Get out the vote Libertarian Party s election day nears, the final big push election day, Libertarians need to take advantage of the is being made by Libertarians to get publicity and enthusiasm generated by the campaign. Aout the vote for the Harry Browne/Jo Efforts need to be made at registering new Libertarians EW S Jorgensen ticket and the hundreds of other and getting new party members. Libertarian Party candidates appearing on Here are a few suggestions: ballots across the country. V Go through your card file (or your mental one) or "Increasing our vote total on election day is what it's all Christmas card address book and list all of your friends, about," said Jack Williams, national volunteer co-coordina- relatives, associates, and acquaintances and divide them tor, along with his wife Meg, for the Harry Browne for into three catagories: 1) those you believe will vote LP; 2) President Campaign. those whom you might persuade to vote LP; 3) the rest. Williams suggests there are many ways to help get out Court groups one and two with your enthusiasm, litera- the vote for Libertarian candidates. The effort should not ture, and video tapes. Keep up your efforts right up to end on election day, either. Instead of letting down after see Vote on page 14 Nov- 5, 1996 Me Party of Principle Vote Libertarian VOLUME 11 ••• NUMBER 11 Boston raises $30,017 for Browne In 1959, John F. Kennedy declared for the presidency at The Parker House in Boston. On Sept. 29, 1996, The Parker House hosted a record- setting local fund-raising event for the Harry Browne for President Campaign. Two hundred and seven New England Libertarians raised $30,017 in Boston. New England Libertarians from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts attended. In a region the size of Arizona, with a third the population of California, Libertarians raised enough money to fund 10 consecutive days of national Harry Browne television ads on CNN, matching Ross Perot's advertising on CNN. This event was the brainchild of Maine's Mark Cenci. Cenci recruited three new Libertarians from Boston to organize, promote, and stage the fund-raising event and a rally at historic Faneuil Hall: Muni and Ellen Savyon and Carla Howell. Cenci invited former Boston-based talk radio legend Gene Burns—who flew in from San Francisco—to lead off for Harry Browne. Savyon and Howell produced the invitations, made the arrangements, booked the locations—and persuaded Libertarians to attend this special event. Long-time Boston Libertarian talk show host David Brudnoy had Browne on his show—and urged listeners to attend the event. Michael Cloud emceed both events and did the fund-raising. Brudnoy warmed up the crowd. Then Burns gave a passionate and principled talk for NEWS Photo by Jeff Chester freedom. Browne spoke on his campaign themes, shared some new "On the FUND-RAISING EVENT - Libertarians gathered at The Parker House in Boston at a fund-raising Campaign Trail" anecdotes, and shared good news from the freedom front. event for the Harry Browne for President Campaign. Guests included, from left to right, KG0 (San Cloud followed Brudnoy, Burns, and Browne with an energetic and persua- Francisco) radio talk show host Gene Burns, LP presidential candidate Harry Browne, Pamela sive fund-raising appeal. Browne, and WBZ (Boston) radio talk show host David Brudnoy. More than 200 people attended the event, which proved to be the most successful local fund- see Boston on page 2 raising effort in LP history. Later the same evening, Browne spoke at the historic Faneuil Hall. Browne shines in third-party debate A three-way debate in early October among the Taxpayer's Party (39 states). The event was broad- sive government." leading third-party candidates for president left cast live by C-SPAN. Browne agreed that the third-party debate had supporters of Libertarian Harry Browne claiming Questions covered the political gamut from NAFTA greater substance than the more widely publi- victory—and ready to take on Bill Clinton and Bob to immigration to racism to third-party politics, and cized debate between Clinton and Dole. Dole. all were answered with greater depth and sophistica- "I think more specific proposals were offered— "No wonder Clinton and Dole refused to invite tion than was seen in the Clinton/Dole debate, said right or wrong—rather than dancing around try- Mr. Browne to their debate," said Browne's cam- Ayres. ing to score points at someone else's expense," paign manager Sharon Ayres. "Based on his "Instead of the sound-bite answers and the care- he said. "We were talking about real issues, real performance in this debate, he would have stolen fully practiced zingers you saw from Clinton and proposals, real differences." the show—no question about it." Dole, this debate focused on the nature and role of But Browne dominated the debate, Ayres said, The debate at the National Press Club in Wash- government," she said. "Voters who tuned in were because he was the only candidate able to present ington, DC, featured Browne (on the ballot in all treated to an adult-level discussion about the Consti- a credible, consistent, persuasive case for smaller 50 states), John Hagelin of the Natural Law Party tution, along with practical solutions to the problems government. (43 states), and Howard Phillips of the U.S. of excessive taxes, excessive regulation, and exces- see Debate on page 2 2 Libertarian Party NEWS November 1996 Debate Supreme Court to continued from page 1 candidates—as well as Clinton and Dole— "The other guys were all over the map," is the fact that I apply the principles of hear GA LP case she said. "Phillips argued for a smaller individual liberty, individual responsibil- government that enforced so-called Bibli- ity, and freedom from government on all The U.S. Supreme Court has finally Amendment through a "content-based re- cal rules of personal behavior, and Hagelin issues, all the time," said Browne. "They agreed to hear a case brought by the LP. striction on free expression" of those who advocated a smaller government that spent apply those principles only when it's conve- The Georgia case (Chandler et al vs. refuse the test. more money on so-called scientific solu- nient, or when it's consistent with some Miller et al), brought by LP candidates The LP members also feel the law puts tions. Only Harry Browne argued that gov- point of view they want to advance. Walker Chandler, Sharon Harris, and James "an unconstitutional restriction on the rights ernment doesn't work, and presented a "That's why the main point I tried to D. Walker, questions a state law passed in of voters to choose their elected officials." credible plan to dramatically reduce the make in this debate was that government is 1990 that requires all candidates for state In upholding the law, a lower court ruled eft. size and cost of government. The Ameri- not the answer. All those proposals that all office to pass a urine test for drugs. that the state was entitled to set qualifica- can people are waiting for a candidate and those other candidates make to solve the The LP members filed suit in U.S. Dis- tions for its elected officials. a party with a credible plan to get them problems of today won't work because they trict Court in 1994. The district judge re- "If qualification was the issue," Chan- from here to smaller government—and this rely on government," he said. fused to grant an injunction against the law, dler said, "they would do intelligence tests debate made it clear that Harry Browne is The debate was sponsored by George and a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of or maybe ethics tests." that candidate." Mason University School of Law and the Appeals affirmed the decision 2-1. Chan- The LP suit already has had some ef- Browne said he thought the debate International Center for Economic Justice. dler, Harris, and Walker then asked the fect— candidates now are allowed to take starkly illustrated the differences between Asking questions was a panel of journalists Supreme Court for review. the test whenever they want and in either his proposals and the positions of the other, from Congressional Quarterly, the National The LP candidates claim the drug test- an approved laboratory or their own doctor's smaller third parties. Journal, the ICEJ, George Mason Univer- ing violates the Fourth Amendment by al- office. "What sets me apart from those other sity, and Government Executive magazine. lowing "suspicionless searches of candi- Arguments in the case are expected to dates for political office," and the First be heard by the high court in January. -.Boston Election Night Results of All the Key Races continued from page 1 Immediately after the reception and tions from the audience. At the request of fundraising at The Parker House, Gene Cloud, the first six questions were reserved Libertarian Election Burns and Harry Browne spoke to more for those who had never attended a Liber- than 580 people at historic Faneuil Hall. tarian event before. Libertarians and non- While Libertarians traveled from all over Libertarians were pleased with Browne's News Service New England, more than half of the people candor and thoughtful answers. attending the event said they had never September 29 was a great day for Liber- before attended a Libertarian event. tarians. 1-900-4-LIBERTY Cloud emceed the evening. Libertarian PBS videotaped the events and inter- National Committee Regional Rep. Mark viewed Harry Browne and New England 1-900-454-2378 Tuniewicz introduced New England Liber- Libertarians for an upcoming story on the $1.95 per minute tarian candidates to the audience.
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