WEEKLY NEWS AND DVENTISTS AUGUST ELLEN WHITE-AFTER 75 YEARS, 12 THE YOUTH CHALLENGE, 18 ILH$ Red Sea Crossing Provolked The Long Walker William Shea in "Leaving Egypt" (May Re: Newsbreak, May 31. I was thrilled when I read "The Orphan, 31) writes about the Israelites crossing Oh, how you provolk the Angel, and the Long Walk" (May Lake Ballah. How does he reconcile this Us proofreading foke! 31). I have heard my parents speak of with the clear statements from Ellen We were tempted to cholk Elder Dan Shireman and the Hildebran White: "The Lord directed their course Or go up in smolk School. He sometimes traveled on foot to southward, toward the shores of the Red When we saw your "Egg yoke." my grandparents' home and would spend Sea. The Hebrews were encamped Or was it a jolk? the night there at Lenoir, North Carolina. beside the sea, whose waters presented a Well, now I have spolk — My grandfather, Richard L. McGhinnis seemingly impassable barrier before I'll go eat articholk. Alta Robinson (1843-1918), and my parents first heard them, while on the south a rugged moun- Takoma Park, Maryland the Advent message from Elder Shire- tain obstructed their further progress" man. Thus I owe Elder Shireman credit (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 282-284)? We have egg (yoke) on our faces. —Editors. for my being a Seventh-day Adventist As a former missionary to Egypt, I can today. Emily McGhinnis-Ziesmer attest that there is a rugged mountain Coming in the Lena, Wisconsin range ending at the Red Sea and making further progress southward impossible. Adventist Review The Environment There is no comparable mountain range I don't swallow the environmental August 23—Interview with J. Rob- near Lake Ballah. The distances from agenda and the fact that our environ- ert Spangler Lake Ballah to Sinai and the biblical time ment needs healing. As an Adventist I frame pose severe logistical problems. August 30— "The SDA Mission in continue to read the Review, which is Finally, I am concerned at the erosion of a Secularized World": An Ad- printed on the quivering pulp of our confidence in the inspiration of the Spirit ventist Review Seminar by precious trees. I continue to drive a car, of Prophecy writings. Charles E. Bradford the fabricated product of an evil- Pastor Carroll V. Brauer smelling steel mill and burning fossil September—"How We Got Our Fairview Village, Pennsylvania fuel, which emits evil and noxious Bible." Five-part series by Dr. fumes. I continue to heat my home with Arthur Ferch Dr. Shea responds: "Ellen White's energy ultimately derived from the full sentence about the southward jour- October —"The 'Celebration' combustion of fossil fuel obtained from ney of the Exodus should be noted, 'In- Churches." Report and cri- evil oil companies that drill and spill. I stead of pursuing the direct route to Ca- tique: strengths, weaknesses, continue to use a refrigerator that con- naan, which lay through the country of and trends to watch. tains a refrigerant composed of evil the Philistines, the Lord directed their chlorofluorocarbons. course southward, toward the shores of I believe in conservation, regenera- the Red Sea.' The first half of this sen- Loving God tion, and stewardship, but I refuse to tence is a paraphrase of Exodus 13:17. Loving God—keeping His command- adopt a philosophy or political agenda Only after having made this general ments—means to be like Him more and that seeks to return me to the pristine life statement does Ellen White mention the more in our words and actions, until we of horse and buggies, woodstoves, and Israelite encampments at Succoth and reach total dedication to Him and to our iceboxes. Adventists are a part of a tech- Etham, which still were in Egypt (p. fellowmen (in and outside the family), nological revolution that I believe is 282). It is interesting to note that when wanting the very best for everybody. God-ordained and is irreversible. Ellen White describes the actual crossing And we can't give love unless we first John W. McConnell of the sea, she does not name the body of receive divine love. Try something ab- Citrus Heights, California water crossed (pp. 284-287). solutely amazing: Ask God for just 5 "I have explored the shore of the Gulf percent of His love to humanity. People of Suez by driving west from the town of will unerringly spot it and flock to you, Greenpeace produces a magazine similar Suez by taxi with Siegfried Horn and a with a searching gaze in their eyes you in size and quality to the Adventist Re- travel group of his. As far as we were will never forget. This is what I experi- view. Greenpeace uses recycled paper able to drive, a number of miles before enced when I was in Debrecen, a city in for their publication. Daniel Jacobson our finances gave out, we encountered Hungary. We immediately talked about Kitwanga, British Columbia, Canada no mountainous obstruction. There is a God, faith in Him, and how to find it. All high mountain (Gebel Attaq) some dis- because I had prayed, alone in my hotel Letters should not exceed 250 words and should carry the writer's name, address, and telephone number. All will tance west of the town of Suez, but it does room, for just 5 percent of God's love to be edited to meet space and literary requirements, but the author's meaning will not be changed. Views expressed in not present an obstacle to a large or them! Karoly J. Poor the letters do not necessarily represent those of the editors small group traveling down this shore." Nuremberg, Germany or denomination. 2 (1002) ADVENTIST REVIEW, AUGUST 9, 1990 ADVENTIS I AUGUST 9. 1990 DEPARTMENTS ARTICLES 2 Letters LIFESTYLE 6 Newsbreak 9 The Paradox of Our Mission We have been counseled to live in the country yet preach the 11 Children's Corner gospel to all the world, much of which lives in cities. Part 1 16 Turning Point of a series on country and city living. by Ritchie Way 21 Focus on North America HISTORY 12 Remembering 27 World Report 12 Ellen G. White: A Noble Record Ellen G. White A look at the church's prophet 75 years after her passing 30 Bulletin Board reveals the debt we owe to the "messenger of the Lord." 31 Reflections by Kenneth H. Wood EDITORIALS DEAR MIRIAM 4 Between Fire and 15 Praying for Love Ice "Sometimes I get very angry at God. Why should others have 5 Balancing Act so much love from families and marriage partners, and I have none?" by Miriam Wood NEXT WEEK "A Modern Experi- 21 Denominations ment in Primitive Liv- CURRENT ISSUES Unite Against ing" A family uses 18 The Youth Challenge: Why Revival Isn't Drugs planning, know-how, Enough-1 and hard work to live off the land. The editor of Insight spells out the challenge facing the church as it seeks to minister to the young people in its midst. "Wired for Health" by Christopher Blake Orthodontics isn't just for children anymore. Cover by Mary Rumford General paper of the Director of Marketing Gilbert E Anderson South American Editions Editor, R. S. manuscripts. Notification of acceptance or Editorial office fax number: (301) 680-6638. Seventh-day Adventist Church Ad Sales ' Johnson Lessa. Portuguese: editor, Rolando Ills, rejection may be expected only if accom- Bible texts credited to NEB are from The New Editor William G. Johnsson Subscriber Services Larry Burtnett Spanish panied by a stamped, self-addressed en- English Bible. C The Delegates of the Ox- Associate Editor Roy Adams Consulting Editors Neal C. Wilson, Charles Now to Subscribe Subscription prices: velope. Address all editorial corre- ford University Press and the Syndics of the Associate Editor Myron K. Widmer E Bradford, Wallace 0. Coe, D. F. Gilbert Robed Twelve monthly issues: US$10.50 plus spondence to 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Cambridge University Press 1961, 1970. J. Kloosterhuis, Kenneth J. Mittleider, Enoch US$9.60 international postage: 40 issues Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. Reprinted by permission. Texts credited to News Editor Carlos Medley Oliveira, Calvin B. Rock. G. Ralph Thompson of the weekly Adventist Review, The North American Edition of the Adventist NIV are from the Holy Bible, New Interna- Assistant Editor Eugene F. Durand Special Contributors Kennon) H. Wood, US$33.97; full 52 issues (monthly and Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is published 12 tional Version. Copyright 1978 by the Assistant Editor Kai Watts George W. Brown, Gerald J. Christo, Otis C. weekly), US$44.47. times a year on the first Thursday of each International Bible Society. Used by per- Editorial Assistant Jackie Ordelheide Edwards, Bekele Heys, Edwin Ludescher, J. J. To place your order, send your name, ad- month. Copyright 0 1990 Review and mission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Administrative Secretary Corinne Russ Natty. Jan Paulsen, Walter R. L. Scragg, Joao dress, and payment to your local Adventist Herald* Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Texts credited to RSV are from the Revised Wolf Editorial Secretary Chitra Barnabas Book Center or Adventist Review Subscrip- Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. 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