California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 4-10-2002 April 10th 2002 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "April 10th 2002" (2002). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 354. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/354 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -«>•, __ _ . .... •• 's • • r •- ^ • • ' -J -C'' '<'•/• •*-.-• ••-'•< -^ -• •'" V »• -• -> —• •< * V -.- '• -• - - T,. s . I. , ? •} '• - •v\»^ : -1- V •>.' •• V ,• i-^ w. / .•• . - -r', .- .* .J.; ' ' > -• •' lEHN CONGRATULATES DR. FRANCE CORDOVA ON BEING NAMED UCR CHANCELLOR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY aUMUOUk A Publication of the APR 16 2002 Hispanic Communication & LIBRARY / SERIALS Development Corporation Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE Wednesday INLAND EMPIRE PAID April 10, 2002 San Bernardino, CA Volume 15 .c. PERMIT NO 118 Number 15 HISPANIC NL \ Serving the Hispanic Communities in the In O". ift- V' npire San Bernardino • Colton • • Rialto • Bloomington • Badlands • Fontana • Rancho Cuca J T/ no • Victor Valley • Riverside • Casa Blanca • Corona % The Inland Empire's Only Hispanic Minority Owned English Language > ^spaper FRANCE A. CORDOVA FATHER PATRICIO GUILLEN CELEBRATES SAN BERNARDINO NAMED UC RIVERSIDE DUAL ANNIVERSARIES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CHANCELLOR The over 300 guests heard accolades SPONSORS of a spiritual man, human and social EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE activist, a friend with a humane atti­ tude and an individual unafraid to AWARDS right the wrongs for whom ever and wherever it might be. Speaker after speaker praised the priest for his Catholic faith and his devotion to people in the many par­ ishes that he was assigned during his tenure as parish priest. He left an in- defiBIc:''ftitfk with peopfe in tfteir churches, speaking the Word of God and energizing the people to follow the Faith, stated former parish mem­ bers where the charismatic and activ­ France A. Cordova, a nationally They all came, community activists, ist priest served. Sheriffs Deputy Paul E. Jacome re­ recognized astrophysicist who cur­ parishioners, clergymen, close family ceives the Medal of Valor from Sher­ Continue on Page 4 rently serves as vice chancellor for and friends, to join Father Patricio iff Gary Penrod during the 15"' An­ research at UC Santa Barbara, today Guillen and celebrate his 45"' anni­ nual Sheriff's Service Awards Cer­ (April 9) was named chancellor of the versary of ordination and 15"' years TOMAS RIVERA emonies at the Sturges Auditorium, University of California's lliverside as director of a social agency. SanBemardino. Photo by lEHN campus. CONFERENCE Article on Page 9 Continue on Page 3 LATINO NETWORK SCHEDULED FOR CELEBRATES CESAR APRIL 26™ FOURTH ANNUAL CESAR CHAVEZ MEMORIAL ASSEM6LYMEMBER CHAVEZ PRAYER BREAKFAST JOHN LONGVILLE BREAKFAST IS SUCCESS­ HONORS FUL COMMUNITY EVENT MAR GARET HILL AS "WOMAN OF THE YEAR" FOR THE 62"" ASSEMBLY DISTRICT The 15"' Annual Tomas Rivera Arturo Rodriguez, president. Chauncey Veatch, above, was the key­ Conference will be held on April 26"' United Farm Workers, above, was the note speaker at the Third Annual Cesar at the University of California, Riv­ keynote speaker at the 4"' Annual Chavez Memorial Breakfast spon­ erside. The day-long conference, start­ Cesar Chavez Prayer Breakfast at the sored by Latino Network. Veatch was ing at 2:00 p.m., will include outstand­ GENTS Center, attended by over 300 2002 California Teacher of the Year ing educators from throughout the persons. Rodriguez eloquently spoke and will compete at the national level. Southwest. Photo by lEHN Continue on Page 6 iSee Article on Page 8 Continue on Page 2 See Article on Page 8 Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 10, 2002 Letter To The Editor FAMILY HISTORY AND WINNING SCHOLARSHIPS Greetings, By Armando F. Sanchez My name is Art Magana. I am 42 years worried about their dad who remains old and I need a liver transplant. I have in a hospital bed awaiting a liver trans­ As part of the homework a student then the seholarship agency realizes a wife named Pats\ who is 41 and two plant. must do to prepare themselves to be the financial need as being different boys who are 21 and 17.1 have been We are writing to let the public successful in winning scholarships is from someone that hat has both par­ off work for two months because of know that organ donation is very- to first do a detailed research study ents who are already college gradu­ my condition. My wife has been at my much in high demand. Without a liver about one's immediate family back­ ates. bedside eveiy- da>- since I arrived at transplant I will die. It would be a ground and family history. In eonsideration of the overall fam­ LLUMC 40 days ago. But, our bo> s great blessing for me to receive a new This information is required on the ily experiences in those great or bad are both in Arizona attending school, liver and go home to reunite with my majority of the scholarship applica­ moments, the lessons learned from and working to pay for groceries and family. tions and it is vital to the persons that these times and that the family passes the household bills. I have only seen Organ donation is very important, will read the applications and must down from generation to generation my boys once since I came to the hos­ as it takes a life to save a life. My wife determine who will win the scholar­ will be very helpful and valuable to pital in Loma Linda. Instead of com­ and I would be happy to speak to the ships. The government, companies and the student as they meet the challenges ing to visit during his spring break our media personally to express the great colleges that offer the scholarships of completing a college education. son worked full-time to pay for gro­ need for organ donation. want to know in detail the family his­ A student that has had to struggle ceries for himself and his brother. My To speak to my wife or me, please tory of those they are considering to and overcome obstacles of life in spite wife's leave-time from work is run­ contact the Community Relations Of­ offer them their financial support. of major barriers and despite all this ning out. fice at Loma Linda University Medi­ But how does this information help they continue to be hard workers and Our family has never been torn cal Center at (909) 558-4419. the scholarship agencies to determine leaders demonstrates that they have apart like this before. It is very hard who needs and gets their financial as­ what it takes to take on a difficult aca­ for us. It is difficult for our sons to Thank you, sistance? demic challenge. Again, the way the focus on their studies when they are Art Magana and Patsy Magana The family history says a great deal student's family and the student about the character development of the handles ehallenges say a great deal student. If we ask our parents about our about their overall personal character. TOMAS RIVERA CONFERENCE immediate and distant family we can These stories also help to understand SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 26™ discover and learn from family mem­ what conditions the student is living bers who may have encountered ma­ under and it helps to form a better pie- Continuedfrom Page 1 ' jor obstacles in their lives and we can ture of the student as compared to a look at how they overcame those student who has not had to confront Dr. Nicolas Kanellos, Professor, Panel 1, starting at 3:00 p m., struggles. any problems on their way to com­ University of Houston and publisher Tomas Rivera-Literacy and Artistic What the organizations are looking pleting their education. of Arte Pubhco, the largest Hispanic Legacy includes Kanellos, Dr. Hec­ for in reading about the student's back­ In other words, the majority of publishing agency in the United tor Calderon, professor, UCLA afld ground is how family members react scholarships are financial awards of­ States, is keynote speaker at 2:15 p.m. Dr. Gabriela Baeza Ventura, Assistant and confront issues and problems that fered to students of low and limited Professor, University of Houston. life have placed in their path of life. financial resources but they are also Panel 2, starting at 4:00 p.m., The character of the family members to students that demonstrate that they Tomas Rivera-Education and Admin­ says much about the formation, deter­ have a strong eharacter formed by the istration Legacy includes Dr. Flora S: mination, and values of the student. It family's background. They are also Ortiz, professor. School of Education, Inlf nd Empire helps a great deal to know if the looking for signs of having the tem­ UCR, Dr. Leonard Valverde, profes­ student's family background is from an perament to progress forward with HISIWNIC NEWS sor, Arizona State University and Dr. agrarian, business, or professional their studies and will not easily give Eugene Cota-Robles, Professor background. Each of these family oc- up their goal to complete their college The Inland Empire Hispanic Emeritus, UC-Santa Cruz. eupational backgrounds explains a education. News is owned and operated The evening banquet, starting at great deal of how students respond and Mail your questions regarding win­ by the Hispanic Communica­ 6:00 p.m. includes no-host reception, reaet to challenges and highlights how ning scholarships and getting finan­ tion and Development Cor­ banquet, presentation of awardees, much cohesiveness there is within the cial aid to Armando F.
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