Public Information Meeting* 8 P.M. THE LEADER Monday, Tuesday tNf UMMNO M» MOIT WMUT CMMJUTB WfHUV NEMWAMR IN UNION COUNTY EtGHTV-FIRST YEAR-No. 40 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, •AY, MAY 13, 1971 Second Class Postage Paid at Westfleld, N? J. M Pages— it Cento Threats Fail Rev. Williaa Cober to Receive B'nai B'ritk Amnkuum Award Bd. Studies 8 Plans To Close Center Hie ReV. William K. Qatar, DM- In Now Jersey, Mr. Oober b a tor «f the Fint B_j*__ Ohmh ia member of the board at mnm Pnt*e a malia* wife OK ficttch WMtflsat, vffl rmatve the* B'aai af theAmerican Baa** MMea ft* MtiM Twa*ip Coumttto* Mm*? B'rtUi AmertCMtsm aval. «• cartfe- wWch oversees «U AmerfcSM On Racial Balance BUM «4MI tt» few Ckil UMiwtey •vcaiag. May », at I re- Haptkt work in the tinted atatss Matte to be h«id in hit honor at »_ Latin America. He ah* asrves Two more public information meetings have been scheduled by ta* Tamale )_«au_t, » Bast Bnad as a member at the Sbjajr Cnmma> •WesUield Board oJ Education in an attempt to involve the community by ft. at liW pm., it was •uKuocod *„ „, n-wimiHistil few***, informing it before commitment concerning equal educational opportuatt*. latay by Herbert ROM, Baa) B'rilto whkfe is cttamed to snpai* «i m- EEO"Why? Public information meetings will be held at 8 p.m. on Monday and awwte cMrmao. ta«% nav structa* far the * ' Tuesday, in Westfield High School, Railway Ave. and Dorian Rd. be#w fivaa to Urn af the "The board will welcome public H*v. Cabar of htow«ki|t When? How? inquiry and comment at these meet- in at eamnuaitir, bata i»- ICmimtU m pt» «> 6eventy-«ix wnitten questions were Poeition Statement ^>" Douglas j. CamnbeH, vies and in nartiouiar tAtnitted t» the Westfield Board of l jat Ma actMUas wWi tk* Education at its public information On Equ.1 Educational ^rB_SU_ *««•* « tat to iN&ilHiiM-^^ri totiv* Pntj AJwas Cbmmittae, Uagui af meeting last Wednesday right con- Opportunity ectU9) educational opportunity, -Hied cerning Equal Educational Opportu- vp.fcf QMOTVMH OMtr IUBI- ..„ .... , Tuesday night, the board stated that ftMtr Ottawa' Gnmp- nity. ^Reiterating our long-standing jt believes mixing children of d-fer-" SHIRLEY WRIGHT phMosophy of education, Ihe West- ent races and ; PartkipatiiM( ia the jirofmm ta Time limitations that night did field Board of Education believes \ backgra taaw IUV. Opber wilt be not permit'answers to each question. mm c qwrtai KroioK, tb« Rev. that mixing children of different a g^d educational policy, that e*- Space limitation* now make it neces- w. iiaauiei, Mayor won men and. to differences Librarian sary to categorize the ouestioni. backgroundsuacngrouiras' m wesuieun is goasoond ot me earliest Or. Francis Mr, Dr. MtKm FaMh, C. Oscar Mwaej, Hcrtmt Haas and ; iDespwe slight nuaMces within each educational policy. Learning to ac- ttat COntinuinE assodatwn with a Cbastsr timtmt. vtttiimt tl tba question, Ihe information MUght by «J>* one another's deferences is singJe clementol7 ^h.,,,1 ^ edueei. kxMl B'flal Brt* (jodfa. EatatDaav •o Retire townspeople seems to feU within «» of Ihe best means of education tionally desirable and ^jgUy beM. maat w« be pm4dad far «ha Pint the following four quesUooi. tor living in today s world, and is - la OAVIPtVUUUWM Baalist Church ohsfr•miotter*a> mikt HAS TO BE DONE? the Wl identifed tar to*" by •ta Ihe pnwmm is open it MM __ easiest A eommiUnent to equal educa- Wor. i af May, Ml tlwt a press pubac «m> ai free of chane. on* repMt «f the task Ward ^Sept. 1 tional opportunity has been reaf- The Rev. Cbber hw been mWetar firmed and mandated by Ihe State board today. tentative course, ranging from doing ten «* *»* mar bt _*•*_•_ of th«-> firtt Baptiat Church aincc 1_s 'retirement of Miss Constitution '(Article I, Paragraph nothing to massive busing. Tnis was Weslfield Native ,l«0, and » vice-praideat 4 the Wnjht as director of West- $) and by Supreme Court decisions. (Continued on page 4) done, Mr. Campbell pointed out, to A tap ftam ot pnptrty needed 4a Mayor's Advtoory Committee on David Luemsn of M Washington il Library is announced i November of 1969, the State give the community as wide as pos- convMfItadaopKitionfor am- Drug 'Abuae, and a member of Ihe: n St., son of Mrs. Emily Lueressen _.,.,. fAt«n<i«« to Dr. Stacy N. Board pf Education stated a poUcy sible a view of the problem and the poae4 jwrtiog lot It the Central- mayor's oomniUee to review the and the late Theodtra Lauemaen, Bwaj» Jr president of the board wtteh saW in part: "Plans must be many alternative solutions. Lenoi-Wcftti Aves. intersection It powttilUes of « Vouth Guidance is the Republican candidate t o r " ^^y5- -M|3S WriSw>s intention developed and actions taken which •Not all of the plans originally con- How tewa-owntd with the approval Council for the community. REV. WIIXIAM K. CORER to rctfc* was received with regret nj eliminate racial imbalance.'. ." sidered for equal educational oppor- d ' night of an agreement with coitncil councilman for' the third w by th« |r«stees. In her letter to the i January, 1970, Westfieid' was tunity meet most of the criteria set Howard H. and Helen E. DiHey to ward. , . •• - ••,' '•;'. .- n truat«6s setting Sept, 1 as her re- aed by the Office of Equal Educa- by the board in 'As position state- buy M-m iNorth Ave. for $55,000. A native of WeetfieH, he attended e tirHstmt date, Miss Wriglit paid tioaal Opportunity, a division of the ment, Councilman John H. Merkl, who has Uncoln School, Roosevelt Junior Adult School to Open Classes trfcUtt to the board of trustees, the &,&, Depaitmtnt of Education, as consistently opposed the lot, cast High and in 1958 was graduated staff members, ipast and present, one of 88 New Jersey communities (Continued on page 4) the iOle negative vote, although con- from Westfield High. He attended and mentioned *he satisfaction and whicfo has raciaUy imbateoced cerns; about the parking lot project &>$#* University In Hamilton, To High School Seniors reward of working wifkh them, as also .were voiced by Democratic N Y • majored ra hietcry and earned . -Jftj.: . «""_<• w ««•«"« •»•««' ««an, oo ucnools. WestfJeM's imbalance Cteuntfinen Charles Harris and a bachelor of arts defne 1» «B. Mr? P. R Orto was re-elected Taylor and Miss Helen^ Whttcpb. well a* various groups ami organlza- seemed to tocus on Columbus While a studert at OoJ««U hew_i a pmtdent of the board ot tnMtees of Voted to the citiieas committee tio» *tth whom she has been asso- To Break Ground John Tucker. brother of PM Kappa Tsu fraUnl- the Westfield AduR School at its on- were Junhui Oouwnv Paul Houpk, dated through the years. (Continued on page 4) A total of $1,100 to purchase prop- ty. / - sual meeting laA «*e% In her. re- Gordon M-cOmoac&te, Mrs. Rrfsert . |||ai WriAt^ who was anointed For St. Helens erty «i the comer of Clm *• «ad -part to membm of «w board and Nortieck, Charles Morrison, Mrs. director ia IMS, bad served as chil- teidlejfvM*. preparatory to the in- (ContMutd on pafe 4) p 'I °--*«Wjri L«m Robarson, Or, An- «ren'8 librarian liiqm 19*1 to 1958. 44 Ground-breaking ceremonies (of staltattoo of a traffic light at the (he dtizens committee v tatlVM of the 31 spomorini orginii-, 4r*]» mwoto, Mrs. V. O. TaO and .atteJMllto. Ktiraty sbstt es an Dems new St. Helen's Church Watte M«nao#M was awrovad. Mr-ami fitionl, Mr». OWrttt4«i rJ_-_^rK- - Mi). FVetfcrk*. C Braun will re- novations undertaken by the school Tha r*««»in|nient of Weyman 0. field, shete a srafluote of ceive |BSO for a parcel of their "" Gtoss this paat year. A special pre-regns- gteeogr-fe as director of the school High .School. She! received a B.A. (Continued on page 4) tretion acfcdute was nwie av-11- w-s announced. In addressing the degree from the College of William Member_ s of the Westfield -Demo- is expected to hold 750 parishioners eble for the aprfof term and, upon meeting, he emphasized that wnare- and Mary and a M.S. degree from crajrio V today expressed their when it is completed in about a Collection recommenkia^on of a committee ap- formal regret at iha decision by year. pointed to study the advisability of (Continued on page i) (Continued on page 4) REV. DAVID HARWOOD AFS Program Fourth Ward Countitman Patrick D. Officiating at Stimiay's ground- Minogue to seek reelection as an in- breaking will be the Rev Itortias B. At WHS Sunday Weekend dependent. Rev. Harwood Meaney, pastor of St. Helen'* : . ' This is the w«e_ that WestfteM Iir.a statement released today, tfte Church, and the Rt. Rev. Charie* An Invitation to visit Germany In and Mountainside residents can help ye*r Democratic ofiice-tolders and lead- B. Murphy of Holy Trinity Church. slides and impressions of WeMneH's the Y-Indian Guide* break (heir own flrsl HT, WHS Seniors ers said, "We are greatly concerned On Church Staff Town officials, parishioners, and AFS student Rainer Glawlon and and Swot ^ ?_i_ that substantial misunderstanding other guests also sviii participate. American Abroad student Petti St.' may result from the councilman's Tlic pastor-parish relations com- Mr. and Mrs. James Gunning are Clair is extended to att lamUlec and The decision to follow this course." mittee of (Ihe First United MelJin- chairmen of (he ground-breakinf friends in the community by the WCW Award Winners The joint statement came from dist Church announced at the an-ceremonies.
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