Key to Abbreviations A: Application deadline Conferences, Schools and Ab: Abstracts deadline inv. : restricted to invited applicants Programmes NP: no proceedings will be published P : Papers deadline (information on procee­ dings has not been received) In 1992, Europhysics News publishes two Divisions and Sections, are printed entirely in PP: proceedings will be published (papers Meetings Issues: in March and November. bold type and are boxed. Events sponsored deadline) Urgent up-datings can also be included in all by EPS have all information printed in bold x: no. of participants (<x: restricted to x) issues in the form of advertisements charged type; Europhysics Study Conferences have lim.: limited participation at SFR 100 - per insertion. an E preceding the date and are also + : country (area) tel. / fax The events listed here are those for which boxed; European Research Conferences in email - bitnet address or other details were received at the EPS Secretariat Physics organized in cooperation with the before 30 October 1992. In general, all ESF, Strasbourg, are boxed. events Interesting European physicists which For inclusion in the March 1993 issue, The information is given in this order: take place from the beginning of 1993 are organizers should send details to the EPS cited. For events prior to that date readers Secretariat by 25 February 1993 at the latest. Date Title Venue are referred to the March 1992 issue. Even if full details are not yet available, the Contact for information The meetings are in date order divided into preliminary information should be given. A: ... / Ab: ... / NP, PP or P: Papers dead three categories — Conferences, Schools Entries are selected from a database com­ line / Number of participants / Inv. / lan­ and Programmes, although the distinction piled using information which is supplied by guages other than English / Conference between these three categories is not always organizers and by meetings correspondents. fee Sponsor evident. Europhysics Conferences, i.e. mee­ Application for sponsorship of a meeting after the title indicates an important tings organized or co-organized by EPS, its should be made to the EPS Secretariat. amendment to the last published entry. Meetings Listings 11-29 High-Temp. Superconductors & Related The Europhysics Meetings Database car­ Conferences 1993 Materials (Adv. Activities): Exp. Workshop Trieste, Italy ICTP, POB 586, I-34100 Trieste +39 (40) ries a complete listing of physics mee­ JANUARY 224 01 /22 41 63 A: 15 Aug 92/lim. tings worldwide of interest to European 18-22 UNK B-Factory Workshop Liblice Castle, physicists. Listings sorted by date, venue Jan. 2-11 Statistical Description of Transport Czecho-Slovakia F. Ferroni vaxrom::ferroni and field can be ordered from the EPS in Plasma, Astro- and Nuclear Physics: Interdisci­ 18-23 Gross Props. of Nuclei and Nuclear Ex­ Secretariat, Geneva (SFR 50.- per 50 plinary Workshop Les Houches, France J. Misguich, citations: 21st Int. Workshop Hirschegg, Austria entries). _____________ Assocn. EURATOM-CEA, Centre d'Etudes de Ca­ H. Feldmeier, GSI, Postfach 11 05 52, W-6100 Darm­ darache, F-13108 Saint-Paul-les-Durance Cédex stadt 11 +49 (6151) 35 97 44 / - tp36 @ ddagsi3 Meetings: 502 (1993); 96 (1994) + 33 () 42 25 46 67 / 42 25 62 33 stpf @ 20 - 23 Neutrons & X-Rays in the Study of Mag­ tucana.cad.cea.fr Ab: 15 Oct 92 / PP / <70 / netism: Int. Workshop Grenoble, France D. Dijoux, Listed in this issue: 569 (1993/4) FF 4700.-; incl. board, lodge; incl. proc. SCARPO, ILL, BP 156, F-38042 Grenoble Cédex 9 3 - 7 American Astro. Soc. 181th Meeting Phoenix, - / +33 () 76 48 39 06 blank @ frill51 Ab: 1 Nov AZ, USA D. Burstein, Arizona State Univ., Phoenix, 92/PP AZ, USA 25 Ballistic Electron Microscopy & Related 4 - 7 High-Tc Superconductivity: Conf. Eilat, STM-Based TechniQues: Workshop Williamsburg, FEBRUARY Israel S. Cahana, Min. of Sci. & Tech., POB 18195, VA, USA R. Ludeke, IBM Res. Div., Yorktown IL-91811 Jerusalem Heights, NY 10598, USA -/+1 (914)9452536 Feb. Turbulence in Space Plasmas: Workshop 4 - March 19 Gordon Res. Confs. 25 - 27 Unified Symmetry in the Small & in the Aussois, France M. Lefeuvre, Ave. de la Recher­ 4 - 8 Jan. Polymers; Superconductivity che Scientifique 3A, F-45071 Orléans Cédex IURS 11 -15 Jan. Composites Large: Conf. Coral Gables, FL, USA Global 18 - 22 Jan. Electrochemistry Fund, Inc., 1450 Madruga Ave., Suite 301, Coral Feb. Optical Fibres & Their Applicns. Warsaw, 1 - 5 March Structures, Energetics & Reaction Dyn. Gables, FL 33146-3164, USA +1 (305) 669 94 11 / Poland R.S. Romaniuk, IPE, Warsaw Univ. of Tech., of Gaseous Ions 669 94 64 Nowowiejska 15-19, PL-00-665 Warsaw +48 (22) 8-12 March Chemical Reactions at Surfaces 25 - 29 Physics & Chemistry of Semiconductor 25 37 09 / 25 23 00 15-19 March Crystal Growth; STM Ventura, CA, Interfaces: Conf. Williamsburg, VA, USA L.J. 1 - 3 Superconductivity: 5th Annual Conf. (SC USA A.M. Cruickshank, Gordon Res. Center, Brillson, Xerox Webster Res. Center, 800 Phillips Rd., Global 92) San Jose, CA, USA Superconductor Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881-0801, USA 0114-41 D, Webster, NY 14580, USA Applcns. Assocn., 27692 Deputy Circle, Laguna Hill, +1 (401 ) 783 40 11 / 783 76 44 bcp101 @ uriacc 25 - 29 Nuclear Physics: 31st Int. Winter Meeting CA 92653, USA 5 - 9 Intermediate & High-Energy Nuclear Phy­ Bormio, Italy I. lori, Dip. di Fisica, via Celeria, 16, 1-4 Infrared Solar Physics Tucson, AZ, USA sics: 10th Nordic Meeting Gräftavallen, Sweden I-20133 Milano +39 (2) 239 22 53 / 239 24 87 D. Rabin, Nat. Solar Obs., POB 26732, Tucson, AZ L. Westerberg, Dept. of Radiation Sciences, The bormio @ vaxmi.infn.it 85726, USA Svedberg Lab., Uppsala Univ., POB 535, S-751 21 26 - 30 Kinetic Processes in Minerals & 4 - 6 From Weak Neutral Currents to the W/Z Uppsala + 46 (18) 18 30 60 /18 38 33 wester­ Ceramics: European Res. Conf. in Physics & Beyond: Int. Symp. Los Angeles, CA, USA berg @ tsl.uu.se ≈ SKR 3100.-; incl. board, lodge Castelvecchio, nr. Pisa, Italy J. Hendekovic, M. Laraneta, Physics Dept., UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave., 10-16 Computational Methods for Nonlinear ERC, ESF, 1, quai Lezay Marnésia, F-67000 Los Angeles, CA 90024-1547, USA +1 (213) Phenomena Oberwolfach, Germany Math. For­ Srasbourg Cédex +33 () 88 76 71 35 / 88 36 69 87 825 46 49 / 206 10 91 laraneta @ uclahep schungsinstitut, Albertstrasse 24, W-7800 Freiburg A: 31 Oct 92 Mb: 31 Oct 92 / NP/100 / FF 4000.-; 4 - 8 Intense Lie Groups & Their Physical - / +49 (761) 27 26 98 incl. board, lodge ESF, CEC Applcns.: NATO ARW San Antonio, TX, USA 11-13 Computational Cond. Matter Physics: 6th R. Wilson, Div. of Math, Univ. of Texas, San Antonio, Int. Workshop Trieste, Italy ICTP, POB 586, 31 - Feb. 5 Electronic Imaging - Sci. & Techn.: TX 789249, USA I- 34100 Trieste +39 (40) 224 01 / 22 41 63 Symp. San Jose, CA, USA SPIE, POB 10, 10 Silicon-Based Optical Electronics Lon­ 11-14 Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: 1st Int. Conf. Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, USA +1 (206) don, UK J. McDonald, IEE Conf. Services, (ICSE '93) Paris, France Boîte 82, Univ. P. 676 32 90/676 14 45 Ab: 16 Nov 92 / Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, UK +44 (71) & M. Curie, 4, pl. Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cédex 05 PP: 4 Jan 93 / $US 420.- 240 18 71 /497 36 33 IoP -/ +33 (1) 44 27 39 82 30 - Feb. 6 Perspectives in Neutrinos, Atomic 14-18 Biophysical Soc. 37th Ann. Meeting 11-14 Cataclysmic Variables & Related Phys­ Physics & Gravitation: XXVIII Rencontres de Mo- Washington, DC, USA E.M. Gray, Biophysical ics: 2nd Technion-Haifa Conf. Eilat, Israel riond Villars, Switzerland J. Trân Thanh Vân, Soc., 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA O. Regev, Physics Dept., Technion, Haifa 32000, LPTHE, Bât. 211, Univ. de Paris-Sud, F-91405 Orsay 14 - 18 Magnetohydrodynamics - Flows & Turbu­ Israel - / + 962 (4) 22 15 14 Cédex +33 (1)69 28 51 35/69 28 86 59 PP/ lence: 7th Beer-Sheva Int. Seminar Jerusalem, 11-15 Very High Angular Resolution Imaging: 130 / inv.; incl. board, lodge; incl. proc. CEC, CNRS, Israel H. Branover, Center for MHD Studies, Ben- IAU Symp. No. 158 Sydney, Australia J. Davis, 30 - Feb. 6 Nuclear Dynamics: 9th Winter Work­ Gurion Univ., POB 653, Beer-Sheva, Israel - / +972 Chatterton Astronom. Dept, School of Physics, Univ. shop Key West, FL, USA B. Back, ANL, (57) 28 04 67 of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia $US 135.- Argonne, IL 60439, USA +1 (708) 252 36 18 / 15-17 Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Sys­ 11-15 Particle Acceleration Phenomena in As- 252 62 10 back @ anlphy tems Polatsk, Belarus V.I. Kuvshinov, Inst. of trophysical Plasmas: IAU. Coll. No. 142 College 31 - Feb. 6 Asymptotics & Adaptivity in Compu­ Physics, Acad. of Sciences, F. Scaryna Av. 70, Park, ML, USA E. L. Chupp, Physics Dept., Univ. tational Mechanics Oberwolfach, Germany CIS-220072 Minsk +7 (0172) 39 45 59 / 39 31 31 of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA - / +1 Math. Forschungsinstitut, Albertstr. 24, W-7800 Frei­ kilin @ adonis.ias.mk.su A: 15 Dec 92 / Ab: 15 Dec (603) 862 29 98 burg -/+49 (761) 27 26 98 92/PP: 15 Feb 93 Europhys. News 23 (1992) 187 February 1993 Conferences 21 - 26 Optical Fiber Communications Conf. 15-18 Theorien jenseits des Standardsmodells 29 - April 2 European Phys. Soc. Cond. (OFC '93) San Jose, CA, USA OSA, Meetings Bad Honnef, Germany German Phys. Soc., Haup­ Matter Div. 13th Gen. Conf. + Arbeitskreis Dept., 2010 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, str. 5, W-5340 Bad Honnef 1 +49 (2224) 710 61 / Festkörperphysik bei der DPG Regensburg, DC 20036, USA +1 (202) 223 81 30 / 223 10 96 710 63 Germany H.
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