8006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 6, 1987 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, April 6, 1987 The House met at 12 noon, and was ACID RAIN cal improvements made in such mate­ called to order by the Speaker pro <Mr. SIKORSKI asked and was rials can save billions of dollars and tempore <Mr. FOLEY). given permission to address the House more importantly, lives. I encourage for 1 minute and to revise and extend my colleagues to cosponsor this legis­ his remarks.) lation and help avert future tragedies DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Mr. SIKORSKI. Mr. Speaker, the such as the one we witnessed yester­ TEMPORE President's spokesman said yesterday day. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid in Canada that the President "share(s) before the House the following com­ the Canadians' view of the environ­ munication from the Speaker. mental costs of acid rain." Well, here COMMUNICATION FROM THE WASHINGTON, DC, is just part of the view of the costs CLERK OF THE HOUSE April 3, 198 7. from the American side of the fence: The SPEAKER pro tempore laid I hereby designate the Honorable THOMAS 3,000 American lakes and 23,000 miles before the House the following com­ S. FOLEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on of American streams killed by acid munication . from the Clerk of the Monday, April 6, and on Tuesday, April 7, rain; $3.5 to $6 billion annually in 1987. House of Representatives: JIM WRIGHT, damage to historical monuments; and WASHINGTON, DC, Speaker of the House of $5.8 billion per year in damage to April 2, 1987. Representatives. human health, visibility, and housing Hon. JIM WRIGHT, in the Eastern United States alone. The Speaker, House of Representatives, Billions more to hunting, fishing, Washington, DC. PRAYER parks, forests, and farms; 50,000 pre­ DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per­ mature deaths annually due to the mission granted in Clause 5 of Rule III of The Chaplain, Rev. James David the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa­ Ford, D.D., offered the following chemical precursors of acid rain, tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed prayer: Yes, it costs us daily for the adminis­ envelope received from the White House at Teach us, 0 God, to praise You and tration to join hands with big coal, the 4:39 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, 1987 and give You thanks for it is right and just auto companies and power monopolies said to contain a message from the Presi­ so to do. Help us to use our faith with­ to deny, delay, say no, and go slow. dent whereby he transmits the annual They're cynics. And as Oscar Wilde report of the ACTION Agency for Fiscal out so much regard as to the benefit Year 1986. to our feelings or to our personal ad­ said, "They know . the price of every­ thing and the value of nothing.'" With great respect, I am, vantage in life, but to honestly ac­ Sincerely yours, knowledge You as the Author and DONNALD K. ANDERSON, Maker of heaven and Earth. We are ESTABLISHMENT OF HIGHWAY Clerk, House of Representatives. aware of our abilities and our responsi­ RESEARCH AND DEVELOP- bilities to do good works and serve MENT PROGRAM others, and yet above all else we offer <Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTION our thanksgivings for the gracious gift given permission to address the House AGENCY-MESSAGE FROM THE of life and the wonder and awe and for 1 minute and to revise and extend PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED majesty we can experience in Your his :1emarks.) STATES world. Amen. Mr. GLICKMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is The SPEAKER pro tempore laid easy for us to play Monday morning before the House the following mes­ quarterback but the fact is that people sage from the President of the United THE JOURNAL are dead today as a result of the tragic States; which was read and, together The SPEAKER pro tempore. The collapse of the bridge near Amster­ with the accompanying papers, with­ Chair has examined the Journal of dam, NY. Perhaps even more tragic is out objection, referred to the Commit­ the last day's proceedings and an­ that despite enormous expenditures tee on Education and Labor: nounces to the House his approval on maintenance and reconstruction, <For message, see proceedings of the thereof. the National Research Council has es­ Senate of Thursday, April 2, 1987, at Pursuant to clause l, rule I, the timated that nearly 40 percent of our page S4465.) Journal stands approved. Nation's bridges are nearing the end of their 50-year design life, and over 20 percent have already been identified 0 1210 PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE as structurally deficient. By 1995, an ON MERCHANT MARINE AND estimated 26,000 miles or 56 percent of IMPEACHMENT OF RONALD FISHERIES TO FILE REPORT our interstate highways will need re­ REAGAN-NO. 4 ON H.R. 1290 surfacing or major repair work. The SPEAKER pro tempore <Mr. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. Speaker, I ask A few weeks ago I introduced legisla­ FOLEY). Under a previous order of the unanimous consent that the Commit­ tion to direct the Secretary of Trans­ House, the gentleman from Texas tee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries portation, in consultation with the Na­ [Mr. GONZALEZ] is recognized for 60 have until 6 p.m., today, April 6, 1987, tional Research Council, the National minutes. to file its report on H.R. 1290. Academy of Sciences, and the National Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise This has been cleared with the mi­ Academy of Engineers, to establish a to fill in some of the related bills of nority. highway research and development particulars in pursuance of the resolu­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is program focused on increasing the tion of impeachment with respect to there objection to the request of the quality and durability of high-cost the violation of our statutes and the gentleman from Florida? highway materials. It has been esti­ usurpation of the Constitution by There was no objection. mated that relatively small technologi- President Ronald Reagan. D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. April 6, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8007 I have introduced resolutions of this happens he was also denouncing other the participatory representative form nature at a time when it was obvious groups of fellow Americans, the of government that we all enjoy, that our laws had either been violated blacks, the Mexican-Americans, and whose heritage and legacy makes it or the Constitution usurped. I will the Jews, and when he did that, he possible for the likes of myself to serve note for the record that I was not one brought upon himself something he in these capacities. of those that introduced a resolution had not quite expected. It was one Nevertheless I went to the State of impeachment in 1974 with respect thing to jump on a lonely councilman senate and in my freshman year fili­ to then President Richard Nixon. The with no backing from either economic, bustered for 30 hours the race bills, reason was that the committees social, or political strength, and it was the massive kit or package of resist­ charged with this very awesome re- another thing to take on some of the ance that had emanated, that had sponsibility did not have to have any pillars of the community. been initiated in Virginia and gone of the nonmembers pushing resolu- The fact is that by .1 year's time he through all the 11 Confederate States. tions of impeachment. But since that was out and I was reelected and in fact The Texas Senate was the only legisla­ day and time, and particularly since had the glory and the honor of intro­ tive body in any of the 11 Confederate the advent of President Ronald ducing the resolution to do away with States that even so much as debated, Reagan, it has been very disturbing to all segregation based on race, color, or much less defeated, 14 of the 16 acts, me to see the Congress of the United creed from all municipal tax-support­ and the reason was that we filibus­ States abdicate its rightful protection ed facilities in the city of San Antonio. tered. But that was in May 1957, and it of its prerogatives as a coequal, inde- That was in 1956, on April 19. Even was looked upon as a lark. The thing pendent and separate branch of Gov- though the council had been divided that was noted was one of those things ernment under the Constitution. in our private· sessions, I was able to that attract popular fancy, that I It has been easy to applaud and persuade those who did not think the cheer the President when he violated time had come for change, although could stand on my feet without cessa­ the law and the Constitution since the the mayor then said the day had not tion and speak for 30 hours without actions involved seemed to merit and come when the black was going to be any aid. So we were able to hold fast, receive the popular approval of the swimming in the same swimming pool with the help of a fell ow senator from populace. So the Congress was loath with the whites, except he did not use Laredo, later my colleague here in the to say anything critical of what was the word "black." Congress.
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