I~I"" ~. "fOI CONTINUING S!lVIC!" PLAY BALLI Old Mnn Turn 'r op 'nlnl\ A Y Club 100 I,>ngue piny buc'k In 1949 SPRING I-E VER - Sec 81ue NagaHakl'H Htory on currt'O[ standings In the Club 100 l eague, and Editorial 3 0 0 YE .AR S 0 F MER CHAN DIS IN'G MIKIMOTO PEARLS The most selective collection of Mikimoto Pearls in Hawaii! Shop for other quality Japanese imports at.. Exquisite necklaces (single · II • to 4 strands) / matching ear- r!ngs / pendant:; ! brooches ~ SI. , .....,. ~ "It...,.... ..... tie tacks / crucifixes OF TOKYO IN HONOLULU ALA r>lOANA CENTER TELEPHONE 90·506 Also one of the I~rgest collections of Japanese Arts & Crafts in Hawaii. I(ukui Mortuary Ltd. HONOLULU CREMATORY MORTUARY " Constant Help in lime of Need" CREMATORY 247 N. Kukui St. Puuhale & Democrat Call 51·548 Call 86·458 24·HOUR SERVICE SAME OWNERSHIP TAKE A TIP FROM THE MANY FAMILIES WHO SAVE AT INTERNATIONAL SAVINGS •.. where your savings earn 4%% dividend and your savings are insured up to $10,000 by F. S. L.1. C., an instrumentality of the Federal Government. Corner King and Bethel Streets . • Phone 511·311 WAIPAHU BRANCH: 94 ·801 Farrington Highway, near INTERNATIONAL SAVINGS ~ Depot Road AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, LTD. HILa 6riANCH : 32 Kalakaua Street Vol. 15, No.4 April 1962 Editor Ben H. Tamashiro Production and Distribution: Bob Sato, Bea Imada, Frances Okazaki Chapter News Able 3 Blue Nagasaki Baker 5 Dick Oguro Board 13 James K. Miyano Charlie 16 Kazuto Shimizu Dog 8 Bob Taira Headquarter s 7 Rinky Nakagawa Maui 4 Stanley Masumoto Rural 10 Hakaru Taoka Separate Activities Baseball 6 Blue Nagasaki Bowling 18 Dick Oguro Fishing 3 Blue Nagasaki Green Thumbs 13 Richard Yamamoto Features For the Elders 26 Bob Sato Puka Square 1 Editor Editorial 14 Editor Photographs Kenneth Iha Dick Oguro Other Staff Members: Sat Nakamura (Calif.), Walter Kadota (Haw.), Kent Nakamura (Medics), Mako Takiguchi . (Kauai), Warren Iwai, (Golf), Setsuko Yama­ gata (Kooking Korner). CIRCULA TION 1562 Copies PUBLISHER Screen Process Haw. 156 Mokauea St. Phone 813-922 Published monthly by the Club 100, an organi­ zation of World War II Veterans of the lOath Infantry Battalion, incorporated under the laws of the State of Hawaii. ~equest for advertising and rates should be dlrected to the Publisher. lain Yost who will be arriving in late June. Blue Nagasaki is always good for sev­ eral stories. Read about Able Chapter dOings and fishing club activities by Blue. And his report on the Club 100 Farrant Turner Invitational Softball league. Which leads us to this month's editorial. Sports is certainly a big picture in the activities of Club 100 members, so we felt that a baseball article would be most appropriate. And to wind up this edition of Puka Squares. You've probably heard bynow of the Birch Society forming an auxi­ liary. The auxiliary is to be called the Sons of Birches. And how about this swimming instructor who was explaining the buddy system to a group for beginners over at the Ythe other day. She asked: "Does anyone know what a buddy is?" Answered an 8-year old boy, "That's someone who drowns with you." - Editor YOUR FAVORITE CRACKERS & COOKIES !Diamond !8a1et!l Company,.ctJ. 17'5 s. JUNC STIlIIT, HONOLULU, HAWAII • PHONa.• "1407. ",SJO New location PUKA SQUARES Moved to The 20th Anniversary Luau will be held 444 Waiakamilo Ro ad on June 2nd. The annual convention is to be held at the same time. Seems like a good idea. News stories within this SMILE month's pages give details. SERVICE SlA liON We note in James Miyano's Board Hi­ Lites that Bob Sato is resigning his Phone 86-933 exec. secretary post effective June 9, to continue his studies at the U. of Hawaii. Bob will still continue to play BERNARD AKAMINE an active part in the Japan Tour. I nterwr Designer Hakaru Taoka weighs in with a long and interesting column concerning Rural • actiVities, with a special welcome for Conrad K. Kurahara, a Bakerite from EASY APPLIANCE CO. the mainland who recently arrived to Furniture Dept. take over the post of Exec. Secretary for the Wahiawa Rural Branch YMCA. Phone 59-521 91 S. King Bob Taira is always good for a few stories about Dog chapter boys. We remember those times when Dog could barely gather its quorum of 8 or ten members for its monthly meetings. We note that the last meeting was good for 201 And there were times when the treasurer had nothing to report because Good Food- Fine liauors there really was nothing in the treasury 1 But today, Dog has a balance of $518 - 1241 Kapiolani Blvd. how about that 1 Ph. 583-089 Then there's Richard Yamamoto's Isamu Nakasato 'A' story about the doings of the Green , Thumbers. Something always cooking ~--------------------------~ with this group - having fun while learning. Trophies for Hawaii's Champions Then Stanley Masumoto from Maui re­ The Best for Less ports on several doings on the Valley Isle - Little League and Pee Wee base­ eM & Tupky Sbp ball, blood service insurance plan, and a Awa rds - Medals - Traphies general sprucing up of the clubhouse. Engraving GE ORGE H MAEDA, Prop. Hq Chpater news by Rinky Nakagawa 950 Cooke SI. nresents bits of pictures of many, many Neor Bowling (lty Phone 65166 Res. 746-117 m'j,mbers. including a note about Chap- Continued on Contents Page L c JAPAN TOUR Our D-Day is approaching rapidly. The Club 100 Tour Group will leave Honolulu on Setember 30, 1962 by Pan American Jet which will accommodate 159 of us happy travelers. The complete itineraries and the time schedule will be mailed out to the members as soon as they are available. On this issue I would like to mention something about the unique service at Japan's friendly "Ryokan" or "Inn". The ryokan or Japanese-style hotel with its charac­ teristic structure showing Japan's architectual tradition plus courteous service offered by kimono-clad maids attract many foreign travelers. It should be re­ minded that every guest including women and children are required to remove their shoes and use slippers provided for their use when walking through the corridors on the way to and from their room. These slippers, however, are dis­ carded upon entering the room. The rooms in the ryokan have developed from former days when guests were lodged in a large hall partitioned off by small movable screens. It is also not unusual for a group of four or more persons to s hare one room. That is possibly one of the reasons why the charge can be com­ plicated and difficult to understand by the foreign visitors. Although the chefs at the ryokan generally cook Japanese food, western-style cuisine can be had if the guest so desires just by specifically asking for it. On entering your room the maid provides guests with a drink of green tea and Manjus then asks the guest if he wishes to take a bath and change into a fresh and clean kimono. All ryokans offer private baths although group .bathing is more common to the majority. In some ryokans mixed baths is also available and I am sure that our Paisanos will enjoy it. Bedding is provided with the use of traditional "futon". However, with the r e markable improvement and development of the rubber industry in spring mattresses, it gives a somewhat Similarity in comfort to the western style bed. You really don't have to worry about the back ache. JAPAN TOUR The Committee is working very hard to make this Autumn tour a grand success. More than 170 members, wives, children, parents and next of kin are already Signed up -- for the tour and many more are expected to C0me in (those who paid $54.00 down payment). We would like to remind you that member's full payment is due by July 9, 1962 plus $10.00 contingent fund. This contingent fund is to cover unexpected expenses, late emergency cancellations, refund for alternates document and medical expenses, group donation, possible gifts, etc. Interesting places to be visited by Club 100 tour group are Tokyo, Nikko, Kamakura, Enoshima, Hakone, Atami, Shizuoka, Gamagori, Nagoya, Ise-Toba, Osaka, Takarazuka, Nara, Kyoto, Kobe, Takamatsu, Hiroshima, Iwakuni, Yuda, Akiyoshido, Beppu, Kumamoto, Unzen, Nagasaki, Fukuoka-Dazaifu. The tour will terminate at Fukuoka. After the 23 day tour arrangements will be made for those who are interested in visiting Hong Kong. The committee members are Calvin-Shimogaki, Gary Uchida, Shinobu Tofukuji, Walter Moriguchi, James Kawashima, Stu Yoshioka, Ronald Higashi, Frances Okazaki, Kazuo Hiranaka and yours truly'. Bob Sato , FISHING ABLE Which family had delicious fresh fish cakes (especially made from Awa) Up early Sunday morning of April 15- lately? About 8 p.m. Bar,t.on Akami.ne ;: along with their kids at the Club House son of Bernard was the Town Cner were Cyclone Hirokawa, Yutaka Inouye, on the Leeward side of Oahu as he an­ Yoshito Saito, Arthur FUjise, Alvin nounced that his father caught a 3-1/2 Planas, Goro Sumida, Horace Awa, lb. Awa on our monthly outing on Apnl Kadamotos' to make Easter Baskets 7. His catch has added poundage for for the Club 100 Easter Party held that "B" team and increased a larger dlf­ same afternoon. Able and Headquarter ference in weight between the two chapters were responsible for making teams. "A" team was white wash but the basket and distribution. they caught lot of "No-ne" - not a con­ test catch.
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