHATTAHOOCHEE-OCONEE NATIONAL FORESTS APPENEDIX B SOURCES Definitions were taken from the following sources: ArcGIS Version 8.1 Internal Glossary, ©1999-2001 Chang, Kang-tsung. 2004. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Second Edtion. McGraw-Hill. New York, NY. 400 pages. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 36, Parks, Forests, and Public Property, Chapter II, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture; Part 219, Planning, Section A, National Forest System Land and Resource Management Planning; Section 219.3, Definitions and Terminology, Revised July 1, 1998. ECOMAP. 1993. National hierarchical framework of ecological units. Unpublished administrative paper. Washington, D.C.: U.S> Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 20 p. Forest IDT is the Interdisciplinary Team on the Chattahoochee-Oconee NFs. Forest Inventory and Analysis Unit. A User’s Guide to Forest Information Retrieval (FIR), Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC, 1988. Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 2090.11, Ecological Classification and Inventory Handbook, WO Amendment 2090.11-91-1, Effective 4/26/91, 05 - Definitions. FSH 2409.13, Timber Resource Planning Handbook, WO Amendment 2409.13- 92-1, Effective 8/3/92, 05 - Definitions. FSH 2409.15, Timber Sale Administration Handbook, Amendment No. 2409.15- 96-2, Effective Sept. 19, 1996, 05 - Definitions. FSH 2409.17, Silvicultural Practices Handbook, 1/85 WO, Chapter 9 - Timber Stocking Guides and Growth Predictions, 9.05 - Definitions. FSH 2609.13, Wildlife and Fisheries Program Management Handbook, WO Amendment 2609.13-92-1, Effective 8/3/92, Chapter 70 - Analysis of Economic Efficiency of Wildlife and Fisheries Projects, 70.5 - Definitions. FSH 2709.12, Road Rights-of-Way Grants Handbook, 9/85 WO, Zero Code, 05 - Definitions. Forest Service Manual (FSM) 1900 - Planning, Amendment No. 1900-91-3, Effective March 15, 1991, 1905 - Definitions. (FSM 1905) FSM 2163, Hazardous Waste Management, Chapter 2163.05, Definitions. FSM 2200, Range Management, WO Amendment 2200-91-1 Effective 3/1/91, Chapter 2230, Grazing and Livestock Use Permit System, 2230.5 - Definitions. FSM 2300, Recreation, Wilderness, and Related Resource Management, Amendment No. 2300-91-3 Effective March 12, 1991. Chapter 2355, Off-Road Vehicle Use Management, Executive Order 116-44, as amended by Executive LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-5 APPENDIX B CHATTAHOOCHEE-OCONEE
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