INDEX Abolition of slavery. See Antislavery move- American Philosophical Society, 364, 370, ment 471; and Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Academy of Natural Sciences, 41, 43 501; and Adam and Henry Seybert, 40, Academy of Philadelphia. See University of 43, 44, 57 Pennsylvania American Revolution: Pa. land confiscations Ackworth School, England, 45a in, 328-343; Old Northwest in, 120-121; Adams, Donald R., Jr., rev. of Lindstrom's Quaker sufferings during, 212-223, 437- Economic Development in the Philadelphia 456; radical committees of Phila., 378 Region, 1810-1850, 520-522 American Revolutionary: A Biography of Adams, John: promotes a nat. university, General Alexander McDougall, by Mac- 370; Papers of, vols. 1 and 2, 244-246 Dougall, rev., 137-139 Adams, John Quincy, 360; attacks "gag American School, of political economy, 458, rule," 157 462 Adelphi Building, 144 American Sunday School Union, 348 Advance Light Brigade, in War of 1812, 478 Ammerman, David, rev. of Ryerson's The Aiken, John, 367 Revolution is Now Begun, 378-380 Alabama claims, 462-464 Amusements, affects of on morals, 345 Aldridge, Alfred Owen, 415, 416 Anchovies, from Italy, 10, 13 Alexander, Mrs., of N. Y., 12 Anderson, Maj. Robert: and surrender of Alexander, John K., "Deference in Colonial Fort Sumter, 273, 274; visits Phila., 297 Pennsylvania," 422-436 Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Allegheny County, goes Democratic in 1932, Empire, 1767-1821, by Remini, rev., 383- 186 38.4 Allegheny County Civic Club, 71, 90 Angier, William, 303 Allen, Andrew, estate confiscated, 337, 338, Annenberg, Moses, 199, 206 Anti-Americanism in the German Novel 1841- Allen, James, 20 1862, by Hollyday, rev., S3SS3^ Allen, John (1742-1778), 6n; and Benj. West Antinomianism, 421 in Italy, 7-26 Antislavery movement: Am I Not a Man and Allen, Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. Wm. Allen), a Brother, Bruns, ed., rev., 251-252; Phila. death of, 13, 15 Female Anti-Slavery Society, 143-166 Allen, William (1704-1780), as patron of Appleton, Nathan, 314 Benj. West, 3-26 Arch Street Jail, Phila., 474-475 Almanacs, early American, 253 Arch Street Meetinghouse, 158 Alms House, Phila., 219 Archer, Byder, Maude & Co., bankers, 439 Alverthorpe, J. F. Fisher estate, 283; de- Argus, sloop of war, 478 scribed, 307-308 Armor, Thomas, Jr., 338 Am I Not a Man and a Brother: The Anti- Arms Makers of Maryland, by Hartzler, slavery Crusade of Revolutionary America, rev., 118-120 Briens, ed., rev., 251-252 Armstrong, Gen. John, Jr., 103, 104 American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, Armstrong, Mrs. John, Jr., 105 162 Arson, burning of Pa. Hall, 159 American Anti-Slavery Society, 144, 148, "Aspects of Moral Reform in Early Nine- 149, 154, 161, 163 teenth-Century Pennsylvania," by J. American Bar Association, 200 Thomas Jable, 344-363 American Colonization Society, 144 Assembly, Pa. (unicameraL 1776-1790): and American Daily Advertiser, 232 pa•a:y of Pa. Line, 335-330; and property of The American Dream in the Great Depression, 6 Lo.oyalists; , 3-52 by Hearn, rev., 135-13 Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 471 American Free Produce Society, 163 Atlantic City, visit of Sarah Butler Wister American Peace Society, 152 to,319-321 537 538 INDEX October Atlantic Monthly, 171 Beazler, Mrs. teacher, 498 Auguste Edouart's Silhouettes of Eminent Becker, Stephen, Diary of My Travels in Americans, by Oliver, rev., 129-130 America, rev., 258-259 Aurora: attacks Thos, McKean, 232-242; Beecher, Catherine, 152 denounces lawyers, 238 Beer gardens, 359, 362 Austin, Dr., 176 Belden, Mrs., 288 Austria, immigrants from, 62 Belden, Laura. See Field, Mrs. Dudley D., Jr. Authors. See Writers Bell, Alonzo, 175-179 Bell, Marion L., Crusade in the City, rev., 389-391 Bache, Thomas Huston, 176 Bells, Centennial bell at Independence Hall, Bacon, 216 40-58 Bagot, Charles, 487 Belmont, Richard Peters estate, 503-504 Bailey, Francis, 232 Belohlavek, John M., George Mtfflin Dallas, Bailyn, Bernard, 365, 423 rev., 384-386 Baldwin, Loammi, 505 Belz, Herman, A New Birth of Freedom, rev., Balliets, Stephen, 338 5237524 Balloon ascensions, 351; failure at Vauxhall Benbridge, Henry, 3 Garden (i8i9),497 Benezet, Anthony, 406 Baltimore: attacked in War of 1812, 478; Benjamin West: The Context of His Life's secession spirit in, 302, 304, 311 Work, by Dillenberger, rev., 243-244 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 308 Bennett, James Gordon, 278 * Bancroft, George, 178 Bentalou, Paul, 105^ Bank of Montgomery County, 481 Berkeley, Francis L., Jr., rev. of Oliver's Bank of Pennsylvania, Cabrera forgery case, The Portraits of John Marshall, 125-127 225 Berkey, J. M., 66 Bank of the United States, 1st, 469 Berthier, Gen. Pierre Alexandre, io6n Bank of the United States, 2nd, 469; inflated Berthoff, Roland, 66 stock value of, 491; James Lloyd declines Bethman, German Banker, 481 presidency of, 506 Bethune, Divie, 348 Bank of Washington, 483 Betty Sally, ship, 7-8, 13, 14 Banks, Nathaniel P., 305 Bible, study of, 348 Barclay, David, 454 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History: A Barclay, David & Sons, and Wm. Allen, Supplement, Wall, ed., 139 6-16, 19-20 Bicentennial, in Phila., 168 Barclay, Robert, 214 Bick, Mr., 483 Barclay, Bevan, & Bening, bankers, 439 Biddle, Catherine, 320 Baring, Alexander, 1st Baron Ashburton, 481 Biddle, Col. Charles J., 310;* Barker, Anna. See Ward, Mrs. Samuel G. Biddle, Judge Craig, 175 Barker, John, 226, 227, 229 Biddle, George W., in Home Guard, 305 Barley, 216 Biddle, Commodore James, 492, 492^ Barney's Inn, Baltimore, 484, 487 Biddle, James (1929- ), 103 Barouches. See Carriages Biddle, James S., 320 Bartram, Alexander, 337 Biddle, John, Loyalist, 331 Bartram's Garden, 491 Biddle, Mary. See Cadwalader, Mary Biddle Bashore, Ralph M., 192 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 494; converses Bass, Robert, 41 with Benj. West, 109-114; diaries of, 103; Bates, William Nickerson, 103 impressions of Napoleon, 103-108; Wm. Bath Springs House, Bristol, 479 Joseph Walter dedicates book to, 30, 31 Baumann, Roland M.: rev. of de Pauw's Bingham, William, 489 Documentary History of the First Federal Bird, Mrs. Lewis, 286 Congress, vol. 3, 123-124; rev. of Prince's Birkbeck, Morris, 450 The Federalists and the Origins of The U.S. Birkbeck, Wilson, 454 Civil Service, 382-383 Bishop, Thomas, 276, 284 Bayard, Florence. See Lockwood, Mrs. Black, Charles A., 361 Benoni The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom^ Bayard, James A. (1799-1880), 286, 287, 294 by Gutman, rev., 252-253 Bayard, Mrs. James A., 287, 293 Blade, Mrs. Elizabeth S., 48 Bayard, Mabel. See Kane, Mrs. John K., Jr. Bladensburg: battle of, 477; battle ground, Bayard, Thomas Francis (1828-1898), 293 483 Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T., 274,316 Blaine, Ephraim, 340 1978 INDEX 539 Blaine, Jones G., 460 Bringhurst, Joseph, 216n Blakes, John, 440 Bristol, Pa., as summer resort, 479-480, 490 Blanc, Bishop Anthony, 34 British Museum, 165 Blanchard, Jean Pierre, 351 Brooklyn Navy Yard, 492 Bland, Barnet, & Hoare, hankers, 439 Brooks, Edward, 80 Blockson, Charles L., rev. of Gutman's The Brosius, Nicholas, 338 Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, 252- Brown, David S., 314 2S3 Brown, Frederick, 281 Blodget, Mr. S., 488 Brown, Ira V.: rev. of Bruns's Am I not a Bloom, Robert L., rev. of Cochran's Bi- Man and a Brother, 251-252; "Cradle of centennial History, 375-377 Feminism: The Philadelphia Female Anti- Blue Laws, of Pa., 345-348 Slavery Society, 1833-1840," 143-166 Bode, Carl, Maryland: A Bicentennial His- Brown, Mary Johnson. See Chew, Mrs. tory, rev., S33 Samuel Boies, Henry M., 76 Brown, Moses. 445 Boletto, Capt., 20 Brown, Ralph Adams, rev. of Taylor's Bonaparte, Jerome, 481 Papers of John Adams, vols. 1 and 2, 244- Bonaparte, Joseph, 488, 489; admires Bel- 246 mont estate, 504; admires the Woodlands, Brown, Collinson, & Tritton, bankers, 439 480; at circus, 506; rents Lansdowne, 485 Brown mi Her, Roy, 203 Bonaparte, Louis, 481 Bruce, Thomas, seventh Earl of Elgin, 114 Bonaparte, Lucien, 480 Brumbaugh, Martin G., 84, 89; background Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I of, 85 Bond, Rebecca, 489 Brungard, D. M., 66 Bones, Mr., 485 Bruns, Roger, ed., Am I Not a Man and a Book of Common Prayer, revised by Franklin, Brother, 251-252 414-415 Bryan, Hugh, 408 Booth, Sally Smith, Seeds of Anger, rev., Buck, Elizabeth, 341 377-378 Buck, Solon, 341 Boreas, ship, 8 Buffum, Rebecca, 150 Boscawen, Admiral Edward, 6 Bull, John, 340 Boudinot, Elias, IV., biog. of by Clark, 116— Bull Run, Battle of, 315-318 117 Bullitt, William C, 195 Bowling, Kenneth, rev. of Clark's E. B.: The Bunner, Andrew, 340 Story of Elias Boudinot IV, 116-117 Bunting, Anna, 145, 148 Bradish, Mrs., 492 Burleigh, C. C, 157 Bradshaw, Robert, 4427* Burnham, Walter Dean, 70, 21 on Bragdon, Henry Wilkinson, rev. of Mulder's Burt, Nathaniel: rev. of Hersh's The Mellon Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Prepara- Family, 527-529; rev. of Lewis', Those tion, 526-527 Philadelphia Kelly s, 262-2621 rev. of Bramble, schooner, 472 Koskoff's The Mellons, 527-529; Palaces Brandon, Ruth, Singer and the Sewing for the People, rev., 531-532 Machine, rev., 132-133 Bush Hill, Hamilton estate, 473, 499; Breakfast, at Atlantic City, 320 gambling at, 353 Breck, Daniel, 495 Bush River Monthly Meeting, 448, 449 Breck, George, 491 Bushfield, Samuel, 355, 3S^> 357 Breck, Charles, 491, 492 Busti, Paul, 482, 496 Breck, Jean Ross (Mrs. Sam. Breck), 469, Busti, Mrs. Paul, 482 473, 476, 480 Bustill, Cyrus, 157 Breck, Lucy, 472, 476, 480; education of, Butler, Gen. Benjamin F., 327 498, 501 Butler, Elizabeth. See McAllister, Mrs. Breck, Samuel, Sr., 469 Julian Breck, Samuel. Jr. (1771-1862): and Chesa- Butler, Jon, Power, Authority, and the peake & Delaware Canal, 501-503; diary Origins of American Denominational Order, of, 1814-1822, 469-508; and Hist.
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