JULY 24, 2017 THE JESUIT REVIEW OF FAITH AND CULTURE $6.00 Life and Death in an Oregon Hospital p18 Catholics Need Therapy, Too p36 John I. Jenkins The Call of p28 Catholic Education John W. O’Malley on Papal Infallibility p44 FINDINGGODATTHEINTERSECTION OFFAITH&CULTURE The Jesuit Post reaches out to young adult Catholics and spiritual seekers, focusing on sacred and secular issues and everything in between. thejesuitpost.org ESSAYS|BLOGS|VIDEOS The Jesuit Post is published by America Media, the publisher of America magazine. 2 | AMERICAMAGAZINE.ORG Here are the “America Jeopardy!” questions, er, answers. The following are the correct respons- won the Pulitzer Prize for her cover- II? Johnson became a Catholic after es to the prompts for “America Jeop- age of Watergate. their mutual friend Evelyn Waugh in- ardy!” published in this column on 9. Who is Jerzy Kosinski? The troduced him to Martin D’Arcy, S.J., a July 10, 2017. How many did you get? Polish-American novelist was a fre- British Jesuit. 1. Who is James Martin, S.J.? quent guest at America House. Trag- 18. Who is J. Edgar Hoover? The Martin recounts his journey from ically, he took his own life in 1991 at (in)famous F.B.I. director would lat- corporate America to the Jesuits in the age of 57. er bug Martin Luther King Jr. and his book In Good Company: The Fast 10. Who is Joseph A. O’Hare, engage in all manner of surveillance Track From the Corporate World to S.J.? As a Jesuit in training, O’Hare activities that are arguably character- Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. was assigned to the Philippines, then istic of a “secret police.” 2. Who is Florence Henderson? a mission of the New York Province. 19. Who is Edith Kermit Roosevelt? Henderson played Carol Brady on It was there that the famous duet The granddaughter of T.R., Roosevelt “The Brady Bunch,” which ran on the took place. was a newspaper columnist. In my first ABC network from 1969 to 1974. 11. Who is Avery Dulles, S.J.? Av- job after college, I worked for Mark 3. Who is Frank Sinatra? Ol’ Blue ery Dulles was the nephew of Allen Roosevelt, great-grandson of T.R. and Eyes wrote a letter to the editor in 1990 Dulles, who served as C.I.A. director. Edith’s first cousin once removed, in to thank George W. Hunt, S.J., for the He was also the son of John Foster his unsuccessful bid to unseat William “many kind and wonderful words” in a Dulles, who served as Dwight D. Ei- Weld as governor of Massachusetts. At recent Of Many Things column. senhower’s secretary of state. the time, Weld was married to Susan 4. Who is Eamon de Valera? At 12. Who is Bobby Jindal? As a Roosevelt, who was Mark’s first cousin the time of the dinner in 1919, de Val- young man, Jindal wrote three times and also a T.R. great-grandchild. era was considered an enemy of the for America. 20. Who is Fulton J. Sheen? Bish- British government. In retaliation, 13. Who is Richard Nixon? Then- op Sheen’s television show competed President Wilson allowed the British Vice President Richard Nixon attend- directly with the popular “Milton Ber- government to briefly banAmerica ed America’s anniversary celebration le Show.” When Sheen won the Emmy magazine in Ireland. in 1957, presumably to court Catholic award, he gave credit to his writers: 5. Who is John McLaughlin?After votes for his 1960 presidential bid. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. losing his 1970 Senate bid, McLaugh- Senator John F. Kennedy was invit- 21. Who is Evelyn Waugh? This lin left the Jesuits and the priesthood ed but did not attend, presumably to was the only time the author of Brides- and joined the Nixon White House avoid drawing attention to his Roman head Revisited wrote for America. staff. His long-running TV show, “The Catholicism. 22. What is the Democratic Na- McLaughlin Group,” premiered in 14. Who is Martin Scorsese? The tional Convention? Schroth has one of 1982 and ran until his death in 2016. films are “Raging Bull,” “Taxi Driver” the longest associations with Ameri- 6. Who is Sidney Lumet? Gail Buck- and “Goodfellas.” ca in its history. He first wrote for the ley continues to write for America. 15. Who is Eugene McCarthy? magazine as a young Army officer sta- 7. Who is Sir Gilbert Levine? In A devout Catholic, McCarthy spent tioned in Europe in 1957. 1994, St. John Paul II made Levine a nine months as a Benedictine novice 23. Who is Hilaire Belloc? The papal knight. “60 Minutes” then pro- at Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, controversial Catholic polemicist had duced a profile of Levine called “The Minn., before leaving to pursue a ca- one of the most prolific literary ca- Pope’s Maestro,” leading many people reer in politics. He died in 2005. reers of the 20th century. to think that the CBS newsmagazine 16. Who is William Peter Blatty? 24. Who is Matt Malone, S.J.? gave Levine the nickname. William J. O’Malley, S.J., a frequent Good question. I’m still asking it. 8. Who is Mary McGrory? McGro- contributor to America, had a part in ry was the author of America’s pop- the film adaptation ofThe Exorcist. Matt Malone, S.J., editor in chief; ular Washington Front column. She 17. Who is Robert Wood Johnson Twitter: @Americaeditor. JULY 24, 2017 AMERICA | 3 THE ISSUE GIVE AND TAKE DISPATCHES FEATURES 6 12 18 YOUR TAKE STAYING PUT IN A MOBILE ERA THE POLITICS How did the church help prepare A low moving rate may be OF LIFE AND DEATH you for marriage? worsening inequality Can the church win the looming euthanasia fight? 8 After terror and tragedy, di- Michael J. O’Loughlin OUR TAKE visions emerge in Britain Trump fights famine; 28 a historic lay initiative Travel ban confusion continues LAND O’ LAKES The Editors 50 YEARS ON Boatloads of blessings on Cape Cod Reflections on the fully modern, 10 fully Catholic university SHORT TAKE John I. Jenkins Pastoral theology deserves more respect from academia James Heft 4 | AMERICAMAGAZINE.ORG July 6: Soldiers in Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea, gather to celebrate the test launch of North Korea’s first intercontinental ballistic missile two days earlier (AP Photo/Jon Chol Jin) (Cover: Notre Dame. iStockphoto.com/ReDunnLev) THE ISSUE FAITH IN FOCUS IDEAS IN REVIEW THE WORD 36 40 50 CONFESSIONS FROM WHAT HIPSTERS AND The kingdom requires THE COUCH MONKS SHARE searching out I thought good Catholics didn’t How young people can help save need therapy. Then I went. monastics communities The Transfiguration is Simcha Fisher (and vice versa) a lesson in faith Michael R. Simone BOOKS POEM The Pope and the Professor; A Colony in a Nation; James Martin; Dickey LAST TAKE 43 Chapelle Under Fire 54 The Ambiguity of Cypress CULTURE on the Via Bramasole CECILIA GONZÁLEZ-ANDRIEU “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”; Roger Johnson To love the United States does not “World War I Beyond the Trenches” mean to love it blindly JULY 24, 2017 VOL. 217 NO.2 WHOLE NO. 5167 YOUR TAKE How did the church help to prepare you for marriage? When asked to characterize their experience of marriage row-Mountin of Collegeville, Minn., told America that her preparation, the most common response among Amer- course lacked the idea that the church should “support mar- ica’s readers (33 percent of respondents) was “very posi- ried couples beyond the wedding day.” Ms. Thurow-Moun- tive.” Kate Murray of Arlington Heights, Ill., was one such tin added: “Marriage preparation is a fantastic opportunity reader. “We met with the priest who helped us see past for evangelization, catechesis and pastoral care—our dio- the wedding and into the marriage,” said Ms. Murray. “We cese dropped the ball on this opportunity.” spent lots of time recognizing that we won’t always see eye A large contingent of readers gave various neutral (17 to eye and then discussed positive ways to work together.” percent) or mixed (somewhat positive: 21 percent; some- Thirty-two percent of our reader sample said their what negative: 11 percent) characterizations of their mar- preparation had a “very positive” effect on their relation- riage preparation. Tom Lavin of Baltimore, Md., noted ship in the long term—a number that appears to correlate that due to “the instructors’ reluctance to go off script at with the proportion of readers who had a “very positive” all, the course really didn’t help us deal with issues.” Lesley experience of marriage preparation. “Marriage prepara- Geldart of Cleveland, Ohio, also described her marriage tion improved our relationship outlook,” said Alisa Powell preparation as neutral. “The approach seemed to be, ‘Let’s of Chandler, Ariz. “Our Engaged Encounter weekend defi- figure out every disagreement you might have in your mar- nitely gave us more tools to discuss issues in our relation- riage and solve them before you get married.’ But that’s ship in a healthier, more loving, more respectful manner.” not how married life works. What matters in marriage is Only 9 percent of our reader sample said they had a very unselfish love and communication. Not who takes out the negative experience of marriage preparation. These readers garbage or even where you’ll go to church.” gave various reasons for their disappointment. Jena Thu- How would you characterize If you received preparation, what was your experience of marriage preparation? the ongoing effect on your relationship? Very positive Somewhat negative 2% 10% Somewhat positive Very negative 13% 3% 9% Neutral Not applicable 33% 32% 11% Marriage preparation helped us to focus on the sacrament of marriage..
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