PAGE TWENTVrSIGHT iHanrlrftdpr lEttPuino Miss Nancy T. Walsh. 324 Cen­ Miaa Mary Jana Hlobik of West I ^ l U Willington. who will be married to ter St;, a-student at New Britain Driverless Auto About To.wn ■Frank Tawrog of. North Haven on Teachers College, is home for the Average Daily Net Pr<<Ka Run Christmas vacation. ^ Hits Utility Pole Fob. 2 in Stafford, waa honored m- For the W>ek Ended Xr.'f and M n. C9araiice R. Cook pently with a miacellaneoua show­ ---- ■ I OPEN ^ERY NltFTHIS WEEK JILL 9- Dec. 15, 1956 jJr. o f Ploo,. Calif., announce tne er. given by her bridal attendants, Chapman Court. No. 10, Order Miaa Mabel G. Trotter, 58, of 316 ; blrtb o f a^daucbtar,. Kathryn Ann, at the Community Y. Her attehd- of Amaranth, will meet in ^ e Center St., parked her car on; Monday, 17, in. Murphy Me- anU will be Mrs. Jacksdii Prouty Masonic Temple Friday e%'enAig Chestnut St. early last night, , and | . SCARFS and STOLES 1 2 ,4 2 2 morUl Hoapitai. WhtUter, . Calif. of Mansfield. Miss Carol Dickson at T:4tl. It will be the annual went into a friend's house. '.When o f Stafford Springs, and Miss Cyn­ meeting, with reports and election she came out again the car was Member of the Audit Mr.-and Mm. Cook have a daugh- ,A II auk acarfa-in square and long styles. Roaematr. ^nd a eon, Chriito- thia Oess of Manchester. About 40 of officers. Refreshmenti will be gone, but not far, " i Toileftfies, Etc. ■ Bureau of CIrculiitioii Manche$ier-^A City of Village Chartn Mra. Cook waa'th'e former friends'and" relatives attended. ' served by the men of the court, She told polite "sne had left the Also sheer nylon scarfs In short styles. , Ifa r n r a t ^roflnan. daughter under the chairmanship of Albert .motor running, applied the hand-1 " a Heavisides. „ brake and went ins^e the house. < I Coty Celogn«s'$2.0Q,and $3.50 e t Sirs Ai*d Mm. T. Ekin’ard Bros- Lakota Council, No. 01, Degree (Claaatflbd Advertlalag oa Faga 22) IMS, W W ellington, St. • - . ^ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 69 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SEt'l'lONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TI^RSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1956 PRICE FIVK CENTS of Pocahontas, nlll meet tonight in A daughter w;as born at the with no one in it. the car rolled sk O O anci . $1^98 down an incline to Laurel St. into a'| Faberg* Colognes •Odd Fellows Hall. Election of offi­ Hartford Hospital Dec. 15 tg Mr. All whUe nylon stolea $3*98 and $8.98 each. • The TWCA o^Ce4n thiTcoin-, cers will be held. After the meet­ utility pole. Damage resulted to the $1.25 and $2.00 ,and Mrs.,John Fiinke, 144 Wi Cen­ right front fender, bumpep» and j munity T aiU be cloaad'dinlng the ing. a social with refreshments and ter St. ' holidays, from Friday at i a grab bag, for which members are \ ; ■ ___ ' headlight. No 'charges were Friendship Garden until .Weidnaaday, Jan. 2.; . '^‘ litb bring a 75-cent gift, will be held. brought. BILLFOLDS by Buxton ■ All Children of the nursery and Cologne....................... $1.50 kindergarten classes of the North Genuine leaUicra in many styles including Refugee Relief Methodist Chiircji School are in­ Coty Bath Powder . $1.75 new French’ purses. All flat billfolds con­ vited to a Christmas' party at the tain change compartment. Many , with pic­ church Saturday at 2:30. Coty Talcum ........................ $1.00 ture compartment.. 9 ^ • W An.v children under the age of I 12 interested in attending the Elks Coty Gift Upsticlc Pledged by Ike silk-foulard -children's Christmas party Satur- $1.75 and $2.50 s2 « 5 0 lo 5 7 .5 0 j day-frot^ l l a.m. to 1 p.m. at the i E state Thamter may pick up tickets 1 Chanel No. 5 Cologne . $5.00 lookin'^ ' at the Blks-Home tomorrow and I J E W E L R Y ^ Vienna, Dec. 20 (JP)— Presi­ full extent of the problem and FViday aftemodns. A 2-hour comic ! recommend further steps by the showwill be given, and each child i Yardley Lavender, For Chriatmaa in a large fa c t io n of tal- dent Eisenhower today prom­ United State*. EverfasP j will be presented with-a ainall gift. , S o a p ...........$1.00 and $1.50 loied and atone set atylparAlso sparkling ised the United Str.tes would -Nixon saw Raab briefly to de­ ’V ' ’ rhinestone pins,. earrings, necklaces and ,d.o everything in its power to liver the letter shortly after he Surraire Friendship Garden bracelets. help solve/the problem cre­ had paid bis respect* to Austria's 83-year-ol(T~ President— Theodor Newsmen Leaders^ Bath S a lt ........... .. $1.00 ated by hordes of Hungarian Koerner. U.S. Favors ^ New Jap Premier Of B f ' FIS«iif Cite B road sleO O *0 5 -4 e9 8 ’ each refugees crowding Austria Nixon handed a similar letter Of Refugees t lighl \ In Setback Event Old. Spice After Shave and still crossing through the from Eisenhower to Koerner. He Lotion ........................... $1.00 Iron Curtain to freedom. alsor gave the aged Austrian Five Pow er Several exclusive, on-the- e fo r Tl.e Herald remained leaders of INDERA ' GIFT The President'* promi.se was President an autographe<l portrait spot photos of Hungarian refr the Elks ffiitback Tournament after contained in a letter dellver8<l by of Eisenhower. For Peiping Trad^ ugees crossing this Auatrlan Yardley Shaving Bowl $1.^ls After his round of courtesy vlslta, the ISth sitting Isat night with a KNIT SLIPS ■Vice President Richard M. Nixon border to freedom during the score of 2.850. HANKIES Nixon waa driven to N e u s i^ am Arm s Talks recent revolt have been ob­ Agregtoept Musical Powder Boxes to Austrian Chancellor .Tulius Raah See, in Burgenland Province and Team totals and standings are: Snug fitting, knit to fit. will not ride shortly before the American offi­ ‘ Tokyo, Dec. 20 (/P)— Tanzan tained by The Herald. Four XXXX, 2,638; .Diamond Jims, All white or print handkerchiefs only 10 miles from where the Hun­ Sheldon Jaffe, 48 Brookfield $3.78 and $5.9^^ up. Built up shoulders, sizes for every cial aet out oa a visit to refugee garians are crossing into this coun­ Ishihashi, 72-year-old new 2,634; Joe's Barber Shop. 2,630; figure. in many patterns. United Nations, N. Y „ Dec. Sjt-, recently returned from the Washington, Dec. 20 (JP)-— " camps not far from the Border. j try: president of the Liberal- The Heights. 2.618- Oliva's Esso, A high official source said Nixon I 20 (>P)— The United States revolt-tom nation where he President Eisenhower and 2,601; Blks No.- 1893. 2.600; 4 Comb. Bruih and Mirror All Cotton . $1.79 and $1.98 The Vice President left his car at Democratic party, was elected snapped the pictures. alreaiti’ believed the United Stetes a street corner in the village to moved today for a resump­ Prime Minister Nehru said Duces, 2.575; Vichi's R and TV. S e t ............. $1.98 ea. 107. W o o l..........................$1.98 2 5 c to sj.OO ca. should admit more H<ingafians. Ei­ prime minister of Japan to­ The photogra1>hs and Jaffa's 2,561; Anderson's Painter. 2,536; NIW shake hands with local officials.' In tion of 5-iK)wer private dis­ vivid eye-witness impressions jQday their talks, her* had Pink onlvv senhower hss ordereil 21.500 ad­ Eisenhower’s name, he thanked armament talka next month. day. He advocates continued, Manchester Trust, 2,542; Patten's mitted by the end of the .vear. May Be Cardinal of the-Hungarian tragedy, as confirmed a “broad area of Builders, 2,525; Woody's Wonders. them for the help they had granted U.S Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge cooperation with the United i told to Herald reporter Waiter S Y R A C U il, the refugees. The officials took him agreement” between India I 2,524. Eisenhower in his letter to Raab . Negro Archbiahop Joaeph Jr. told the U.N. Disarmament States and other western Tedford, appear in today's said Nixon was acting as his per­ into an office to point out on a map Kiwanuka, of Masaka, Ugan­ and the United States in Petemon’s' Milkmen, 2,489; Wal- Commisaion the United States "w ill countries, but more trade Herald. - Beautiful boyond words... sonal representative in an effort to the concentrations of refugee* and da, Africa, is among the propose that a meeting of the dis­ world affairs. put Clippers. 2,486; V and D. 2.486; are 1>e8€ find a solution of a problem which the routes they take in coming over prelatea under conaideration armament subcommittee be held In with Communist China. The tw o' national 1 e a d a r a Leone's Trucking, 2,484; State Shoe you just hovo to soa 'it. had d.eeply touched the American the border. for selection as cardinals at March at the end of the present I.shiba.sht succeeds T.-Iilro Hato- See Page 13 summed up the results of Nehru’s Repair, 2,480; Garden Restaurent. i / r o e a i i people—the flight of .more than U.S. and Austrian officials ad­ ■ the next -ponsistory of the session of the General Asaembly." .vama. who resigned \vlth his cabi­ 4-dqy visit here in a final com­ 2,478; Capitol Equipment.
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