Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 1611–1622, 2013 # 2013 SETAC Printed in the USA TOWARD IMPROVED MODELS FOR PREDICTING BIOCONCENTRATION OF WELL-METABOLIZED COMPOUNDS BY RAINBOW TROUT USING MEASURED RATES OF IN VITRO INTRINSIC CLEARANCE JOHN W. NICHOLS,*y DUANE B. HUGGETT,z JON A. ARNOT,xk PATRICK N. FITZSIMMONS,y and CHRISTINA E. COWAN-ELLSBERRY# yUS Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Mid-Continent Ecology Division, Duluth, Minnesota, USA zDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA xDepartment of Physical & Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada kArnot Research and Consulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada #CE2Consulting, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (Submitted 28 November 2012; Returned for Revision 24 January 2013; Accepted 8 March 2013) Abstract: Models were developed to predict the bioconcentration of well-metabolized chemicals by rainbow trout. The models employ intrinsic clearance data from in vitro studies with liver S9 fractions or isolated hepatocytes to estimate a liver clearance rate, which is extrapolated to a whole-body biotransformation rate constant (kMET). Estimated kMET values are then used as inputs to a mass-balance bioconcentration prediction model. An updated algorithm based on measured binding values in trout is used to predict unbound chemical fractions in blood, while other model parameters are designed to be representative of small fish typically used in whole-animal bioconcentration testing efforts. Overall model behavior was shown to be strongly dependent on the relative hydrophobicity of the test compound and assumed rate of in vitro activity. The results of a restricted sensitivity analysis highlight critical research needs and provide guidance on the use of in vitro biotransformation data in a tiered approach to bioaccumulation assessment. Environ Toxicol Chem 2013;32:1611–1622. # 2013 SETAC Keywords: Bioaccumulation Bioconcentration Biotransformation In vitro–in vivo extrapolation Fish INTRODUCTION methods that do not involve additional whole-animal testing. Biotransformation can strongly impact the extent to which One approach that may satisfy this need involves the use of in hydrophobic organic chemicals accumulate in fish [1–4]. Until vitro metabolizing systems derived from liver tissue. Using recently, however, methods that could be used to predict this procedures developed initially by the pharmaceutical industry, activity were unavailable. Fortunately, this situation is changing. several groups have extrapolated in vitro biotransformation data fi Using a mass-balance modeling approach, Arnot et al. [5,6] for sh to the intact animal and used this information to predict – evaluated measured bioconcentration factors (BCFs) and dietary impacts on chemical accumulation [11 15]. In each case, bioaccumulation data for fish to estimate whole-body rates of incorporating in vitro information into established models of biotransformation for over 600 compounds. This information chemical accumulation substantially improved model perfor- was then used to develop a screening-level quantitative mance, resulting in predicted BCFs that were in better agreement structure–activity relationship (QSAR) model that predicts with measured values than predictions obtained assuming no biotransformation rates based on chemical structure [7]. The biotransformation. “ biotransformation rate QSAR has been integrated with a Collectively, these studies have provided a proof of ” screening-level BCF and bioaccumulation factor (BAF) predic- concept for the use of in vitro biotransformation data in fi tion model [8] and incorporated into the BCFBAF module of bioaccumulation modeling efforts with sh. However, a closer the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Estima- examination of these efforts indicates a number of differences in tion Programs Interface Suite software program [9]. Additional assumed extrapolation factors and physiological inputs. Some of fi QSAR approaches based on documented chemical trans- these differences can be attributed to the use of different sh fi fl formations in rats have been developed to estimate the species (trout, carp, and cat sh), while others re ect differences probability that a chemical will undergo biotransformation in in reported values for a particular species (see Table 1 in Cowan- fish and predict likely products of this activity [10]. Ellsberry et al. [13]). In addition, all of these studies have fi – Despite this progress, however, a need remains for methods provided BCF predictions for relatively large sh (trout: 200 fi to directly assess biotransformation of chemicals not adequately 1000 g; carp: 375 g; cat sh: 160 g) containing a substantial covered by existing databases or for which greater certainty in amount of whole-body lipid (10%). While this is understand- the prediction is required. Ideally, this need would be met using able, given that these animals were used as the source of in vitro material (S9 fractions, microsomes, or hepatocytes), most of the BCF testing with fish has been performed using much smaller All Supplemental Data may be found in the online version of this article. animals. Failure to account for differences in fish mass and lipid * Address correspondence to [email protected] content may result in a mismatch between predicted BCFs Published online 15 March 2013 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). and the measured BCFs used to evaluate model accuracy and DOI: 10.1002/etc.2219 performance. 1611 1612 Environ Toxicol Chem 32, 2013 J.W. Nichols et al. Table 1. Independent variable inputs to the S9-bioconcentration (S9-BCF) model Parameter (symbol) Value Units Reference Octanol–water partition coefficient (KOW) Measured or estimated Unitless of test compound Log KOW of test compound From KOW Unitless Body weight of modeled fish (BwgM) Set by investigator; here, assumed to be 10 g Body weight of fish used as source of S9 Measured g protein (BwgS9) S9 protein concentration (CS9) Set by investigator; typically 0.5 to 2.0 mg/mL Reaction rate (Rate) Measured; from substrate depletion assay 1/h Fish holding temperature (T, for BCF testing) Set by investigator; here, assumed to be 15 Celsius Liver S9 protein content (LS9) 163 mg/g liver The present study Liver weight as fraction of whole-body 0.015 Unitless [38] weight (LFBW) Liver blood flow as fraction of cardiac 0.259; includes both arterial and portal blood flows Unitless [29] output (QHFRAC) Fractional water content of blood (nWBL) 0.84 Unitless [57] a Fractional whole-body lipid content (nLWB) Set by investigator; here, assumed to be 0.05 Unitless À6 Particulate organic carbon content (CPOC) 4.6 Â 10 kg/L [39] POC binding constant (aPOC) 0.35 Unitless [41] À6 Dissolved organic carbon content (CDOC) 1.0 Â 10 kg/L [39] DOC affinity constant (aDOC) 0.08 Unitless [40] Total aqueous chemical concentration (CW,TOT) Set by investigator; does not impact BCF calculation mg/L aAlthough fixed by the investigator, this parameter was varied in the sensitivity analysis. POC ¼ particulate organic carbon; DOC ¼ dissolved organic carbon The purpose of this report is to provide updated models for depletion experiments are performed under first-order reaction predicting the bioconcentration of well-metabolized chemicals conditions to characterize the rate of chemical disappearance by rainbow trout. The models incorporate recent advances in our from the system. Measured concentrations of the parent chemical knowledge of key extrapolation factors and chemical partition- are log10-transformed, and a linear regression is performed on the ing relationships and are designed to predict steady-state BCFs transformed values to calculate a first-order elimination rate for a reference fish, defined as a 10-g rainbow trout held at 15 8C constant (1/h), which is related to the regression slope by the that contains 5% whole-body lipid. This definition recognizes expression Rate ¼ –2.3 Slope. that most of the in vivo testing with fish has been performed Rate is divided by the measured concentration of S9 protein 6 using small animals or juveniles of larger species [16] and is (CS9; mg/mL) or hepatocytes (CHEP;10 cells/mL) to calculate consistent with recommendations for testing trout given in in vitro intrinsic clearance (CLIN VITRO,INT; mL/h/mg protein or current guidance [17,18]. The models are flexible, however, and 106 hepatocytes). For reactions that exhibit classical Michaelis- contain algorithms that adjust for user-specified changes in Menten kinetics, CLIN VITRO,INT is equal to the maximum rate of temperature, lipid content, fish mass, and several extrapolation reaction (VMAX; mmole/h/mg protein) divided by the affinity factors. A limited sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate constant (KM; mmole/mL), where KM is the substrate concentra- model sensitivity to changes in selected input parameters. The tion resulting in half-maximal activity. Multiplying CLIN VITRO, results of this analysis highlight critical research needs and INT by the S9 content of liver tissue (LS9; mg/g liver) or 6 provide guidance for using these models in a tiered approach to hepatocellularity (LHEP;10 cells/g liver) and liver weight as a bioaccumulation assessment. fraction of total body weight (LFBW; g liver/g fish) yields the in vivo intrinsic clearance (CLIN VIVO,INT; mL/h/g fish), while fi MODEL DESCRIPTION further multiplication by 24 (h/d) provides units of mL/d/g sh (equivalent to L/d/kg fish). Two computational models were developed to predict the A well-stirred liver submodel [20,21] is used to calculate bioconcentration of well-metabolized chemicals by rainbow hepatic clearance (CLH; L/d/kg fish) trout. Both employ a 1-compartment description of the animal ÀÁ and use data obtained from an in vitro test system to estimate ¼ = þ ð Þ CLH QH f U CLIN VIVO; INT QH f U CLIN VIVO; INT 1 a whole-body biotransformation rate constant (kMET). The S9-BCF model uses data derived from liver S9 fractions, while This description accounts for possible rate limitations the HEP-BCF model relies on data from isolated hepatocytes.
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