Vol. 106, No. 37 3 Sections, 28 Pages Wednesday, September 15, 1965 10~ Per Copy Hold Suspect Police. $1,223,251 School Budget In Seizure of I NabManG. A I B B d Mason Girl, 11 In Store . 1ven pprova y oar For the second time In about one month the Felspausch's super· market at 132 S, Cedar Reserve street, Mason, was entered Bulletin Thursday morning, but nothing A 15-year-old-youth was taken into custody by was taken, thanks to the alert-' Mason police shortly after noon Wednesday as a ness of Mason pollee officers. Fund Is suspect in the seizure of an 11-year·old Mason They arrested a man they Identified as Daniel E. Ames girl on a downtown street here Iate Monday after· of Mason, He was nrraigned noon, Police Chief Tim Stolz said the youth is later In the day before Judge SetUp a resident of rural Mason. Adams of Mason justice court The Mason Board of edu­ and stood mute on 3 charges of cation Wednesday night ap­ breaking and entering and one Mason pollee have launched a widespread search for a proved a record high budget of possessing burglar tools, of $1,223,251. white male subject described as being about 15 years of He stood mute and was re­ tall age, and slender and wearing glasses who gnbbed an leased on bond of $2,500. Ex­ This Includes $394,947 11 year old Mason girl on a downtown street last Monday which Is the local tax levy amination will be set at a and Is used !or operational about 6:30 p.m. and mistreated her but did not assault her, later date. The girl and her 6 year old brother were on their way expenses, Contributions !rom home from a downtown store Chief Tim Stolz of the Ma­ state aid and federal funds when the man accosted her and son police salcl Deputy Jo­ w!ll make up the remainder grabbed her. She screamed seph Southwell of the Ingham of the record totai. and broke loose, then !ell down, county sheriff's department, Local monies for the bud­ Kiwanis HENRY HITE who lives next door to the causing a sllght Injury to her get come from 2 sources an arm. super market, saw a person 8.112 millage appropriated by inside the store around 6 a.m. the county allocation board and According to pollee, the lit. and thought at first It was a a 6,000 extra mlllage approved tle girl told this story: Sale Set Tallest janitor, TIJen he notified Ma­ by voters 2 years ago, son pollee ancl patrolmen Don­ At fIrst board members . She said she and her brother ald Green ancl Albert ·Janu­ considered only levying 5,8 had come downtown together Friday Man Pays tole con_verged on the market, o! the possible 6.000 extra and she had purchased a bottle As they watched they saw a o! pop which she was drink­ voted mills, but decided ex­ Mason Kiwanis club mem­ man go around a corner of an tra funds for building main­ Ing as they started homeward. bers are scurrying ail over aisle and out the rear door and tenance would be necessary. City Visit over a fence. They gave chase As they reached the north­ town looking !or a few more In considering the proposed last minute items to make and apprehended him In the 600 west corner of Oak and Jef­ The weather's just greai budget, Lyle Thorburn, board ferson streets, a person' the their 14th annual rummage block of W, Columbia street, NEWLY ELECTED QUEEN- Helping the new queen of the Michi­ secretary reminded the board sale complete, up at the top of Henry Hlte' s Pollee saId the Intruder child described as a ••young 8 foot 2 Inch frame. gan Travel Trailer club Beverly Mayes·of Gregory from her trailer are that the building and site sink­ Slated !or this Frtday and first attempted to jimmy the ing fund expired a year ago man" approached them and Henry, who Is a gentleman front door of· the store, and grabbed her, at the same time Saturday, September 17-18, In (left to right) William Fox, Fred Corliss and Walter Snider. Miss Mays and that some maintenance giant weighing In at a thin being unsuccessful, went to the driving her brother away with the police building on s. Jef­ 300 pounds, Is traveling a­ was selected during the annual meeting of the Michigan Travel Tr~iler Items which formerly were a warning to go home, ferson street, the yearly event rear door which he forced paid fNm that fund would round the country to all su­ open, Inside they found the club at the Ingham county fairgrounds Friday through Sunday. looks like it will be the biggest permarkets that handle Corn have to come !rom the ge­ Then the "young man" fore-. and best yet. back of the sate half peeled King bacon and ham. Frida~ neral operational fund In the ed her to accompany him Wives of Kiwanis members away, but could find nothing future, he visited at Darrell's Thrift­ missing, across the parking lot to an are getting into the act also, way Market at W. Columbia "It would be nice 11 the alley behind stores In the 400 In conjunction with the sale and Aurelius roads. Felspauch's was robbed on schools had a reserve !unci there will be a bake goods Gregory block of S, Jefferson street.' He was in the greater Lan- August 7 when a burglar got Girl Is Queen to fall back on as many un­ 1After entering the alley, he sale, coffee and doughnuts, ·sing area through Saturday. away with about. $300, The foreseeable things could hap. blindfolded the child, placed plus a lunch stand !or those Although he travels here and thief has not yet been appre­ pen to anyone ot the schools his hand over her mouth and who can't manage to see all there constantly, Henry tries hended, in the area of maintenance,'' started up a stairway with her. the items on display the first he said. to make it home to Chicago An area breaking and entry morning the sale opens at 7 Of Michigan Board members brought up every weekend. T under Investigation by the In­ railerites Halfway up the stairs, he a.m. such Items as the school bus His wife, Marla, Is 5 foot gham county sheriff's depart­ Trailerltes !rom all over suddenly stopped and brought Klwanians are st!Il offering 3 Inches. They live In a home Corliss, secretary Unlon The caravaners have one fleet, painting, root and fur­ free pick-up of any items in­ ment occurred at Wickes the state of Michigan and On­ the girl back down, removed with 12 foot ceilings, 10 foot Lumber company, 781 Hull Lake, and 0, R, McArthur, more club scheduled rally the nace maintenance that could the blindfold and released her cluding white elephants up un­ tario, gathered at the Ingham Ferndale, Treasurer. high door ways and custom­ road, Mason, aver the week first week of October. be very costly should some­ wlth a warning that he would til the day of the sale. Pro­ county fairgrounds tor the an. thing go haywire. made furniture, Including a end, nual election rally of the Mich .. kill her If she notl.fled pollee. ceeds from the sale go ~ward 9 foot bed, Monles gained from levy­ helping less fortunate boys and The break-In was reported lgan Travel Trailer club, Ing the full 6 extra voted While traveling, Henry says by Amos Kline, company man­ Some 100 trailers were In But the "young man" had girls In this community; rec­ the motel people are very ac­ mills would be used for un­ not counted on her younger reation !or crippled children ager, who said several vend­ attendance with a family !rom expected maintenance and commodating, During his Lan­ Ing machines had been tam­ Port Edward, Ontario driving Adult Classes brother. The boy, after being and aid for various youth ac. sing stay the area motel put purchases. ''Maintenance Is a tlvltles, pered wlth and also the office their trailer the furthest for driven of!, walked northward. 2 beds end to end for him. constant problem and it only on Jefferson, hailed a police change drawer and safe. the meeting, Identl.fled by their gets worse I! It Is neglected," Henry says he Is the only one Deputies surmise that entry red berets, the group speni car and told the story. around with wall-to-wall beds, Robert Ware, board member, By lliat time, however, t~e ~(:::~:~:f:~:;::~~:~:i:~:~:::::~::\1 was gained by crawling under F rlday through Saturday on Being Planned said. The 6 millage request "I truly enjoy my height and a fence and forcing open a the grounds holding special assailant had made his get­ only run Into problems when I was unanimously accepted. door on the north side of the meetings. Also at the meeting me m­ away, Pollee Immediately put ( Mason groups interest- { walk through door ways and Mason schools are organizing to offer adult education courses a city. wide search Into oper­ :;: ed In more information :::: building. The thief only got a One of the big events o! bers approved a resolution forget to duck my head," he small amount of change and the weekend was the selec­ starting early in October, M. Chandler Nauts, superintendent at to. set the boncl Issue amount ation. Chief Tim Stolz said ;:; on the approaching;:;: said.
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