Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-23-1969 The BG News May 23, 1969 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 23, 1969" (1969). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2341. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2341 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Council stalls court appointments By JIM SMITH of Liberal Arts, was approved by —David W. Olson, junior In the Issue Kdltor the members for reappolntinent College of I lberal Arts. as Chief Justice. —Lynda 1 It el, sophomore In the Student Council last night ap- During a brief discussion prior College of 1 lberal Arts. proved Student Body President Bob to his approval, representatives --Robert J. Harper, sophomore Mlchalskl's nominations for Stu- Mark Kruse and Dan Warfleldlau- In the College of I lberal Arts. dent Court justices, but offered ded Rice as one of the few nomi- —Cralg Pickering, sophomore In stiff opposition for ills traffic court nated to the court with experience the College of Business Admlnls appointees. and one who offered definite new (ration. Although the body moved through ideas. "He really knew what he —Gene Bell, junior In the Col- Mlchalskl's nominees to the higher talked about," remarked Kruse. lege of Business Administration. court relatively rapidly, they The only opposition was offered —Frank Plttmin, sophomore In proved to be an almost Impreg- by representative Don Schutte, who the College of Business Adminis- nable barrier when the time came questioned Rice's activities In the tration. to act on traffic court appoint- Mlchalskl presidential campaign. Approved as chief Justice of ments. However, most Council members Traffic Court was Dick Raeon, Mlchalskl offered a list of seven felt he should not be discredited a junior in the College of Liberal nominees and five alternates for for his work. Arts. Council's consideration, but the Also approved for appointment to body approved only six candidates, Others appointed Traffic Court were: one short of the number needed —John Rlccardl, freshman In the to fill the court. Also approved for appointment to College of Education. E. B. Rice, junior in the College Student Court were: —David N. Arnold, sopV>more in the College of Education. —Edward Ogletree, freshman In t le College of Education. —Sue Mason, freshman In the College of Liberal A.-ts. —Tom Carton, junior In the College of liberal Arts. Of those approved Miss Mason and Carton were alternates. TheBG As the list of nominees and al- ternates was exhausted before Hi ■ seats on Traffic Court were filled, Mlchalskl said that he would review 41 the defeated candidates as well Is the alternates for Student Court id present CouncU with a revised list of recommendations at the next ipeetlng. CONTEMPLATION Council President Bob Michalski loans News Harsh words back and listens as Council debates his appointments to Student Friday. May 23, 1969 Volume 53. Numb*. 106 Before the voting took place, the and Traffic Courts. Thirteen of his fourteen choices were ap- Council head had strong words for proved. members who did not attend the Wft:«yJ»>W:>¥x:::x*:w^ : committee hearings on the candl- :? « . dates for judicial appointment ear- lier In the week. In the President's report Mlchalskl complained that Greenview troubles aired in 3-way talks only six members showed up at ■A the hearings which were designed By BU.L HRDNEK The owners and management a- to screen the various candidates, hear and solve off-campus housing to pay the difference of the absent lie termed the hearings "very Im- Staff Reporter greed that many of the grievances complaints. resident." The problems facing the resi- were legitimate. Many concerned portant" and asked members how But, the off - campus housing Thus, the whole Greenview prob- they were going to base their dents of Greenview apartments the failure to quickly repair bro- problems aren't only attributed to lem rests on tlie management fal* - seem to have come to a close af- ken - down appliances. Judgment as (o the best qualified the owners and the management lng to alleviate maintenance prob- candidates. ter a meeting of students and uni- Many of these complaints were of these facilities. "Most students lems quickly enough and upon resi- versity officials with the Green- also do to the Insufficient number During the voting on Traffic don't read their housing contracts, dents falling to understand, or even Court candidates, In which there view management and owners. The of maintenance m?-n, but Mlsch and some even throw them away," read, their housing contracts. possibility of an off-campus resi- has employed another maintenance were a considerable number of ab- said Rutkowski. "With the management planning stentions, he renewed his com- dential housing council was also man to aid In the repair work. He also said that "students fall to do Its share, It Is now up to discussed. "It this new man isn't enough to plaints; charging that council to realize that In a four man apart- the students to realize their respon- members were uninformed about Dale Kutkowskl, chairman of the bring about faster repair work the ment, If one student moves out they sibilities for living off-campus and Student Housing Office; Greg management will add extra men," the nominees, and therefore unable are responsible to find another one. to understand their contracts," to cast a conscientious vote In Thatch, vice president of Rules Kutkowskl stated. If they don't, then they will have Kutkowskl said. and Regulations; Edward H. Ward, The most fundamental progress either direction. assistant to the vice president of made at the meeting Is the pos- Petition withdrawn Student Affairs; Robert Rudd, sible set-up of an off-campus director of residential services; residential housing council. "We In earlier Council action, a nv >t- Rev. Loyal Bishop, pastor of St. are viewing the possibility of set- Carpenter succeeds tlon made by representative Rich Mark's Lutheran Church; David ting up a council," said Rutkowski, Schager to postpone the circulation Mlsch, manager of Greenview; and "that would consist of a member of petitions called for in Student VI r. Baker, Baker and Homier De- of the University as a mediator, Council bills No. 2 and 4 was velopment Corp. Greenview own- a representative of the ownership Rogers in Library post passed. ers; and members of .the student of some off-campus housing facili- Dr. Richard C. Carpenter has A native of New England, Dr. Car- Bill No. 2 required that a refer- housing office met for 2 and one- ty and a member of the student been named acting director of ths penter Is a 1938 Tufts College grad- endum, or some other similar pro- half hours yesterday to discuss housing office." Bowling Green State University Li- uate and earned his masters and cedure, be held to ascertain stu- the resident's grievances. Rutkowski continued saying, brary, President William T. doctoral degrees at Boston Unl- dent support of a list of student Rudd gave several suggestions "This council would enable any Jerome III has announced. The vesity. Prior to coming to Bowl- rights. The findings were to deter- at the meeting concerning the basic off-campus resident, who has some appointmen' is effective July 1. ing Green, he was an assistant mine the responsibilities Council problems that Greenview residents complaints regarding his place of He succeeds Dr. A. Robert Rog- professor at Boston College for would take next year. Earlier this were facing. "But, it was the lack residence, to come and discuss his ers who resigned the directorship to six years. week CouncU decided to take the of communication between resi- problems with the council. In turn, take a position on the Kent State A scholar of English and Amer- sampling by petition. dents and the manager and students the council would look into the University faculty. ican novelists, he Is the author of Bill No. 4 called for a petition falling to realize their responsi- grievances and try to solve them." Dr. Carpenter, who joined the numieous books and articles. He to be circulated among the student bilities of living at Greenview that Baker and Rudd endorsed the Bowling Green English department Is a frequent contributor to the body to solicit support for its were the main causes of the griev- possibility of setting up this coun- staff in 1953, has been actively Journal of Popular Culture, pub- Position Paper on Judicial Pro ances," said Kutkowskl. cil as one of the best means to Involved with the $4.5 million li- lished by Bowling Green's Center cess anl Appeal, and condemnation brary since Its beginning. He was for the study of Popular Culture, of President Wlllllam T.Jerome's chairman of the Library Advisory and In 1967 co-edited a collection suspension of Ronald Nye and Da- Committee, which planned the tran- of major essays entitled "The Ex- vid Drumrlght. Ny and Drum- Student meets death sition from ihe old library to the amined Life." right were suspended after a grand new, and assisted with the planning Dr. Carpenter Is a specialist Jury indictment on a narcotics for last year's dedication of the on the life and works of Thomas charge. library. Hardy and wrote the Bantam Book "This is not rescinding the posi- in N.
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