-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Please do this format in MS Excel so that it could be updated year. And all the records mentioned in the format above should be entered as example given under. If anyone has a doubt regarding should contact Mrs.K. Chandra HQA, or Renuka Prasad (F.D.A) office of IGR & CS for clarification. NOTE: In Coloum No 3 (Method of preservation) there are 4 types of methods File Book, Book Form, File Jocket, Bound Book. If these are more than 5(books or Volumes) a seperate list should be prepared with the heading in column no 2 and page no should be mentioned in the column no 7 index and if the volume/book /file is destroyed the same as to be enter as in the example. Example.Daily Register Catagory B SL DESCRIPTION Method of Volum From To Date Remarks NO. Preservati e Date on 7 Daily Register Bound 5 Date of 31-3- - Book open 2010 ‘A’ Register Volume 1 -- Destroyed as per order no-- --dated--- ‘A’ Register Volume 2 -- -- ‘A’ Register Volume 3 -- -- ‘A’ Register Volume 4 -- -- ‘A’ Register Volume 5 -- -- Example. Index - I Catagory A SL DESCRIPTION Method of Volum From To Date Remarks NO. Preservati e Date on 7 Index - I Bound 5 Date of 31-3- - Book open 2010 Index - I Volume 1 -- Partially destroyed Index - I Volume 2 -- -- If pages are missing mention the page no’s. Index - I Volume 3 -- -- Volume missing. Index - I Volume 4 -- -- Index - I Volume 5 -- -- And . for files(File Jockets) a seperate list of files year wise should be prepared using TRILATERAL INDEX with the heading in column no 2 and page no should be mentioned in the column no 7 index. Example: File of correspondence relating to appointments, promotions and confirmations Category A SL DESCRIPTION Method of Volum From To Date Remarks NO. Preservati e Date on 8 File of correspondence relating to File Jocket No of --- 31-3- appointments, promotions and Trilateral files 2010 confirmations index files Example 2005-06 1 EST-1-2005-06 Subject 1 --- ---- 2 EST-15-2005-06 Subject -- -- -- 2006-07 1 EST -6-2006-07 Subject --- --- --- 2 EST – 8-2006-07 Subject -- --- --- These list should be prepared and binded(in book form (spiral bind)) and should be kept in every office, available to the general public and updated every year without failure. Inspector General of Registration And Commissioner of Stamps Bangalore. Copy to: All District Registrars and All Sub-Registrars in the state. Computerisation of Registered Documents u/s 4(1)(a) From date of computerisation to 31-03-2017 SUB REGISTRAR OFFICE UDUPI Sl. CD Book I Doct Book III Doct Book IV Doct Book I Part I Book I Part V No. No. No. Date No. No. Doct No. Doct No Fro Fro Fro Fro From To From To m To m To m To m To 2003-04 UD PD 1 1 2089 2562 -- -- 179 208 27 38 -- -- -- -- 3044& 2 2 2563 2309 -- -- 209 253 39 56 -- -- - - 3 3 3045 3583 -- -- 254 295 57 80 -- -- 1 2 4 4 3584 4107 296 340 81 98 3 7 5 5 4108 4250 341 349 99 102 8 - 6 6 4251 4368 350 357 103 9 14 1 18 1 2 2004-05 7 7 19 154 3 15 1 2 8 8 155 294 16 27 3 6 1 2 9 9 295 447 28 40 7 10 3 4 10 10 448 590 41 52 11 15 11 11 591 724 53 69 16 - 12 12 725 863 70 79 17 20 13 13 864 1130 80 120 21 23 14 14 1161 1997 121 155 31 41 5 - 15 15 1998 2535 156 191 42 66 16 16 2536 3068 192 227 67 75 17 17 3069 3612 228 287 76 88 6 8 18 18 3613 4154 288 318 89 107 19 19 4155 4707 319 351 108 128 9 10 20 20 4708 5015 352 374 129 134 1 234 1 22 1 6 2005-06 21 21 235 777 23 65 7 22 22 22 778 1317 66 112 23 29 23 23 1318 1889 113 144 30 38 1 - 24 24 1890 2459 145 174 39 48 2 - 25 25 2460 3021 175 213 49 56 3 - 26 26 3022 3585 214 244 57 68 27 27 3586 4149 245 266 69 81 28 28 4150 4707 267 297 82 91 4 - 29 29 4708 5249 298 324 92 107 5 8 30 30 5250 5440 325 331 108 109 1 373 1 28 1 5 1 - 2006-07 31 31 374 931 29 64 6 11 32 32 932 1487 65 103 12 24 33 33 1488 2060 104 132 25 33 2 - 34 34 2061 2614 133 167 34 44 3 - 35 35 2615 3190 168 213 45 53 36 36 3191 3764 214 240 54 62 37 37 3765 4342 241 267 63 73 4 9 38 38 4343 4908 268 298 74 84 10 12 39 39 4909 5503 299 331 85 88 13 15 40 40 5504 6066 332 381 89 103 41 41 6067 6184 382 385 - - 1 460 1 23 1 11 2007-08 42 42 461 1030 24 50 12 24 1 - 43 43 1031 1598 51 90 25 33 2 3 44 44 1599 2193 91 117 34 40 45 45 2194 2768 118 147 41 49 46 46 2769 3341 148 184 50 52 47 47 3342 3892 185 217 53 73 48 48 3893 4473 218 262 74 78 49 49 4474 5051 263 300 79 91 4 7 50 50 5052 5615 301 323 92 106 51 51 5616 6167 324 359 107 114 52 52 6168 6729 360 396 115 123 8 9 53 53 6730 7108 397 418 124 133 1 197 1 21 1 6 1 2 2008-09 54 54 198 776 22 52 7 15 55 55 777 1323 53 89 16 23 56 56 1324 1859 90 123 24 37 57 57 1860 2394 124 157 38 44 58 58 2395 2959 158 194 45 53 59 59 2960 3495 195 241 54 67 60 60 3496 4083 242 284 68 80 61 61 4084 4653 285 331 81 96 3 - 62 62 4654 5189 332 385 97 109 63 63 5190 5730 386 427 110 123 4 8 64 64 5731 6270 428 485 124 144 9 - 65 65 6271 6828 486 532 145 153 10 13 66 66 6829 6853 533 537 154 - 1 511 1 41 1 13 1 8 2009-10 67 67 512 1075 42 83 14 27 68 68 1076 1645 84 112 28 33 69 69 1546 2199 113 147 34 42 70 70 2200 2750 148 176 43 55 71 71 2751 3308 177 215 56 71 72 72 3309 3865 216 260 72 88 73 73 3866 4400 261 293 89 110 74 74 4401 4964 294 331 111 127 75 75 4965 5519 332 367 128 141 76 76 5520 6088 368 480 142 152 77 77 6089 6635 410 451 153 171 78 78 6636 7197 452 495 172 184 9 10 79 79 7198 7757 496 528 185 195 11 15 80 80 7758 7966 529 540 196 201 1 10 1 122 2010-11 81 81 123 297 11 21 10 13 82 82 298 475 22 32 14 18 604 & 83 83 476 386 33 45 19 24 84 84 605 794 46 59 25 1 3 85 85 795 972 60 68 26 29 86 86 973 1139 69 77 30 35 87 87 1140 1310 78 84 36 40 88 88 1311 1485 85 91 41 43 89 89 1486 1660 92 105 44 48 90 90 1661 1842 106 117 49 52 91 91 1843 2033 118 128 53 55 92 92 2034 2213 129 133 56 59 93 93 2214 2377 134 148 60 61 94 94 2378 2561 149 160 62 63 95 95 2562 2752 161 169 64 69 96 96 2753 2941 170 176 70 71 97 97 2942 3119 177 192 72 82 98 98 3120 3303 193 209 83 84 99 99 3304 3484 210 225 85 89 100 100 3485 3674 226 234 90 91 101 101 3675 .3859 235 247 92 96 102 102 3860 4056 248 267 97 100 103 103 4057 4255 268 271 101 104 104 104 4256 4447 272 277 105 105 105 4448 4630 278 290 106 108 106 106 4631 4827 291 300 109 116 4 107 107 4828 5013 301 310 117 108 108 5014 5213 311 321 118 120 109 109 5214 5415 322 331 121 123 110 110 5416 5611 332 334 124 128 5 6 111 111 5612 5804 335 342 129 132 112 112 5805 5985 343 354 133 134 7 113 113 5986 6186 355 367 135 139 114 114 6187 6377 368 379 140 144 115 115 6378 6550 380 391 145 146 8 116 116 6551 6714 392 397 147 148 9 117 117 6715 6857 398 409 149 118 118 6858 6984 410 418 150 151 119 119 6985 7087 419 421 152 154 6950 6962 120 120 7088 7206 422 431 155 121 121 7207 7372 432 438 156 159 10 122 122 7373 7554 439 448 160 162 123 123 7555 7735 449 455 124 124 7736 7923 456 461 163 166 125 125 7924 8053 462 465 167 126 126 8054 8247 466 479 168 169 127 127 8248 8455 480 497 170 171 128 128 8456 8666 498 513 172 177 129 129 8667 8874 514 524 178 180 11 130 130 8875 9094 525 531 181 184 131 131 9095 9317 532 547 185 187 132 132 9318 9492 548 549 188 190 133 133 9493 9698 550 553 191 197 12 134 134 9699 9893 554 561 198 13 14 135 135 9894 10097 562 569 199 202 136 136 10098 10100 1 209 1 7 1 8 1 4 2011-12 137 137 210 409 8 19 9 13 138 138 410 609 20 27 14 139 139 610 834 28 41 15 16 140 140 835 1045 42 50 17 26 141 141 1046 1259 51 58 27 35 142 142 1260 1460 59 72 36 42 143 143 1461 1674 73 85 43 49 144 144 1675 1885 86 102 50 56 145 145 1886 2114 103 111 57 58 146 146 2115 2338 112 120 59 63 147 147 2339 2565 121 132 64 67 148 148 2566 2786 133 144 68 70 1 149 149 2787 2996 145 154 71 74 150 150 2997 3209 155 158 75 77 151 151 3210 3447 159 78 152 152 3448 3664 160 168 79 82 153 153 3665 3849 169 181 83 85 154 154 3850 4033 182 191 86 87 155 155 4034 4218 192 199 88 96 2 156 156 4219 4425 200 205 97 102 157 157 4426 4640 206 212 103 104 158 158 4641 4851 213 221 105 108 159 159 4852 5046 222 228 109 160 160 5047 5275 229 232 110 161 161 5276 5475 233 237 111 112 162 162 5476 5667 238 244 113 116 163 163 5668 5881 245 251 117 120 164 164 5882 6087 252 255 121 123 165 165 6088 6290 256 263 124 127 166 166 6291 6506 264 276 128 167 167 6507 6724 277 283 129 135 3 168 168 6725 6933 284 290 136 140 169 169 6934 7153 291 298 141 146 170 170 7154 7370 299 312 147 155 171 171 7371 7599 313 319 156 159 172 172 7600 7815 320 331 160 161 173 173 7816 8023 332 342 162 165 174 174 8084 8235 343 351 166 170 175 175 8236 8455 352 361 171 172 176 176 8456 8673 362 375 177 177 8674 8902 376 379 173 179 4 178 178 8903 9134 380 384 180 189 179 179 9135 9359 385 387 190 194 180 180 9360 9563 388 402 195 197 181 181 9564 9778 403 413 198 182 182 9779 9987 414 421 199 202 183 183 9988 10213 422 433 203 206 184 184 10214 10432 434 440 207 212 185 185 10433 10654 441 449 213 186 186 10655 10880 450 456 214 215 187 187 10881 11062 457 460 216 218 5 6 188 188 11063 11169 461 7 189 189 11170 11290 462 466 190 190 11291 11503 467 474 219 221 191 191 11504 11712 475 487 222 229 8 192 192 11713 11925 488 498 230 232 193 193 11926 12145 499 500 233 194 194 12146 12210 501 503 1 176 1 7 1 4 2012-13 195 195 177 404 8 14 5 8 196 196 405 644 15 23 9 197 197 645 865 24 36 10 12 198 198 866 1079 37 44 13 199 199 1080 1302 45 62 14 15 200 200 1303 1522 63 68 16 17 201 201 1523 1729 69 74 18 19 202 202 1730 1918 75 85 20 24 203 203 1919 2120 86 92 25 30 204 204 2121 2331 93 99 31 35 205 205 2332 2547 100 107 36 37 206 206 2548 2737 108 118 38 42 207 207 2738 2945 119 124 43 51 208 208 2946 3146 125 130 52 54 209 209 3147 3355 131 143 55 56 210 210 3356 3523 144 146 57 61 1 211 211
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