April 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E573 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS USE OF RAPE AS A WEAPON OF teer 20 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, son, recently delivered a simple but compel- WAR IS WRONG giving love, guidance, tutelage, and the wis- ling speech about the Pledge of Allegiance, dom of their years of experience to children about American values, and about the source HON. ELTON GALLEGLY from infants to eighteen years of age at nu- of the freedoms we enjoy. OF CALIFORNIA merous locations throughout Montgomery I’d like to share it with you now: County. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Our nation’s Pledge of Allegiance is 31 The Foster Grandparent Program brings Tuesday, April 20, 2004 words. ‘‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the countless benefits to the senior citizens and to United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, a recently re- the children with whom they interact. This pro- lic for which it stands, one Nation under leased report has revealed yet more evidence gram allows the volunteers to remain active God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for of heinous human rights abuses committed by and involved in their communities, as they are all.’’ Are all those words important? I have Burma’s ruling military regime. The report by needed and valued by everyone with whom been saying those words ever since I was in they interact. The children the senior citizens preschool and wanted to know what those the Karen Women’s Organization entitled words meant, where those words came from, ‘‘Shattering Silence’’ documents rapes of eth- work with are developmentally delayed, phys- and why our courts want to take ‘‘under nic women by the regime’s soldiers. If the alle- ically handicapped, homeless, abused, ne- God’’ away. gations contained in the report are correct, the glected, teen parents, delinquent, learning dis- In 1892 our country was planning for the stories illustrate how Burma’s regime uses abled, or born to mothers addicted to drugs. 400th anniversary of America’s discovery. rape to undercut resistance to its rule by at- Through this pairing, the children increase Two men, Francis Bellamy and James tacking innocent and defenseless civilians. their academic skills, enhance their self-es- Upham, were interested in education and the I am especially horrified with evidence that teem and learn to cope with their disabilities planning of Columbus Day celebrations. To over half of the rapes were committed by mili- and special problems. Thus, through the pro- this day it is still not known which of the tary officers, and 40 percent were gang-rapes. gram, they gain the knowledge that they are two men actually wrote the pledge, but it was published in ‘‘The Youth’s Companion’’ Reads one example: ‘‘While she was living in special and cared for as we all attempt to September 8, 1892. make the world a safer, less violent place to her village she was captured as the porter to One month later more than 12 million carry shells for the SPDC. At daytime she was live. school children said those words for the first forced to carry heavy things and at night she The Foster Grandparent Program is a very time in schools around the nation. The was raped . She was raped every night by successful and worthwhile program that puts pledge went through several changes over one to five persons. If she refused or asked the time and talents of Montgomery County, the years and the last change happened in them to not rape her, then they slapped her or Pennsylvania’s senior citizens to work bene- 1954. Dwight D. Eisenhower added the words beat her or closed her mouth . At that time fiting special needs children. The program is ‘‘under God’’ to confirm the belief that they jumped on her body with their boots. 32 years old and, for 28 years, it has been America’s heritage and future were built sponsored by Montgomery County Family upon faith in God. He thought that school While she was being raped at night she heard children should dedicate our nation to God women shouting from other places. And so Services. Nationally, the Foster Grandparent each day. she knew there were many women suffering Program is 39 years old with 350 Foster Now what do these 31 words mean? This is like her.’’ Grandparent Programs in all 50 states, the what I think: Furthermore, the report found that in 28 per- District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Vir- I promise to be loyal to and love our sym- cent of the cases, the women were brutally gin Islands. bol of freedom, our flag. It means each one of killed and often mutilated after being raped by Many of the people that have volunteered us is free; free because hundreds of thousands officers. their time for the Foster Grandparent Program of soldiers have died for us so that we can This is not the first time we have heard of in my district have done so for several years. have that right. I promise to be loyal to and the regime’s use of rape as a weapon of war. Mary Refino has participated in the program love our government because it is for and has This report supports previous evidence docu- for 24 years; Elizabeth Baccke for 16 years; been chosen by the American people. Our na- tion exists because of God and was founded mented by the Shan Women’s Action Network, Dot Scandone for 15 years; Ann Dippolito for by our faith in Him, the Lord who is life, Refugees International, and the Bureau of De- 11 years; Dolores Fogel, Rosa Lee Randall, light, justice, truth, and love. Our nation mocracy, Rights, and Labor at the State De- Juanita Gray and Eldora Smith for 10 years; cannot be divided under Him and we all have partment. and Mary Banks, Betty Glover, Louise Watson the right to our freedom and should be treat- The use of rape as a weapon of war was and Ann Maire Williams for 5 years. It is the ed fairly, each and every one of us. wrong in Bosnia, and it is wrong in Burma. continuing dedication and commitment by The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said the Burma’s regime must be held to account, and these individuals that allows the Foster Grand- Pledge is unconstitutional because of the their climate of impunity must end. parent Program to be such a success and words ‘‘under God.’’ Our country and values were made under the belief of God. So much f help so many people. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues join me of the world does not believe in God any- more. The world wants him taken out of ev- RECOGNIZING THE MONTGOMERY today in recognizing the Foster Grandparent COUNTY FOSTER GRANDPARENT erything. The Bible is not taught in public Program and all of their volunteers in Mont- schools and therefore the world is not com- PROGRAM gomery County, Pennsylvania and across our pletely educated. Since these judges say that nation. ‘‘under God’’ is unconstitutional, why do HON. JIM GERLACH f they start the day by saying ‘‘God save the OF PENNSYLVANIA United States and this honorable court?’’ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SPEECH The Pledge of Allegiance should not be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES changed because some people are offended by Wednesday, April 21, 2004 HON. C.L. ‘‘BUTCH’’ OTTER it. It is part of our national heritage. I am a Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Christian and I understand the meaning of OF IDAHO all those wonderful 31 words. recognize the constituents in my district who, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through years of service, have made the Fos- Mr. Speaker, I couldn’t have put it better ter Grandparents Program a tremendous suc- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 myself. cess in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Mr. OTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to call Dori attends Classical Christian Academy in The Foster Grandparent Program is a pair- the attention of my colleagues to the wisdom Post Falls. She is the kind of young person ing of low income elderly over the age of 60 of a child. who gives me hope and faith in America’s fu- with special needs children. There are cur- One of my constituents, an 11-year-old girl ture. Mr. Speaker, I hope you find her words rently over 140 men and women who volun- from Post Falls, Idaho, named Dori Thomp- and her example as inspirational as I do. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate mar 24 2004 04:43 Apr 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20AP8.101 E21PT1 E574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 21, 2004 LITTLE ELM PUBLIC LIBRARY himself eligible for the 2004 NFL draft. It is ex- HONORING THE ANNUAL BAYONNE pected that he will be drafted in the first round. HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS I wish Kevin the best in his pursuit of his OBSERVANCE OF TEXAS dreams. He is a talented individual with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES drive and determination to do anything that he HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ puts his mind to. Wednesday, April 21, 2004 OF NEW JERSEY It is a privilege to recognize Mr.
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