ANVIL MINING CONGO SARL Public Disclosure Authorized DIKULUSHI COPPER SILVER PROJECT IMPACT Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT APRIL 2003 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized African Mining Consultants 1564/5 Miseshi Road A P.O. Box 20106 5 Kitwe 3 Zambia Environmental Impact Assessment Dikulushi Copp r-Silver Project Anvil Mining C ngo SARL TABLE OF CONTENTS FRAMEWORK .... 1 I POLI Y, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ............................................. 1I 1.1 Pr ect Proponents 1 Policy .............................................. 1.2 Co orate Environmental 1 .............................................. 1.3 Re ulatory Framework 3 Process ............................................. 1.4 Th EIA Review 4 1.5 t nationalEIA Guidelines ............................................. ............................................. 5 1.6 El Administration and Structure . ......................................... 6 2 PRO ECT DESCRIPTION . 6 Dikulushi Copper-Silver Deposit .............................. 2.1 Hi tory of the 6 ............................................. 2.2 Pr ject Location 7 2.3 S ci-Economic Aspects .............................................. 7 2.4 Si Ecology .............................................. 8 and Site Access .............................................. 2.5 Inlrastructure 8 ............................................. 2.6 M e Development 8 Processing Facilities ....................................... 2.7 Me Components, 13 2.8 0 -site Investments ............................................ STUDY .................................... 16 3 ENV RONMENTAL BASELINE 16 Study Area ............................................ 3.1 E vironmental Baseline 16 Work ............................................ 3.2 Sope of 16 3.3 Cimate ............................................. 19 and Topography . ............................................. 3.4 L ndscape 20 3.5 ology ............................................ 22 ............................................. 3.6 drogeology 22 3.7 ils ............................................ 24 3.8 drology ............................................. .................................... 27 3.9 ream Sediment Sampling and Analysis Sampling and Analysis .28 3.10 roundwater 29 3.11 rrestrial Flora .......................... 3.12 errestrial Fauna .33 3.13 quatic Flora and Fauna .34 3.14 ir Quality .37 3.15 oise and Vibration .38 3.16 and Use and Land capability.38 3.17 ocio-Economic Study .40 Project .47 3.18 ocal Response to the Dikulushi Mine .48 3.19 frastructure and Communications & SOCIAL IMPACTS .. 50 4 P0 ENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL 4.1 pproach Methodology .50 .50 4.2 nvironmental and Social Impact Matrix 4.3 Fra and Fauna .52 4.4 urface Water .54 4.5 roundwater .55 .56 4.6 andscape and Visual Character 4.7 oise and Vibration .57 April 2003 Ltd a U4: Ai.i" r Cnn'mIultants Environmental Impact Assessment Dikulushi Copp r-Silver Project Anvil Mining C ngo SARL 58 4.8 Air uality .............................................. 58 4.9 So Resources .............................................. 58 4.10 Ac dental Releases .............................................. Waste Generation ..................... 59 4.11 Ha ardous and Non-Hazardous 60 4.12 Cu ural Heritage .............................................. 60 4.13 So i-Economics .............................................. .......................... 61 4.14 An lysis of Altematives .................... MANAGEMENT PLAN ... 64 5 ENVI ONMENTAL AND SOCIAL 5.1 En ironmental Management Plans .64 5.2 G eral Environmental Monitoring .69 5.3 N -Compliance Procedures .71 5.4 E ergency Management Plan .73 S IalManagement Plan .73 5.5 Management Structure.. 75 5.6 E vironmental Auditing, Reporting and D commissioning and Closure Plan .76 5.7 Costs .79 5.8 E vironmental Monitoring and Protection 6 REF RENCES .84 APPENDICES FOR OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT APPENDIX I CONTENT POLICY 4.01, ORY A PROJECT, WORLD BANK OPERATIONAL A CATE MINING AND MILLING, ANK HEALTH AND SAFETY GUIDELINES, WORLD HANDBOOK, 1998 . I POLLUT ON PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT SURFACE WATER, II - ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDY, APPENDIX SAMPLING PROTOCOL. VII GROUN WATER AND STREAM SEDIMENT (November 2002), I I - ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDY APPENDIX AND SOIL QUALITY ISURFA E WATER, GROUND WATER, SEDIMENT RESUL S.X STUDY (December 2001), SURFACE APPENDIX I - ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING SOIL QUALITY RESULTS..XXIII WATE GROUND WATER, SEDIMENT AND 2003 1JhApril Environmental Impact Assessment Dikulushi Copp r-Silver Project Anvil Mining Co go SARL FREQUENCY V - ORA AND FAUNA SPECIES LISTS, APPENDIX RAINFALL DATA and USEPA BIO - DISTRIBU IONS OF TREE SPECIES, XXXV ASSESSM .NT PROTOCOLS ............................................... SOCIO-ECONOMIC DATA NVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDY. APPENDIX VI- ............................... XLI (DR KALA A's REPORT 2001) ................... MATRIX ....................................... XLVII APPENDIX VIl ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT XLVIII MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................. APPENDIX VIl- ENVIRONMENTAL STRUCTURE .................. XLIX APPENDIX IX DIKULUSHI MINE ADMINISTRATIVE LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 roject Location Plan. Figure 2.2 Dikulushi Mine Site Plan. Figure 2.3a and 2.3b Process Flow Diagrams. Figure 2.4 ilwa Port Facility. Figure 2.5 Nchelenge Port Facility. Kawambwa 1970 - 2000. (Meteorological Figure 3.1 Monthly Average Rainfall, Department, Zambia). 1970 - 2000 (Meteorological Figure 3.2 Relative Humidity, Kawambwa Department, Zambia). Temperature, Kawambwa 1970 - Figure 3.3 Monthly Minimum and Maximum (Meteorological Department, Zambia). 2000 Area. Elevation based on Topography of Dikulushi - Kilwa - Nchelenge Figure 3.4 Geological Survey. data acquired from the United States Area 3.5 General Geology of the Dikulushi Figure Map. 3.6 Environmental Sampling Locality all Figure based on tree diameters measured for Figure 3.7 General diameter bar chart plots sampled during the vegetation survey. Dikulushi - Kilwa area, based on Landsat Figure 3.8 Land Classification of the ETM+data. 3.9 Local Authority Structure. Figure Points Figure 5.1 Future Environmental Monitoring April 2003 - ' r Environmental Impact Assessment Dikulushi Copp r-Silver Project Anvil Mining Ca ngo SARL LIST OF TABLES Intervals of monthly and 24-hour precipitation, Table 3.1 CG Iculated Recurrence rainfall data from Kawambwa. b sed on 30 years daily 2002) Katanga System in DRC (after Anvil, Table 3.2 Li hostratigraphy of the in composite rock samples from Dikulushi Table 3.3 E ment concentrations d posit, Mintek 1998. Results (November 2002). Table 3.4 S il Geochemical Analysis Sites - Co-ordinates and Description of Table 3.5 S rface Water Monitoring P ysical Location. - Significant Parameters (November 2002) Table 3.6 ulushi River Quality - Significant Parameters (October 2001) Table 3.7 kulushi River Quality Lake Mweru Analysis Results (November Table 3.8 ummary Table Indicating I 02) results from sediment sampling (November Table 3.9 ignificant geochemical 002) 2001 results from sediment sampling (October Table 3.10 ignificant geochemical Sites - Co-ordinates and Description of Table 3.11 roundwater Sampling hysical Location. Analysis Results (October 2001 Table 3.12 omparison between Groundwater ; nd November 2002) Vegetative types. 3.13 ampling Plot Locations and Table Area. 3.14 ist of Wildlife Found in the Dikulushi Table Sites. 3.15 quatic Flora and Fauna Monitoring Table Source: Mulomba Mwanzambala, 1974. Table 3.16 ish Species in Lake Mweru arketed Fish 1999 vs 1974 (Kg). Table 3.17 Score. Table 3.18 escription of Habitat Assessment of Aquatic Flora and Fauna. Table 3.19 SEPA Rapid Bio assessment and characteristics. Table 3.20 and classes definition Table 3.21 Land class distribution. Area (Agricultural Cycle). Table 3.22 Rural Calendars in the Project Impacts in Environmental & Social Impact Table 4.1 Rating of Environmental Matrix Monitoring Costs 5.1 Estimated Annual Environmental Table and Social Management Costs Table 5.2 Ongoing Annual Environmental Social Management Costs Table 5.3 One off Environmental & Disposal Costs Table 5.4 Mine Site Dismantling and Open Pit Decommissioning Costs Table 5.5 Decommissioning costs 5.6 Dikulushi River Diversion Scheme Table Costs Table 5.7 Tailings Dam Decommissioning & ROM Pad Decommissioning Costs Table 5.8 Waste Rock Costs Annual Post Closure Monitoring and Inspection Table 5.9 & Closure Costs Table 5.10 Summary of Mine Decommissioning April 2003 1- 7 d _ _. 7 Environmental Impact Assessment Dikulushi Copp r-Silver Project Anvil Mining Co go SARL EXECUTIVE S MMARY Copper-Silver commenced development of the Dikulushi Anvil Mining N have the Democratic Republic in the south-eastern Katanga Province of deposit near K,, a 250,000 tonnes of ore per (D C). The project is scheduled to produce of the Congo and will eventually produce a initially rom an open cast mining operation, annum, 1800 ppm silver. concentrate con aining 60% copper and 1, the open cast mine will feed is b ing developed in two phases. In year The project plant that produces 38% copper in to a hea media separation (HMS) ore will be replaced by a 250,000 tpa mill and concentrate. In year 2, the HMS plant grade 60% copper concentrate and re-treat lower flotation plant t at will produce a processing year 1. Concentrates from mining and material prod ed durng on Lake Mweru, from transported by road to the port of Kilwa operations will be shore of the lake. From be barged to Nchelenge on the Zambian
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