SCIENCE FICTION IRE'VIEW The professionals’ fanzine, the place where the authors gather to hoist a few.., of their fellow writers, SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is edited and published by that incredible middle-aged man and his Gestetner machine, name of RICHARD E. GEIS About eight times a year if we’re lucky Santa Monica, Cal. -35- SUBSCRIPTIONS: 2/31. - 4/32. - 6/33- etc. 90403 FEBRUARY 1970 In U.S. and Canada; but from Canada please remit in Canadian P.O. Money Orders in U.S. dollars. Personal checks are subject to all kinds of bank charges and exchange reductions. SFR's agent Over There is... And SFR's agent The Other Way is... Ethel Lindsay John Bangsund COVER BY STEVE FABIAN Courage House 44 Hilton St. From "Rogue in Space" . 6 Langley Ave. Clifton Hill BACOVER BY BILL ROTSLER Surbiton, Surrey, Victoria 3C68 UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRALIA DIALOG by the editor who has ...and United Kingdom rates ...and Australian rates are turned faanish is his dotage...4 are 4/- or 5 for one pound 2/31. - 4/32. - 6/33. etc. CHEWING GUM FOR THE VULGAR by Franz Rottensteiner...an SFR’s agent Further Over is... INTERIOR ART is bv... irreverent look at Heinlein....6 Hans J. Alpers Bill Rotsler—3, 5, 14, 28,. 31, 36, D—285 Bremerhaven 1 39. Alicia Austin—40. COMMENT on the Heinlein re­ Weissenburger Str. 6 Mike Gilbert—8, 9, 11, 13, 30, 32, view-essay, by Alexei Panshin..15 WEST GERMANY 38, 45. Arthur Thompson—7 Tim Kirk—10, 19, 23, 35. ARCHIVE by Paul C. Crawford ...and West German rates are... Jim Shull—12, 43. He tells you where it’s all 2/4DM - 4/8DM - 6/12DM etc. at, fans..................... ......16 Steve Fabian—21, 37. Alexis Gilliland—29, 33. MONOLOG by the editor—bits Doug Lovenstein—24, 34. and pieces of news and comment.18 " "Geis, you just made a long distance TIM KIRK'S PAGE........................ 19 phone call to Alan E. Nourse. ii OFF THE DEEP END—a column "True. I was checking with him on by Piers Anthony who looks the Heicon charter flights in light of askance at Vance.......................20 the CAB charter flight crackdown news stories in the Times this morning." THE SQUARE NEEDLE—a column "He said there is nothing to worry by Dean A. Grennell, who gives about, his organization is making very it to...................................... 2? sure the Heicon flights comply with all THE BANKS DEPOSIT by Banks rules and regulations." Mebane, a prozine review..........25 "Exactly. Everything is go." BOOK REVIEWS by Paul Walker... "We also got a note from Elaine Richard Delap...Ted Pauls...Creath D Landis, editor of the Science Fiet.on Thorne...Hank Davis...Estelle r~] Book Club, who writes further about the Sanders...John Boardman...Mats July selection, A Princess of Mars." Linder...Alexis Gilliland... "What do she say?" Dave Burton...Carl J. Brandon, Jr. □ "She say...says...Frank Frazetta •••R.A Lafferty...Hank Stine..28 (—] will do the members’ announcement, the AND THEN I READ... book re­ _ book jacket and several interior illiis- views by the editor............... 42 □' trations." P.O. BOX 3116...where the Big Q "Any other last minute stuff?" Names hang out........... ............. 45 "Nope." ***************************************************************; ****************** * Contents Copyrighted 1970 by Richard E. Geis. All rights to their material * * are assigned to the writers and artists who contributed to this issue. * ********************************************************************************** "Good night, Dick." "Good night, Dick." ■-As I studied his papers, seeking some clue, some hint that he was not "my" Hugo Gernsback, a shot crashed through the window andifelled him where he stood. He was dead! My sanity teeter­ ed and tottered! What of the future? What of science fiction? -WHAT OF ME AND MY FANZINE?"' "Geis, I'm going out for a pizza." ."STAY!" "What is that yellowed, crumbly sheaf of hand writ • "lean only take so much..." pages in your yellowed, trembly hand, Geis?" "The ms is short. There is not much more to read. 'I "This, alter-ego, is something I found in an ancient, wandered, dazed, for days, through New York, until a kindly dust-covered trunk in the shattered basement of an aband­ gentleman took me in and gave me a job in his office. I soon oned old house in Portland, Oregon last month." found myself being called Hugo, Hugie, Gernie, and other, less "I have a premonition, a dread, that you are going to affectionate terms. I realized everyone thought my name was insist on reading that writing now, out loud, for all fan­ Hugo Gernsback because I possessed his wallet. An unidenti­ dom and prodom to hear." . fied bum had been killed in Brooklyn by a stray police bullet. "True." ’ Gradually, I accepted my role. I changed jobs. I used my "I know you pretty well, don't I, Geis?" advanced knowledge. I made money. I finally started AMAZING "The title of this ms is BEHOLD THE FAN. it-" ' STORIES!'" ... "Hold it! If you think—" "Is that the end, Geis?" "—begins: 'I discovered the incredibly simple prici— "No. It goes on... 'And so I leave this true story of pie of time-travel in 197.4. It was then I—*" how science fiction began in a trunk in the city of my birth, "—I’m going .to sit still for some of your hoked-up • in the sure knowledge that "I".will find it in 1969.' It is faaan fiction—" ■ . ■ ' signed, 'Richard Erwin Geis.'" —became obsessed with the life of Hugo Gernsback. "Oh, no...no no no..." He had been so successful, so dominant, so much a pioneer,; : "Yes, I'm afraid it is true. Four years from now I will and all I had done in life was write some paltry fiction discover time-travel—the trick of reversing pituitary flow and publish a fanzine. That was all—"' —and will go back in time to become Hugo Gernsback!" "—you1 re rightl" "You' re sick, Geis." ......................... "'—of my life till then, and I was incomplete, some­ "I AM THE ULTIMATE SECRET MASTER OF SCIENCE FICTION AND how. I gradually came to know what I wished to do...I FANDOM!" would go back in time and meet Hugo Gernsback and learn "You're paranoid!" the secret of his greatness. What had impelled him to "Bow when you say that, alter-ego!". start AMAZING STORIES? I had to know. .1 had to study him.' ' . ■ ■ .i^- "'I performed the difficult mental trick of reversing the action of my pituitary. I shut my eyes and intoned "Kipple to Nipple, dust to dust..." In a trice I was fad­ "That was a disgraceful exhibition of frivolity you just ing back through time in ten year segments— perpetrated, Geis. This is supposed to be a serious journal "Geis, would you call them ’trice-cycles'?" devoted to science fiction and. fantasy. What is the library "Alter-ego, if you do that one more time...'.' . of UCLA going to think?" "Alright,.alright. Go ahead with your precious idio- , "Have they got a copy?" cyl" "They just subscribed! What'will they think? 0 the "'Soon I was fading through the mid-twenties. I cor­ shame..." .. rected my pituitary flow and stopped time travel. I in­ "I will not let the weight of dignity and big buildings toned, "tsud ot tsud ,elppiK ot elppiK." I found myself in deter me. I shall goof - off as the mood seizes me." the oven of a bakery since torn down in Portland. I "Just be sure you don't.have too many seizures.. Isn't hastily exited, much the the amazement of the baker, since there a pill you can take? What is it that Sapiro takes to I was covered with half-baked dough.' NOT A WORD, ALTER- keep RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY so wonderfully dull?" EGO!" "I'm not sure. Maybe he drinks Sam Moskowitz's blood..." "Yes, but this is getting a bit muchl" "Poor SaM. Everybody picks on him." "I WILL CONTINUE READING! 'It took me three weeks to get to New York where I knew I would find my precious Hugo.'" "Geis..." "SHUT UP! 'I finally found him in a cheap little cold­ water flat in Brooklyn. I could not believe my eyes' My "We have a minor crisis on our hands, Geis. It is T.AF.F. hero was dumb, unlettered, a dishwasher in a sleazy cafe! time again-—" . I demanded to see his wallet, his identification’. He must "What'S.TAFF?" have thought me a policeman, for he complied. My own wall­ "You know! ■ The _Trans-A_tlantic _Fan _Fund. Time to choose et had been stolen that very morning at the train depot. up sides on who is going to get our support...and our money." 4 "Money?” of plans." ' "You have to pay in order to vote. One dollar minimum, "Okay, mention a few. Tana a stock, any stock. Don't I understand. But that isn't—" let me see it. Now put it back into the deck..." "Last year Eddie Jones was brought over here from Eng­ "Do realize we took in over $1600 last year in subs?" land to attend the Stlouiscon. And THIS year it is an "That much’" American who will go to the Heicon in Germany." "Do you further realize that expenses last year, for SFR, "Right, but our problem is...who do we support?" were over $3800’" "Why, I thought you knew! BILL ROTSLER, of course!" *GASP* "Say again’" "Yes, fine, but if you will kindly remember, Geis, "Thirty-eight hundred." last year soon after the con when you went to that party "Dollars?" at the Trimble’s in the company of Fritz Leiber and Mrs.
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