TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . 2 Ray 6 .................................. 43 Ray 1 .................................. 7 Ray 7 .................................. 50 Ray 2 .................................. 18 The Rays & Human Unfoldment . 56 Ray 3 .................................. 25 The Rays of Greater Wholes . 59 Ray 4 .................................. 31 Miscellanea ............................. 63 Ray 5 .................................. 37 Outgoing 6th Ray—Incoming 7th Ray . 64 COMPILER’S NOTE Throughout the writings of Alice Bailey is scattered a specifically to the effect on our civilization of the wealth of information about the Seven Rays. The purpose outgoing 6th Ray and the incoming 7th Ray. of this compilation is to gather into a single volume that In the sections on each individual Ray, I was faced with portion of the material which pertains directly to humanity the problem of how best to arrange the material, for several and human life, and which is therefore of immediate practi- quite different ways suggested themselves. After consider- cal value to those who study the Ageless Wisdom and seek able deliberation, I decided on an arrangement which be- to implement its methods in their lives. gins approximately with the most accessible material and The material is arranged in the following manner: ends with the least accessible. But in the final analysis the 1. General introductory information about the Rays, order is relatively unimportant, for the real value lies only definitions, their nature, function, value of studying in the overall impression created by the excerpts in their them, etc. totality. 2. A section on each Ray and its effect on the Soul; The individual passages themselves range from entire personality; and mental, emotional, and physical sections to only parts of sentences. In each case, the pas- bodies of a human being. sage is followed by book and page number from which that 3. A section on human unfoldment from the point of passage is taken. The key to the book abbreviations is view of the Ray energies. below. 4. Information about how the Rays affect the various All of the material in this compilation is excerpted from Greater Wholes of which each person is a part—the books written by Alice Bailey, with the exception of the solar system, the planet, the human kingdom, our first page in the sections on the individual Rays. Each of root-race, and the various nations of the world. these was reproduced from a chart in the book The Seven 5. A section devoted to current cyclic Ray influences, Human Temperaments, by Geoffrey Hodson. ABBREVIATIONS FOR BOOKS QUOTED DINA I—Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I EP II—Esoteric Psychology, Volume II DINA II—Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II GWP—Glamour: A World Problem DN—The Destiny of the Nations IHS—Initiation Human and Solar EA—Esoteric Astrology LOM—Letters on Occult Meditation EH—Esoteric Healing TCF—A Treatise on Cosmic Fire ENA—Education in the New Age TWM—A Treatise on White Magic EP I—Esoteric Psychology, Volume I RI—The Rays and the Initiations 2 INTRODUCTION Here I am fulfilling my intention to write a book on the triplicity of Spirit-Consciousness-Form. They provide the subject of the Seven Rays. This topic has always been of entire field of expression for the manifested Deity.—EP I, real interest for students, but about these rays little is 17. known. We know, from The Secret Doctrine, that they are the building Forces and the sum total of all that is in the The seven rays are embodiments of seven types of force manifested universe, but their effect in the human kingdom, which demonstrate to us the seven qualities of Deity. These and their essential quality and nature, remain as yet a mys- seven qualities have consequently a seven-fold effect upon tery. It will be necessary for me to avoid the cosmic note, the matter and forms to be found in all parts of the uni- if I may so call it, for I seek to make the information of verse. They also have a seven-fold interrelation between practical value to the student and to the intelligent reader. themselves.—EP I, 19. I shall, therefore approach the subject entirely from the standpoint of the human family and deal with the subject in [The seven rays] are the seven breaths of the One Life, terms of psychological values, laying the foundation for the seven basic energies; they streamed forth from the cen- that new psychology which is much needed, and so dealing ter formed by the impact of the will of God on divine sub- primarily with the human equation. What I have to say will stance, and divided into seven streams of force. The radius be a commentary upon an expansion of the words found in of the influence of these seven streams determined the the proem of The Secret Doctrine, that “All Souls are one extent or scope of activity of a solar system and “outlined” with the Oversoul.”—EP I, xxii. the limits of the form of the incarnated cosmic Christ. Each of these seven streams or emanations of energy was colored Definitions by a divine quality, an aspect of love, and all of them were needed for the ultimate perfecting of the latent and unre- We are told that seven great rays exist in the cosmos. In vealed purpose.—EP I, 44. our solar system only one of these seven great rays is in operation. The seven sub-divisions constitute the “seven The Names of the Rays rays” which, wielded by our solar Logos, form the basis of endless variations in His system of worlds. These seven The seven Rays can be divided into the three Rays of rays may be described as the seven channels through which Aspect and the four Rays of Attribute, as follows: all being in His solar system flows, the seven predominant Rays of Aspect characteristics or modifications of life, for it is not to hu- manity only that these rays apply, but to the seven king- 1. The Ray of Will or Power. doms as well. In fact there is nothing in the whole solar sys- 2. The Ray of Love-Wisdom. tem, at whatever stage of evolution it may stand, which 3. The Ray of Activity or Adaptability. does not belong and has not always belonged to one or Rays of Attribute other of the seven rays.—EP I, 163. 4. The Ray of Harmony, Beauty, Art, or Unity. 5. The Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science. A ray is but a name for a particular force or type of 6. The Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion. energy, with the emphasis upon the quality which that force 7. The Ray of Ceremonial Magic or Law.—LOM, exhibits and not upon the form aspect which it creates. This 359. is a true definition of a ray.—EP I, 316. We call these seven [Builders, Sources of life, Rishis of The seven rays embody and express the totality of ener- all the ancient scriptures, original psychic Entities, etc.] by gies which circulate throughout our planetary form. —EH, various names: 695. 1. The Lord of Power or Will. This Life wills to love, and A Ray is one of the seven streams of force of the Logos; uses power as an expression of divine beneficence. the seven great lights. Each of them is the embodiment of 2. The Lord of Love-Wisdom, Who is the embodiment of a great cosmic entity. pure love. This Life instills into all forms the quality of love, with it more material manifestation of desire. It is The seven rays are the first differentiation of the divine the attractive principle in nature and the custodian of the Law of Attraction. This Lord of Love is the most 3 Ray Energy Technique Quality Source 1 Power or Will Grasping Dynamic Purpose Dynamically electrified forms 2 Love-Wisdom Attracting Love Magnetically electrified forms 3 Intelligent activity Selecting Intellect Diffusively electrified forms 4 Beauty or Art At-One-ing Unification Harmonizing electrified forms 5 Science Differentiating Discrimination Crystallizing electrified forms 6 Idealism Responding Sensitivity Fluidic electrified forms 7 Organization Coordinating Appearance Physical electrified forms —EP II, 8. potent of the seven rays because He is on the same ray this Lord, and set themselves their impress upon all that as the solar Deity [the Solar Logos, the Entity whose is found within His body of manifestation. This physical expression is our solar system—ed.]. influence of this sixth Lord is now passing out. 3. The Lord of Active Intelligence. His work is more 7. The Lord of Ceremonial Order or Magic is now coming closely linked to matter, and He works in cooperation into power and is slowly but surely making His pressure with the Lord of the second ray. His is the motivating felt. His influence is most potent upon the physical impulse in the initial work of creation. Through the plane. This ray of order and its incoming is partially medium of matter (which beneficiently obstructs and responsible for the present tendency2 in world affairs hinders) He provides humanity with a vast field of toward governmental dictatorship and the imposed experiment and experience. control of a central governing body.—EP I, 23–26. 4. The Lord of Harmony, Beauty, and Art. The main function of this Being is the creation of Beauty (as an [A]ll the rays are sub-rays of the second Ray of Love- expression of truth) through the free interplay of life Wisdom.—RI, 386. and form, basing the design of beauty on the initial plan as it exists in the mind of the solar Logos. The activity The Rays & Humanity emanating from [this Lord] produces that combination [A]ll people are units of consciousness breathed forth of sounds, colors, and word music that expresses, on one of the seven emanations from God.
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