League of Women Voters of the Wilkes-Barre Area GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY 2018 [email protected] | 570-675-3429 | P.O. Box 1480, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-1480 League of Women Voters of the Wilkes-Barre Area is a nonpartisan organization which has as its purpose the promotion of political responsibility through informed and active participation in government. Membership is open to any person who subscribes to the purpose and policy of the League. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES SENATORS: PRESIDENT: Pat Toomey (R) Donald J. Trump (R) toomey.senate.gov Washington Office: VICE PRESIDENT: 248 Russell Senate Office Bldg., Mike Pence (R) Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-4254 THE WHITE HOUSE Fax: 202-228-0284 whitehouse.gov Wilkes-Barre Office: Mailing Address (for both): Stegmaier Bldg The White House 7 N. Wilkes-Barre Blvd, Suite 406 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Washington, D.C. 20500 Phone: 570-820-4088 Phone Numbers: Fax: 570-820-6442 Comments: (202-456-1111 Committee Assignments: Finance; Budget; Common Line: (202-456-1414 Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Fax: (202-456-2461 Email: whitehouse.gov/contact Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D) casey.senate.gov Washington Office: The information provided in this 393 Russell Senate Office Building, publication is based on information Washington, D.C. 20510 available from the sources at the time Phone : 202-224-6324 Toll Free: 866-802-2833 of printing. While the League of Women Fax: 202-228-0604 Voters of the Wilkes Barre Area has Northeastern PA Office: made every effort to ensure that the 417 Lackawanna Ave, Suite 303, information contained herein is correct, Scranton, PA 18503 it will not be liable for damages arising Phone: 570-941-0930 out of error, deletion or omission. If Fax: 570-941-0937 your municipality is not included in Committee Assignments: Finance; Health, this publication and you would like it Education, Labor and Pensions; Special to be, please let us know. Committee on Aging; Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11th District Cities in Luzerne County include: Ashley Borough, Hazleton District Office: Bear Creek Township, Bear Creek Village Borough, 1 South Church Street, Suite 100 Black Creek Township, Buck Township, Butler Township, Conyngham Borough, Conyngham Township, Courtdale Hazleton, PA 18201 Borough, Dallas Borough, Dallas Township, Dennison Phone: 570-751-0050 Township, Dorrance Township, Edwardsville Fax: 570-751-0054 Borough, Exeter Township, Fairmount Township, Fairview Township, Forty Fort Borough, Foster Township, Franklin Committee Assignments: Transportation and Township, Freeland Borough, Hanover Township, Infrastructure; Education & Workforce; Harveys Lake Borough, Hazle Township, Hazleton City, Homeland Security Hollenback Township, Hunlock Township, Huntington Township, Jackson Township, Jeddo Borough, Kingston 17th District Borough, Kingston Township, Lake Township, Larksville Cities in Luzerne County Include: Avoca Borough, Borough, Laurel Run Borough, Lehman Township, Dupont Borough, Duryea Borough, Exeter Borough, Luzerne Borough, Nanticoke City, Nescopeck Hughestown Borough, Jenkins Township, Laflin Borough, Nescopeck Township, New Columbus Borough, Pittston City, Pittston Township, Plains Borough, Newport Township, Nuangola Borough, Township, West Pittston Borough, West Wyoming Penn Lake Park Borough, Plymouth Borough, Borough, Wilkes-Barre City, Wilkes-Barre Township, Plymouth Township, Pringle Borough, Rice Township, Wyoming Borough, Yatesville Borough Ross Township, Salem Township, Shickshinny Borough, Slocum Township, Sugar Notch Borough, Matthew Cartwright (D) Sugarloaf Township, Swoyersville Borough, Union Township, Warrior Run Borough, West Hazleton cartwright.house.gov Borough, White Haven Borough, Wright Township Washington Office: Lou Barletta (R) 1034 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 barletta.house.gov Phone: 202-225-5546 Washington Office: Fax: 202-226-0996 2049 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Wilkes-Barre Office: Phone: 202-225-6511 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 201 Fax: 202-226-6250 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Toll Free: 855-241-5144 Phone: 570-371-0317 Committee Assignments: Appropriations STATE GOVERNMENT GOVERNOR: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: Tom Wolf (D) Michael J. Stack III (D) governor.pa.gov/contact governor.pa.gov – Select “Administration” Mailing Address: then select “Lt Gov Mike Stack” Office of the Governor Mailing Address: 508 Main Capitol Building Office of the Lt. Governor Harrisburg, PA 17120 200 Main Capitol Building Phone: 717-787-2500 Harrisburg, PA 17120 Fax: 717-772-8284 Phone: 717-787-3300 Fax: 717-783-0150 Northeast Office: 2 North Main Street Pittston, PA 18640 Phone: 570-614-2090 CONSIDER JOINING THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS! STATE SENATORS 22nd District - John Blake (D) 14th District - John Yudichak (D) senatorblake.com Harrisburg Office: senatoryudichak.com 17 East Wing, Capitol Building Harrisburg Office: Harrisburg, PA 17120 Room 458 Main Capitol Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Mailing: Senate Box 203022 Mailing: Harrisburg, PA 17120-3022 Senate Box 203014 Harrisburg, PA 17120-3014 Phone: 717-787-6481 Fax: 717-783-5198 Phone: 717-787-7105 Fax: 717-783-4141 Local Offices: Local Offices: Oppenheim Building 164 South Main Street 409 Lackawanna Ave., Suite 210 Nanticoke, PA 18634 Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: 570-740-2434 Fax: 570-740-2438 Phone: 570-207-2881 Fax: 570 207-2897 Toll Free: 800-280-4277 Toll Free: 877 346-5721 Insalaco Shopping Center Committee Assignments: Appropriations; Chair, Finance; Local Government; 801 Wyoming Ave., Suite 180 Community Economic & Recreational West Pittston, PA 18643 Development; Urban Affairs & Housing; Phone: 570-883-4690 Fax: 570-883-4694 Agriculture & Rural Affairs; Local Government; Toll Free: 800-280-4277 Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness; 1201 North Street, Suite 3 Caucus Committee, Chair Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 Phone: 570-325-3274 Fax: 570-325-3780 27th District - John R. Gordner (R) Committee Assignments: Consumer senatorgordner.com Protection & Professional Licensure; Chair, Harrisburg Office: Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Senate Box 203027 Committee; Game & Fisheries; Aging & Youth; 177 Main Capitol Bldg. Labor & Industry; Transportation; Policy Harrisburg, PA 17120 20th District - Lisa Baker (R) Phone: 717-787-8928 Fax: 717-787-9715 Toll Free: 877-784-3464 senatorbaker.com Local Office: Harrisburg Office: 603 West Main Street 362 Main Capitol Building Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Harrisburg, PA 17120 Phone: 570-784-3464 Fax: 570-784-9379 Mailing: Committee Assignments: Vice Chair, Senate Senate Box 203020 Rules & Executive Nominations; Consumer Harrisburg, PA 17120 Protection & Professional Licensure; Phone: 717-787-7428 Fax: 717-787-9242 Judiciary; Transportation; Majority Whip Local Offices: 22 Dallas Shopping Center STATE REPRESENTATIVES Dallas, PA 18612 114th District - Sid Michaels Kavulich Phone: 570-675-3931 Fax: 570-674-5037 (D) Toll Free: 888-736-1153 pahouse.com/kavulich Committee Assignments: Aging & Youth; Harrisburg Office: Appropriations; Consumer Protection & 103 Irvis Office Building Professional Licensure; Veterans Affairs P.O. Box 202114 & Emergency Preparedness; Chair, Health & Harrisburg, PA 17120-2114 Human Services; Chair, Local Government Phone: 717-783-4874 Fax: 717-772-2008 Local Office: 802 S. Main Street Taylor, PA 18517 118th District - Mike Carroll (D) Phone: 570-562-2350 [email protected] | pahouse.com/carroll Fax: 570-562-2353 Harrisburg Office: Toll Free: 877-295-4937 300 Main Capitol Building, P.O. Box 202118 Carbondale Office: Harrisburg, PA 17120-2118 16 Salem Avenue Phone: 717-787-3589 Fax: 717-780-4763 Carbondale, PA18407 Local Office: Phone: 570-282-1335 Fax: 570-282-1339 42 Center Street Committee Assignments: Agricultural & Hughestown, PA 18640 RuralAffairs; Finance; Local Government; Phone: 570-655-4883 Fax: 570-655-9110 Tourism & Recreational Development; Vice Toll Free: 800)894-0960 Chair, Policy Committee; Local Government 123 Van Brunt Street 116th District - Tarah Toohil (R) Moscow, PA 18444 Phone: 570-842-8116 Fax: 570-842-8120 reptoohil.com | facebook.com/RepToohil Toll Free: 866-247-2776 Harrisburg Office: B14 Main Capitol Building Committee Assignments: Minority Chair, Environmental Resources & Energy; Rules P.O. Box 202116 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2116 119th District - Gerald J. Mullery (D) Phone: 717-260-6136 Fax: 717-782-2921 Toll Free: 855-282-0611 [email protected] | pahouse.com/mullery Harrisburg Office: Local Office: 323 Main Capitol 1 West Broad Street, Suite 100 P.O. Box 202119 Hazleton, PA 18201 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2119 Phone: 570-453-1344 Fax: 570-459-3946 Phone: 717-783-4893 Fax: 717-780-4782 Committee Assignments: Judiciary; Professional Licensure; Human Services; Local Office: Children & Youth 156 South Market Street Nanticoke, PA 18634 117th District - Karen Boback (R) Phone: 570-740-7031 Fax: 570-826-2584 [email protected] | repboback.com 407 Center Street facebook.com/RepBoback Freeland, PA 18224 Harrisburg Office: Phone: 570-636-3500 Fax: 570-636-3502 Room 314-C, Main Capitol Building Committee Assignments: Game & Fisheries; P.O. Box 202117 Health; Education; Judiciary; Labor and Harrisburg, PA 17120-2117 Industry Phone: 717-787-1117 Fax: 717-705-1889 120th District - Aaron Kaufer (R) Local Office: 1108 Twin Stacks Drive [email protected] | repkaufer.com Dallas, PA 18612 facebook.com/RepKaufer Phone: 570-675-6000 Harrisburg Office: Fax: 570-255-0133 Room B 16, Main Capitol Building Toll
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