To Table of Contents Exposed Ends ,?7 EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y -ATCHINGSPECIEVENEERONTHICKCABINETSIDES y 3PECIFYh,v,EFT h2v2IGHT ORh"v"OTH y REVEALFROMEDGEOFFRONTFRAMETOSURFACEOFTHESIDE y (ARD-APLEAND3OFT-APLECABINETSHAVE(ARD-APLE EXPOSEDENDS y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR #ONESTOGAORDERENTRYFORPRICING 11 Options Flush Ends -3 EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y -ATCHINGSPECIEVENEERONEXPOSEDOFTHICKCABINETSIDES y 3PECIFYh,v,EFT h2v2IGHT ORh"v"OTH y REVEALFROMEDGEOFFRONTFRAMETOSURFACEOFTHESIDE y (ARD-APLEAND3OFT-APLECABINETSHAVE(ARD-APLEFLUSHENDS y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR#ONESTOGA ORDERENTRYFORPRICING Flush Unexposed Ends -<, EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y 3HOPGRADEVENEERONEXTERIORFACEOFTHICKCABINET SIDESnFINISHINGISNOTAVAILABLE y /RDERWHENTHICKER NON EXPOSEDSIDESAREREQUIREDFORSOLID SURFACEANDSTONECOUNTERTOPS y 3PECIFYh,v,EFT h2v2IGHT ORh"v"OTH y REVEALFROMEDGEOFFRONTFRAMETOSURFACEOFTHESIDE y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR #ONESTOGAORDERENTRYFORPRICING Options Key: ,?7 = Exposed End(s) -3 = Flush End(s) -<, = Flush Unexposed End(s) :: = Shaped Side 7-+ = Prep for False Door ,?; = Extended Stile(s) -; = Flush Toe :)9 = Shaped Bottom Rail 3, = Leg Extension ;:: = Toe Space Side 6: = Omit Shelving 5:/ = No Shelf Holes >: = Solid Wood Shelves 40 = Matching Interior +; = Dust Top 5) = Natural Finished Bottom Cabinet Systems | Winter 2020 11.1 To Table of Contents Shaped Side Option :: EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y /PTIONINCORPORATESONEOFFOURVALANCEDESIGNSONEXPOSEDOR FLUSHENDS y 4OORDER SPECIFYUSING#ONESTOGADESIGNATIONSASSOCIATEDWITH THEDESIGNnSEESHAPEOPTIONSBELOW y 3PECIFYh33vnh,v,EFT h2v2IGHT ORh"v"OTH y $ESIGNISCENTEREDONTHELENGTHOFTHECABINETSIDE 11 y .OTAVAILABLEWITHEXTENDEDSTILES LOOSETOEPLATFORMORFLUSH UNEXPOSEDENDS y 4OESPACESIDEOPTIONISNOTAVAILABLE y !VAILABLEONMOSTBASE TALLANDVANITYCABINETS y -INIMUMCABINETDEPTHIS Options CWS4 – Roman (YJO! CWS6 – Elegant (YJO! CWS5 – Classic (YJO! CWS7 – ;raditional (YJO! Prepare for False Door Side Option 7-+ EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y 0REPARESTHESIDESOFWALL BASE TALLORVANITYCABINETSTOACCEPT THICKDOORSASDECORATIVE INTEGRALCABINETSIDES y &ALSEDOORSNOTINCLUDED MUSTBEORDEREDSEPARATELY y #ABINETCARCASSWIDTHISREDUCEDTOPROVIDEAEXTENSIONOFTHE FRONTFRAMEONLEFT RIGHTORBOTHSIDES/VERALLCABINETFRONTWIDTHREMAINS UNCHANGED y ,EFTANDRIGHTSTILESARE WIDE y 3PECIFYh,v,EFT h2v2IGHT ORh"v"OTH y !VAILABLEONMOSTWALL BASEANDTALLCABINETS y #ONCEALED)NSET(INGESAND0ULL /UT4RAYS0/4S ARENOTAVAILABLEWITH 0REPAREFOR&ALSE$OOR3IDE/PTION y /RDERFALSEDOORWIDTHLESSTHANOVERALLCABINETDEPTH(EIGHTOF FALSEDOOREQUALSCABINETHEIGHT y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR#ONESTOGAORDER ENTRYFORPRICING Options Key: ,?7 = Exposed End(s) -3 = Flush End(s) -<, = Flush Unexposed End(s) :: = Shaped Side 7-+ = Prep for False Door ,?; = Extended Stile(s) -; = Flush Toe :)9 = Shaped Bottom Rail 3, = Leg Extension ;:: = Toe Space Side 6: = Omit Shelving 5:/ = No Shelf Holes >: = Solid Wood Shelves 40 = Matching Interior +; = Dust Top 5) = Natural Finished Bottom 11.2 Cabinet Systems | Winter 2020 To Table of Contents Extended Stiles (EXT)/Custom Extended Stiles (CSEXT) EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y Provides 3" wide frame extension (standard) for field trimming or custom width stile extensions to avoid cutting at installation. y If CSEXT is ordered, stile width can be specified between 1/4" and 3" in 1/16" increments. y For standard 3" extension specify: EXL (Extended Left), EXR (Extended Right) or EXB (Extended Both). y For custom extension specify: CSEXL (Custom Extended Left), CSEXR (Custom Extended Right) or CSEXB (Custom Extended 11 Both) followed by the width required. y Available on most wall, base, tall, vanity and home office units. y Use Conestoga’s online ordering system, Con-Nex or Conestoga order entry for pricing. Options Flush Toe (FT) EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y Bottom rail height is 5-1/2". y Specify: “FT” (Flush Toe). y Cabinet side is manufactured without toe notch. y 96" tall cabinets do not use a toe platform. y Available on most base and tall cabinets. y Use Conestoga’s online ordering system, Con-Nex or Conestoga order entry for pricing. Options Key: EXP = Exposed End(s) FL = Flush End(s) FUE = Flush Unexposed End(s) SS = Shaped Side PFD = Prep for False Door EXT = Extended Stile(s) FT = Flush Toe SBR = Shaped Bottom Rail LE = Leg Extension TSS = Toe Space Side OS = Omit Shelving NSH = No Shelf Holes WS = Solid Wood Shelves MI = Matching Interior DT = Dust Top NB = Natural Finished Bottom Cabinet Systems | Summer 2021 11.3 To Table of Contents Shaped Bottom Rail (SBR) EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y Rail height is 5-1/2". Flush toe is standard; cabinet side is constructed without toe notch. y Roman, Elegant, Classic and Traditional Arch designs are centered on bottom rail. y Elegant 2 and Traditional 2 designs are available on the left only, right only or both sides of the bottom rail. y Elegant 2 and Traditional 2 designs rise to 1-1/2" framing. These 11 designs will not match Elegant or Traditional Arch designs. y Elegant 2 and Traditional 2 designs are not available with the Shaped Side Option. y To order specify using CWS designations associated with the design. y Not available with Loose Toe Platform Option for tall cabinets. y Available on most base, tall and vanity cabinets. y Minimum cabinet width is 15". y Use Conestoga’s online ordering system, Con-Nex or Conestoga order Options CWS6 – Elegant Arch shown entry for pricing. CWS4 – Roman Arch CWS6 – Elegant Arch CWS5 – Classic Arch CWS7 – Traditional Arch Elegant 2: Traditional 2: AB1B – Both AB2B – Both AB1L – Left AB2L – Left AB1R – Right AB2R – Right Leg Extension (LE) EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y Option extends exterior frame stiles to the floor into toe space for furniture “leg” styling. y Specify "LE" – "L" (Left), "R" (Right) or "B" (Both). y Stile width is 1-1/2". y Not available with loose toe platform or shaped bottom rail. y Toe Space Side Option is available, not on the same side as the extension. y Available on most base tall and vanity cabinets. y Minimum cabinet width is 9". y Toeboard backer available. Install prior to final cabinet installation y Use Conestoga’s online ordering system, Con-Nex or Conestoga order entry for pricing. Options Key: EXP = Exposed End(s) FL = Flush End(s) FUE = Flush Unexposed End(s) SS = Shaped Side PFD = Prep for False Door EXT = Extended Stile(s) FT = Flush Toe SBR = Shaped Bottom Rail LE = Leg Extension TSS = Toe Space Side OS = Omit Shelving NSH = No Shelf Holes WS = Solid Wood Shelves MI = Matching Interior DT = Dust Top NB = Natural Finished Bottom 11.4 Cabinet Systems | Summer 2021 To Table of Contents Toe Space Side Option ;:: EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y 0LACESSTANDARDTOESPACEDEPTHONTHELEFT RIGHTORBOTHSIDESOF MOSTBASECABINETS y 3PECIFYh433vnh,v,EFT h2v2IGHT ORh"v"OTH y 4OE3PACE3IDEISNOTAVAILABLEONTHEFOLLOWINGCABINETS",3 "3# "#&$ "!% "%!,2 24" 242 24, 4#( $" $"&$ $"$ $"$ ,&$ /23 $7%0 2%0 "&# 735$AND&3 y -INIMUMCABINETWIDTHANDDEPTHIS433BOTH BOTHMINIMUM 11 DEPTHIS y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR#ONESTOGA ORDERENTRYFORPRICING Options :OLSM 6W[PVUZ 6TPt SOLS]PUg (O: EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y #HOOSETOOMITINTERIORSHELVINGINWALL BASEANDTALLCABINETS y 7ALLANDBASEOMITOPTIONDELETESALLSHELVES y 4ALLCABINETSSPECIFYTOP BOTTOMORALLSHELVES y /MITSSHELVINGONLYIFSHELFHOLESARENOTREQUIRED SPECIFY.O3HELF(OLE/PTION y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR#ONESTOGAORDERENTRYFORPRICING 5o SOLSf HVSe OW[PVn (5:/ EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y #HOOSETOOMITLINEBORINGFORSHELFRESTSIN WALL BASEANDTALLCABINETS y -OSTWALLANDALLBASEOMITOPTIONDELETESALLHOLES y 4WOTIEREDWALLCABINETS447 ANDTALLCABINETSSPECIFYTOP BOTTOMORALLHOLES y /MITSHELFHOLESONLYIFSHELVESARENOTREQUIRED ALSOSPECIFY/MIT3HELVING/PTION y .OUPCHARGE Options Key: ,?7 = Exposed End(s) -3 = Flush End(s) -<, = Flush Unexposed End(s) :: = Shaped Side 7-+ = Prep for False Door ,?; = Extended Stile(s) -; = Flush Toe :)9 = Shaped Bottom Rail 3, = Leg Extension ;:: = Toe Space Side 6: = Omit Shelving 5:/ = No Shelf Holes >: = Solid Wood Shelves 40 = Matching Interior +; = Dust Top 5) = Natural Finished Bottom Cabinet Systems | Winter 2020 11.5 To Table of Contents Solid Wood Shelf Upgrade >: EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB y 2EPLACESTHICKPREFINISHEDPLYWOODSHELVINGWITHTHICK PREFINISHEDSOLIDWOODSHELVINGWITHABULLNOSEONFRONTEDGE y 3OLIDWOODSHELVESAVAILABLEUPTODEEP y 3OLIDWOODSHELFUPGRADEISNOTAVAILABLEWITHMATCHINGINTERIOR y 5SE#ONESTOGASONLINEORDERINGSYSTEM #ON .EXOR#ONESTOGA ORDERENTRYFORPRICING 11 Matching Interior 40 EXP FL FUE SS PFD EXT FT SBR LE TSS OS NSH WS MI DT NB Options y #ABINETSWILLHAVEUNFINISHEDMATCHINGSPECIEINTERIORSIDES TOPS BOTTOMS SHELVESANDBACKS y 3PECIFYh-)v-ATCHING)NTERIOR y 3HELVESAREMATCHINGSPECIEPLYWOODWITHVENEER EDGEBANDINGONFRONTEDGE y (ARD-APLEAND3OFT-APLECABINETSHAVE(ARD-APLE VENEEREDINTERIORCOMPONENTS y #ABINETSWITHMATCHINGINTERIORSTANDARDDONOTHAVETHE MATCHINGINTERIORUPCHARGEINCLUDEDINTHECABINETPRICE Matching Specie 0U[LYPVY :WLJPL Cherry Red Oak Maple Options Key: ,?7 = Exposed End(s) -3 = Flush End(s) -<, = Flush Unexposed End(s) :: = Shaped Side 7-+ = Prep for False Door ,?; = Extended Stile(s) -; = Flush Toe :)9 =
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