•V - ■ WEDNESDAY, JUNE t , IM T ^ inanrlj^Bter lEtttnfng If^ralit V t, ^<, r D(mH **Red T(tg Days ” Specials in ’Manchester Stores r .. '1 ^ TbdWiatlisr Amofd DsQp N«t Prtfii Boa Fpratotl af 0. i. Woattrit Oat pea the Maalb af May. 1S4S Saaay and elighUy wafer thip aftstaaaat flair farightj Eilday goastaily fair with Bttfo ehaaga , Meiahw ei the'AiMIt la liiBiiiatari. RED TAG Manchester— A Cit^ ol VittaKe Charm » (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CBNT8 Three Thursday—Friday—Saturday, June 2-3-4 VqL. LXVIIL, MO. 209 U) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 REG. 79c, $9e' and 99c. 36” SANFORIZBI) Lflienthal Answer* S1.98 AND S2.98 HANDBAGS IONA ELECTRIC MIXERS Split Over Amount News Tidbits 3,280 Given Access Omr Entin Stock o f’Spring Suit* end CoaU Light enough to carry around your kitchen. PLAIN AND STRIPED CHASnftAYS In faille and plaatle calf, in top handle and ahoulder atrap atyles. Colkd From (/P) Wirca Colora: Blade, navy, rad. graan, brown. Alao aaay to dean whitea. Were $13.95.................................... ............. Now $ 1 1 .9 5 Beautiful quality sanforized etaambraya to a full color Dra^dally Reduced rang# to plain colora and atrlpae............................ .Td. w 7 G $1,4 9 aad $2.29 Plan Tax Bouse of Represen taUvea MIRRO ALUMINUM* 8 CUP PERCOLATORS Of Salaries Boost called on to decli:lde whether more SUITS REDUCED Just the gift for June brides. REG. 99c. AMERITEX SANFORIZED ' of Europe’s stateless persons To Secret AEG Data UGHT WEIGHT COTTON PANTIES $ 6 .9 5 TIN TYPE PRINTS should bs allowed to make their S c n lt f fiS-M Mid $45J)0 .......... homes In U. 8. Love triangle In whito and paatol eokna. Elastte walat bands. Small, medium, Combed yam, old faahioned prints that make beautiful I39.M and IS5.00 T*l«e* ...,. .Now large. To Major Judges may have caused mysterious ex­ Itecalar $29.98 ralnc ............................ .. •£J®^^X*82 FLOOR MODEL SINK AND 3 CABINETS dreaaee and skirts...........................................................Td. # / G plosion of CM7 transport plane in $25.00 andS19.98 raloca Now.$ 1 5 .0 0 3 9 d E « d > which 13 persons were killed laat Wen known makt, $250.00 valna.................... $ 1 5 0 .0 0 flionth . Deportation of Mrs. Without Full Checks REG. $1-29, $1,39 aad $1.49 $1JM WASHABLE DemocratB and Repub- Dunn W ill Be Gerhart Elsler is recommended by COATS REDUCED SUMMER DRESS FABRICS licani in Appropri­ immigration inspector, and her WHITE FABRIC GLOVES Floor Model Vacuum Cleaners at Half Price cotinael seeiuio get her freed from Atomic Investigation Al« Rcgnlar $49J8 and $45.00 Talaaa ......Now |Sg.OO In alipon atylea. Siaea 4 to >. $ 7 € Yard EUia island on ball pending de- Thief Leaves Keys ation* Committee at GivenHearing parture. West Hands Ragalor $55.00 Tahw Now , |35.UU 7 9 g Pair BBO. fL ia . AMEBREX PBBBIAinMT MOOHI In Stolen Anto so Brings Story Guard BBO. tlja . NVB XABN. nUDBaOEMT aHAHTTXa Odd* While Rival Senator Bridges (R-NH), one lUcnkr $S54K) ........................ I w S n R i». $1.48. nUUDESCBNT BHANTUNQ In Missing Uranium HOUSEWARES— BASEMENT Leader* in Secret Con­ Siypended Liquor Com* at leaders of current economy Russia Plan Worcester, Mass., June 1.— HiRgular $29.98 trIq r ................ ................ ‘ First Quality REG. Me. PBINTEO BATON CBEPE8 drive, brands as “ridiculous” a iJP)—Sarkis Kachadoorlan left BEG. fU a . AMEBREX WOVEN BTBITE8 Case Had Police Rec> Rtfular $19.98 and $18.98 valiica.......... Now S I 5 .0 0 ference to Get Peace fUggsstion that Congressmen lake the keys in his car Tuesday NO MEND NYLON HOSIERY FREE FREE FREE mimioner Ordered to five per cent pay cut ‘to help cut ALL SALES FINAL American, British and near his home. The car was ord; Hickenlooper- At Sak Prices REG. $1.49 and $1.69. FINE QUALITY Appear June 10 government costs. Fedtral stolen. Measuring Spoon Set. Bright natural aluminum finish. State Capitol, Hartford, Judge Albert L Reeves floes Arch- French Terms on Ber­ Gives Figures on Num> $1A5 8cnii>Sheer Nylon.................................Pair $1.39 Ibald Palmer, defense attorney In Y e^rday, two friends visit­ Rognlar $8.98 and $9.98 Capacities: U. S. standard V 2, 1 teaspoon, 1 table­ SUMMER FABRICS June 2.— —^Whlle rival H a^ord. Juna t — i/T)—John T. ing in Boston, spotted the car her of Persons Cleared $1.95 Sheer ^iylona .....................Pair $ 1 ,6 9 spoon. Useful in every kitchen for accurate measuring. lagislative leaders met in se­ Judith Coplon’s espionage trial, lin Given Yishinsky NEW COTTON DRESSES reduced to $8.00 $1-65 Rayon Hosiery.......................................Pair $ 1 .3 9 $1.19 Yard Dunn, Jr., accused of improperly $100 for "obvlotis contemptuous parked on a street. They noti­ : Without FuU Checks ABSOLUTELY FREE TO THE FIRST FIVE HUN­ $ t.« aTONBOCTTEB COBD8 cret conference to discasa fied police and with police per­ Bro.dcIoth, CSiunbrmy uid Spun. Sizes Shi to 11. luing hla office to sweU the conduct.” .... Novtet press sc- Paris, June 2— The West • ^ DRED CUSTOMERS DURING MANCHESTER RED gl.4» PRINTED RATON CRBPE8 peace. Democrats and Repub- coonto of yesterday’s session of mission, drove the car back to ceipts of bis instirance business, handed Russia today Ite plan for T A G D A Y S . fLAt COMBED TARN PLAID OINOHAM licana in the Oneral Aasem- Council of Foreign Ministers say Worcester. Washington, June 2.—(/P) $1.89 51 GAUGE was under suspension today as restoring four-power control In SPRING DRESSES Reduced, One Group $10 Uy’s Appropriation commit­ chairman of the State Uquor Con­ Secretary of State Acheson had The thief had left the keys —Capitol hill’s atomic inves­ made it clear he wants western Berlin. in the car, too. SHEER NYLON HOSIERY EIGHT CUP ALUMINUM PERCOLATOR and TWO inilTE LACE PATTERNS AND COLORFUL tee gpUt today over the issue trol oonimlsBlon. tigation today brought ato-.^ B.^iil.r TahiM to $19.99->ALL SALES FIN At Gov. Chester Bowles ordered the powers to be able to make all A French Informant said the Full fashioned Brat quality with tha new fSahloned heel fbr per* HEAT ELECTRIC STOVE PRINTS IN of increasing the aalaries of OavM liWaathnl (right), rhalrman af the Atemle Baergy eemmleslee, dsciaiona In Berlin. ries that 3,280 persons got commlesinner yesterday to appear aoaw m gueetloue tied at him by Seaator Boofke B. Hlckenlooper American, British and French fact at. Size 4 ^ to lOH. , Compktc with cord. Reg- $5.98. Red Tag Special $ 3 .9 $ major Judgaa. Ford Motor Co. and CIO United access to secret data or work PLASTIC TABLE CLOTHS Bajaeta «MM inorsasa la his offica June tO to show (B-, la.) (left) aa a thtoe-weeb probe late the management of the terms were placed, before tbe So­ GIRLS’ SPRING COATS 9 9 d Pair eauae why ha should not bs ousted (J. B. atoarie aasrgy operattoas opened In Washington yesterday before Auto Workers enter upon strike- without full loyalty investi­ Reg. $1.49, 54 X 54 -9^4d ^n>t Btnate atda of the commit- delayed 1949 contract talks .* . viet union In a 90-minute msetlng New Britain gations, and a guard in the ■agnlar $22.98L.a vain. ..................—.Now $1$,g0 PLASTIC TOILET SEAT bsoauss o f -misoonduet, mstsrisl tha Joint Atando B a e ^ oommitteo. (A T wlrephoto). $ FIRST QUALITY Reg. $1.98, 54 X 72 . *$1 .a9 toa, ooatroUad by Damocrato, ra- duty and InconyMtsnea." House Un-American Activities of the Foreign Miniaten council, missing uranium case had a Rgg^obur $19.98 valu. ..................Now....... Now $1$ 1 5.0 0 1.00 RED TAG SPECIAL...............................................$ 4 .9 $ Joetad tha propo^ for a $^000 committe will investigate circum­ the shortest of this 10-day-old ses­ Buy for your own use and for gifts. Three patterns in all over tha sama time, tha Democra­ Man Stabbed police record. ftanlar $18.98 vain. ..................................Now Jtonr SI^QO3^ SHEER SEAMLESS NYLON HOSIERY pay lacraaaa for Suprama, Superi­ tic chief executive iuked State' stances sarroundlag ball Gerhart sion. white patterns In lace, tulip and floral. or and Common Plaaa Judgea. Tha Elsler Jumped when he fled coun­ Tbe ministers will meet again Figures Not Disputed RigelBr $13>98 vain........ .................................NowNow $10.003 In smart new colors. 26 PIECE SIL>T:R w a r e SET Attorney Albert S. Bill, of Hart- Senator Hlckenlooper (R., bUl alM propoaad to Incraaaa tha ford county, to determine “wheth‘1 United Nations Gives try . Two young students who tomorrow In s secret session, pre­ Special 69d Pair R eg. $4.98. RED TAG SPECIAL ........................... $ 3 .0 0 HEAVY 8 OZ- ACA salariaa of worionen oompenaw' say they have been denied permis­ sumably to get down to business Market Owner Taken to Iowa), fierce critic of tbe Atomic er or not any violation of the crim. sion to 4red in Roman C^athollc Energy commission, produced tha Service for alX. tioa commissi oners by $2,000. Inal law has occurred” In Dunn’s on the opposing plans of the east V DRESSES $1.00 45 GAUGE FULL FASHIONED PILLOW TICKS 69c EACH Tha bill rajactad by the Demo­ church because of their stand and west for Berlin. 'They are Police Station for figures on the numk>er of persons conduct of bis offtca. Aid Program Outline against Boston archdiocese author­ cleared to atomic secrete without yaloM np to $17.98 ............ ....................... Now $ 1 0 .0 0 Replace those old pillow covers now. Heavy blue and white ACA crats araa tha aaroa ona ap|to>vad Tha oommlselonar. a mamber of agreed'thus far only in principle SEMI-SHEER NYLON HOSIERY CHINA BASE LAMP laat waak by tha RepubUcan-oon- ities in controversy on cburch doc­ that the divided German city Questioning in Death full FBI check first oa their Sntk «r^M, blade, fTMU, brown, navy.
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