Myanmar Range: 1000–109F

Myanmar Range: 1000–109F

Myanmar Range: 1000–109F This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See for an up-to-date list of errata. See for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See and A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Copying characters from the character code tables or list of character names is not recommended, because for production reasons the PDF files for the code charts cannot guarantee that the correct character codes will always be copied. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See and Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 1000 Myanmar 109F 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 0 က တ ဠ $ူ ၀ ၐ $ၠ ၰ ႀ ႐ 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1 ခ ထ အ $ေ ၁ ၑ ၡ $ၱ ႁ ႑ 1001 1011 1021 1031 1041 1051 1061 1071 1081 1091 2 ဂ ဒ ဢ $ဲ ၂ ၒ $ၢ $ၲ $ႂ ႒ 1002 1012 1022 1032 1042 1052 1062 1072 1082 1092 3 ဃ ဓ ဣ $ဳ ၃ ၓ $ၣ $ၳ $ႃ ႓ 1003 1013 1023 1033 1043 1053 1063 1073 1083 1093 4 င န ဤ $ဴ ၄ ၔ $ၤ $ၴ $ႄ ႔ 1004 1014 1024 1034 1044 1054 1064 1074 1084 1094 5 စ ပ ဥ $ဵ ၅ ၕ ၥ ၵ $ႅ ႕ 1005 1015 1025 1035 1045 1055 1065 1075 1085 1095 6 ဆ ဖ ဦ $ံ ၆ $ၖ ၦ ၶ $ႆ ႖ 1006 1016 1026 1036 1046 1056 1066 1076 1086 1096 7 ဇ ဗ ဧ $့ ၇ $ၗ $ၧ ၷ $ႇ ႗ 1007 1017 1027 1037 1047 1057 1067 1077 1087 1097 8 ဈ ဘ ဨ $း ၈ $ၘ $ၨ ၸ $ႈ ႘ 1008 1018 1028 1038 1048 1058 1068 1078 1088 1098 9 ဉ မ ဩ ၉ $ၙ $ၩ ၹ $ႉ ႙ 1009 1019 1029 1039 1049 1059 1069 1079 1089 1099 A ည ယ ဪ $် ၊ ၚ $ၪ ၺ $ႊ $ႚ 100A 101A 102A 103A 104A 105A 106A 107A 108A 109A B ဋ ရ $ါ $ျ ။ ၛ $ၫ ၻ $ႋ $ႛ 100B 101B 102B 103B 104B 105B 106B 107B 108B 109B C ဌ လ $ာ $ြ ၌ ၜ $ၬ ၼ $ႌ $ႜ 100C 101C 102C 103C 104C 105C 106C 107C 108C 109C D ဍ ဝ $ိ $ွ ၍ ၝ $ၭ ၽ $ႍ $ႝ 100D 101D 102D 103D 104D 105D 106D 107D 108D 109D E ဎ သ $ီ $ှ ၎ $ၞ ၮ ၾ ႎ ႞ 100E 101E 102E 103E 104E 105E 106E 107E 108E 109E F ဏ ဟ $ု ဿ ၏ $ၟ ၯ ၿ $ႏ ႟ 100F 101F 102F 103F 104F 105F 106F 107F 108F 109F The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 1000 Myanmar 1054 This script is also known historically as the Burmese script. Dependent vowel signs Consonants 102B $ါ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN TALL AA MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AA 1000 MYANMAR LETTER KA 102C $ာ က MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN I dotted form 102D $ိ ⁓ 1000 FE00 က MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN II 1001 ခ MYANMAR LETTER KHA 102E $ီ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN U 1002 ဂ MYANMAR LETTER GA 102F $ု MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN UU 1002 FE00 dotted form 1030 $ူ ⁓ ဂ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN E 1003 ဃ MYANMAR LETTER GHA 1031 $ေ 1004 င MYANMAR LETTER NGA • stands to the left of the consonant dotted form ⁓ 1031 FE00 ေ$ dotted form ⁓ 1004 FE00 င MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AI 1005 စ MYANMAR LETTER CA 1032 $ဲ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN MON II 1006 ဆ MYANMAR LETTER CHA 1033 $ဳ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN MON O 1007 ဇ MYANMAR LETTER JA 1034 $ဴ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN E ABOVE 1008 ဈ MYANMAR LETTER JHA 1035 $ဵ 1009 ဉ MYANMAR LETTER NYA Various signs 100A ည MYANMAR LETTER NNYA 1036 $ံ MYANMAR SIGN ANUSVARA 100B ဋ MYANMAR LETTER TTA 1037 $့ MYANMAR SIGN DOT BELOW 100C ဌ MYANMAR LETTER TTHA = aukmyit 100D ဍ MYANMAR LETTER DDA • a tone mark 100E ဎ MYANMAR LETTER DDHA 1038 $း MYANMAR SIGN VISARGA MYANMAR LETTER NNA 100F ဏ Virama and killer 1010 MYANMAR LETTER TA တ 1039 MYANMAR SIGN VIRAMA ⁓ 1010 FE00 တ dotted form MYANMAR SIGN ASAT MYANMAR LETTER THA 103A $် 1011 ထ = killer (always rendered visibly) ⁓ 1011 FE00 ထ dotted form 1012 ဒ MYANMAR LETTER DA Dependent consonant signs 1013 ဓ MYANMAR LETTER DHA 103B $ျ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL YA 1014 န MYANMAR LETTER NA 103C $ြ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA 1015 ပ MYANMAR LETTER PA 103D $ွ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL WA MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL HA ⁓ 1015 FE00 ပ dotted form 103E $ှ 1016 ဖ MYANMAR LETTER PHA Consonant MYANMAR LETTER BA 1017 ဗ 103F ဿ MYANMAR LETTER GREAT SA 1018 ဘ MYANMAR LETTER BHA 1019 မ MYANMAR LETTER MA Digits MYANMAR DIGIT ZERO ⁓ 1019 FE00 မ dotted form 1040 ၀ 101A ယ MYANMAR LETTER YA 1041 ၁ MYANMAR DIGIT ONE MYANMAR DIGIT TWO ⁓ 101A FE00 ယ dotted form 1042 ၂ 101B ရ MYANMAR LETTER RA 1043 ၃ MYANMAR DIGIT THREE 101C လ MYANMAR LETTER LA 1044 ၄ MYANMAR DIGIT FOUR MYANMAR DIGIT FIVE ⁓ 101C FE00 လ dotted form 1045 ၅ 101D ဝ MYANMAR LETTER WA 1046 ၆ MYANMAR DIGIT SIX MYANMAR DIGIT SEVEN ⁓ 101D FE00 ဝ dotted form 1047 ၇ 101E သ MYANMAR LETTER SA 1048 ၈ MYANMAR DIGIT EIGHT 101F ဟ MYANMAR LETTER HA 1049 ၉ MYANMAR DIGIT NINE MYANMAR LETTER LLA 1020 ဠ Punctuation Independent vowels 104A ၊ MYANMAR SIGN LITTLE SECTION 1021 အ MYANMAR LETTER A → 0964 । devanagari danda • also represents the glottal stop as a consonant 104B ။ MYANMAR SIGN SECTION 1022 ဢ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN A → 0965 ॥ devanagari double danda ⁓ 1022 FE00 ဢ dotted form Various signs 1023 ဣ MYANMAR LETTER I MYANMAR SYMBOL LOCATIVE MYANMAR LETTER II 104C ၌ 1024 ဤ 104D ၍ MYANMAR SYMBOL COMPLETED 1025 ဥ MYANMAR LETTER U MYANMAR SYMBOL AFOREMENTIONED MYANMAR LETTER UU 104E ၎ 1026 ဦ 104F ၏ MYANMAR SYMBOL GENITIVE ≡ 1025 ဥ 102E $ီ 1027 ဧ MYANMAR LETTER E Pali and Sanskrit extensions 1028 ဨ MYANMAR LETTER MON E 1050 ၐ MYANMAR LETTER SHA 1029 ဩ MYANMAR LETTER O 1051 ၑ MYANMAR LETTER SSA 102A ဪ MYANMAR LETTER AU 1052 ၒ MYANMAR LETTER VOCALIC R 1053 ၓ MYANMAR LETTER VOCALIC RR 1054 ၔ MYANMAR LETTER VOCALIC L The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 1055 Myanmar 109F 1055 ၕ MYANMAR LETTER VOCALIC LL 107C ၼ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN NA 1056 $ၖ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R 107D ၽ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN PHA 1057 $ၗ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR 107E ၾ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN FA 1058 $ၘ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L 107F ၿ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN BA 1059 $ၙ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL 1080 ႀ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN THA Extensions for Mon ⁓ 1080 FE00 ႀ dotted form 1081 ႁ MYANMAR LETTER SHAN HA 105A ၚ MYANMAR LETTER MON NGA 1082 $ႂ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN SHAN MEDIAL 105B ၛ MYANMAR LETTER MON JHA WA MYANMAR LETTER MON BBA 105C ၜ 1083 $ႃ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN AA MYANMAR LETTER MON BBE 105D ၝ 1084 $ႄ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN E 105E $ၞ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN E ABOVE NA 1085 $ႅ 1086 $ႆ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN FINAL Y 105F $ၟ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL MA 1087 $ႇ MYANMAR SIGN SHAN TONE-2 MYANMAR SIGN SHAN TONE-3 1060 $ၠ MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL 1088 $ႈ LA 1089 $ႉ MYANMAR SIGN SHAN TONE-5 108A $ႊ MYANMAR SIGN SHAN TONE-6 Extensions for S'gaw Karen 108B $ႋ MYANMAR SIGN SHAN COUNCIL TONE-2 MYANMAR LETTER SGAW KAREN SHA 1061 ၡ 108C $ႌ MYANMAR SIGN SHAN COUNCIL TONE-3 MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SGAW KAREN EU 1062 $ၢ 108D $ႍ MYANMAR SIGN SHAN COUNCIL EMPHATIC 1063 $ၣ MYANMAR TONE MARK SGAW KAREN HATHI TONE 1064 $ၤ MYANMAR TONE MARK SGAW KAREN KE PHO Extensions for Rumai Palaung Extensions for Western Pwo Karen 108E ႎ MYANMAR LETTER RUMAI PALAUNG FA 1065 ၥ MYANMAR LETTER WESTERN PWO KAREN THA 108F $ႏ MYANMAR SIGN RUMAI PALAUNG TONE-5 1066 ၦ MYANMAR LETTER WESTERN PWO KAREN PWA Shan digits 1067 $ၧ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN WESTERN PWO KAREN EU 1090 ႐ MYANMAR SHAN DIGIT ZERO 1068 $ၨ MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN WESTERN PWO 1091 ႑ MYANMAR SHAN DIGIT ONE KAREN UE 1092 ႒ MYANMAR SHAN DIGIT TWO 1069 $ၩ MYANMAR SIGN WESTERN PWO KAREN TONE-

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