Index 06th Aug 05th Aug Change % Change The bourse concludes within the positive terrain… ASPI 6,121.45 6,114.18 7.27 0.12% The Market recovered to some extent from its bear run as S&P SL20 3,477.04 3,471.47 5.57 0.16% Market Statistics 06th Aug 05th Aug the indices reversed the gear, to conclude within the green Value of Turnover(Rs.) 531,860,948 288,422,418 terrain; this was having lost 42 points during the previous Domestic Purchases 168,004,358 174,315,050 trading day. The benchmark ASPI gathered 7.27 points or Domestic Sales 318,363,207 145,061,106 0.12% to conclude at 6,121.45. The S&P SL20 too closed Foreign Purchases 363,856,590 114,107,369 positive gaining 5.57 points or 0.16% to settle the day at Foreign Sales 213,497,741 143,361,313 3,477.04. As at the day’s close, the total market Volume of Turnover (No.) 23,209,194 16,202,478 capitalization stood at LKR 2.36Tn, charting a year to date PER 16.20 16.18 gain of 8.68%. The market PER & PBV stood at 16.20 and 2.18 PBV 2.18 2.17 respectively. The day witnessed an aggregate turnover of 531.86Mn, 7,000 6,037.22 6,156.60 6,155.82 6,114.18 6,121.45 6,000 indicating a rise of 84.40% against its previously recorded; 5,000 nearly 55% of this was accounted by the top three contributors for the day. John Keells Holdings PLC (JKH) 4,000 dominated the turnover providing LKR 163.88Mn backed by 3,000 3,432.93 3,477.57 3,490.57 3,471.47 3,477.04 2,000 an off-board block where 353K shares were crossed at price 1,000 LKR 268/-. Having accounted to nearly 31% of the daily aggregated turnover, JKH closed the day at LKR 270/- (up by 0 31stSch890111149 July 01st Aug 02nd Aug 05th Aug 06th Aug LKR 2.10/- or 0.78%). Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC (LLUB) ASPI S&P SL20 stood next in line contributing LKR 63.05Mn, where most of it flowed by way of a negotiated transaction of LKR 46.04Mn, resulted by a quantity of 149K shares being 1,800 80 blocked at price LKR 308.50/-. As at the daily closure, LLUB 1,600 70 settled at its intraday peak of LKR 308.50/- gaining LKR 2.50/- 1,400 60 or 0.82 %. Nestle Lanka PLC (NEST) added LKR 62.67Mn to 1,200 50 the daily turnover; NEST was also supported by an off- 1,000 40 800 market transaction worth LKR 45Mn, where 20K shares 30 600 were dealt at LKR 2,250/-. Furthermore, NEST witnessed 20 400 significant foreign interest during the day, to record a net 200 10 foreign inflow of LKR 51.23Mn. 0 0 Volume Rs.Mn 31st July 01st Aug 02nd Aug 05th Aug 06th Aug Mn Turnover Foreign Purchases Volume Under the sectorial review, Diversified Holdings (DIV) dominated the list, providing LKR 188.89Mn. Bank Finance & Insurance (BFI) sector too provided a notable LKR 110.71Mn; further, BFI managed to capture the highest investor interest during the day noting 1,654 trades which resulted in a total quantity of 8.65Mn shares changing hands. During the day, a total of 23.21Mn shares changed hands, indicating an increase of 43.24% against the previous trading day. The top traded counters for the day were Central Investments & Finance PLC (CIFL), PC House PLC (PCH) & Expolanka Holdings PLC (EXPO) with 3.92Mn, 3.39Mn & 1.98Mn shares respectively being traded. Notably, witnessing significant investor interest CIFL closed at its highest traded price for the day LKR 1.20/- (up by LKR 0.20/- or 20%). Furthe r on, the limelight fell on Textured Jersey Lanka PLC capturing the highest retailer interest during the day charting 444 trades whilst being amidst the top traded counters during the day with a volume of 1.35Mn shares changing hands. TJL reached its new 52 week apex (LKR 13.70/-) within the day gaining nearly 4%, however settled the trading day slightly lower at LKR 13.50/- (up by LKR 0.30/- or 2.27%). Price losers outstripped the price gainers by 105:67; where, SMB Leasing PLC (14.29%) took the lead under the list of gainers and Beruwela Walk Inn PLC (-18.24%) led the price losers. Foreign participants were bullish during the day, where foreign buying of LKR 363.86Mn overtook foreign selling which amounted to LKR 213.50Mn; this added LKR 150.36Mn to the year to date net foreign inflow of LKR 16.10Bn. The local FOREX market for the day closed with, the USD selling at LKR 133.21/- and buying LKR 130.01/-. Market Capitalisation Company Name Price Issued Qty Mkt Capitalization As a % (Total) JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC 269.20 857,775,904 230,913,273,357 9.70 CEYLON TOBACCO COMPANY PLC 1,200.00 187,323,751 224,788,501,200 9.44 NESTLE LANKA PLC 2,049.00 53,725,463 110,083,473,687 4.62 COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC 119.60 794,101,192 94,974,502,563 3.99 CARSON CUMBERBATCH PLC 411.50 196,386,914 80,813,215,111 3.39 SRI LANKA TELECOM PLC 39.10 1,804,860,000 70,570,026,000 2.96 THE BUKIT DARAH PLC 690.50 102,000,000 70,431,000,000 2.96 DIALOG AXIATA PLC 8.60 8,143,778,405 70,036,494,283 2.94 DISTILLERIES COMPANY OF SRI LANKA PLC 190.00 300,000,000 57,000,000,000 2.39 AITKEN SPENCE PLC 122.00 405,996,045 49,531,517,490 2.08 Highest Volume Highest Turnover Company Name Share Turnover (Rs) Company Name Trade Share Turnover (Rs) Vol. Vol. Vol. CENTRAL INVESTMENTS & FINANCE PLC 3,915,852 4,540,736.40 JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC 84 610,938 163,878,643.90 PC HOUSE PLC 3,390,051 3,729,396.20 CHEVRON LUBRICANTS LANKA PLC 25 204,412 63,052,075.00 EXPOLANKA HOLDINGS PLC 1,984,929 13,345,017.80 NESTLE LANKA PLC 39 28,820 62,665,091.00 TEXTURED JERSEY LANKA PLC 1,353,414 18,254,936.70 DFCC BANK 22 238,990 31,054,629.00 NATION LANKA FINANCE PLC 1,338,761 10,549,081.00 TEXTURED JERSEY LANKA PLC 444 1,353,414 18,254,936.70 SIERRA CABLES PLC 1,025,578 2,153,714.60 EXPOLANKA HOLDINGS PLC 43 1,984,929 13,345,017.80 MULLER AND PHIPPS (CEYLON) PLC 891,977 1,190,828.00 SANASA DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC 194 138,722 11,778,280.70 ASIA ASSET FINANCE PLC 680,298 1,342,121.40 ACCESS ENGINEERING PLC 61 528,107 10,937,542.10 PEOPLE'S LEASING & FINANCE PLC 644,942 9,319,223.80 CEYLON TOBACCO COMPANY PLC 24 8,942 10,731,251.00 JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC 610,938 163,878,643.90 NATION LANKA FINANCE PLC 259 1,338,761 10,549,081.00 Top Gainers Company Name VWA Prev VWA Days Change Change High Low No. of Turnover Close Close (Rs.) % (Rs.) (Rs.) Shares (Rs.) S M B LEASING 0.70 0.80 0.10 14.29 0.80 0.70 202,108 151,686.40 HUNAS FALLS 49.50 54.80 5.30 10.71 54.80 49.60 207 10,272.40 CIFL 1.00 1.10 0.10 10.00 1.20 1.10 3,915,852 4,540,736.40 SOFTLOGIC CAP 5.10 5.60 0.50 9.80 5.60 5.60 101 565.60 ACL PLASTICS 90.00 98.30 8.30 9.22 98.30 90.00 11,920 1,073,630.00 Top Losers Company Name VWA Prev VWA Days Change Change High Low No. of Turnover Close Close (Rs.) % (Rs.) (Rs.) Shares (Rs.) BERUWELA WALKINN 76.30 62.00 (14.30) (18.74) 76.30 62.00 3 200.30 CDB [X] 36.40 33.50 (2.90) (7.97) 36.30 33.40 51 1,706.30 ANILANA HOTELS 8.90 8.20 (0.70) (7.87) 8.70 8.10 27,518 229,979.70 ASIAN ALLIANCE 103.00 96.10 (6.90) (6.70) 96.10 96.00 800 76,861.50 CONVENIENCE FOOD 208.40 195.00 (13.40) (6.43) 195.00 195.00 253 49,335.00 Market Highlights - Sector Wise Sector Price Index Turnover Sector Today Privious Value (Rs) Volume Trades P/E PBV BANK FINANCE AND INSURANCE 13,105.47 13,083.47 110,710,459 8,652,241 1,654 9.80 1.70 BEVERAGE FOOD AND TOBACCO 20,503.71 20,324.74 89,489,935 573,257 247 23.00 6.60 CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING 2,825.72 2,811.41 15,646,229 566,914 90 13.80 1.60 CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICALS 6,885.65 6,864.54 3,848,140 990,710 109 7.90 1.40 DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS 1,962.42 1,966.21 188,890,356 4,016,779 388 24.40 2.40 FOOTWEAR AND TEXTILE 818.93 830.24 253,604 38,031 60 0.00 1.00 HOTELS AND TRAVELS 3,252.02 3,249.89 3,131,221 282,803 243 31.60 1.90 HEALTH CARE 650.99 661.26 2,009,702 101,400 63 25.30 2.50 INVESTMENT TRUSTS 18,724.19 18,765.29 1,701,603 253,090 68 30.50 1.40 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 50.65 51.21 3,784,662 3,399,262 74 8.50 0.80 LAND AND PROPERTY 570.22 570.24 3,531,761 444,710 174 9.70 0.90 MANUFACTURING 3,055.03 3,041.41 96,997,714 3,250,385 819 13.00 1.90 MOTORS 15,641.51 15,773.88 1,079,441 5,816 38 3.90 1.30 OIL PALMS 96,686.82 96,209.64 426,939 618 11 83.50 6.90 POWER & ENERGY 114.07 114.66 6,645,463 325,312 159 15.00 1.50 PLANTATIONS 726.29 727.05 1,621,390 111,572 145 9.50 0.80 STORES SUPPLIES 23,625.09 23,526.19 365,345 1,191 8 32.50 2.10 SERVICES 23,771.48 24,398.11 29,110 4,524 26 9.30 1.80 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 157.24 158.95 1,067,946 118,609 29 14.80 1.50 TRADING 15,367.97 15,345.28 626,477 71,920 43 12.30 1.50 Exchange Rates Indicative Rates 06th August 05th August 06th August 05th August Currency Currency Buying Selling Buying Selling Ind: Value Ind: Value Dollar (USA) 130.01 133.21 130.00 133.20 Yuan (China) 21.49 21.48 Pound (UK) 199.09 204.94 198.05 203.87 Rupee (India) 2.16 2.15 Euro (EU) 171.57 177.32 171.72 177.47 Won (Korean) 0.12 0.12 Franc (Sw itzerland) 139.26 144.66 138.83 144.20 Dinar (Kuw ait) 462.87 462.81 Dollar (Canada) 124.68 129.22 124.22 128.74 Ringgit (Malay) 40.75 40.47 Dollar (Australia) 115.22 119.72 114.39 118.87 Rial (Oman) 341.81 341.80 Dollar (Singapore) 102.04 105.63 101.61 105.18 Riyal (Qatar) 36.14 36.14 Yen (Japan) 1.32 1.37 1.31 1.35 Riyal (KSA) 35.09 35.09 Dirham (UAE) 35.83 35.83 Central Bank's Policy Rates Description Rate ( Per Annum) Central Bank Repurchase (Repo) Rate 7.00 Central Bank Reverse Repurchase (Reverse Repo) Rate 9.00 Bank Rate 15.00 Statutory Reserve Ratio (SRR) 6.00 Treasury Bills AWPLR AWDR This week Last week This Week Last week This Month Last Month 91 Days - - Weekly 11.79 11.79 Monthly 10.43 10.56 182 Days - - Monthly 12.47 13.11 6 Months 10.61 10.61 364 Days 10.57 10.52 6 Months 13.59 13.89 1 Year 13.36 13.61 Colombo Consumers’ Price Index (CCPI) 2013 2012 Description May June July May June July Year on Year Change 7.30 6.80 6.10 7.00 9.30 9.80 Annual Average Change 8.80 8.60 8.30 5.60 5.80 6.00 SLIBOR & LIBOR Description Over Night 7 Days 1 M 3 M 6 M 12 M SLIBOR (06th August) (%) 8.75 9.25 10.15 11.39 12.19 12.86 LIBOR - GBP (05th August) (%) 0.47875 0.48563 0.49250 0.51125 0.59050 0.87125 LIBOR - USD (05th August) (%) 0.11860 0.15033 0.18603 0.26540 0.39550 0.66639 (CBSL.lk, Global-rates.com, CBSL ) Country Foreign Markets- Index 5-Aug-13 % Change 2-Aug-13 % Change 1-Aug-13 USA Dow Jones Indus.
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