POSTALPPOSTTAL PATRONPATRORON www.westbendnews.net VOLUME 11 – ISSUE 7 Good News for Good Communities - Serving Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2015 CAMERON STOLLER WINS COUNT SPELLING BEE! ACCELERATED READERS AT WOODLAN 7th GRADE GIRLS BASKETBALL PAYNE LIBRARY WIN ACAC TOURNAMENT Laina Gross, Payne Branch Library Clerk, looks over a book from the newly ar- ranged AR collection. Th e Payne Branch Library, Aft er beating Heritage in row) Coach Erin Fox, Ma- the second branch of the the fi rst game of the tourna- lia Pickney, Selma Peidra, Paulding County Carnegie Li- ment, Woodlan overcame Hanna Albertson, Kate brary system, has rearranged Leo in a tough battle to Mendenhall, and Coach their juvenile fi ction collection move on to the fi nal game Kyle Bricker; (front row) Pictured here are the Spelling Bee winners: Cameron Stoller, Faith Meraz, and Gaige McMichael. and organized it by Accelerat- against South Adams. Th e Hallie Mason, Taya Kitz- By: Derek Reeb it certainly did. Cameron peting students, the award ed Reader (AR) level. As any Warriors came out on top miller, Kristina White, On February 9th, stu- Stoller went against eight ceremony began. Th e win- student or parent knows, it is with a fi nal score of 43-27. Addison Bayman, Gabby dents from all over Pauld- other spellers, grades 5 ner and runner-up both re- sometimes challenging to fi nd Pictured above are (back Joyce, and Kate Dyer. ing County met to compete through 8, correctly spell- ceived gift cards to Barnes a book in their child’s level. Th e in the County Spelling Bee. ing every word throughout and Noble, courtesy of the Payne Branch team, led by Suzi HOLOCAUST EXPERT VISITS furnace. Max was a prison- Th e Bee took place at Ant- the course of the Bee. Other Antwerp Exchange Bank, Yenser, has re-organized all ju- ANTWERP FRESHMEN er for nearly six years in fi ve werp Local School, Monday students also did well in the and check money, from the venile fi ction books into easy- concentration camps. He lost night at 7:00 p.m. Th is was competition, aside from just Antwerp VFW. All partici- to-fi nd reading levels. “We have seven family members in the already had one student share Kristi Keller, a Holocaust the second stage in the spell- one trip-up that cost them pants were awarded medals Resource Consultant, recent- Holocaust. ing bee process and to get advancing toward 1st place. and certifi cates for their ac- that the new arrangement has Aft er the war, in 1956, helped her reach her reading ly visited Mr. Miesle’s fresh- here, every contestant had One such student was run- ademic achievements. men world history classes Max married Simone Arnold, to have already won their ner-up Faith Meraz, who Th e next step for Stoller goals,” stated Mrs. Yenser. According to Susan Pieper, to share information about a Witness whose family also school spelling bee in order correctly spelled words like is the Regional Spelling victims of the Holocaust, es- suff ered during the Holo- to advance to the county “typhoon” and “begonia.” Bee, where she will compete library director, “Th ere are li- braries throughout the nation pecially Jehovah’s Witnesses. caust. When she was a child, round. Many kids studied Only eight rounds into the against the victors of several who are reorganizing their col- Most students are aware of Simone’s father was arrest- their word lists for months, Bee, Stoller was given “be- other county spelling bees. lections in ways that make bet- the suff erings of Jewish vic- ed and sent to a concentra- in anticipation for the com- hoove,” which led to the It will be held at IPFW on ter sense to their patrons. But, tims but do not realize other tion camp, while she and her petition. championship word “hom- March 7, 2015. Th e winner this is the fi rst time I have seen minority groups were perse- mother were left to fend for On Monday, they found onym,” both of which she of that competition will ad- a library arrange their youth cuted during the Holocaust as themselves without money out if their hard work paid spelled confi dently. vance to the Scripps Nation- fi ction by AR levels. I think it is or a working permit. Around th well, including Witnesses, the off . For one 5 grade student Aft er rounds of applause al Spelling Bee in Washing- a great idea!” disabled, and homosexuals. that time, Simone was also from Wayne Trace Payne, for Stoller and all the com- ton D.C. Th e Payne Branch Library Keller showed the students expelled from school for re- opened in 1996 and serves the the badges worn by these dif- fusing to “Heil Hitler.” Have Something to sell? residents of Payne six days a ferent groups and explained When she was 12, Sim- week. Monday-Tuesday: Noon- how Witnesses were off ered one was sent to a penitentia- BRAGG 7:30; Wednesday-Friday: 10:00- BRAGG Classifi ed ads are $8.50 for 20 the chance to sign a declara- ry house where Nazis tried 5:00; Saturdays: 9:00-1:00. For Chiropractic words or less and only $.15 for tion renouncing their faith in to “reeducate” her; there, she more information call 419-263- could not talk, could only each additional word. 3333. order to be set free from con- centration camps. bathe twice a year, had to Keller also introduced stu- perform constant chores, and dents to the stories of Max received beatings as punish- We specialize in helping with: CALL NOW Creative Design & Construction LLC. FOR Liebster and Simone Arnold ment. Aft er the war, Simone Headaches • Carpal Tunnel • Shoulder, Knee, Foot & Back Pain was reunited with her par- Sciatica • Auto Accidents •Neuropathy • Sprains/Strains Been doing quality work for 25 years - Schmucker Liebster, a husband and wife who were both Holocaust vic- ents, but not before they had TMJ • Massage Therapy ROOM ADDITIONS • GARAGES SPORTS PHYSICALS FOR $20! tims during their youth. Max, all suff ered great physical and BASEMENTS (Foundation, a German Jew, was arrested emotional loss. Walls & Repair, Waterproo ng) NEWNEWEW PATIENT PATIENPPATIATIENNTT $ .00 when he was 24 and sent to Aft er learning of the Li- InitialI ENTIRE VISIT for 27 ! ebsters’ story, students in Mr. CallCal to make an appointment at: Bowing, Cracking, Settling? No problem! Sachsenhausen, a concentra- 6SHFLDO tion camp near Berlin. Th ere, Miesle’s class had the privi- Includes: Consultation, he found his dying father, lege of Skyping with Simone, st 260-403-8949 1 Adjustment & Therapy 419-506-9010 Licensed • Bonded • Insured whom he later had to carry on who is 85 and lives in France. 410 East River Street, Antwerp, OH Located East side of town on Old 24 • Dr. Chris Bragg Call for Estimates CDChomeimprovements.com his back to the crematorium (Continued to Page 2) PAYNE BALL GRACE utilizestili the th Triton T it HOME IMPROVEMENT REGISTRATIONS Our office SPORTSWednesday, PHYSICALS Feb. 18th DTS Decompression Table 38 Years Experience! 38 Years6:30-8:00FOR Experience!$20! pm This amazing machine is an excellent alternative to back 419.399.2322 Sat. Feb 21st 9-11 am surgery. Its main function is to decompress the spine Did you naturally and painlessly over a period of treatments. Larry D. Grace Carpenter Work, Roo ng, Siding & Sof ts Sun. Feb 22nd 5-7 pm Owner At Payne Elementary The Triton DTS can save you money Maintenance Free Decks & Patio Rooms Add some Grace Cafeteria and a lot of unnecessary pain. to your place! Victorian Porches & Gazebos Built 6SHFLDO 402 W. Wayne St. Boys & Girls ages 5-15 KNOW? Doors & Windows Installed & Room Additions Paulding, OH 45879 Visit: Krouse Chiropractic 419-263-1393 4th Generation Carpenters Free Estimates www.payneball.com 110 West Oak St • Payne, OH • RooÀ ng • Complete Tearoffs HECKLEY/PICKENS TAX & ACCOUNTING • Fully Insured 419-506-901022235 Old 24 • Woodburn, IN • Fifth House West of 101 YENSER GROSS • Free Estimates FREE ELECTRONIC FILING HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING,LLC. • Duration Shingles Authorized IRS E-File Provider Service Technicians and Installers • 28 Years Experience OFFICE HOURS Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 7:00 to 8:00 103 West Merrin Street • Payne, OH Residential & Commercial Sat 7:00 to 5:00 Closed Sunday & Thursday Art Simonin - Owner, Owens Preferred Contractor For an appointment call anytime or drop off return. Business Phone: 419-399-5244 260-632-4898 419-263-2000 419-771-9059 or 419-399-4247 PAGE 2 – WEST BEND NEWS – FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Phone: 419-258-2000 • Email: [email protected] OBITUARIES WOODBURN, IN causes falls is crucial to pre- SCHNORMEIER GALLERY SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK Elaine Sweet, 77 of Wood- venting them. TO HOST OHIO ART LEAGUE burn, Indiana passed away “For this is the message you heard from the beginning: • Off er to be physically EXHIBITION Friday, February 13, 2015. Her active with your loved one. We should love one another. Do not be like Cain, who family was assisted by Dooley Simple activities like walk- belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother.” Funeral Homes of Antwerp & Mount Vernon Nazarene 1 John 3:11-12 NIV Payne, Ohio. ing or swimming regularly University’s Schnormeier can maintain strength and Gallery will host the work ODA DIRECTOR BURMAN balance. Find something you of members of the Ohio Art both enjoy doing. League (OAL). Th e exhibition ASKS MEALS PROGRAM • Promote good nutrition CONSUMERS TO “GO will be on display from March and dehydration to reduce the 5 through April 15, 2015.
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