U. A.HcBAl^’, Real Ristate, €ou¥es^aueiusr aud liii^waBi^ THE PEOPliS SfORI IGnwiiBAPnMiB -------CALL O -------- Smith AHague THE LEADM8 IM TMX HftHatmg llrtsis. Ua^htottiTfwi. Uwoili ^ehiand tlw •<( fk .r -r t "t w - General Merchandise. voixvhl NANAlkO, BRITISH COLUUBIA, TEHBSDA; IHHE 18th, 1891 Nomber 65.. FTntneMM MKi^, cgMBcrmai ! NEW VANOOUVEE COAL FOREIGN wDISPATCHEEa Ameriott Nm COMPANY. __ _____ — UlMraaa’eavu. — -IMC.A.KXlM’Ca-. St. Pkol, Mtone.. Jana Ur-fm ■ Londoo, Jnne 1*-A daapatch (rom Large Find of Coal!! Ike «M1 known pngUtot. wm pafii five mm oflbeineieaae ol farigandtom to variona Our DRESSMAEING DEPARTMENT will rwipen on MONDAY, JUNE 22nd, under parts ot the Tarktofa empire. In tha muioiB or Ton ur sioht i Toridah pvoviaea, known aa OM Sa*Tla,a the able superintendence of x^eimintj;, ^hohasjustarriTed&omOttewa. A brigand named Mihran. baa ptabOabad himaail to tbe moimtatoa with abool TaBsWarkadatOBaalM Trial Solicited. ci^ty (oBowavt, and livm in prtoeaty ^tima m aami a. ttm ofiimm «a forme toafaton on bbek maU eatractod bom rha Altar many yaara ot dUigeat aaaieh Um paopieolUieviltoRea. Themarogtodto SPENCER & PERKINS. New Vancoover Coal Compuiy has at taat for tbe laoal that ftrawpaaaaa IB the hopes ot the moat aangolna. ’CnToWliSd to*''1ffi Kl:W ADVKKTMXKNI'N. Haw V. a Oe.’t BUppisg ahip Lonia Walah, Captain COam- aS^to intni. if loaded___________________________with 2«0 t< Vorth- tykrlohire develop- field coal I r(or Haa■ Frandfco.~ Hbe wUl pMhably ataail totnorrow. B.G.IonnnientalWork8, Tbediacorary now reterred to con- New York Jane 18-A aprid (mm ,^e^.Uemn. i. do. toU o( a aeam o( aplaodid coal aix (eat in Great Clearing Sale baBdaeatoffand sent (bam toafaacto IfBigM via GMveston to the HemM mp thlcknaaa, being bard, (dean, free (root the injnred peaaurt. Mifaran exaola bnm Tba five maatad aehoo._. _________ aalphar, and bams wUh iatonae heat, everyone tba bonota doe to tbe tank ef Captain Ditto, it waitime to load Alex. Hamilton, Proprietor. maktogbot littie aah. U aMy bt atetod OmUTllOF’PlRTNERHIP. I-. P. BOX. IM. at a atogaUr and atoabetory (act Ifaat the coal in tba No. 1 Leral ia now J to be the beat ooal lor domaatk and ibe smoants that the peamatry had ever niioed in this diatriot, not exopUng agreed to pay. ^a,FnaalA-At a the old WeiUngtoii alopo eoal. which ia efthaOHmBan Mfie BM»m 81 Alban ieHartp, ow no longer avaiUUa. iram RichBrdson & Horner! baM totby tbe imiawtbw cf tot THE LEADING The diaeovery lately made in No. 3 Le- Atgariaoftbeiavaem of tim leeaat to J.C.Abbott, oa a tfimrim ol the < ral, o( tbe No. (, or KsptanadaSbaO, win many dtotrieta not a aprinc lax probably prove ofaoel. bonafittotboCity farm and the tobafaitanla are to CORNER STONE LAYING! elliagtoi BUppiae- 1! ns IM OF NMMMO -lewUltan- Everyone, who Ui lakeo anfltdaot intor- ■ FMMiaen, XaM lft-«faa i MONDAY, JUNE 22,'91. Intend to dissoive partnership within the next Sixty Tlie SS. Tat Cboar, Capt. Uniwortb, U aat in the progmaa of tbe Vaaoonver Coal loading coal. Company, baa been aware, that tbe do- Days and will commence a sale on The ooal hulk Bobert Karr U loa velopiBentM tbit mine, among tbo sev- :oal (or Vancoover. A Shanghai dispatch mya that tha Tlw Grand Lodge of BriUsh Columbia, Oompany.baabaooearriodc namber of exseotfoM to that vietoity hm ‘M DR. UARTUAN. Samoa Dantiat. ly inaopai DOtbeenparaneledstoeetheTarptogia- F‘.c*3 BdC. Saturday, June 6th, 1891. I.om Victoria, trill amiraEat* JanaS*ad Slope, loval, aaddrlltand drllt idriving Many more aoUveof tbe mob tOnnony will Uk* plu» «U:I8p. m . sd. Thoae wUhing tbe Dotior't aerrioea will daoetoanoxtant, and at a coat, that laadera have toOeo into tbe handa oftba UruMv by iii.ny olUi«ImdinK I'lc ,iy pleaac call early and make appointmelita tba inUiatod U tbay at time ia limited. jel« woald amptiae The Store wiU be closed on Thur^ay and Friday, eoald have tbo whoio ot tbo worktop tba Freneb mtodon waa eomtaBMd to be preaeotod to them to om vtoW. Not lA-The rmneh Jano 4th and 5tb, when the entire stock will be marked Thoae WRoWutte be BlyUlk Sl.oold bay one ^ nxapm aei mneb lam than twenty milrn ot drill ship Talpantoo arrived at noon. S»dap down to DOATtxo ciwfrwaa iar Lodiaa'Jaatimpott ­ bribed to make ^ as prompt aa work have boan dime to this mine to a (rom BWa Mi. via Valpanttoe. On Jim* Collection will be Taken. ed hr 8TAN.VABD * 00., baaotifarfita, tbaltobitwaadfaewmpfl hmmrgawaa and tiie rnoat^ andnntU tt- Wliolesale Pi-iceei. rawa roa xxxuca . Notice to Cotractors. ever aeen and the raica I5.G0 ...___ eenUy bB tbia labor aeemad to have been TE.VDK.R* wilMi«w»jT#dbr Ibi^ m....... A Berlin deapateb mp that Herr bane coitumet. Only a aiiAiJ, number oltbem expended witboot tbe sligblaat prospect .lenrd up uiiLc 9!)tb Inat.. 12 o'clock i.(m>d ao come and lea them acpoaa aix .tea who baa bad Charge o( the BarUn Oom- Our Books will be closed, as all Goods sold alter that (or buildini; > lockup *t Wcllinitton Pl.iit ol any ratnm lortbeomtog. Fortonalely mitteefortbaraoaptioB ot tbe Jawtob ■nd .(wciaution. can te a »ti tt IbclioT- jel6-« irrnmrnt Apent’a oIToe. Nanaimo, 'foe the diaeovery, aboot eighteen montha date must be for re(iiiees{romRaada.totoiavoro(aend- I lowrat or any tender not neoraaarily ao- Eaat Walliactoa Bhipniag. 4(0, iu tbo No. 1 Level, lollowed by tbo ICC) tod. lUai'ik (arma o( tender and aj^w- togUMtoraarportfonof them to om cd The bark Aoim^ Capt Sawyer, ia praaant Itod in tbo No. 8 Level, farn I mrnt to exe me a b-md miiat be proeurred tb* MW Wew O.A.S] 03XTIL.Y- a, the oeenimct djei.fa olBo.. XaiM.- pneved (bat the early operations, ol tlie there there to a greet deal «rf a gnflnod to a field eon- nUataafltn- laagar— Tka Viad^ Aaa't '’om.of Wor afadtog o( bolta, wants and tnmUm with- All aeebista on our books must be settled on or be­ adONw. un, B. C..JanelrKh, UUn. oat end. 4 fore July 1st, and aU accounts uneettled after that date U they were DOt nndar toe TENDERS. cha,ing^uckeu trom tba andatMgnedO. P. be confined to a wcUdofiDod district ex- TbeftaaaerBeoeewtta letainad (mm wiU be placed in other hands for coUection. Are inyitedomtl June20th at <! p tbe ptirlle.:e of >up,dyin|; the eaUblca at teodingiroin nortb treat to tooth east, W. n. Daxxta (ha North ymtotday, net having rraami the oiange Celel.t.t on to I* held on tbe ALLtaCAnaai separating the fine body of eoal. mined Jrr.n.Juir 13th, 1901 Tbe coiiitritieedo tiw>. McH Am to QnaanCbarialtebbmd owing to the not bind them elrea to arerpt acy (or tomany yaara to the OM Dongtotand mainemof lira. Thamm lloopr. Cbaae River mtom, (rom tba nayr sooeof IbaladThad aeeompwiad bar bnabaod Conin.lUee 1?. Me' U*iwil'.^ ’wtiiyV eoal exieodtog onder tbe NanJmo SaSSsHl^wSru^ WHOLESALE PRICES AND CASH ONLY. Jeiead (T. MIU.su, Treaaurer. Adjoamed Coandi meetiDg. hxrbor. Protection island and under tbe I. O. O. F. Unity Encampmenl. No. 8, channel connecting the pU wUh tbe RICHARDSON & HORNER- JAMES KELLY. meets to-night at Wellmgton. Chariotteburg~ ' beyond the iinterval bo- harbor. Tbe area of eoal, to jadge (rom A. O. U. W. meete lo-niglit. tween traini, and familim i tbe idraUty of tbe meaanrm to tbe two Kngin ------ --- ---------- ‘------- ‘-"‘“iS? PRAGTidtl ARCHITECT AND to-night. evvia, appears to be of immense extent. The regular weeklr practice o( tbe Tbit abooid give a leeltog ot abaolote is's: ''‘loir will be held this ora- tecority to thoee intereated to tbe (atore lit fa that rar^aUao. Street ofipoeiM iVcbytctUtt CKurrli. [ instead of Friday, owing to t prosperity ol thedty ofNanaimo which to largely de ndenton Uao __ olthla, ito Ittople prodnet. When tbe — Rtefeored have ^nrtV walimetr A^^elyM.i.l EXTBA riNK Ooraat Bteaa Laying- other minm to tbe district will be m- The ceremony ef laying the foondatiao OPPEMEIMER BROS. membered aa a tradition there to lilUe SAN - FRANCISCO or comer stone o( the St. Alban FOTTin)- LAOER BEER doubt that tbe coal marketa o( --------PXOKTEIEJXl.------- A surer Watch on departure ’Bav Uoad ICE COLO always on Draught at e Jifieeon Kico) street, will take ptom an on Muuiiay muriiliir, Jtiue 18 h. Tbe Pacifio WiU ba drawing tha talk ol their Itonday altemoon, in owner cau hare the raiuc hy prorina i ro- the waters ol OCCIDENTAL HOTII the gnll o( Georgia, Crom irorktogi Masonic ritesand cetemooiea. Sayel by a Haathaa. tending Irra the shafts pot down at tbe Jcljtr At tbcUa. Worka A Dxgo. very drank, up at the atatloo lost seven years ago. Mporteis aM Htsiile Cm I Knlshia oriuibi.r, 1,. A. llalr.n Ewiny thii morning, attomptad to board the Tboae who hare reoMed to and been In- No. !>-IT, iiieeto erery ullier biin 'ay, at If mas bytSe ‘ 100 and 102, Powell Street, a. ni.. it the Odd Kellowa Hall. Membe-. box cart aa they with Nanaimo lor the .uSrTSJSL? o(otb-r .ta«-ii b'U-aare cordially InriteJ. past twenty years, will now leal1 that a !ctioD« bv tbi Nai • ByOrhr.f ■«. W.. new era has dawned upon Nan id. and the t v^ivoorrvjEK, - - u. o. \VM. NKIVB, a.a room, would hare (alien betwMn*l£a rr.^1 ab..---------» ------- J wheeia. ‘-((im kill yon qalck," tamark- the peatmt neceority^ this growing ed the almond' eieyed one.
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