Breastfeeding Resources Price List 2015 LLLNZshop.org.nz Breastfeeding Books B028 $36.00 The ABCs of Breastfeeding Stacey H Rubin M.N., ARPN, IBCLC B017 $39.00 An Introduction to Biological Nurturing Suzanne Colson RM, PhD B035 $29.00 Baby-Led Breastfeeding Gill Rapley & Tracey Murkett NEW B026 $46.00 Baby Magic: Planning for a Lifetime of Love Sue Cox B003 $40.00 Bestfeeding: How to Breastfeed Your Baby Arms Fisher & Renfrew B016 $22.00 Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby & Relactation Elizabeth Hormann B029 $34.00 Breastfeeding Made Simple Second Edition Nancy Mohrbacher & Kathleen A Kendall-Tacket B031 $53.00 Breastfeeding Older Children Ann Sinnott B033 $28.00 Breastfeeding Solutions Nancy Mohrbacher IBCLC, FILCA B030 $30.00 Breastfeeding: Take Two Stephanie Casemore B014 $34.00 Breastfeeding with Confidence Sue Cox B034 $40.00 Breastfeeding Without Birthing Alyssa Schnell B012 $20.00 Breastfeeding Your Premature Baby Gwen Gotsch B032 $44.00 Dr Jen’s Guide to Breastfeeding Dr Jennifer Thomas, MD, MPH, IBCLC, FAAP, FABM with Lisa Holewa B036 $26.00 Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk 2nd Edition Stephanie Casemore NEW B022 $29.00 Fit to Bust Alison Blenkinsop B018 $41.00 Hold Your Prem Jill Bergmann B025 $35.00 Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding Ina May Gaskin B024 $33.00 Making More Milk: The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide Diana West IBCLC and Lisa Marasco MA B023 $34.00 Mothering Your Nursing Toddler Norma Jane Bumgarner B005 $32.00 Nursing Mother, Working Mother Gale Pryor and Kathleen Huggins RN, MS B006 $32.00 The Politics of Breastfeeding Gabrielle Palmer B037 $42.00 Preparing to Breastfeed Teresa Pitman NEW B027 $19.00 Saggy Boobs and other Breastfeeding Myths Valarie Linigan B004 $25.00 So That’s What They’re For! Janet Tamaro B038 $36.00 To Three and Beyond Edited by Janell E Robisch NEW B001 $20.00 The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding LLLI 7th Edition, 2004 B020 $36.00 The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding LLLI 8th Edition, 2010 SAVE 20% (was $45.00) B039 $35.00 Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA NEW Childbirth Books C002 $35.00 New Active Birth Janet Balaskas C008 $33.00 Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth Ina May Gaskin C007 $26.00 Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Helen Churchill and Wendy Savage Reference Books for Leaders and Health Professionals HP2014 $20.00 Breastfeeding Communiqué 50th Anniversary 2014 No.23 HP2012 $20.00 Breastfeeding Communiqué 2013-2014 No.22 HP2011 $15.00 Breastfeeding Communiqué 2011 No.21 HP007 $80.00 The Breastfeeding Answer Book (3rd edition 2003) Nancy Mohrbacher & Julie Stock HP006 $160.00 Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple Nancy Mohrbacher HP010 $79.00 Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple: A Pocket Guide for Helping Mothers HP009 $95.00 Medications and Mothers Milk 2014 (Ordered on request) 08/2015 DVDs DVD04 $10.00 Finding the Founders DVD02 $35.00 Pinky McKay’s Baby Massage DVD03 $29.95 Wearing Your Baby – techniques for holding your baby close and living life Parenting Books P027 $44.00 Adventures in Gentle Discipline Hilary Flower P019 $44.00 Adventures in Tandem Nursing Hilary Flower P040 $45.00 Attached at the Heart Barbara Nicholson an Lysa Parker P020 $29.00 Becoming a Father William Sears P039 $36.00 How Mothers Love: and How Relationships are Born Naomi Stadlen P047 $25.00 How to be the Parent You Always Wanted to be A Faber & E Mazlish NEW P041 $32.00 How To Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk Second Edition A Faber & E Mazlish P042 $28.00 Kiss Me: How to Raise Your Children with Love Carlos Gonzalaz P021 $35.00 Mothering Multiples 3rd Edition Karen Kerkhoff Gromada P043 $39.00 Musings on Mothering Teika Bellamy P025 $30.00 Nighttime Parenting William Sears P038 $36.00 Parenting By Heart Pink McKay P030 $30.00 Sleeping Like a Baby Pinky McKay P023 $29.00 Sleeping with Your Baby James McKenna P044 $33.00 Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys Steve Biddulph P051 $33.00 Steve Biddulph’s Raising Girls Steve Biddulph P046 $41.00 Sweet Sleep LLLI P045 $33.00 The Dad Factor Richard Fletcher P037 $30.00 Toddler Tactics Pinky McKay P033 $34.00 The No-Cry Discipline Solution Elizabeth Pantley P005 $34.00 The No-Cry Sleep Solution Elizabeth Pantley P026 $34.00 The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers & Preschoolers Elizabeth Pantley P036 $35.00 The Nursing Mother’s Guide to Weaning Kathleen Huggins RN,MS P024 $29.00 What Mothers Do – especially when it looks like nothing Naomi Stadlen P007 $30.00 100 Ways to Calm the Crying Pinky McKay Nutrition and Wellbeing Books N011 $34.00 Baby-led Weaning Helping your baby to love good food Gill Rapley & Tracey Murkett N012 $28.00 Complementary Feeding: Nutrition, Culture and Politics Gabrielle Palmer N015 $29.00 Eat Well, Lose Weight, While Breastfeeding Revised Edition Eileen Behan N014 $40.00 Feed Yourself, Feed Your Family LLLI N020 $15.00 Mothering Time Cookbook 50th Anniversary Edition LLLNZ FUNDRAISER N002 $26.00 My Child Won’t Eat 2nd Edition Carlos Gonzalaz N003 $33.00 The Nursing Mothers Herbal Breastfeeding Booklets for special situations BB26 $12.50 Breastfeeding: and Reflux BB08 $12.50 Breastfeeding: As Your Family Grows BB04 $12.50 Breastfeeding: Babies with a Cleft Lip and/or Palate BB21 $12.50 Breastfeeding: and Family Foods BB06 $12.50 Breastfeeding: Relactation and Adoption BB17 $12.50 Breastfeeding: Supporting the New Mother BB09 $12.50 Breastfeeding: Twins, Triplets and More BB16 $12.50 Breastfeeding: When Your Baby Refuses the Breast BB03 $12.50 Breastfeeding: Your Baby with Down Syndrome BB12 $9.00 Lactation Suppression BB18 $9.00 Postnatal Depression and Breastfeeding BB27 $9.00 Too Much (Managing over-supply) 2 Breastfeeding Information Sheets – A4 size Code Single Sheet Pack 50 Title IS020 10c $ 5.00 Whāngai Ū / Breastfeeding IS341 50c $18.75 About Weaning: Because Breastfeeding Is More Than Milk IS005 50c $18.75 Adjusting to Motherhood Buy 50 or more IS057 70c $26.25 Allergy & Food Intolerance and save 25% IS004 50c $18.75 Amazing Milk IS040 70c $26.25 Antenatal Expression of Colostrum IS473 50c $18.75 Are Your Nipples Sore? IS002 50c $18.75 Baby Arrives (tips for your toddler when a new baby is born) IS209 50c $18.75 Breastfeeding After a Cesarean IS001 50c $18.75 Breastfeeding the Next Time Around (breastfeeding after a bottle fed baby) IS003 50c $18.75 Breastfeeding and Your Baby’s Teeth IS346 50c $18.75 Choosing a Breast Pump IS046 70c $26.25 Comfortable Breastfeeding IS049 70c $26.25 Dads Are Special IS041 70c $26.25 Diabetes and Breastfeeding IS043 70c $26.25 Engorged Breasts – Avoiding and Treating IS745 50c $18.75 Environmental Chemicals and Human Milk IS469 50c $18.75 Establishing Your Milk Supply IS570 50c $18.75 A Guide to Pumping Your Milk IS044 70c $26.25 Hand Expression of Breastmilk IS245 50c $18.75 Increasing Your Milk IS405 50c $18.75 Introducing Complementary Foods to Your Breastfed Baby IS058 70c $26.25 Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk? NEW IS054 70c $26.25 Jaundice in Healthy Newborns IS052 70c $26.25 Nipple Confusion? IS061 70c $26.25 Nipple Know-How NEW (Replaces IS473 Are Your Nipples Sore?) IS047 70c $26.25 Nipple Pain – Why and What to do IS053 70c $26.25 Nipple Shields? IS048 70c $26.25 Out and About with Your Breastfed Baby IS557 50c $18.75 Persistent Diarrhoea in Babies and Toddlers IS059 70c $26.25 Safe Sleep & the Breastfed Baby NEW IS055 70c $26.25 Sleepy Baby – why and what to do IS050 70c $26.25 Smoking and Breastfeeding IS061 70c $26.25 Storing Your Milk NEW IS712 50c $18.75 Tips For Breastfeeding Twins IS042 70c $26.25 The Unhappy Baby IS342 50c $18.75 What is Reflux? Breastfeeding your baby with gastroesophageal reflux IS045 70c $26.25 When a Mother Is Unwell IS051 70c $26.25 Workday Practicalities IS056 70c $26.25 Working and Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Information Sheets – A3 size (folded) Code Single Sheet Pack 20 Title Breastfeeding Information IS104 1.00 $16.00 Blocked Ducts and Mastitis IS105 1.00 $16.00 Inverted Nipples? Sheet Packs IS106 1.00 $16.00 My Baby Needs More Milk IS102 1.00 $16.00 Still Nursing These are a selection of information sheets for IS103 1.00 $16.00 Tongue Tie specific situations, suitable for mums and Health IS100 1.00 $16.00 Too Much Milk Professionals. The sheets have been discounted by IS101 1.00 $16.00 Treating Thrush 10% and are packaged in a clear zip-lock bag. Code Pack cost Title Full Sets IPDM $2.80 Diabetic Mother GL070 $150.00 Full Set of Booklets & Information Sheets IPEM $2.80 Expectant Mums GL071 $123.00 Full Set of Booklets IPNM $3.00 New Mums ISFS $27.00 Full Set of Information Sheets IPCC $4.60 Common Concerns ISFSL $104.00 Laminated A4 Information Sheets on a ring IPWM $3.00 Working Mums IPACF $6.10 Antenatal Class Facilitators 3 LLLNZ Journal – Aroha Aroha is the La Leche League New Zealand journal for breastfeeding families. It features the latest breastfeeding information plus a variety of personal stories on breastfeeding and parenting experiences and is published bimonthly. Become a member of La Leche League NZ and receive six issues per annum as part of your membership. Back Issues are available for purchase www.LLLNZshop.org.nz/Aroha Membership Information is available at www.lalecheleague.org.nz/membership Associate 1-year membership $50.00 WAB8 Gift Package $90.00 Associate 2-year membership $90.00 1-year Associate membership, The Womanly Art Professional 1-year membership $85.00 of Breastfeeding book, selection of information Organisational Membership A $160.00 sheets, discount voucher + more.
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