- DOCUMENT RESUME ED 179 820 AUTHOR Wonser, Penee: Kohns, Donald TITLE Model Plan for Adminietration and. Supervision Serviices. (Student Vpdatioval Organization Coorainator.) Final Report. INSTITUTION North Dakota State Hoard for Vocaticnal EducaV.ont Bismarck.: North Dakota Univ., Grand Forks. , SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE/ 90 Jun 79 NOTE, 115p. EDPS PRICE -1F01/Peo--5.;Plus Postage. DESCRIPT8RS ActtvitiesAdministration;.*Administ tor 1ResponSibility: Adult Leaders: Ancillarervices; 1Conferehces: *Coordinators: Leadership 'Responsibility: *Leadership Training; Managei6mt, by Objectives; Manuals: Planning.; Planning Meetings; Postsecondary Education: Program Development; Publkcize; *PubliC Reaations: Secondary Education: Student teadershAp: *Student Organizations; supervisory Activities; *Vocational Education: , workshops IDENTIFIERS North Dako+a ABSTRACT Growing-out of a project to immive administrative And support service4 for North Dakotartudent.vocational organizations, this manual outlines possible duties and- . responsibilities of-a state-level student vocational Organizational coordinator based'on a sequential planning and implementation system. T4 manual is divided into- four-areaS with Which the coordinator could be invoived: administrative Services, Cceference planning, public relationsr.andloeadership developMent.. Secticn 1 is- devoted to administrative services apt includes planning meeting tteckliets and planner charts to identify. meetinghactivities 'responsibilities, and deadlines when planning formal meetings.,Th SeCtiow.,2 planning and operational functions Associated with sta tnd national conferences: are describedl conference plantingmeetinguhOtel arrangements and selection checklist, preregistratiot, interim tasks, registration, and post conference.activities. Sec ion 8 outlines coordinator ; acti,y,ities to 'promote good public rttions 'through persona and . lediacontacti-including,news fenturea, photographse'television; radio,)panels and interviews, ezhibiti, and brochures.. liorth.Dakota , televition4 radio,:and'newspaper contacts.are listed. SeetiOn 4 contains an officer training workshop plgnner, including a description of_implel.entation of a management by objeCtives Approach to planning,' executing, and evaluating a program of work (activitieé. designed to attain desired objectives in a definite period of time). Workshop activities, to facilitate member participation and ivolveaent ate.provided. (Iv) Reproductions supplied by ETAS ire the best that can be made :* from the triginal document.- *' ********************************** _Final Report 1 Model Plan_for Administration and Supervision Servics (Student Vocational Organization Coordinator) tr ,Renee Wonser Dr. Donald Kohns Distributive Education . - Univeisity of Noi.th Dakota qrand Forks, North Dakota June 30, 1979 U S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDutATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDr ;tom THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIDIN AT IND IT POINTS OF vim OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY RePRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY In cooperation wIth the North Dakota State Board for Vocational and v Technical Education, Bismarck, North Dakota THE STATE EiOARD FOR VOCATiONAL EDUCATION 000 East Boulevard Bismarck, North Dakota 58505 CARROL BURCHINAL, Director __- NOBERTR MAYER, Assislant Dit'ecto.r REUBEN GUENTHNER, Assistapt Director NORTH DAKOTA RESEARCH COORDINATING UNIT DON ESHELBY, Director The research reported herein was performed pursuant to a grant with the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such Projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged to express, freely their professionalludgment in the conduct of the project. Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore, necessirily represent offihial Office of Educatiorf position or policy. % 3 V Abstract . Problem n Congress has stated in recent federal vocatiional educationlegislation that a state may use funds under its basicgrant to support activities of Nocational Education Student Organizationswhich, are described in its approved five-year State Plan and annualprovam plan and which are an integral part of the vocationalinstruction o feted. ,Due, in part,/6-ih+s funding andsupport, student vocational organization activities as wellias membership withinthe respective organizations have increased. This growthresents a need for a more efficient systemof coordinating the aetiv ties that have b-ecome time'consuming, detailed and complex, and requiringmore time on behalf of state staff and- advisors to plan, manage,'and operate such activities. To implement the'ccincept that student vocational organizationactivities are an integral part of vocational education, It isnecessary to provide addit,ional support and administrative services. Toprovide this assistance to state Vocational organization advisors it is proposed thata vocational student organization coordinator be appointed. This individual could assist the state advisors in providing-leadership, direction, professionaldevelopment, and administration o 41 of the various North Dakota vocationalTtudentorganizations. This individual could act as a liaison betweenlocal, state and national vocational student organization associations. 0 .2.1719..st.J2,tE (1) To identify possible support services and administrativetasks to be performed by a vocational student organizationcoordinator. , A (2) fo develop a sequential planningand implementation system that either a full-time or part-time vocational student.organization coordinator.for the Various vocational student organizations could utilize. This person could be a North Dakota VoCational .staff member, a university or college staff member;or an inservice, teacher coordinator. (3) A procedural manual containing: A. Activity planning, impiementgtion, and evaluation policies, procedure's; and recommendations., B. SaMple forms, checklists, examples,etc. to serve aS guides for various activities 0 Procedu.es t, ldentified(activities required to cmple'te yearly programs 40, of work's froM 4xisting student vocational organization handbooks, guidelines, and applicable publications and recommendations from state staff and advf.sors. 2. Developed a series of duties and responsibilities for a student vocational organization coordinator from a review of existing loublications as well as froWthe experiences of an individual Itho assum0 the position ofa coordinator on a,parttime basis - , for a one-year period. This part-time coordinator assisted the Distributive Education state supervisor, teacher educator; advisors, and students. Experiences'gained during this time were used to develop a comprehensive procedural plan for a student vocational organization coordinator who could serve various North Dakota . student vocational organizations tn succeedingyears. Contact was made throughout the year with advisors of the vocational education programs foi information, materials, forms, and advice concerning the development of this plan. s 3. ihe part-time coordinator, with,,the aSsistance ofstate staff and the principal investigator of--this project, began development of the comprehensive administrative and support services plan on July i, 1978 and coMpleted the project described in the objectives on June 30, 1979. Contribution to Vocational and Technical Education A model_plan for the improvementof administrative and support serviees for North.Dakota student vocation4 organizations was developed'. A manual outlining possible duties and reaPonsibilities f a student vocational organization coordinator was prepared. 0 7r, TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Introduction .. 1, Section I- Administrative Services 5 Planning Meeting thecklists Meeting Planner Chats Section II- Conference Planning . 21- Conference Planning Meeting Hotel Arrangements Hotel Selection Checklist Pre-registration Interium Ta'sks Registration Post Conference Actitivies Section III - Public Relations00,40 eeee 0* 60440 4 ...... 42 Personal Contact Media Contact Lists of' television, radio, and newspaper contacts ---Section IV - Leadership Development ... .. ..... 75 Officer Training Workshop Planner . 17, Program of Work MBO's Leadership Activities 105 0 Bibliography ........ ..... ......, ............. INTRODUCTIO The National Council on Vocational Educa-t4on sub itted. ,recommendations for expanding the visibility-and pott of vocational student organizatiOnt. For many years, voCational student organizations have typified the coOperation between.education and the priVate sector which it beind\* urgently sought today. These student.organizatIons have supplied their members-with the incentives and guidance which we-recognize nowHas essential to tvinging relevance.to education, and which we now accept as an integral part of the emerging, career educatiOn cohcep,t.' Congress has stated in recent federal vocational education legislation that a state may use funds under its basic grant to support activities of voeational.education,stu'de0 organizations which:aredescribed in its approved' five-year State Plan-and annual program plan and- which are an-integral part of-the. 0. vocational instruction offered. Due, in part, to this funding and support, vocational student organization activities as well as membership withi.n the respec- v tive organizations have increased. This growth presents a need for a more efficient system of coordinating the activities that
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