6 HELEN A. WEEKLY HERALD. I LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, on the 17th day of November, 1880. When called for please say “advertised.” Allen Joe E .lardant Wm 2 Bronson E I) 2 Kelly Miss Paulin Reelle L Y 4 Kaigle Mrs M Boot and Shoe Boom RALEIGH&CLARKES Beebe Joseph H 2 Knoutton Chas Boner W A ' Kana Thos Bailey X ft Lewis Thomas Burgess W H I>aFore David E IN V IT E the «attention of Curtright J E Lindemutli F P WHY NOT P RALEIGH & CLARKES. Curtii Miss Mary I> Likins Levi the Trade to the fact that ,f Collins L M Lynch Michael w Cave Thomas Miller Miss Mary OUR WHOLESALE DEPART-: H E L E 1 V A . Carrier .Töseph B Moneberg Gus Cherry Daw , Matte Wm The Railroad is Within the Borders of Montana M ENT is unsually full and complete, j pRINTB DExiMft, c h e v io t s , Chambers II ft Merry Con (Conner Jno T Martin Mrs Relia Cameron .1 Meeks Miss Alice We keep all the Standard and Lead-1 TICKS, DRILLS, CASSIMERES, Day R A Olseri August Our Whole Country is in a Most Prosperous Condi­ , . ta p . i J YARNS, DUCKS, CAMBRICS Dorst Dock Peak Ed ft tion, and Trade is Brisk. in" Brands in Domestics. Freight England John Reynolds D L FLANNELS, CRASHES, BLANKETS. Farrel F Richards ft ft considered, our prices compare very BROw N AND BLEACHED c o tto n s. Fielding Miss M E Roth Mrs Sophia »lint Miss J L ftastraus Wm BATTS, Etc., E t c ., E t c . Fink Fred Stephens Henry favorably with Eastern quotations. Fults Joseph Steward J F NICK MILLEN S Harris A M Willie Louis Haislop R E Wilson F Herliert Geo Webber Ed Heneberg John Walker W F Howard Misa Georgia Walker Jas B E WILL shortly exhibit a very RALEIGH & CLARKES, Johnson Martlia A Walker MrsMuhala Johnson Hokan Votowr Frank extensive line of Fall Novel- Jones Dr W M S'. H. CÄOUXSE, Postmaster. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tiesW in DRESS GOODS, NUBIAS, HELENA MARKET REPORT, SKIRTS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS,1 H E L E N A . WHOLESALE QCOTATIONS. Etc, Etc. Fall and Winter Styles of j H elena, M: T., Novemlier 18,1880. Sugar—Belchers, per sack of 100 lbs., 816 50 ■brown, 815 00 ; C, $16 ; A, 815.50; Belcher’s Granu Ladies’ & Misses’ SUITS, CLOAKS,) lated, 816 50. BOOTS andSHOES Syrups.—Belchers Golden; 5’s, 86; 10’s. 811; by ease, gals., 87 50; 1 gals., 87; Manhattan, 5 gal DOLMANS, SHAWLS, Etc., Etc., kg., 86 50; do. ten-gal eans, 8l<>; maple syrup, 82 25 per gal. Coffee—Old Government Java 35; Old Gov at much below former prices. Java Fancy 48; Rio choice 24® 35 ; Costa Rica, 30c BOOT AND SHOE STORE. AT W HOLESALE ONLY. Roast, 37c; Ground Java, 40® 50 ; Mocha, 45. Tea—M <k M 55(060: Castle Bros 55®60; W P & Co., 55@60; Imperial G0@$1 ; Young Hyson 60@90 Gun Powder, 65® 81 25. Candles—Star, 401b boxes ÇS 00 ; stearic acid 20 lb. boxes 84 50 ; 40 lb boxes 88 50 ; stearic wax, 20 ~ BE IT UNDERSTOOD: bx., 81 50. Soap—Schaeffer’s 85 50 per box; Kirk’s Extra Family, 86 00; White Russian 88 per box; Castile My large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes was bought beforfe the recent advance in the We have the Largest, Cheapest mottled, lb 25®30c ; Castile White French ^ East, and I am selling at a very small margin of profit . I confine myself to no particular grade or style E PROPOSE redoubling all of goods, but carry them all. Hence, both in style and price, I can please the banker and wife as well as 40®50 ; American family, per box, 86. and Best line of BOOTS SHOES Coal Oil, in 5 gal eans—Elaine, 150 fire test, 60c the laborer and his wife. Those who need a good, sound, sensible pair of Boots or Shoes, Gents’ or La­ former efforts this Season to il* & Royal Daylight 50c; Livingston’s 110 test, 47c dies’ Walking Shoes, Ladies’ Kid Boots, Misses’ and children’s Shoes of slippers, or anything in the line Head Light 150 fire test, 55e. of foot wear, should consult my stock and ever offered in the Territory. Possess­ Blasting Powder—84 75 per 251b keg. W retain and increase our already large Fuse—Water Proof 810 per M. Tobacco, Chewing—Fine Cut 90c; Cable Twist ing extraordinary facilities, we are 85c; Gold Block, L. P., 75® 80c ; Black Navy 50@60; FAVORABLE PRICES. Jobbing Trade, and will offer such Bonne Bouche 75c; Hold Fast 90c. Tobacco, Smoking—Virginity 8110; Game Cock, inducements in Variety, Quality and enabled to greatly undersell all com­ 60; Eruit and Flowers 80 ; Durham 75; Vanity Fair My system of having the same and only price for everylxxly, and never, under any circumstances 81 30. deviating therefrom, protects the buyer, who is no judge of shoe leather or its value, and at once places Hams—Montana 22c; States (new) 22. her or him on the same level with the wisest merchant or the most favored purchaser. Those who Price as to merit the attention of all petitors. Merchants are earnestly B acon—Montana 18; States, 18c; States, Break come to “shop” receive the same courtesy and polite attention as those prepared to buy ; therefore/if fast, 20e. your object is simply to get posted, come without any hesitation, and I will gladly give you all informa requested to compare our Goods and Lard—20c. tion desired. close buyers. Orders promptly and Salt—Ground Alum Ge ; Ashton Dairy ~]^c. liquors. carefully attended to. Prices, and thereby save money. Sour Mash Straight Whiskey, per gal., 82 50@86, according to age; French Brandy, 85®8; Sherry Wine, S3® 5; Port wine, 83® 5; Angelica wine, 82. 50; California grape brandy, S3 50; Gin, 83@4 50 Milwaukee and St. Louis beer per dozen (quarts) 83 75 ; Montana beer 83 10. • sundries. Matches 86 25 per case ; Zante currants, 16c iORDERS Receive Prompt Dried pitted cherries, 30c; Boneless codfish, 20c Dried California peaches, 25® 30; Dried Utah i BY MAIL ATTENTION. 1 »caches, 20e; Dried pitted plums, 30c; Prunes, RALEIGH & CLARKES. 20c; OCY, Aidt-n .»wrrt,,r• ••■• den raspberries, 45; Dried blackberries, 2oc: Oat . meal. 10e; Concentrated lye. 87 per case ; California can goods per case, 89 50; Jellies, 89 50; Jams, 89 50; It It Can tomatoes, 3 lb., per ease, 86 50® 7; Can com, 85 50®’6 50 ; Field oysters, 87 50 ; IXL oysters, 88 50 ; Rice, 20e; Hominy, 10c; Navy beans, 10c; Bayo beans, 8}4c ; butter beans, 12Vè. PRODUCE. Flour, Thomas’ extra, 86 ; Patent 85 50; XXX 85 50; Choice XXX 84 ; XX $2 20 ; Buckwheat flour, 10c ; THE OLDEST HOUSE IN THE TERRITORY Graham flour 84; Corii Meal, Montana,,6U; States 6\4; Pearl corn meal, 8c1; Wheat 82 75; Oats, $3*4 ; Ilarlev, 81 50® 82 50. ; Bran and shorts, 81 50; Hay 818; Butter robs GO ; Eggs, ranch, 65. FUEL. Wood 86 00 per cord. Coal, 812 per ton. Sign of the Big Boot, Main Street, Helena. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. BIRKENFELD. SANDS BROS. -OF- NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Having secured most of my goods before the ad­ SASH & BLINDS. vance of prices, I ant e»tabled to sell all of my stock as low and lower than im: un sgim. “ « s u v u u o m . ever. All kind of Gpns . y • . I Builders’ and Cabinet will be sold at and below cata­ logue prices, and Cartridges at Whole­ rs. v > NEW GOODS" * sale ami Retail at a very sinajl margin. NVITE attention to theiri^j^y GOODS l â/EV uli thife season make « , r . - y opening of advance ship-NEW FOODS' * * 8l>ec*a^J ready-mad The following named articles I . always keep iri I stock : ....... |lwj|>^it«r.v ©I tli«J ( meats of new and desirableiNEW GOODS garments, are now. exhibitin Wlnehestcr Hille«, model 1876, 15, calibre, S ta te s. 60 grains powder, with straight shell. * ‘ Fall goods. Latest styles NEW GOODS-. ,• ■ , •n, 1. Winchester Kille«, model 1$73. NEW GOODS 51 in° °* CasJimere «an Hotehkiss A Winchester Express Rifles.; in Dolmans, Cloaks, Circu­ NEW GOODS! Combination Suits of elegai AT Kurse«« Repeating Rifles. lars, Ulsters, etc. .Sharp'« Target, Sporting, Business and Hun­ AT ; design,and atreasonablo prie« ters’ Rifles. „ . ; * •• ' , I . ■ . ' I ' \ / AT ! ------------------------:—r. ------ - IT. 8. Needle Gun«, 50 calibre, (real)2-banded. AT Paid up Capital - - $100,000 Parker*«. Remington's and English .\*A- "• * ' Vv - t v •• breech-loading shotguns ; muzzle-loading shot­ CARPETS. AT s m s hoods. guns, of Twist and Laminated steel barrels. AT Belt and Pocket Pistols, of different makes, Surplus and Profits $ 160,000 ill single and double action. INN house furnishingfurnißhing goods AT N our Dress Goods Depar Field Glasses, shot, powder and caps, U. M. HARDWARE. AT C. paper, brass and nickel-plated shotgun shells, we carry the Largest As­ ment will be found all tli canvas covers, etc. I we carry theI Largest As- Mechanics' and Miners’ Tools, Iron and Also, on hand, a full stock of Confectionery, Steel, Wrought Iron Pipe and Fit* sortment of Body Tapestry, latest fabrics, in Silks, Velvc Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket Cutlery, ting, Belting and Packing. AT Toys, Notions, etc. Hardwood, Horse and , - Ox Shoes. Three-Ply, Inerrain and SA N D S BROS and Worsted Stuffs, for dre* H.
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