ireenhrlt Council Voles to Keep Lake Park Open No New Traffic Signs for Crescent Rd. by Bob McGee Bleary-eyed and numb, Acting-Mayor Charles Schwan finally called for a motion - at 1 a.m. Tuesday morning - to adjourn the regular Greenbelt City Council meeting for Monday, Sept. 11. A Jlcws ll,ci,iew dozen or so hardy citizens in the audience hung in to the very end, AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER and this reporter's sympathy for them and for council was ex­ ceeded only by pity for the City Clerk, Mrs. Gudrun Mills who Volume 35, Number 43 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, September 14, 1972 stated that she had to get up at five that morning. Earlier in the meeting, Manager James Giese presented an analysis, prepared by Stiff Air Pollution Bill Metropolitan Intelligence Notice to Dog Owners Mrs. Mills, of measurable activities of his office. It showed that Introduced; Heard Oct. 24. Group Receives Support News Review readers are work volume, on behalf of council, was almost double that for the asked to keep their dogs inside previous council. As someone in the audience remarked, "They're Chairman Willlfield M. Kelly's bin County Councilman John J. Gar­ to updalte and tighten Prince or tied up Thursday evenings either going to have to get more help or start serving a lot of rity, said recently that the early when the papers are being deliv­ coffee." Georges County's air pollution con­ formation of the Metropolitan In­ trol law is set for public 'hearing ered (6:30-9 p.m.>, or, at least, telligence Group (MIG) proposed until delivery has been complet­ Manager Giese then introduced "try it; you mdght like it." Manager Oct 24 at 10 a.m. at the County by the staff of COG is "essential" his newly appointed assistant, Den­ Giese opposed the measure, suggest­ Courthouse :in Upper Marlboro. ed in the immediate area. The if the governments in the Metro­ dis E. Piendak, whom he felt would ing that inappropriate placement of Kelly's proposal would bring local News Review cannot require that politan Washington area are to papers be delivered where a dog's soon help alleviate some of the work signs might also be hazardous to pollution standards into line with carry on an effective "war on drug load problems. both children, who might feel un­ more vdgorous ones. He was joined presence is threatening. In re­ traffickers." Council will hold a special meet­ duly safe, and to drivers unfamiliar by fellow Councilmen Francis B. cent weeks a number of houses, ing, to complete some of the more with the sign placements. 'Dhe pro­ Francois, D.A.L., Francis W. White, Garrity, chairman of the Coun­ and sometimes an entire court, urgent items from the unfinished posail was killed on a 2-2 vite, Maf­ D-1, John J. Gaiirity, D.A.iL., Royal ty Council's Human Resources have not received the paper be­ agenda, but has not yet set a date. fay and Cohen supporting, and Hart D-2 and Vice Chairman John Committee, said he was concerned cause of a dog or dogs running Some 1J1.ew w11inkles were added Councilman Charles Schwan and B Burcham in sponsorship of the about the delays in implementa­ loose. The delivery boys and to fairly traditional ,topics, like Weidenfeld opposed. Schwan later bill. tion of the proposal, which began girls ask your cooperation. safety, trash, sanitation, Greenbriar, proposed that Crellcenrt Road be ad­ For the first time in county his­ to take shape as early as Febru­ Greenbelt Lake Park, and land ac­ ded to the traffic survey being pro­ tory, all emission w,sible to obser­ ary 1971 when Garrity took the quisition problems; together with ,a posed for Northway Road and vers from any installation or build­ idea for a "metropolitan intelli­ Dennis E. Piendak Made maitter of continuing current int er­ Lakeside Drive, -wilth approval of ing will be banned unless it comes gence unit" to U.S. Sena.tor Charles est, the forthcoming bond issue for the rest of council. from wood.burning firepilaces in rec­ McC. Mathias, R-Md. Administrative Assistant an indoor swimming-'heaJ1th faciliJty. ireational or residential facUities. Following his meeting with Gar­ Greenbelt has a new administra­ Air Curtain Destructor The law, lif passed, would tighten tive assistant, Dennis E. Piendak. Lake Park rity, Mathias asked COG to ar-­ Allan Kay, of Greenbriar Associ­ up on deveilopers who pollute the range a meeting of officials from A native of New Britain, Connec­ A proposed ordinance to establish atmosphere during work a.nd also ticut, he received a B.A. degree in closing hours in the Greenbelt Lake aites, petitioned Council for an am­ metropolitan area jurisdictions to endment to the city ordinance to b~s open burning as well as setting discuss the area's crime problems. government from Bard College, Park came in for a considerable stiff fines and jail terms for pollut­ Annandale-on- Hudson, New York. going-over by members of the au­ permit use of an Air Curtain Garrity pushed the idea at the con­ Destructor for the purpose of clear­ ers. The bill also cracks down on He completed the course work for dience. A petition ,in suppoiit of the ference and the group of officials ing their proper.ty of trees and sulfer-content fuels, making it ille­ agreed to pursue, through COG, the a Master of Urban Management proposed ordinance was submitted gal to sell 1iuels containing more Degree at the University of Pitts­ by Mrs. Joa,n Newman and was shrubs in conjunction with its de­ establishment of such a group. velopment. Kay pointed out ,that than one percent sulfur by weight. burgh before ~ilitary service in­ signed by 21 of her neighbors, most this type of burning is permitted to Toi. a unique provision, Kelly's mea­ The MIG proposal now before terrupted his graduate work. Pi­ of whom resided along the lake be used outsdde the Capital Beltway sure would make it a misdemeanor COG envisions an intelligence gath­ endak remains a candidate for the shore. In response to questions by the Maryland State Health De­ to remove air polilution control de­ ering source and information graduate degree. about what had prompted t>he pro­ partment and Prince Georges Coun­ vices from automobiles. clearinghouse that would enable While in the U. S. Army, Pien­ posal, City Manager James Giese ty, and was instituted dn the Also introduced at the same ses­ law enforcement officials from the dak served as a personnel records staited thait he had received a num­ MetropoHtan-Washington area after sion was a bill from Councilman various Washington area jurisdic­ clerk and personnel test admini­ ber of comp,}aints from homeowners Francis B. Francois and Samuel W. tions to identify, gather evidence strator with the U. S. Army Selec­ ?'long the fake about laJte night noise t~e. ~ity passed iits ordinance pro­ h1b1tmg burning; and that Green­ Bogley which would lift the special and prosecute narcotics offenders. tion Center, Ft. Jackson, South m the park, and that the poLice felt belt was the only jurisdiction that exception requirement for most TV Garrity told the committee that Carolina. that it would give him a better tool he knew of that did not presently and ham radio antennas. The act he believed MIG should be an op­ Prior to his military service, for pr~venting problems, such as permit this type of burning. One retains the special exception re-­ eration involving the chiefs of po­ Piendak served as administrative vandahsm a,nd kiHing of the ducks. of his experts then described the q uirement for antennas more than lice of all of the area's jurisdictions assistant to the borough manager, A ~u_mber of persons spoke in op­ process, a deep-pit burning operation 25 feet high or 40 feet across. The and "should be housed at the Coun­ Monroeville, Pennsylvania. He has position. Gabriel Sucher, deplored at inten,se heat developed by an air­ two council members said that be-­ cil of Governments," instead of also held internships with the cities the encroachment on individual free­ blower. The result is a relatively sides ridding the law of a rather being under the wing of the D. C. of West Hartford, Connecticut, dom. He pointed out t!hat a number clean and smokeless method of burn­ obsolete passage their measure Police Department. Cape May, New Jersey and White-­ of civi: events, including the pre­ ing, if properly operaited. Some would lighten the workload on zon­ march Township, Pennsylvania. sent city council meeiting, often But he said that even on this particulate matter is released for up ing enforcement officers. Additional internships were held went on well past 11 p.m., and that point, Prince Georges County is to 60 seconds at the time of intro­ at Connecticut Public Expenditure sue? an ordinance would preclude "willing to compromise ... if com­ ducing new logs into ithe fire. Kay Council and the Bureau of Gov­ res1d,ents from walking •through th promise is essential to achieving also stated that he would be usino­ ernment Reasearch, Long Island, park on their way home-being : B-W Parkway To Be the agreement of others." a ,chipper on smaller itrees, and that New York. nabu~ shortcut for many. Steven the _resulting mulch would be made Piendak and his wife, Sharon, ~u~stem suggested ithat placing such Widened To 6 Lanes avavlable to the city and its citizens. Congressman Larry Hogan (R­ will be residing in University limits on use of the park might 1 addiJtion he offered to permit Md) lauded the signing of an agree­ Square.
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