M-.^m %f^,^, \.y'i>. ,„ J^":«s-^ jm^f' ;;v,>^v.^-v# ''MJ^-Z^^^^ -i,, mm^ i*'', 53* VK-J I't)^; ¥p%^, -r^^^n77% ^'^ ^^ » '^Jil^ JJ^^^%. m:-:^ <H^^ s n WHO'S WHO IN STATE POLITICS 1908 Vm A. PHILLIPS, \ P u h 1 i s h o (1 1) y PRACTICAL POLITICS 6 Beacon St. BOSTON. MASS. STSTELlBPlRYOFHiiaSUCSIMTS NOV 29 ly^ivi STATE HOUSE BOSTON Copyright, January, 1908 PRACTICAL POLITICS The Eastern Press Company, Boston 111 the preparation of tlii> xolume we have endeavored to.icJ.rn tlie names of the photographers h}- wHrfrni the various por- traits were made, and desire to give due credit to the following studios: Parsons, Adams; Litchtield, Arlington: Dunklee, Athol; Chiekering. Coiilin, Gliiies, Marceau, Notman, O'Xeill & Jordan, Purdy, Siegel, Boston; Bass, Brockton; Buttertield, Mc- Cabe, Cambridge: Moulton, Kitchburg; Phelps, Gloucester; Enterprise, Greentield; Fuller, McKeen, Haverhill: Demers & Son, Lawrence, Holyoke: Dexter, Ipswich; Loth- rop & Cunningham, Marion, Lowell; Thomp- son, Marblehead; Butman, Middleboro; Reed, New Bedford: Thompson, Orange; Skinner, Quincy: Ames, Salem; Benoit, Southbridge; Hudson, South Framingham; Bordeaux, Bosworth & Murphy, Spring- field; Webster, Waltham: Adams. VVhitins- ville; Fitton. Morrill, Schervee, Worcester. BAY STATE MEN IN WASHINGTON HENRY CABOT LODGE, Senator. LODGL:, IIKXRV CABOT. Republican, of Xahant. Was born in Boston, May 12, 1850; received a private scbool and collegi- ate education: was jj^^raduated from Harvard College in 1871; studied law at Harvard Law School and graduated in 1875, receiv- ing the degree of LL.B.; admitted to Suf- folk bar in 1876; in the same year, 1876, re- ceived the degree of Ph.D., for thesis on "The Land Law of the Anglo-Saxons;" pro- fession, that of literature; is a member of the ^Massachusetts Historical Society, of the Virginia Historical Society, of the Ameri- can -\cademy of Arts and Science, of the Xew England Historical and Genealogical Society, and of the .American Antiquarian Society, and has received the degree of Doc- tor of Laws from Williams College, Clark University and Yale University; was per- manent chairman of the Republican national conxention whicli met in Philadelphia in 1900; chairman of the committee on resolu- tions of the Republican national convention of 1904 at Chicago; was a member of the commission on Alaskan boundary appointed by the President; served two years in the Massachusetts House of Representatives; was elected to the 50th. 51st, 52(1. and 53d Congresses; was elected to the United States Senate Jan. 17. 1893, to succeed Henry L. Dawes; was re-elected in 1899 anfl 1903. His term will expire in 1911. WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE Senator. CRAXI-:, WIXTIIKOI' ML'KRAN. K. publican, of Dalton, was bnrii at Dalion. April J3, 1853; was educated al \\'illi>t()n Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. Is a paper manufacturer; was a delegate-at-large to the Republican national conventions of 1892, 1896 and 1904; was selected as the ^^as- sachusetts member of the Republican Na- tional Committee in 1892. 1896 and 1904; was lieutcnant-g-ovcrnor in i897-'98-'99. and g^overnor in 1900-01 -'02; was appointed to the United States Senate Oci. 12, 1904, to fdl the vacancy caused by the death of Sen- ator Hoar. He was elected by the Legisla- ture in January. 1903. to fdl out the term which expires March 3, 1907, and was re- elected for a full term of six years in Janu- ary, 1907. His term will expire in 1913. > AMES, BUTLER, 5th District, Republi- can, Lowell. Born there in 1871; public schools, Phillips Exeter, West Point, Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology. Ale- chanical and electrical engineer. Agent Wamesit Power Co. of Lowell. Common Council, Massachusetts House of Repre- sentatives three years; elected to 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 6oth Con- gress. GARDXKR, AL'GL'STL'S P., Oth Dis- trict, Republican, Hamilton. Born in Bos- ton November 5. 1865: Harvard College 1886, degree of A.B. Served as captain and assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Gen. James H. Wilson during the Span- ish-American War. Massachusetts state Senate two years; elected to the 57th Con- gress to fdl the vacanc}' caused by the re- tirement of Hon. William II. Moody to be- come Secretary of the Xavy, :mi(1 to the 38th and 50th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. GILLETT, FREDERICK H., 2d dis- trict, Republican, Springfield. Born West- field, October 16, 185 1; Amherst College, 1874, Harvard Law School 1877. Lawyer. Assistant attorney-general of Massachusetts from 1879 to 1882; iVIassachusetts House of Representatives 1890 and 1891; elected to 53d, 54th, 55 th, 56th, .57th, 58th, 59th Con- gresses. Re-elected to 6oth Congress. GREENE, WILLL-K^I S., 13th District, Republican, Fall River. Born Tremont, Tazewell County, 111., April 28, 1841: public schools. Real estate and insurance business. Common Council four years, president three years; mayor of Fall River 1880, 1886, 1895, 1896 and 1897; appointed post- master 1881; reappointed postmaster 1898; resigned and was elected to the 55th Con- gress to lill out the unexpired term of Hon. John Simpkins, deceased; also elected to 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re- elected to 6oth Congress. 13 KELIHER, JOHN A., gth District, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born there November 6, 1866; public schools. Real estate. Massa- chusetts House of Representatives i896-'97, state Senate iCpp-igoo: elected to 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Con- gress. 14 LAWREXXR, GEORGE P.. ist District, Republican, North Adams. Born Adams, May 19, 1859; Drury Academy, Amherst College. Cohind)ia Eaw School. Lawyer. Appointed judge of district court of North- ern Berkshire 1885: Massachusetts Senate i895-'96-'97, president last two years. Elected to 55th, 56th, S7th, 58lh. 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. 15 I LOVERING, WILLIAM C, 14th Dis- trict, Republican, Taunton. Born Rhode Island, 1835; Cambridge High School, Hop- kins Classical School. Cotton manufacturer. Massachusetts state Senate '874-'75; dele- gate Republican national con /ention 1880; elected to the 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. 16 McCALL, SAMUEL W., 8th District, Republican, Winchester. Born East Provi- dence, Pa., February 28, 185 1; New Hamp- ton (X.H.) Academy 1870, Dartmouth Col- lege 1874. Lawyer; IVIassachusetts House of Representatives 1888, 1889 and 1892; del- egate to Republican national conventions of 1888 and 1900; elected to 53d. 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re- elected to 6oth Congress. PETERS, ANDREW J., nth District, Democrat, Boston. Born there April 3, 1872. Harvard College 1895, Harvard Law School 1898. Lawyer. Massachusetts House of Representatives 1902, state Senate 1903 And 1905. Elected to 60th Congress. ROBERTS, ERNEST W., 7th District, Republican, Chelsea. Born East Madison, Me., November 22, 1858; public schools, Hig-hland Military Academy, Boston Uni- versity Law School. Lawyer. City council of Chelsea two j^ears; Massachusetts House of Representatives three years; Massachu- setts state Senate 1897 and 1898; elected to the 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 6oth Congress. TIRRELL, CHARLES Q., 4tli District, Republican, Natick. Born Sharon. Decem- ber 10, 1844. Dartmouth College 1866. Law- yer. Massachusetts House of Representa- tives 1872; state Senate 1881 and 1882: pres- idential elector 1888; elected to 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. WASHBURN, CHARLES G., 3d Dis- trict, Republican, Worcester. Born there January 28, 1857; Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1875, Harvard University 1880. Ad- mitted to Suffolk bar 1887. Massachusetts House of Representatives 1897 and 1898, and Massachusetts state Senate 1899 arid 1900; delegate Republican national conven- tion 1904; Massachusetts member of com- mittee to notify Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination. Elected to 6oth Congress. WEEKS, JOi-lX W., iJtli District, Re- publican. Xewton. Born Lancaster, N.H., April II. i860; graduated at United States Naval Academy t88i. Banker and broker. Served in the United States Xavy as mid- shipman from i^raduation to 1883; Massa- chusetts Xaval Brigade ten years, six years as commanding ofiiccr of the organization; member Governor VVolcott's military advis- ory board during Spanish-American w^ar. Alderman three years and mayor two years, city of Xewton: elected to 59th Congress. Re-elected to f)Olh Congress. ^.5 STATE GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE HON. CURTIS GUILD, Jr. Gcverncr. GUILD, CURTIS, jr.. Republican. Bos- ton. Born in Bo.^^ton I'chruary 2, i860; pre- pared for college at Chauncy Hall School; graduated from Harvard College in 1881, class orator; editor and publisher "Boston Commercial Bulletin." Lieutenant-governor i903-'o4-'o5. Governor in i9o5-'o7-'o8. Prom- inent in politics for upwards of tv^^enty years, being heard frequently on the stump in state and national political campaigns, particularly in the I'ryan campaigns of 1896 and 1900, and accompanied President Roosevelt on his speaking tour of the West in the latter year; chairman Repub- lican state convention 1895; vice-president Republican national convention 1896; presi- dent Republican Club of Massachusetts i90i-'02; chairman on Massachusetts day at the Atlanta and Nashville expositions. Adjutant 6th Massachusetts Regiment, M.V.^L; brigadier-general on staff of Gov- ernor Wolcott; Spanish War veteran, being commissioned as lieutenant. 6th Massa- chusetts Volunteers; promoted to be inspec- tor-general of 7th Army Corps with rank of lieutenant colonel, and later inspector- general of the department of Havana, where he achieved success in solving the sanitation problem, and won high commen- dation as well as the offer of higher posi- tions from President McKinley. Member Boston Chamber of Commerce. Masons, 32d degree. HON. EBEN S. DRAPER, Lieut.-Governor. 28 DRAPER. KVA'IS S.. Republican. Hope- dale. Born in ilopcdalo, 1858; preparatory training at Alkn"s school. Newton, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. Em- ployee of Draper Co.'s cotton mills and ma- chine shop; selling agent for the company 1896; typical New England manufacturer.
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