fl V r t - - - i nt W111111 Tl t -- - innii UIMI haAfdM em fy vrfWUtStwJ TfirrrrrilTi Xittv t i n mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmtmmmitlflSmiU TLYi liimui WiliUJukwULimViiuAjBii 1 VJi1iiwiiiiimjLMSlUjiu iMJiaijiJJ fn ERIIHMIM i THE MAHONltfG DISPATCH FRIDAY MAY 28 1915 s EAST OANFIELD STREET NORTH OANFIELD STREET 1 T If- - ISSUED WEEKLY May 26 Mrs Clark Lower of May 27 Miss Alice Neff called on The Citizens Co operative Co Youngstown is at the homo of her par¬ Mrs H C Clay Thursday Baseball Scores and YOUR DOLLAR ents Mr and Mrs William Fink Mrs Wm Harding was In Jackson C C FOWLER Editor Edwin Hunter was a visitor at Hen recently Standing ofthe Clubs represents a section of ry Kohlers in Marquis Sunday Mrs Thomas Yeager and children iCANFJELD OHIO Youngs- Mrs George Yeager Mrs T G Stratford was In called on Mr and m KUITtTTWmi your life It means so town Friday Sunday AMERICAN LEAGUE TELEPHONE NO 48 C H Edsall of Canfleld and daugh- Mr and Mrs Carl Cruthcrs arc tho WIiPct1 WUIct much toil so much work ter Mrs E P Ressler wore in proud parents of a baby girl Chicago 24 12 667Wash 14 17 4B1 v Entered at Canfleld Ohio Postofllce as Youngstown Sunday afternoon Heber Donaldson called on Wm Detroit 23 13 C39St Louis 14 20 412 so much weariness If matter ¬ 17 14 13 19 406 r second class Callers at Mrs Mary Wehrs Wed- Gardner Sunday New York S4StTle eland 13 14 12 21 364 nesday sere Mrs Nora Burgett and John Matthews of Salem spent Sun- ¬ Boston 481Phlla you spend it foolishly it TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION daughter Sylvia of Cornershurg and day with H C Clay and family Washington 000100400 B 10 One Tear 100 Robert Kjle of this street Miss Bertha Koler of New Buffalo Detroit 104B0000 10 7 is juBt that much of your vBlx Months CO Kyle spent Thursday night with Corll Shaw Williams Dubuc Stanago Three Months 35 Mr and Mrs Robert wero at Eva New York 0 10 0 2 10 1 11 ¬ 16 life thrown away Knaufs greenhouse In Knaufvllle Fri Dr A B Detchon was called to Chicago 10000141 7 10 SPECIAL NOTICE day Thomas Yengers Sunday Keating 8weoncyi Faber Sclialk ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Frank DeCamp of North Can- John Bortmas and family of Cor- Obituary Notices Resolutions of Re NATIONAL LEAGUE spect Cards of Thanks and notices of fleld Street and Mrs Preston Rooso of nershurg spent Sunday with George jshurch and charitable entertainments and Ravenna called at Noah Hushours Bortmas and family WLPct WLPct the like where an admission fee Is chorg Wm Harding Mrs Shafer Phlta IS 11 621 Boston 16 16 484 tfd will be charged for at the rate of Saturday Grace Chicago 20 13 606 Pitts 15 16 484 noo half cent a word These must be Mrs Grace Carroll of Canfleld spent and Mr and Mrs B K DeCamp call ¬ Brook 15 15 500 Clncln 12 17 414 mffimewmsPb eraKpaswsi paid for In advance or charged to re ¬ Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs ed on Wm Gardner and family Sun- ¬ Bt Louts 16 17 485 New 17 393 sponsible parties ordering the same Torkll obpei Mary Wehr and daughter Lllllc day All Wednesday games postponed rain The 3mromr Mr Cook of Poland mode a business Miss Beatrice Clay called on Evelyn Home Savings FRIDAY MAY 28 1916 call at Mrs Mary Wehrs Saturday Shafer Sunday AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Noah Hushour Is on tho sick list Mr and Mrs Frank Crum wero In WUPct WLPet Martin Neff sr was In Canfleld Glrard Tuesday Indian 21 14 600 St Paul 16 17 485 anil Loan did not Kan City 18 14 563 Cleveland 14 17 453 Company Tender garden truck that Saturday Clarence Williamson Henry Forney 19 15 559 12 17 414 Special Mllnke Mlnne Values wear wraps Wednesday night wore Mr and Mrs Robert Kyle wero In and family Sherman Corll and May LoutsUlle 19 15 559 Columbus 12 22 363 ilack looks Thursday morning Youngstown Monday Wells and daughter Helen called at 129 Indianapolis 0 0 000010 01 5 1 West Federal St for Friday and Saturday Quito a number from hero attended Nathan Blotts Sunday evening Bt Paul 10 10 0 2 0 1 5 7 1 Col lloosevelt and his followers church in Canfleld Sunday M C Clay and family took a spin Merz Qosiett Hall Johnson 3 4 YOUNGSTOWN - OHIO naturally much pleased when Mrs Lois Edsall was In Boardman to Canfleld to visit her sister Mrs Columbus 10000000 01 June and 5th were the Chns Milwaukee 00204000 6 3 2 4th Jury Syracuse N Y last week Saturday Harter Dougherty at Wm Shafer and Miss Allco Neff vis- ¬ Curtis Coleman Brannon guilty of having libeled Earl Ressler of Hickory called on 5 1 Five Per Cent and Some found him not ited the old homo in Meander Louisville 000000000 22 William Barnes long prominent In re Harry Balrd Monday evening latters Minneapolis 000000000 0 0 8 3 Rippujets per yard 13c Silk PoplinB 22c jiubllcan politics in New York state Edwin Hunter was in uanflcld Mon- ¬ Saturday MMdlcton Clcmon Harper Sullivan times More I day night calling on friends Miss Eva Corll called on Helen Pure Linen Damask 89c Best Grade Calico 5c Leopold Lustlg of Youngstown was Wells Sunday FEDERAL LEAGUE Greenfield Suiting 8 c Linen Suitings 39c President A P Sandles of the state on this street Monday H C Clay was In Ellsworth Tues- ¬ WLPct WLPct 22 13 629 St Louis 16 16 500 111 agricultural commission has favored ¬ day Pitts Thomas Jacobs and family enter- Chicago 21 14 600 Brook 16 17 485 he Dispatch with copies of the list ¬ Roy Cruthers Is able to atend school v tained friends from Youngstown Sun- Knn City 19 14 5761 Baltimore 13 21 382 Big Values for LittleMoney Mfc of words to be used lu the state wide day again Newark 19 17 628 Buffalo 10 24 294 spelling to in Colum- ¬ Evelyn sr contest be held Mrs John Penny daughter Mary Misses Alcena Gardner and Brooklyn 12 2 Grandma Washing Powder largo package 16c M bus June 4 The contains 5000 Sun- ¬ 10010211 06 list and son George spent Saturday and Shafer called at Thomas Yeagers Pittsburgh 0 0 10 0 10 0 13 7 1 V words Each contestant will be fur- ¬ Sunday with friends In Mineral Ridge day Lafltte Pratt Ilcarn OConnor Wall Paper Cleaner 4 packages for 29c nished with a Hat so that he or she Misses Evelyn Shafer Beatrice Clay ¬ Lantz Naptha Soap 7 cakes for 29c can study the words making tho con YOUNGSTOWN Eva Corll and Wm Shafer wero test fair beyond all question No word among those who attended the ban ¬ KILLS Fresh Lemon Gem Cookies 2 doz 15c will bo pronounced that is not in tho quet held at Harry Dicksons on East BABYAHD HERSELF I printed list Only ono contestant is Idora park opened for tho season Canfleld Street Srw3tk Choice Tomatoes 3 cans 25c allowed from each county but several last Sunday and thousands of people Miss Grace Richards and brother In WOMAN STRANGLES TO DEATH counties have selected one or two al ¬ were attendance Among the Thomas visited at A B Williamsons ternates amusements is a which Is Sunday DAUGHTER TRIES TO SLAY Floor Coverings outside the park but tho entranco is Mr and Mrs Glenn DeCamp and SON AND ENDS LIFE inside the park During tho afternoon son Wnyno called on Frank DeCamp REBMAN 9x12 Lakeoleum Rug 590 SALEM one of the tralnB of cars failed to ne ¬ Tuesday evening New York May 27 Terrified at the 9x12 Fibre Rug 740 gotiate tho second elevation and start Ren Knight and son crrel called on prospect ed back Another train following at of again becoming a mother No Fibre Floor Coverings per yd 27c Whilo Charles Filler was driving friends at Ohltown Mrs Charlotte ONeill strangled her lias Competition terrlflo speed crashed Into the stalled ¬ down Now Garden street with a load Mr and Mrs Nathan Yeager visit- baby daughter Josephine to 36 inch Rug Border 42c straw ono day week Elizabeth cars killing Dan Denehy aged 20 In Sunday tried kill of last ed Ohltown four-year-ol- d My ¬ her son Francis Examination of JPolenl aged three years attempted employed In the Western Union tel May Wells called at J C AUs and then youi Is to grasp a handful of straw and was egraph office Probably 25 people paughs Tuesday evening sent a bullet through her heart She eyes is entirely different Wall Paper Remnants thrown under the wheels of the wagon were aboard the two trains and all Mr and Mrs H C Clay spent was dead when found by her sister were more injured Mrs from all and killed Mr Filler did not know or less Thursday in Youngstown Welden who had called to visit others in Youngs- May be just what you need for that room They that tho accident had happened until A movement has been launched by Wm Shafer called on Arrel Knlgat her The children strangling from town ¬ The whe after ho had gone somo distance Epwonth League and Christian En Wednesday night cords tied around their throats wero people are marked at less than half price Naturalist H W Weisgerber gave deavor societies of this city to compel Frank Crum sold a valuable horse found In a bed Mrs Welden cut tho know this are those wht an illustrated nature lecturo Tuesday the closing of all moving picture shows to Ford McGlnnls strings and tho baby Joscphino died in on Sunday Representatives of these have tried others night in Loetonia under the auspices Mr and Mrs Frank DeCamp called her arms Quick resuscitating ¬ without conferred with proso meth- of tho Brotherhood of SL Pauls societies have on M J Cruthers Tuesday evening ods saved the life of tho boy success Co Lutheran church cutor A f Henderson to ascertain Mrs spent When your eyes The Citizens operative Co Charlio Corll Saturday Called from ¬ the law on ithe question and it is ex¬ his work as an archi- Broad Street Andrew Smith and Griffith Deweese with Mrs H C Clay tectural engineer Francis ONrill go wrong I will be pleased Canfleld Ohio adjudged insane have been taken to pected that warrants will bo sworn Oliver Rhodes of Lordstown called
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