i X' '^1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE v{ MOi\ ifiland llijilnrjcal ^ocidii 1S73-T4 i3' mi'' PRO VIDEXCE: !• I K N T E U F O li THE S O C I E T r . 1874. CommUtee on PubUcation, Hon. JOHN IIUSSELL BARTLETT, Pkof. J. LEWIS DIMAN, D. D., IlEV. EDWIN M. STONE. TROV. PKLSS COMPANY, PKINTEKS. OFFICERS OF THE RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Elected January 20, 18"4. President. Hon. SAMUEL G. ARXOLI), Providence. Vice Presidents, Hon. ZACITAP.IAH ALLEN, - - - - . Providence. Hon. FRANCIS BRINLEY, Newport. Secretary. Hon. AMOS PERRY, Providence, Treasurer, Mr. RICHMOND P. EVERfc'.TT, - - - - Pkovidence. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper qf the Northern Department. P.EV. EDWIN M. STONE, Puovidence. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper of the &nilliem Department. BENJAMIN B. HOWLAND, Esq., - . - - Newi'okt. 4 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Comniitlee on Nomination of New Members. Rev. EDWIN M. STONE, ----- Providence. Mr. WILLIAM G. WILLIAMS, . - - - Providence. GEORGE L. COLLINS, M. D., - - - - Providence. Commiltee on Lectures and Reading of Papers. Prof. WILLIAM GAMMELL, - - - - - Providence. Hon. AMOS PERRY, Pkovidence. CHARLES W. PARSONS, M. D., - - - - Providence. Committee on Puhlications of the Society. Hon. JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT, - - - Providence. Prof. J. LEWIS DIMAN, D. D.. - - - - Providence. Rev. EDAVIN M. STONE, Providence. Comviittee on Care of Oroimds and Buildinr/. Hon. ZACHARIAII ALLEN, Providence. Mr. henry W. LOTHROP, Providence. Mr. RICHMOND P. EVERETT, - - - - Providence. Audit Commitee. Mr. henry T. BECKWITH, Providence. .Mr. WALTER BLODGETT, Providence. HONORARY MEMBERS Elected since January 21st, 1873.* July 1, 1873. William Ciillen Bryant, Xew York City. Oct 7, 1873. lion. John Lotlirop Jlotley, LL. D., London, Eng. Jan. 20, 1874. Jas. Anthony Froude, F. Ex. Col. O.K., • For the complete list previous to this date sue Proceedings for 1872-73. CORRESrONDING MEMBERS, Elected sixce Arnri, 1st, 18T3.* July 1. 1S73. Ixcv. 'Ihonms T. Stone, D. D„ Bolton, Mass. Oct. 7, 1873. Colonel AIl)ert II. lloyi, Boston, Mass. M'illiani Chanibcrs, LL. P., Edinliurgli, Scotland. riot". J. c. Hoist, Clu'istiana, Norway. <3. J. Bowles, Esq., Quebec, Canada. Jan. 20, 1S74. Fvedrn'ic Kiiider, Esq., Boston, Mass. April 7, 1874. \Villiaui J. Iloppin, E.sq., New York City. July 7, 1874. Hon. William Greenough, Boston, JIass. R<>v. Samuel Osgood, P. D., New York City. Col. Jolin \yixi\\, Alexander Duncan, Esq., England. •Foraoomploto list 01 CoiTfsiioiuUug Members previous totliis date, see Pro- cociliiiifS for ISTi-TS. RESIDENT MEMBERS. On Jasuakv 20tu, 1874, ix the Ordek of xiieir Election. Richard W. Greene, Elisha Dyer, Zachari.'ih Allen, William Sprague, Robert H. Ives, Albert S. Gallup, •John Carter Brown, J. W. C. Ely, Benjainin B. Ilowland, Charles Sabin, George Baker,. Henry W. Lothrop,. John R. Bartl'f«, Royal C. Taft, John A. Howlanil; Welcome O. Browns Stephen Randall, Amos D. Smith, William Gnmnicll, James Y. Smith,. Samuel G. Arnold, Seth Padelford, Charles S. Bradley, Amos Perry, William P. Ralhbun, Richmond P. Everett,^ Charles W. Parsons, John Gorham, Edwin M. Stone, William Binney, Henry T. Beckwilb, William G. Williams, Thomas Durfte, William D. Hilton, Samuel W. Pockham, Daniel A. Taylor, William Goddard, George B. Oalder, George L. Collins, William Earle, Thom:is A. Doyle, Riifii.s Waterman, John Kingsbury, ' AVilliam D. EFy, Henry B. Anthony, John S. Ormsbee, William T. Dorrance, John OUllield, •Deceased June 10, 1874. 8 EIIODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. J. Lewis Diman, Jonathan H. Congdon, Horatio Rogers, Edward Pearoe, Charles A. Nichols, William A. ^Mowry, George T. Paine, Henry F. Smith, John J. Meader, Henry Howard, Albert V. Jenks, Benjamin T. Earaes, Robert B. Chambers, Henry L. Kendall, Stephen S. Keenc, Samuel F. Hilton, Amasa S. Westoott, Joseph J. Cooke, Henry J. Steere, Jarvis B. Swan, Thomas W. Chace, J. Herbert Shedd, William B. Weoden, Charles E. Carpenter, J. Erastus Lester, William Corliss, William Staples, Walter Blodgelt, Isaac H. Southwick, Clinton D. Sellew, Peleg W. Gardiner, George R. Drowne, Francis Brinley, George L. Claflin, B. Frank Pabodie, Henry G. Russell, Amos W. Snow, Daniel W. Lymau, Rowland Hazard, James C. Hidden, Frederick S. Hoppin, Sam W. Clarke, Sidney Dean, Lewis B. Smith, James H. Armington, William J. Miller, Henry C. Cranston, Alfred O. Tilden, Holder Borden Bowen, James H. Eldridge, Edwin Barrows, Joseph R. Brown, Amasa M. Eaton, Charles E. Boone, J. Torry Smith, Carlton A. Staples, Thomas W. Bicknell, Earl P. Mason, Henry Lippitt, Charles Hart, William F. Channing, Theodore W. Phillips, William Grosvenor, Benjamin F. Thurston, William Grosvenor, Jr. Henry A. Hidden, Robert Grosvenor, Stephen Brownell, Francis W. Carpenter, Joshua M. Addeman. RESIUEXT ME31BEKS. [elected since AXNUAL MEETIKG.] George C. Nightingale, Jr.. Albert Dai ley, CmiI W. Ernst, Ambrose E. Burnside, Benjamin W. Persons, William Kellon, Gideon L. Spencer, Henry E. Turner, SanuH'l II. Wales, Olnoy Arnold, Benjamin G. Paboilie, James Shaw, Jr., Barnabas L. Chace, Simon Henry Greene, William S. Jolin.sun, Horace D.-micls,' Charles G. JIuKnigbt, Erastus Kichardson, Daniel E. Day, Preserved W. Arnold, John P. Walker, Willi.im G. R. Mowry, Henry A. Il.irriiigton, Charles F. Taylor, Matthew Watson Armington, George W. Whilford. 9 LIFE MEMBERS, Jan. 16, PROCEEDINGS OF THE RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SPECIAL MEETING. February 11, 1873. The meeting was called to order by the Lilirarian, and in the absence of the President and Vice President, Dr Charles W. Parsons was chosen President _pro tem. MpMitEiiS PKESENT. —Jlessrs. Reckwith, Collins, II<nvl.infi, Jencks, Parsons, Perry and Stone. The Cabinet Keeper announced the reception of numerous donations of books, pamphlets, engravings and photograplis, since the last meeting. A Paper was read by Rev. Thomas T. Stone, D. D., of Bolton, JIass., on " George Fox, the Seer of the Inner Light." Rev. E. M. Stone followed the lecturer in extended remarks on the paper read, endorsing the sentiments put forth, and . {idiDelsJedl W oi'aii^ ldw folktving resoIalUoo, viiidi, sec- ca»dkid by Dr. CoUiiis, pft$«ed BBanimoa^T : Fes. xsi likis ke be iiB(«tsSied to tesfeA a ee??' <a( tbe saae far tbe Tbe S&csnesaiy of fee Sacietj" l3i^ anaovBced d>e deadi of Hfazy B. Dsovae. aad after pxTii^ a Isief tribote to his ^£SBosy, o^ted ^e ibIloTizs i^aolrtioBS, vUdi were see- 'OoSed by Ser. £. JL. Same, ami. psssed oBuiinKH^y JsmikiBi.T^sxi'we'iexrm'KTi^v^peS^Ac ssdSeK deatt of Hesiiy B. T<r:<v:D£. a dpric^^ smsitis- iS cur Sotas^. xai bomcel and trssaed cai- ^mtnatnr^ ^^ TrrLoss :£ a 'waniT sBfesETr. aZ'srsfs ae^^iotr to ^ecp Ib "Offv Ms agpaing yelaianns so Ks Hsa»«Eh- 7 .Siati&s^. Iluc iftfs gBaa"hTti>sE be easenei ^ . ^ ^ Msceife ^ aa ex- m's^cm te ctnr footrsesxiaam <f lEr. I^rerarBsV ^aBSf&FT. aad Ams. a copy /vm-jB-nrfir •a-^.l^i.ui^^ nf x itf gTiTJ SO hs iaatSsr an <3f eoc -jriw iufcy m ~ . - TOWB, siT^^ an accioiiBt (^ tbe Ts-ii&Tir fever m P^nonrideBev, £roB 1791 to 1797, nM-liisive, -6-hl sisBd^BsoiBS sates affid obsenatio^ QrAETEELT MEEUXG. Afsh. 1. 1^73. Is s^ a^ssgfe of tbe fireadeet xsd Viee Preadeat, Ae : : PROCEEDINGS OF QCARTERLT MEETlNn. 13 meeting was called to order by the Secretary, and Isaac II. Southwick was chosen President pro tempore. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. The Sorretary road letters from the following gentlemen : Professor Joseph Henry, of Washington, D. C, siccepting honorary membership; Francis S. Drake, Boston, and J. F. Williams, of St. Paul, Minnesota, accepting corresponding memberships of this Society, to which they had severally been elected. The Librarian announced nnmerous donations received since the last meeting from Hon. Benjamin T. Eames, Messrs. Samuel Austin, Henry T. Beckwith, William G. Williams, of Providence; Kev. J. P. Lane, of Bristol ; and IJev. Wil- liam Stevens Perry, D. D., of Geneva, X. Y. The following named gentlemen were elected resident mem- bers of the Society Benjamin T. Eames, Henry L. Kendall, Samuel F. Hilton, Joseph .T. Cooke, Clinton D. Sellew, .James C. Hiilden, George R. Drowne, .I:irvis B. Swan, J. Herbert Shcdil. George L. CUiBin, Henry G. Kussell, Wil- liam Corliss, Walter Blotlgett. Charles E. Carpenter, of Providence; .r. William Miller, of Bristol; Lewis B. Smith, of Barrington : Sam W. Clarke, Apponaug; Henry Howard, of Coventry; Daniel W . Lyman, and George H. Corliss, of North Providence. The following named persons were elected corresponding members Rev. Frederick Denison, of ^fystic, Conn.; Rev. Dorns Clarke, D. D., .and Rev. Edmund F. Slalter, D. 1)., of Boston ; Henry Wheatland, M. D., of Salem, Mass.; Rev. Benjamin F. DeCosta, D. D., of Xew York; Prof. E. B. Andrews- of Marietta, O. ; Benson J. I>ossing, of Poiiglikeep- sie. X. Y.; Frederick Miller, of Amsterdam, Holland; Samuel F. Haven, of Worcester, Mass. A vote was passed authorizing the Committee on Grounds and Buildings to make all needed repairs on the I)uilding. The Librarian was authorized to devote tweuty-tive dollars : 1-4 EHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCITET. of the seuii-ceiitcniiial fund to tlic purchnso of such choice and rare books and pamphlets as he maj' think best. Adjourned. SPECIAL :MEETIXCt. Mat 27. 1S73. The meeting \ras called to order by the First Vice Presi- dent, Hon. Zuchariah Allen. The records of the la« meeting were read and approved. Letters were read from the following gentlemen, siffnifvin<r their acceptance of election as corresponding members, viz : Henrj' Wheatland, Salem, JIass. ; Benson J. Lossinff, The Piidge, Dover Plains, X. Y. ; Eev. Frederick Denisou, New Haven, Conn. Eev. : Edmund F. Slaftcr, D. D., Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D., Boston; Prof. E. B. Andrews, MarietUi, O. Samuel F. Haven, Worcester, Mass. The Librarian announced donations from Stephen R;indall, Xorth Providence ; Virginia Historical Societv ; J. F. Hun- newell, Charlestowu, Mass ; George Dc-rby, Boston: George Baker, Gustine L.
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