Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association May 18, 1994, Volume 3 1, Number 20 Committee recommends restricting postseason play to NCAA events and bowls By Ronald D. Motr season and postseason nonchampionship THE NCAA NEWS STAFF contests in terms of missed &ass time f-or stu- dent-athletes and in terms of cost contain- If a recommendation that has been for- ment. A Special Events Committee subcorn- warded to the NCAA Council becomes leg- mittee examined the issue, and its recom- islation, a team’s season will end if it is not mendations were met with widespread sup- selected for an NCAA championship or port from the full committee. NCAA-certified football bowl game. “The feeling was that there is a prolifera- The NC4.4 Special Events Committee, at tion of other events (currently operating or its April 27-29 meeting in Ponte Vedra Beach, forming) that are unlike the NCAA tourna- Florida, voted to recommend to the Council ments in that they are not financially reward- that postseason competition for NCAA mem- ing,” said Pacific-10 Conference Commis- bers be restricted to NCAA championships sioner Thomas C. Hansen, who noted that and NCAA-cettifie’d football bowl games. In the recommendation does not necessarily addition, the committee suggested that par- reflect the views of the entire membership. ticipation in “exemption” events included in “You can’t budget for that All of these events NCAA Bylaws 17.3.5 and be restrict- extend the season and are injurious acade- ed to once every four years or three times mically.” every 12 years. Another factor in the committee’s recom- The Council in August 1993 asked the Special Events Committee to study all pre- See Restricting, page 20 F Group asks for feedback on grant-in-aid limitations An NCAA committee studying the formu- The committee proposed the study in lation of principles for determining grant-in- March after it received various questions aid limits for all Divisions I and II men’s and relating in one way or another to sport-by- Singles champ women’s sports is soliciting input from vari- sport grant-in-aid limits in Divisions I and II. ous groups. Specifically, the study was prompted by the The NCAA Committee on Financial Aid following: Staqy Moss of Rollins College knocked off No. l-see&d Adriana Isaza of the and Amateurism, which recently received University of North Florida and won the singles title at the NCAA Division n A recommendation by the NC&4 authorization for the study from the NCAA Gender-Equity Task Force that the financial II Women5 Tennis Championships May 6-12 in Industq Hills, California. Council, is asking various NG4A sports com- aid committee consider increasing maximum North Florida won the team title. Seechampionships stoly, page 9. mittees and representatives of coaches and athletics associations to provide input. See Feedback, page 13 b Certification cofnfnittee refmes peer-review training The NCAA Committee on tion program. Visits by peer-review in Chicago and June 20 in Dallas. Most of the first group of peer- approved 72 additions to the pool Athletics Certification devoted teams to the first group of partici- Only those reviewers who have review teams will contain a chief at its most recent meeting and more much of its May 11-12 meeting in pating institutions will begin this been assigned to make a campus executive officer, an athletics direc- than half of those represented San Francisco to reviewing and fall. visit in the fall have been invited to tor and a faculty athletics repre- Division I-A institutions. However, representation from refining the peer-reviewer trdkirlg Peer-review training will begin those sessions. sentative, and will feature ethnic historically black institutions con- program. May 25 with a session in Arlington, Training for peer-review teatn and gender diversity. tinues to be low, and the committee Peer-review teams are responsi- Virginia, in conjunction with an chairs, all of whom will be institu- The pool of potential peer continues to solicit volunteers from tional chief executive officers, will reviewers has been deficient with ble for reviewing the institutional NCAA regional rules-compliance that segment of Division I. self-study that is required of each seminar. Other spring sessions will be conducted by means of a video regard to Division I-A athletics Division I member by the certifica- be June 1 in New Orleans, June 7 conference August 16. administrators, but the committee See Certification, page 20 b n In the News 1 n On deck I News Digest Page 2 H Seeking to add more excitement and skill to the ~ hk~y 19-20 Recruiting Committee, Kansas City, Missouri game, the NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey Rules Committee Briefly 3 hloy 22-23 Division I Baseball Committee, (chaired by Sidney J. Watson of Bowdoin College) Kansas Cihr Missouri Comment 1 4 has voted to allow fouran-four ploy after coincidental May 22-25 Minority 0 portunities and Interests Committee Championships previews 6 minor penalties: Page 3. Orlando, F Porida Administrative n In a guest editorial, the University of New Haven’s ~ May 25-27 Regional seminar, Arlington, Virginia Committee minutes 8 faculty athletics representative urges the Association to allocate more funds for NCAA postgraduate scholar- I hkIy31- Special Committee to Review Baseball/softball statistics 11 ships: Page 4. June 1 Initial-Eligibility Standards, San Francisco NCAA Record 14 n Additional summer basketball events and leagues The Market 15 Watson are certified by the NCAA: Page 8. Page 2 The NCAA News May 18, 1994 TheNCAANews DOGEST A weekly summary of major activities within the Association Committee prepares for Schedule of key dates for Peer-review training second playoff discussion May and June 1994 begins with May 25 session The second meeting of the NCAA Special The first session for training peer review- Committee to Study a Division I-A Foothall ers for the NCAA athletics certification pro- Championship will he conducted June 2-3 in gram will be May 25 in Washington, DC Kansas City, Missouri. The Committee on Athletics Certification The committee’s first meeting was May 5- spent a significant portion of its May 1 l-12 6. It spent much of the time at that meeting meeting refining and reviewing the training reviewing the research report specially de- veloped for this examination of whether the program. Association’s membership should consider Peer review of the first group of parrici- legislation that would create a Division I-A pating institutions will begin this fall. Train- football championship. ing for peer-review team chairs, principally At the second meeting, the committee is chief executive officers, will be done by a expected to make its recommendation about video conference August 16. how the membership should proceed. REGIONAL SEMINAR For more information, see page 1 of this For more information, see the May 11, RECEGNG 25-27 - NCAA regional seminar in Arling- issue. ton, Virginia. April 20, March 23 and March 2 issues of Men’s Division I barkefball Staff contact: John H. Leavens. The NCAA News. I -3 I .______.____._________________.____Quiet period. Women’s Division I baskehall’ JUNE Next meeting: August 1 in Kansas City, Staff contact: Thomas W. Jernstedt. l-3 1 . ..___________________.____________Quiet period. RECRUITING Missouri. Next meeting: June 2-3 in Kansas City, Men’s Division II basketball Men’s Division I basketball Missouri. 1-16 _______..__. .._...________Contact period. l-30 . .._____.________________________Quiet period. 17-3 1 __________________________.___..__Quiet period. Women’s Division I bask&II’ Women’s Division II basketball’ l-30 . .._ _......_____.___ _______ __..Quiet period. l-l 6 . ..____._______.______Contact period. Men’s Division II basketball Committee requests 17-31 . Quiet period. 1-14 . Quiet period. Special committee asks Division I fooiball 15-30 . ..I.. Evoluation period. input from key groups Twenty days (excludi Sundays and Memorial Women’s Division II basketball’ membership for viewpoints l-1 4 _________________.___.._. _........ Quiet period. Da ) during May se ected at the discretion The NCAA Committee on Financial Aid 15-30 ________________ ____ ___._ Evaluation period. of x e institution: Evaluation“B period. Division I football and Amateurism is asking various NCAA Individuals at member institutions have Those days in May not designated above: until May 25 to provide any observations to l-30 . .Quiet period. sports committees and representatives of Quiet period. Division II football the Special Committee to Review Initial-Eli- NOTE: In recent issues, this entry in the re- coaches and athletics associations to provide June 1 through beginning of the prospect’s input into its study of the formulation of prin- gibility Standards. cruiting calendar hos described incorrectly the high-school or tweyear college football se* That committee has solicited viewpoints May evaluation iod. Note that the days are son: Quiet period. ciples for determining grant-in-aid limits for from the membership in advance of its May not required to c consecutive. DEADIJNE all Divisions I and II men’s and women’s Division II football Sl-June 1 meeting in San Francisco. 1 - Deadline for information for academic- l-3 1 . ..___________Evaluation period. sports. Those interested in commenting to the enhancement fund of 1993-94 NCAA rev- The committee has set a deadline of Au- DEADLINES enuedistribution plan. committee are asked to write or fax corre- 6 - Deadline for information on sports-span- MAILING gust 15 for responses. The study is not con- spondence to Ursula R Walsh, NCAA direc- sorship fund of 1993-94 NCAA revenuedis- 24 - Checks to be mailed for academicen- nected to other work currently underway in tor of research, at the national office.
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