Sea Shore Beal Estate I

Sea Shore Beal Estate I

OCEAN GROYE RECORD, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, i r ­ Tours to California.; r e l i g i o u s THOUGHT.. CENT A WORD COLUMN THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO., talifouiia. ■ liaie . beon most'.\ fittingly .Oclii8:of Trull, From. «lio Teach- turmoil tlio “ Italy of..Vmcrica.’? All tho Advertisements Under this Head Cost Hew York, Charleston, South Carolina, and Jacksonville Fla., Service. dulicious b:ilmj ihe. oloudless sky, and the rich vriclure. ol tlio.L'reat. Kmopean One.Cent a Word for Each Inser­ it. Jobii’s ltlver Service between .Jacksonville and Sanfortl, Florida, und all Interm cdlat *'«* bwcm iiib; peninsula aro duplicated in this sunny tion. Postage Stamps Re­ Sea Shore > . : 'landings on St. John P.lvcr. i U MOMtqsi: tiplifi io the race, bocauso it on- .liln'Hy ..r iii.Hvidual tlioiiRlit, land uV Iho. l’aeilio. I leio. nature basks ceived in Payment; in tin* sunsliiiuvnf bor o\v)i beauty ; and .m il, • jniiii'li it. .Iocs lint !iKi'in]it to con­ Trl-weekly departure between Now York and ; bon* sin* has established her. ow n snni- trol fhi‘ jiiiliiii-s^cf t|„, individual oiti- Cbarlestnu, S. C., the .South and South- .. tarnnii, \vla?ie. clernal spiin*r inspuvs Uis Lot-Small-Price. ivcst; .lacksouvllle, Fla., atid nil ■.sifiii,i J-rt Hs'ti'a'iliiiijji). ii-iid to jmliliutil ovoilasti«jr youth. With the*‘ •snow- In West (»rovo, mi Corlios avenue, we F l o r i d a P o i n t s . '. .IJIjoVtv mill iU'otluci! tin. jmlKt jiroSiwi-oiis mitntliMl poaus oi' tho Sierras' upuu tlu?. have for sale a plot of ground 50 b y ’i25 T he K hvt Is cotiq>ose<l .of th e .following ele- ismiilijii.Mw hir tlie Mco.-r-'Jtnv. T, 13 >)iii* hand, the oahii Paeillc.iwith its soft foot in'si/.e, with one story, frame dwel- ■Atfib'i ^It;rlimlli!(. 'Plti|iidolii|,in. ' breezes tipmi tin*, other, and a voritablo Beal Estate m t s t e i t l n e r s - . liiigj t wo story barn, a wagon house &«. pauul.i.H* *>f- Ihnvi-is, •fruils. and plants Uhrislijms III Jltishirss. - ' whioh for a few ilays wu oan'offe)1 for only • CO.MANClIt-:, (new;. YI^IASSE, . Omi'iif iiin.-^n.nicst uocds of tiip nco hotwoon,man oan. lind and needs no lov- $1)00. Property ailvauoiug all an Min'd it lioi-. Iftitd.'. To visit such a eonntrv is a Is already focling tlie cilects Ai.UONQtJFN, . CHI-mOIvBi;, ' .is . i;iir.l)m(iki.,r*, CJiristiiui 11101*- —will, he woilh ,$1200 within a year. |iyiyiloi!cv a ljlessiiijr.; ‘ . *■> • i{ A^ply to W. Tl. lVKIiGr,l>. ,l.<- M aiirave- : l l t O Q U l S i , ' . H E M I X O .I i k Clliilill.1, .CJiriVliaii Viliiprs, Oliristinn The I’onnsyI\yuiia'.I»*ailrondCoiiipiiny, inc.-Ocean Grove. of returniiig prosperity' and ..^DEVOTED TO THE -DISSEM'INATION OF RELIGIOUS ?JTERATUR£; ‘■Jnjvjrrs,- •< "lnstiim doifior.J, C liiistisiii iVoojini/iii}; tiio need ..of a hituo eoiufort*: Ono of U'hlcii is appointed to sal I from. Pier 2 9 tonclin.s .W risiiiiii *tiilraiicii, Olii-is-tinn ablo arid plea^sint way of ci*ossing;t.he many inquiries arc . being re- H o s t R h - c r , (fo id o f I to o s e V e lt S t r e e t ) ; Is*. Y ., ./iiousi'lici'i.irrs, Oiuistinn nieclianitjs, • oontiuonr,.inaugniat6<l it series of annual Choice Mortgage. Investments. Alondoys, W ednesdays and I-rUays at 3 p .m . Uirlstfiui llinnoi's—in word,. Cliris- toais/to (.‘alilornia, running a through VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 . Wi* have, a list of very do.-irable mort­ eeivecl, from . people desirous OCEAN ; GROVE SATURDAY. FEI|RUARY i3, 1897: Subscription, $1.00 per Y ear.; flan s ov<'iyM;li(.f|., ji, every ]diiroof .liiisi. iraiiiof I’uIJnian palace ears friiiii New, gage in vest incuts oil First Jtondaud Mort­ •VWi-lc to.'the Paeillc eoWt. aiul stopt>iii" This tlie only line between How York anti Jacksonville* Fla,, without change ilrtiv ity .— ISov. ' jP.',' gage on Asbury. Park property in t ho fol- m ukhig eluso connection nt .iacksonvlOe. Wltb tbe F. C. A: P. U. It., at; the. inincipal points. r»f interest •»/ Icnving ;suiiiK—$:»0l)0, ^,‘1500, $1000. $1500. of makiiig- in vestments in tlvis V x ' Il’ ' Cliicjifjo. : . \ r«»V»//. .Tlie 'great', popularity qt those *. ' • J. T. it K. \\'. Hy., ami Fast Coast- It. It. “ Wliat Shall I Bo Tiien With jcsus they bad given'Christ: so;thlt(rdi>pi»ring I k'c ’ Wa Hrfiv*^ I* i a ye r. a ml- $5000. T hese are all on good prop­ Erorgiye’; and Forget. Mr. Yalinan’s Work, in Ireland. A.'NEW NEGRO POET. ; • , : v ■: Country; ’! tours demonstrates the'wisdom., of the d f (/’hrist iytiii dispose. otV yourself.. “ Km- erly, well located,'and all oxpensosof the clfiss of propertj-y. ^« Glsfde’s gt- John’s River Steam ers V Who Is Called Christ?” Onr coinitiy is llimiiostiielf coiitaincil •movi'mo'nt. ' 'VV :' * ;• w ilh w hat judgm ent ve .judge vi.* shall he ... l einv.* ilear t.oiil, • .- y ■. loan w ill.b e paid b y th e i)orr«iwcr. For judged.M . ■ ; • • . •..// ^ o Ih u iih II i-s .h- b«.; ' •-' • •• • . T’heie.i lieie, uarere in?ihvneiltv u-af.:ei11*ar:ei i<-vetjijiu-veni;o tiuit i.'UV.: it. fnfliqiwit on tlio Klohe—isoiut- Kor the season in*throe, tours havo • •. (I)K.IIAKV l-IXK.) *" i.I.'I'f.Ni* .•J AXp :.Ul;i ;i:.viii.\ji ;i,.\ini-:\T|: fartherparticularsVpply t•» W. II. Hkp AN ACTIVE HARKET It. wuiilti',. lu; nec.e.s>arv ln wiliK/KS ihe A n lost i*ai ne>l ' cx o r la lio n folViwed :■ • <1.1*-tiiilU nliil t'i-ur. ’ ■ H urt;-Ioii.deeply to be (*a>ily lieJi.leiI .Ml been arranged to luav’o iS'ew Yo*rk, IMiila- f-rcd’k DcBnrry, l-vcrgladc, and N m -jeW ilsaiie.V • M r.; V atbm h nl- N e w - Yi ■ rk; i ’dsi ida i t v an O l.tlll i \ m u . / Srt, '-~ « 8^»B»iit mid inoxlninstilily rich r.i.i:, -is Maiii avenue. • V’. Com prising/the elegant steam er? Clly of Jocksonvlle, Frcd’k Oct Sanford. Flu., and In-:- ibis {-prmoif, telliiig Itotuo lo the. he;arts |liave'fiuffi;ri-it froin I heiii/ ■ Ui>w.-.c;'t:i. wo; laku, lea vim : .lneltsonvllle dally uta.HU p. in., except- Saturdayjj, tor intensity, and’lo. hear tfic solejuu, 'ritiK*. .*.;■ X .i r ii*n«l'.‘ u u r 1tI 1m-, ■ • ' . ...... in. rOEOtifoei Onr jicoplu, liy liiiUirnl in- deiphia and I’ittshurj:, .Fanniiry i!7, Feb- ., Astor, Blue Springs dut*jjihfC«>ii«Pst; > '•eesyful ■' ntisisioiii iii - 11 in i" ,f ndinteip-di ■{ tv. m ediate landings, urnklmr coioieetlou w ith all rail Ones at Polatki ■■’■ing topes of the speaker, as with his pe- o f flu* piropk*; . T h a t/m a n y w ent h o m e N nr lo-ii>m'i- fn iit^-i.r (VtiyUifli^-^ j' «**t/tt’rd t i u d I h j s r o V k - o f . o f f e n c e ’.-?/ l.e .t U s :i- tri'inif ruary '.2-1, and M aieb 'JT. lncaus an. advance in prices, U*tbt|| !• Ijilie'luu bn-iiilue, > • , , rharJesp.ii- /lioiid .Meilioilist • t'huieh/, stmet, nro 0)itimis(s amf opportunists. and Sanford rt>r all points In Florida. ,, , • cniiar, and most telling accent, helrealed wounded because of sin, was rnost iiot iee- 4otvv I{esenlnu*n|..of i iijtlrv i's ti.^iaily-.OUi; . The ltrsl tour will 'run direct to **|in . F.OU’SATjK—> \ splendid, estate' near rnssenjior accommodations unsurnnssed steam ers being supplied with n il m odem Itn- •Wlu ren l tlie luii.»tb.-‘l«>ne tin n y lu<ar- jvtilhinitH -- ! I'liviir i*t 'mi .n in * I iVrh.lih/ ,’fitt* pi •tic.lastf* i i d si! i i I i l \\[ if a vo't m g J .'VlintcvTi- I'i w i liny w itli us and rnn liu ' the ahovt! jittbjcct, if ono wished to fully: able. - Ulip.miiuls.'eve still pictured liie • Tbe.t-ile.kel »ltiu . - • / ‘•veak poinr. tif cdiariu-ler,*.';iitd safan i*j not ..., .« *••""« v ;‘M‘ '1 i.’eiiUiVed iitaii o f H avfy-ti.. < >1 Uieuo, via St. l-ouis and .Santa Fe Uotile, Hrunswiek. Gn. ■•:»() acres,of laud and and to. secure the most profit­ pVovvements, sieam steeringKear, eleetile lights, electric bells, bath, etc. .* .. * < d.vlo^^ittriteleij >».-P.MMIniitly.tiiik(!rtil w ith un- The Cidvine or the steam ers on theChY U F LINK is unexcelled by any other lltio table appieciale the senfioi) lidivoml at'Sr. Judgment Hall,.and i.hescene there being •’ }■{ Aiul Imvirtbi.'.-HlntV* ; ■ ' |>h\w .in taking.ailvaufnuc, We know w as po-ae;irt'd al ».he/the ;u|eiiliiiii'of m e.ulhei^o1of t he Western • and return lYom San; Francisco via Snlt- valuable buildings. Price only $2100. The Cnl«tne ot the• steam ers on m e oo - 1 i •‘'‘VH\\oV.«\'nnr1{ctH ..u.rUoiH atlorallor(I ol..«Kiippl.oa xvit , . .IC ,o»..iI.^NO Ijf:;..,"' 1 hilil'fj.Ohurch on;.Sabbat11 evening, I'eb-, enacted; and- iu every sou I seemed io M l'-nneI’lml WMimin’s eyi-s in niuki-.

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