456 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE. Tebnrnry 24-, HOUSE OF REPRESENTA'l:IVES BILL SIGNED BY SPEAKER MONDAY, February 24, 1947 Bill numbered and entitled as foliows having been pre­ pared for presentation 1.o the Governor, and the same The House met at 9 p . .m. being correct, the title was publicly read as follows: The SPEAKER (Franklin H. Lichtenwalter) in the Chair. SENATE BILL No. 2. PRAYER An Act to further amend the act, approved the seven­ The Chaplain Rev. ·James Haldane · Brown offered the teenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred twenty:"' one (P. L. 682), entitled "An act relatinJ?: to insurance; following prayer: amending, revising, and consolidating lhe law provi.d­ Our eternal God and Father, Thou Who art great, and _ing, for the incor poration of insurance companies, and greatly to be pr aised; Whose ways are past our finding the reguJ alion, supervision, and pt'Olection of home and foreign insurance companies. Lloyds associations, re­ out all together, Thou hast again brought us safely cipr ocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and fire insur­ through another week, that now, in this place, we mAy ance rating bureaus, and the regulation and supervision serve Thee as we deliberate concerning those things of insurance carried by such companies, associations, and which shall militate to the welfare of men. Grant now, e..'\changes, Including insurance carried by the Slate Workmen's Insurance Fund; providing p enalties; and we pray Thee, a competency of Thy divine wisdom, that rep al inJ?' e,•isling l aws," repealing se<:tions .tour hun­ in serving Thee, we shall in like manner ser ve those who dred four, four lrnndred five, and four hundred six have called us to this high calling. Purge us of petty­ thereof, and adding new sections !'estating and changing requirem en ts relating to the investment of the capilal ness, selfishness, prejudice, and pride, that we may be near reserves and surplus of and relating to the real estate unto Thyself, and know that Thou art God. which may be held by life fosur ance companies; and This our prayer in the redeeming name that is above authorizing agreements between 01· among insurance every name, Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen, comparues concern.ing owne.rship and contl'ol of r eal es­ tate. JOURNAL APPROVED Whereupon, The SPEAKER, in the presence of the House, signed The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read the Journal of the same. Tuesd.ay, February 18, 1947. The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of Tuesday, SENATE MESSAGE February 18, 1947, when, on motioll of Mr. STIMMEL TIME OF NEXT MEETING unanimously agreed to, the further reading was dis­ pensed with and the Journal approved. The Clerk of the Senate being introduced presented an extract from the Journal of the Senate, whid-1 w:is read COMMUNICATION as follows: The SPEAKER laid before the House a communication In the Senate, February 24, 1947. which was read by the Clerk as follows: Resolved (i( the House of Representatives concur) That when the Senale adjourns this w eek it reco.nvene on Monday, March 3, 1947 at four o'cloc:k p. m ., and when February 24, 1947. the House of Representatives adjouTns iliis week it re­ To thank you all for your sympathy, convene on Monday, March 3, 1947, at nine o'clock, p. n1. You've comforted and helped me more Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House Than you can ever know, of Representatives for its concurrence. For your kindness and your sympathy On the question, Meant more than words can show Will the House , concur in the resolution of the Senate? I'd like to write each one a note, It was concurred in. But please let this convey Ordered, That the Clerk inf.arm the Senate accordingly, The thoughts that go to all of you In gratitude today. BILLS ON FIRST READING Mn Robert W. Munley and Family Agreeably to order. The House proceeded to the first reading and considera­ REPORT OF THE DELAWARE RIVER JOINT tion of Hcruse Bill No. 57. entitled: COMMISSION An Act 1.o add section three thousand seven hundred The SPEAKER laid before the House the Report of twenty-two to the act, approved the Lwenty-third dsy of June, one thousand ii ine hundred and Lllirly-one (P. L. the Delaware River Joint Commission of Pennsylvania 932) , en lilied .. An act relating t o cities ol' the lhil'd lass; and New Jersey for 1946. - and a mendll1g. l'evising, a nd consol idating the J w 1·e ­ (For report see Appendix.) la ling lhel·eto," autJ101'i zing the sale ol unused and un­ necessary hind and buildings dedica ted to park pL1rposes. SENATE MESSAGES And said bill having been read at length the first time, Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading, The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, presented extracts from · the Journal of the Senate; Agreeably to order, Senate Bills for concurrence 21, 29, 51, 2B, 104. The House proceeded to the first reading and considera­ Senate Bill to be signed 50. tion of House Bill No. 203, entitled: 19-±7. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE. 457 An Act validating co,unty treasurers' sales· for de.tin• The first section was. read. quent taxes where the deeds for such properties have been executed and the acknowledgments to such deeds On the question, were not duly made or r ecorded as having be.en made in Will the House agree to the section? the court of common lease or such acknowledgments are Mr. PROPERT offered the following amendment: otherwise defective. Amend sec. 1 (Sec. 206), page 3, lines 15 and 16 by And said bill having been read at length the first time, striking out the words '.for a period in excess of fo.ur ( 4) Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading, years including the current year" and inserting in lieu thereof: 'more than fom· (4) years after contributions i·e­ Agreeably to order, lating to such i:ecoi·ds have been pi].id." The House proceeded to the first reading and considera­ On the question, tion of House Bill No. 229, entitled: Will the House agree to the amendment? An Act ·to add subdhdsion (d-1) c:mtaining ection three Mr. CHUDOFF. lVh. Speaker, has the IVlinority Leader thousaJ1d two hundred Iorly- e.ight to the act, approved the received a eopy of these amendments. twenl-y - third day of June one thousand nine hundred The SPEAKER. The Chai1· <::an not answer the gentle­ thirty-one (P. L. 932), entitled "An act relating. to ci ies .of the third class: and amending, revising, anti consolld.al­ man's question; but will see that the Minority Leader re­ i{lg the law relating thereto," authorizing such cities o ceives a copy f1.n:nish and construct" sewerage iacilities outside o! 1.he Jv'Ir. CHUDOFF. Mr. Speaker, I would like to interro­ ci y, gate the gentleman who offered the amendment. And said bill having been read at length the first time, The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman from Montgomery, Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. Mr. Propert, permit himself to be interrogated? Agreeably to order, Mr. PROPERT. I shall, Mr. Speaker. The House proceeded to Hie first reading and considera­ Mr. CHUDOFF. I should like to know, Mr. Speaker, tion of House Bill No. 313, entitled: from the gentleman from Montgomery whether this amendment is offered for the purpose .of making emQ An Act authorizing and empowecing cities of the first players keep records for five years? class of this Commonweatth to acqufre by· purchase, lease or condemnation, any Jand within said cities with U1e Mr PROPERT. I did not he~r the question, Mr. Speaker. buildings thereon, if any, for use as the site .for parking Mr. CHUDOFF. I should like to know, Mr. Speaker, lots or pub1Jc garages; to operate or to lease such parking from the gentleman from Montgomery as to whether or lots 01• ga1·ages for private operation, snd to fix the tenns not this amendment is offered for the purpose of making and conditions of such leases. employers keep unemployment compensation records fo1·_ And said bill having been read at length the first time, a period of five years? Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. Mr. PROPERT. Mr. Speaker, the amendment clarifies Agreeably to order, - lhe law that the employer shall keep the records for more The House proceeded to the first reading and considera­ than four years after the obligations have been entailed. tion of House Bill No. 319, entitled: Mr. CHUDOFF. I should like to know from the gentle­ man, Mr. Speaker. whether the purpose of this :tmend­ An Act authorizing the mayor, controller and treasurer ment is to allow employe1·s to take advantage o! merit of any city or county of the first class, to invest money in the treasury of· such city or county not required for im­ rating? mediate use in certain obligations of tbe United States Mr. PROPERT. · The purpose of tbis amendm~nt. Mr. Government, and to sell or have the same redeemed. · Speaker, is to conform with the Federal Act. And said bill having been read at length the first time, Mr. CHUDOFF. I should like to know, Mr. Speaker, Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. how this amendment would conform with the Federal Act. Mr. PROPERT. The Federal Act, Mr. Speaker, requires BILLS ON SECOND READING all employers, as I understand, to retain records for a Agreeably to order, period of four years.
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