E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 156 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2010 No. 95 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- For 93 years, Boys Town has helped called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. at-risk youth and families through a pore (Mr. PASTOR of Arizona). f variety of services, and the organiza- f tion has now expanded to 12 locations PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE nationally. Last year, the organization DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the served nearly 370,000 children and PRO TEMPORE gentleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) adults across the U.S., Canada and the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- come forward and lead the House in the U.S. territories, as well as in several fore the House the following commu- Pledge of Allegiance. foreign countries. nication from the Speaker: Mr. WELCH led the Pledge of Alle- Boys Town has grown significantly WASHINGTON, DC, giance as follows: since Father Flanagan’s era. In 1977, June 23, 2010. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the Boys Town National Research Hos- I hereby appoint the Honorable ED PASTOR United States of America, and to the Repub- pital opened its doors and has become a to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, national treatment center for children NANCY PELOSI, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Speaker of the House of Representatives. with hearing and speech problems and f other communication disorders. Boys f Town also opened its national hotline PRAYER WELCOMING REVEREND STEVEN BOES in 1989. Currently, Boys Town is imple- Reverend Steven Boes, National Ex- menting its Integrated Continuum of ecutive Director, Boys Town, Ne- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Care, which allows each child or family braska, offered the following prayer: objection, the gentleman from Ne- to make progress within the same Creator God, we ask Your blessings braska, Congressman TERRY, is recog- treatment model while still getting in- upon these men and women of the nized for 1 minute. dividualized care. United States House of Representa- There was no objection. Today, I honor Father Steven Boes. tives. Give them the wisdom of Father Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise He is dedicated to the children and Edward Flanagan, the founder of Boys today to recognize our guest chaplain, families throughout our Nation, rep- Town, who once said, ‘‘Any enterprise a constituent of the Second District of resenting the true spirit and tradition that does not have God at the heart of Nebraska, Father Steven Boes. On July of Boys Town. 1, Father Boes will celebrate 5 years as it is bound to fail.’’ f Help them to clearly see the needs of the national executive director of Boys ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER America’s children, families, and com- Town, one of the largest nonprofit, PRO TEMPORE munities. Father Flanagan taught nonsectarian child care organizations America, ‘‘There are no bad boys; only in the United States. He is the fourth The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bad environment, bad training, bad ex- priest to succeed Father Edward Flana- Chair will entertain up to 15 further re- ample.’’ Help them to understand that gan who founded Boys Town in 1917. quests for 1-minute speeches on each there are no bad families either. Every A native of Carroll, Iowa, Father side of the aisle. family has at least one member who Boes holds a bachelor’s degree in soci- f ology and master’s degree in theology loves their children and wants them to WHERE’S THE MONEY? succeed. and divinity from the University of St. Please inspire these Members to Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He also (Mrs. MALONEY asked and was given work together to strengthen our fami- holds a master’s degree in counseling permission to address the House for 1 lies and communities so that our chil- from Creighton University in Omaha. minute.) dren can become stronger in body, A priest of the Omaha archdiocese, Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, this mind, and spirit. Father Boes previously served as the past Monday the Wall Street Journal f director of St. Augustine Indian Mis- ran an excellent article on the chal- sion in Winnebago, Nebraska, before lenges facing small businesses. It began THE JOURNAL coming to Boys Town. He has over 20 with a question that small businesses The SPEAKER pro tempore. The years of experience in nonprofit admin- all across America are asking: Where is Chair has examined the Journal of the istration and youth advocacy and will the money? last day’s proceedings and announces be a great leader in carrying out Boys The Journal article cites a survey by to the House his approval thereof. Town’s mission in the 21st century. the National Federation of Independent b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4679 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:55 Jun 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN7.000 H23JNPT1 pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with HOUSE H4680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 23, 2010 Business that found that half of the legislation. They know that if the con- Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, we now small businesses that tried to get the ferees keep the Durbin swipe fee are at a critical juncture to determine loans last year were either denied the amendment in the bill, small business whether or not we will respond to a loans or they were not given the money and consumers will gain, and the mo- terrible problem in the oceans, and that they needed. nopoly pricing of the credit card indus- that is not just the oil spill in the gulf; We found that small businesses in the try will lose. it is the acidification of the oceans now Joint Economic Committee report Just yesterday, several Vermont caused by carbon dioxide that comes have been badly hurt by the tighter small business owners told me how from the oil and gas industry and some lending standards that resulted from much the credit card and debit swipe other fossil fuel industries. the financial crisis. That is why pass- fees are hurting their business. Katy I would suggest Members may want ing the Small Business Lending Fund Lesser, who owns Healthy Living Mar- to take a look at a new report. It was Act last week was such an important ket in Burlington, told me her business in Science magazine, published 2 days step forward and sending it to the Sen- paid $250,000 in fees last year. This year ago by the American Association for ate. it will be $350,000. And Sheryl Trainor, the Advancement of Science. This is Where is the money is an important who runs a Mobil station in Queechee, their conclusion: ‘‘The world’s oceans question to ask, and the answer is, it is told me she could plow the money she are virtually choking on rising green- on the way. We hope that the Senate spends on swipe fees into better wages house gases, destroying marine eco- will act quickly and pass this impor- and more jobs. systems and breaking down the food tant legislation. I call on my colleagues in the con- chain, irreversible changes that have f ference committee to put small busi- not occurred for several million years.’’ nesses before the credit card industry We have a chance to restrict and re- IN RECOGNITION OF JOHN BRUTON and maintain the Durbin amendment strain this pollutant, carbon dioxide, in (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina in the final package. a bill now pending in the U.S. Senate. asked and was given permission to ad- f We hope that in conversations with the dress the House for 1 minute and to re- President next week we come out with vise and extend his remarks.) SUPPORT THE DURBIN a firm, clear cap on carbon dioxide so Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. AMENDMENT we can stop what will otherwise be ir- Speaker, it is an honor for me to thank (Mr. SHUSTER asked and was given reversible changes in our oceans. John Bruton for serving the 2nd Con- permission to address the House for 1 f gressional District with distinction. minute.) For the past 2 years, John has ensured PROMOTING SAFE AMERICAN Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I want ENERGY PRODUCTION South Carolina residents receive time- to associate myself with the gentleman ly and accurate updates about the hap- from Vermont’s remarks and urge my (Mr. BOUSTANY asked and was penings in Congress. John has also colleagues not to be swayed by the lob- given permission to address the House been a key adviser on issues of science byists from the credit card companies for 1 minute and to revise and extend and technology, postal issues, and wel- that are trying to eliminate the Durbin his remarks.) fare. John’s dedication and creativity amendment from this important legis- Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, I rise will certainly be hard to replace as he lation. to applaud the Federal District Court heads off to law school at the Univer- Let me make this point clear. The ruling yesterday overturning the ad- sity of South Carolina.
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