Waterford Parks and R ecreation 50+ R ecreation Lori Soma, Recreation Supervisor Waterford Recreation Center 5640 Williams Lake Road * Waterford, MI 48329 248-674-5441 www.waterfordmi.gov/parksandrec Volume 56 SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2015 Issue 9 / 10 U P C O M IN G E V E N TS The Parade Company—September 1 M A R K YO U R C A LE N D A R Waterford Historic Village Tour— September 9 !!!C O M IN G E V E N TS !!! Nunset at Cornwell Dinner Theater—September 11 A P P LE P IE S Rockin’ Oldies Frankenmuth—September 15 O C TO B E R 19-23, 2015 S ee inside for a order form ! Greektown Casino—September 29 Harvest Happening—October 3 “C R U Z IN ’ WITH FR IE N D S ” A nniversary D inner Fall Color Tour & Oakland County Market—October 6 S eptem ber 17th DSO Sinatra Centennial - October 11 50’s attire Bay City Antiquing & Boat Tour—October 13 TR A V E L S H O W Dirty Dancing - October 27 S eptem ber 30th 2:00pm Soaring Eagle & Shipshewana Flea Market—November 8 G reat D estinations! S ee w hat’s new ! The Whitney Mansion Tour - November 10 We m ay have that special trip Detroit Library Tour—November 18 on your bucket list! Thanksgiving Dinner & Veterans Recognition—November 19 “Charlie Christmas Elf” Cornwell Theater- November 20 Doc Sererinsen—November 25 Brenda Lee at Soaring Eagle—December 7 Oakland County Holiday Express—December 8 1 MISSION STATEMENT W A T E R F O R D T h e m is s io n o f th e G o ld e n A g e C lu b is P A R K S & R E C R E A T IO N to fu rth e r h e a lth , re c re a tio n a l, a n d A d m in is tra tiv e O ffic e s p o rts a c tiv itie s fo r p e rs o n s 5 0 y e a rs o f 5 2 0 0 C iv ic C e n te r D riv e W a te rfo rd , M I 4 8 3 2 9 a g e o r o v e r w h o re s id e in W a te rfo rd 2 4 8 6 7 4 -5 4 4 1 T o w n s h ip a n d s u rro u n d in g a re a s , a n d R e c re a tio n C e n te r o ffic e 2 4 8 6 7 4 -4 8 8 1 to p ro m o te frie n d s h ip a n d le is u re tim e GOLDEN AGE CLUB MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL MEN & WOMEN 50 AND OLDER Waterford resident membership is $15 per person or $29 per couple at the same address, January 1 – December 31, 2015 / as of July 1, 2015 - $8 single or $15 couple. Non resident membership is $20 per person or $39 per couple at the same address, January 1 – December 31, 2015 / as of July 1, 2015 - $13 single or $20 couple. Membership forms are available at the Parks & Recreation office or the Recreation Center. Pay in per- son or by mail addressed to: Waterford Parks and Recreation Department, 5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48329. Checks should be made payable to: Waterford Parks and Recreation GOLDEN AGE CLUB OFFICERS RECREATION BOARD Connie Folk Chairperson President Evelyn Micol 248 623-9291 Al Argyle Michael Healy Vice President Susan Steck 248 623-6974 Rob Petrusha JR Olerich Secretary Sharon Gard 248 666-3196 Lisa McCoy Donna Kelley Asst. Secretary Carol Sturgis 248 499-9317 Walter Gale Dan Ludwig Treasurer Anita Olson 248 568-8819 Richard Moody Asst. Treasurer Dan Ludwig 248 623-0169 PARKS AND RECREATION STAFF GOLDEN AGE CLUB BOARD MEMBERS Alison Swanson Superintendent Lori Soma Recreation Supervisor Chairman Al Argyle 248 623-1873 Sue Beseau Program Leader Kay Bradley 2 4 8 673-1729 Beth Lawson Program Leader Kay Connelly 2 4 8 666-3893 Carrie Mobey Program Leader Ray Morfitt 2 4 8 624-2646 Jeanne Santala-Rose Program Leader Steve Redfern 2 4 8 681-9538 Tori Heglin Recreation Margarete Stites 2 4 8 673-9174 Sara Frederick Supervisor Leona Rosegart 2 4 8 -698-3484 Chrissy White Recreation Supervisor Carol LaRoque Departmental Aide Typist Clerk I Check us out online at www.waterfordmi.gov Golden Age Club Board Meeting and September 30, 1:00PM Like us on Facebook Recreation Center This is an open meeting. Members may attend as guests or Waterford Parks and Recreation & if you would like to be added to the agenda, call Chairperson Golden Age Club Al Argyle at: 248 623-1873. Honorary Life Memberships shall be given to all members who are over ninety years of age beginning the year following their 90th birthday. You must register for the membership. 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 4 Lake Geneva Parade Company Lake Geneva 7:50Aam Walking Travelers Return 7:50am Walking Travelers Depart 9:00am 50+ Fitness 7:50am Walking 9:00am 50+ Fitness 7:50am Walking 10:00am Bounce Vball 8:30am Line Dancing 9:30am Euchre 10:00am Bunco 10:00am Shuffleboard 9:30am Pickleball 10:00am Busy Bees** 10:00am Table Tennis 10:15am Pilates 10:00am Mah-Jongg 10:15am Pilates 10:15am Fitness Fusion 12:30pm Euchre 1:00pm Building Closes 12:30pm Pinochle 11:00am Quilting 12:30pm Dup Bridge 12:30pm Volleyball 12:15pm Open Bridge 12:30pm Volleyball 6 3:00pm Walking 12:30pm Pickleball 3:00pm Walking Mackinac Bridge Walk 7:00pm Pickleball 1:00pm Shuffleboard Departs 3:00pm Walking 7 8 9 10 11 7:50am Walking Waterford Historic 7:50am Walking Nunset Blvd LABOR DAY 9am 50+ Fitness Village Tour 9:00am 50+ Fitness Cornwells Dinner BUILDING CLOSED 9:30am Euchre 7:50am Walking 10:00am Bounce Vball 7:50am Walking 10am Busy Bees 10:00am Bunco 10:00am Shuffleboard 8:30am Line Dancing 10:15am Pilates 10:00am Table Tennis 10:15am Pilates 9:30am Pickleball Mackinac Bridge 12:30pm Pinochle 10:15am Fitness Fusion 12:30pm Euchre 10:00am Mah-Jongg Walk Returns 12:30pm Volleyball 12:15pm Open Bridge 12:30pm Dup Bridge 3:00pm Walking 1:00pm Poetry 12:30pm Pickleball 12:30pm Volleyball 12 Big Wheels 11am-2pm 3:00pm Walking 1:00pm Shuffleboard 3:00pm Walking Hess Hathaway Park 7pm Pickleball 3:00pm Walking 14 15 16 17 18 7:50am Walking Rockin’ Oldies 7:50am Waking Anniversary Dinner 7:50am Walking 9:00am Crochet & Knit Frankenmuth 10:00am Bunco 7:50am Walking** 8:30am Line Dancing 10:00am Shuffleboard 7:50am Walking 10:00am Table Tennis 9:00am 50+ Fitness** 9:30am Pickleball 10:00am Table Tennis 9:00am 50+ Fitness 11:00am Quilting 10am Bounce Vball** 10:00am Mah-Jongg 12:30pm Mah-Jongg 9:30am Euchre 12:15pm Open Bridge 10am Shuffleboard** 3:00pm Walking 12:30pm Pickleball 10am Busy Bees** 12:30pm Pickleball 10:15am Pilates 1:00pm Poetry Club 10:00am Bounce Vball 1:00pm Shuffleboard 12:30pm Dup Bridge** 3:00pm Walking 10:15am Pilates 3:00pm Walking 12:30pm Euchre** 12:30pm Pinochle 12:30pm Volleyball** 12:30pm Volleyball 3:00pm Walking 3:00pm Walking 7:00pm Pickleball National Parks Trip Departs 21 22 23 24 25 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 9:00am Crochet & Knit 9:00am 50+ Fitness 10:00am Bunco 9:00am 50+ Fitness 8:30am Line Dancing 10:00am Shuffleboard 9:30am Euchre 10:00am Table Tennis 10:00am Bounce Vball 9:30am Pickleball 10:00am Table Tennis 10am Busy Bees** 11:00am Tai Chi Chair 10:00am Shuffleboard 10:00am Mah-Jongg 12:30pm Mah-Jongg 10:00am Bounce Vball 12:15pm Open Bridge 10:15am Pilates 3:00pm Walking 12:30pm Pickleball 10:15am Pilates 12:30pm Pickleball 12:30pm Euchre 3:00pm Walking 12:30pm Pinochle 12:30pm Tai Chi Beg 12:30pm Volleyball 12:30pm Volleyball 1:45pm Tai Chi Adv 12:30pm Dup. Bridge 1:00pm Poetry 1:00pm Shuffleboard 3:00pm Walking 3:00pm Walking 3:00pm Walking 7:00pm Pickleball National Parks Trip Returns 28 29 30 ** Cancelled Greektown Casino 2:00pm Travel Show 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 9:00am Crochet & Knit 9:00am 50+ Fitness 10:00am Bunco 10:00am Shuffleboard 9:30am Euchre 10:00am Table Tennis 10:00am Table Tennis 10:00am Busy Bees 11:00am Tai Chi Chair 11:00am Yoga 10:00am Bounce Vball 12:30pm Open Bridge 12:30pm Mah-Jongg 10:15am Pilates 12:15pm Pickle Ball 12:30pm Pickleball 12:30pm Pinochle 12:30pm Tai Chi Beg 1:00pm Poetry Club 12:30pm Volleyball 1:45pm Tai Chi Adv 3:00pm Walking 3:00pm Walking 1pm GAC Board meeting 7:00pm Pickleball 1pm Shuffleboard ** 3:00pm Walking 3 OCTOBER 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ** Cancelled 1 2 7:50am Walking 7:50am Walking 9:00am 50+ Fitness 8:30am Line Dancing 10:00am Bounce Vball 9:30am Pickle Ball** 10:00am Shuffleboard 10:00am Mah-Jongg 10:15am Pilates 3:00m Walking** 12:30pm Dup Bridge 4:00pm Spaghetti Dinner 12:30pm Euchre 12:30pm Volleyball 3 3:00pm Walking Harvest Happening 5 6 7 8 9 Newsletter Deadline Oakland Co.
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