(&S&0&&& -.':„..•, Dayton Girl Central's 'Miss Ohio 1958' OHIO STATE.MUSEU8 LIBRART With Ambition 15TH k glOa ST. COLUMBUS, oaio Hosp. Orderly Confesses To • MB Slaying Nurse VOL. 9, No. 88 SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1958 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO Story Os Pag* 2 GORDON KATHRYN BANKSTON OF DAYTON IS CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE'S "Miss Ohio" for 1958. Sbe won "Miss Ohio" contest sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma national journalism fra­ $ ternity. From left: John Mason, escort; Miss Bankston, Janet Stone, serond attendant, Spring- Held; Jessie Walker, first attendant, Akron; Peggy Reeder, contestant. Columbus; Betty Taylor, elgaret rJ'L Wilberforce. Ia background are ROTC cadets who served as escorts. Joyland Roller Rink Opens January 17 DEAD IN Story On Page 2 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ARTS AND science major Marthelta Gladden is gifted with mu­ sical talent—piano, of course. The pert 20 year old . miss stands 5% ft. tall with measurements 34-24-37. Map Church Plans 's Depending On YOUR Dimes Marriage, she says, can wait until 1960. At present "I have ambition," she added. Vivacious Marthella, • •aaaaaj 1 a Delta pledge, is looking forward to her career ia mr- :•<.. medical technology.—C. Smith Photo. Enjoys Athletics Year Around BaaaBaaBHBBjBaaBsaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaBjj . ' • — A INSTRUCTOB-MGR. DON JAMES (LEFT) AND Gen. Mgr. Rev. James P. Fincher try out floor of Joyland Skating Rink, $07 Mt. Vera on av., second floor of the Pythian building, which holds official opening at 6:45 p. m. Friday, Jan. 17. Further announcements will appear ia The Sentinel and over Columbus radio outlets. Receives Award For 25 Years' Service - COMPLETING FINAL PLANS FOR 39TH an­ nual Ohio Paator'a CoiweRt*0*1 Jan.->27-30 at Veterans Memorial are Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist and chairman of this year's convention, left, and Dr. Frank Jennings, Interim executive secre­ tary of.Ohio Council of Churches and director of the convention.'—Staff Photo By Roosevelt Carter. - s K€XT WEEK IN THE OHIO SENTINEL GfcArib DRAMATIC new chapter in "The Carl L. Brown A Story;" pictures, special personality sketches, feature stories and advertisements heralding grand opening of Brown's IGA Food store, Hornemakcr or wage earner, you'll enjoy this-report on Carl L. Brown, one of Columbus' most popular, youthful and DIAN RHYHVGHES, WHO SKATES DURING WINTER progressive success stories. to keep In condition for tennis during summer, will be seen at Patronage of this and other Ohio Sentinel advertisers is^ SELECTING MATERIALS FOR HIS NEXT PROJECT IN RECREATIONAL THERAPY ALBERTA GRANT OF N. YORK CITY RECEIVES check for $2500 from Arthur Mendel- Columbus' Smith Roller Rink Feb. 0 when Beatty Tennis another way of supporting your favorite .weekly newspaper. • class at Neil AT. Elementary school Is James Binford, 9 year old polio victim. Jimmy doesn't sea, general manager ot 1. Posner beaaty prodacts supply house. Board of Directors awarded club sponsors Its annual skating party. Dian's husband, Always start your •shopping in the pages of The Ohio let his crutches keep blra from doing anything he really wants to de, which Include* climbing An. Grant a plague and S190 far esch ot 25 years she has been chief promotion manager and Mark, is also a tenuis and skating enthusiast. Both are mem­ Sentinel. - .;.•,- trees.in hW backyard unassisted. He is counting on success of 195s March of Dimes te help bias ehemht. She supervises IS employees. • ........ bers of Brntty Tennis club. complete b|s recovery tram polio's after-effects. >"- : • :-: ?-? ••-'??>?•'.••• •'• •'• v;!ii':'.••'.•• •'•-...- I ...^•'•--'• •:. .:-- >-. '•'•.aki. •si&rWh y •,¥'•>• ••Vc^tefci ipjBagj, BadlH ' *M^QppHn*S919l|S911!lll*Ml • • SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 19fsa PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. JANUARY 25, 1958 THB OHIO $SNTTN&E STOMP GORDON DEAD! Lawyer Archie (Stomp) Gordon, popular Columbus musician who died in N. York City last week, will he buried in his hometown Saturday. The classy 31 year old piano player was found slumped over the wheel of his station wagon between 123rd and 124th sts. near Madison av. Sunday. His body was due to arrive in Columbus sometime Thursday. itality H Reports from N. York reveal-1 HOWEVER, SINCE fUlag the facts." ed that Gordon died of pneu­ OORDON WAS IN Columbus Pellet contend the term Jordan and Robert Locy in­ cfal feature of his performances. By JOHN ». COMBS complaint against the officers, Tbe mayor father said he la* monia and a liver ailment. Stomp, who had a natural tal­ just two weeks ago to attend the A hearing on a police bru­ "hearing" is incorrect, aad side the 40 Winks motel, 3190 E. Main St., tha night ot Jan, he has been granted a .new strutted Safety Dir. Phillips, Gordon, according to his sis­ ent for music, launched his pro­ funeral of Mrs. Betsy Hell, his tality charge filed against two that, tn reality, it la aa "later- to keep a close watch on tha ter, Shirley Earley. of Colum­ departmental Investigation" at X. trial, set for Feb. S. fessional career at the age of lfi grcat-great-grandmother, *who Columbus policemen and ten­ In a statement to The Sen­ ease te its ultimate conclusion. bus, arrived in N. York with his when he formed his own small died at the age of 121. tatively slated before Inspec­ which only the parties In­ Aa a result of the alleged "pistol whipping," Kenny was tinel, Mayor Sensenbrenner In­ five piece band Wednesday after combo. Two years ago, under When not en the road, Gor­ tor Harvey Alston this week volved are permitted to at­ IN REFERENCE TO AN filling "a gig" in Newark, N. J. tend. hospitalised for several daya dicated he Is not In accord witb booking of Gale Agency in N don made his home at til wss called off when George the policy banning attorneys NAACP letter requesting him York, he took his unit on the Barthmaa av., in the same vi­ Kenny, the complainant, was • • • for Injuries of his month and Jaw. from representing clients at to investigate a published re­ IN N. YORK, TBE group wss road- cinity where be grew up. advised he would not be per­ ALLEN B. CAR1S, attorney such hearings. due to fill a recording engage­ mitted legal representation at After the altercation, Ken­ port alleging a police sergeant On numerous occasions, he Funeral services were arrang­ fer Kenny, told The Sentinel "I think anyone should be al­ ment this week, Mrs. Earley the hearing. ny was arrested and charged j Intimidated a witness In the returned to Columbus for en­ ed by Williams and McNabb that upon learning of the de lowed legal representation," told The Sentinel. with intoxication and resisting. I Kenny ease, Sensenbrenner gagements. mortuary, 818 E. Long st., where The ruling was tn keeping partment's policy, he advisee, Sensenbrenner stated. "I can't Gordon was given the nick­ A native of Columbus, Gordon the body may be viewed Friday with the Police Dept's policy him not te attend. He pleaded Innocent but was said be had not had time to an­ convicted and sentenced to 10 see anything wrong with that, name "Stomp" because he often attended Soulh High and later afternoon. prohibiting a comp I a i n a n t Kenny, 43, 738 Reynolds since we ail should be con­ swer the tetter but planned to days la the workhouse and played the piano with his toes transferred to Central High The following day at 10 a. m. from being represented by an av., alleges he was beaten cerned with obtaining the true do so. while filling engagements from which he graduated. funeral services will be conduct­ attorney. with a gun by Officers Paul fined $25 and costs. around Columbus and the mid­ He alsd attended Capital and ed in the chapel. west. ! Ohio State universities, major- Among his survivors are his His toe playing stunt became in* to music mother, Mrs, Leola Jordan, and Yeager To Install For eo famous he rigged a platform At OSU, he made the frcsh- sister, Mrs. Shirley Earley, of Potentates Have A Ball at the piano and made it a spe- man football squad. Columbus. District Association Prof. Willard Hayes Yeager Lynch, executive secretary! Dr. H. B. Hicks To Chair 39th Annual will address Mt. Vernon Av. George C. Berry, Abe Krakoff, Dist. Improvement Ass'n at the Charles Schilling, Charles F. installation of officers banquet Spicer, David D. White, Frank at Ilonka's Provencial House, Ohio Pastors Convention, Jan. 27-30 Thursday, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. *• • Final plans have been completed for the 39th annual Ohio Pastor's Convention, Prof. Yeager is prori/ssor of largest of its kind in the nation, to meet at Veterans Memorial Jan. 27-30. speech and chairman ot Dept. ot Dr. H. Beecher Hicks of Mt Speech at Ohio State university. Olivet Baptist is convention Irttallation will be by Judge Detroit, will be among thc out­ the group Wednesday afternoon, '•^ai^c chairman. standing speakers. Jan. 29, speaking on "The Unity Henry L. Holdvn. Dr. Hicks is the first Negro At the fellowship banquet That Seeks Us in Our World Officers to be installed are minister to be elected in this Tuesday Jan. 28, Dr. McNeill Mission." Gabriel Rubin, president; Ed­ capacity anywhere in the nation. • • • ward J. Segbers, vice presi­ Theme for this year ia "The will speak on "The Unity That dent; James L. Jordan, re­ DR. HICKS WILL conduct the Nature of the Unity We Seek." Seek* Us in Our American cording secretary; Paul Dor­ • • • Church.'* Gov. O'Neill is also a opening worship services Mon­ se.v, treasurer; Amos II.
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