POLICY RESOLUTIONS 440 Counl ONO:4,17C ISSUES TASP,TAfilA Grown .61,9rcnhy rn Foderer C,niria believes tel. Fedttet Coetili.on poky shoki: rDrugnio rti hiPPfrift. semis East) Strait in Toornenis's link 1,3 the notern; :ileyt, in the conktokt nf tkii ecarICIPIrc; arid cgrrimunity deth$* okinolvaer en obligation to prowids more imulteble tiatisport Situation inr Tasmania by 11144M:in Non's! assfstanca for ge4 onssener Vowel humor! 111011;1‘raitr pravie/ri such assir.tanco 0 Tasmania a.$ni additian 10 its axistirtgi tintloral Filijhway Oundinw an-41101110ms an 1i. in qc neisiont wig! that 4C*firNni: and commas-44:y hboofits that 04 program Kenn 'to deliver; n tot, that the oir,oriturri zffun-Skag Eat the equieithint aracrilved otitAni tnt .!,co..ter 20 yboal *rid mitintomtnce it spent pelt kilometre oi4 cli.*z.g11 widow' hlatmeyt by the cornrnonweallh for The total clintence .14 a444 Stair itriDA-Pood) DvonIa ikittlbourttatrr sure ihi tkprir4ipal betteliCierfen or such funding should bo ...00)ffen acronn ant3 Snit, and that Marc ehould be flaxibility !Taw fonds ere dupityotr to benefit this target group; CARRIE° VII7HO Ill AMENDIANT r.1,0A4g IP, sit in •;%..24 41# CONCISRN TO Al/OM IT mvitY 11141414Atittcgit blheple*iiiif ap toroptift I 110;4;10, at: fs 01,011Pi0:411W rJifr, f4O:tit:Or WettUrtscr Arlisag trimpart exartat Ous Smog TT £4w Cartrofty Fiy Ltd 4:prime/A, 4e$ thr MA/raw &wirer, 7401044iii atid littzkYlit Th# C,!•raltftliiief or zags -,Iport 4-m11v rivd by Mr refer &Mo. kit /woo win* 2,04,0", h*ral Ormieni ...laxtt fit the tnwept f mthsidi3t4 114.4g Strait aattiittg. Cogintlito 4rgitg Vie 4vg p,11 virfar trinmjyat wro.74 1146 Strait thud *1* h oqutees elwa sitolw 4totime ocvr land. h fQiizirn *wild roliP to driirfigie NOM! in gosrat 1111Mktri 41.0.Pt4 Sao Stroh'btpigfittrt: ie 41.014soifxr.liciaftprekkoo in Stroh hxgA44-34#0" 1744.-x.Ctoltiole, lity La a 0.ippartivg 1:10uXtVeAl txatws Cormitire for .11tr.4 Stroll Traitwil ilepta* As 013,Ns1ni assistarev that II70 .rentioe 17:0,41 ro Frovidi la Mr ilrohicr cod NY anzunitict viloht be Amity eitopyr1gte4t. room .siarente cearziaguafix 21 Pet, PDS Ta: kw, Colf.41, fro Ili Atc ti‘ e41 vm ro ••••• tt. 1'4 • • - i4:3 Th TasroaniaEadaa Tasmania. has a unique place In the Commonwealth. The Federal, Government has a soe , r---onsibili i t achieve e uallt fQr Tesrnaniarm In deve ()ping opportunttie for their St • The Coalition mei, s. respon lily anc in Government will implement tiWr allVes.. de al e in tne TirligniMokage; The Tasmania Package financial commitments, which amount to $87,15 Okr;'...r 3 years, will be funded over and above the financial assistance grants macie by the Commonwealth tattle States- - ThA l'arrIniFin ,'_..5oa Hi.chwa'4 I The transport disadvantage posed by sass Ftrait is the single most serious ) trnpediment to growth in jobs, invesUnent and.population forl-asmania. The Coalition first addressed the Sets Strait transport disadvantage in 1976 with the Introduction of the Tasmanian Frefaht. clitelitatlon Scheme by the Fraser Gavprnmant. • • . • - . , • A similar scheme for vehicle movernehte between the . mainland and' (strN..znia- is long •overdue. The Coalition IP Ciovernment will develop -the • following initiatives for Bass Strait to be treated as Tasmania's 'Sea highway'. .4 A Coalition. Government will Introduce a passenger vehicle equalisation scheme • for ti.w, :rioverrinf Of vehicles across .8ess Strait,- commencino .- 19.9e/P7. The Value 'of the rebate will be 2Ssesset;5 on a formula determined by the Bureau of l'rnspori Communication Economics MICE) ' on. the oost of driving. a vehicle; over an equivalent distance on a national' ' highway. • • .• qur belief is that competition for vehicle and pssenger traMc across Bess . $trai-1 is the most effeative Means of achieving affordable movernent of vehicles and passengers, and•therefore the goalltiori• will. work with the lasmnien C-cv . 17 rornote corn etitivear-7.f-"eri-ibierray-rhe" arid passenger services across Bass St .. .. ,... ,-. , , • . The Coafittbn will maintiln a commitment to the Freight Fqualisaiion Scheme 69 a roiling five-year basit. Fundiny 54;1.5 million over the next three years for passenger Vehicle equalisation maintain freight equii$ation on Forward estirhates in 1 99- hudg&l, . „4.1. - 85/82/96 141 -2 ei-PEs-se PACt ease Streit Passenger Vehicle clu'alisation Scheme 7 Pc...Nary 1996 is scheme at last recognises that east Strait is part of the national •% ,:ay. him, it works •rebate is linked to passenger vehicle.. A rebate of up to $150 one way payable for fares paid for the driver end vehicle where the fare exceeds $1501`. The- first $150 is paid by the driver. • ;s the figure derived from Bureau of Transport and Commun3cations Ec-womics on the equivalent cost of using a nped highway, assessed at 35 cents per U.:: netne. The distance. between Melbourne and DevonPort is 429 kilomefret, t1141.efore the equtvalent road highway cost would be $150; •Cost •$1 t*rt.196/97; $15m 1997/ 1996/99 (Based on 807000 -lhioles in 1996197, incraasing t 150,000 yehicI oy 1998/99>. Why is a measure of. long-term benefit for Tasmania, and indv - it's not a short-term unproveri.expedient. ,1174 an extension of the.fair and eoultabie, and proven, freight equalisE.L. Bille whic.;11 has had bipartisan, support sincct it was. intr::-.Juced by in- Coa;ition 20 years ego: - it 'will en,murage greater passenger numbers through lower fares. • Al encourage competition by enabling o:her operators to provide viable rgiees in an expended markei : directly benefi; • he driver c vehicle. not I. Isport operator. • MS to eIi • inger vehicles and driv , (li . :;ng motoi z.;yoles). r e directly tied to the comparative cosi. .,ing a. vehicle • ..-zient distance on national highway. wif reviewed* annually by the Bureau of Transpori . nomics (8 ICE) to maintain equity. it will increase. e. numbers as well as incre tng the .1ttractiveneas•uf as a c.N.lace to live as a result of the duc-tion of the costs whieh from olation. B9/02/96 1422 F AGE Cz: What happens If a new ferry s-ervice is introduced, perhaps a fist ferry crossing in daylight with no accommddation requirect A - The Coalition is keen to encourage competitive daily passenger services for vehicles across Bass Strait. The BSPES is designed •to cater for a growth in vehicle mOvements oVer the existing-capacity of the 'Spirit of Tasmania', Assuming, a new service operated between different ports, the rebate. would still be ceiculated uting the ISTCE formula. But, It will only apply to services which carry passenger vehicles. ;; Whatrs to stop the rebate amount being absorbed into increased fares?• • One of the Coalition's Main objectives with the Bees Strait Passenger Equalisation Scheme is to promote comPetitive and efficient daily vehicle and.passen• .-:ervices across Bass Strait. - - The BSPES. schemz. :s designed to achieve this, by being inke-d-to vehicle movements. The -Fr 'inc estimates it carries 3.3 passengers for every vehicle - therc-fr smpts to raise fares to absorb the rebate, which. is only app; :.he fares paid by a driver and vehicle would be counter-producfive and would flow on to fares paid by other passengers. - •Purthermore, the rebate is capped at.a.maxitnurn of $150. It will not be adjusted in line with changes in fares. -Q Labor ha S promiSed $44 million for a hew high-speed passenger ferry service. What's wrong-with that? The offer of hinding for a new ferry is of course an attractive one at -7.,-st glance. However, it does nothing to address the main cause of - the Bass Strait transport disadvantage. Labor has failed to recognise that Tasmanians are disadvantaged by the lack of a n•p- -lei highway link to the mainland. Simply putting up money for a r • )rry won't tackle the longer term problem of the extra oriosi frivol ved in Orassirw' Bass Strait. •contrast, the Bass Strait Pasz, ,ar Equalisation Scheme is an onomically justifiable solution which will make- Bass Strait travel .r lore affordable. Compered with Latorts $44 million ferry offer • the Bass Strait Passenger Vehicle Equalisation Sche.me MI deliver a real • ot.rt In the oost of fraveilin9 .across BM Strait whatever type of ferry is used - there is no guarantee from Labdr. Bess Strait needs viable and competitive 89rViCeS to deliver lower fares - a new ferry will simply &lc—rapacity without any new daMend, . - • t the cost of moving passenger vehicles across Sass Strait. is the biggest barrier to growth in passenger numbers. • Labor's alarm of unmet demand on the 'Spirit of Tasmania' is wrong - .only . five or six sallings each year are full for vehicles. • . • Labor's ferry offer is. a one-off - it doesn't cover operating costs into the future. Without increased demand,. there. Carr I:)e no guarantee of Cheaper fares Com-rnitte,_ rot' Igessi Strait Transport Equality.(CPSTE) • the Cornm;Ites has played a vital role in stimulating awareness of the 8 s Strait ti'ansport disadVantage and•in loli6yin9 government for action. • t it's reports have advocated a different methodology in developing a rebate for Bass Strait passengers - however, the goalition plan talles Into acc.ount the Importance of proper accountability, transparency and simplicity In applying the rebate, the need to 'accommodate growth in Bass Strait passenger vehicle moVements, and fist:it responsibility. • Pi9f82/96 1432 Pg: 5. PAGE E/: Questions and Answers about Bass Strait Passenger Equalisation 0: Why do Tasmanians deserve special treatment for the cost getting across Bass Strait?.
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