M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 23, 1986 BUSINESS I , SPORTS WEEKEND PLUS Mini-golf center Cheney clinches Cavey’s chef has a family affair tie for C O C title one busy morning MEMOBIAL DAT .. page 9 ... page 11 ... magazine inside 1986 aitdipHlpr l^rra^^ Manchester — A City of Village Charm The War for Indopondonco ... tho Civil War ... World War I ... World War II ... Koroa ... Viotnam ... so many lives Saturday, May 24, 1986 25 Cents have been lost in the service of our country. As we honor Passerby South Africa these dead today, many of us may feel discouraged at calk 8th loses top man 2 the world's failure to achieve a lasting peace. But to Just In time cease striving for that peace would be the greatest Bv John F. Kirch Herald Reporter in Washington Dominick and Joan DeDomini- cis are grateful today. By Jim Anderson disregard of the sovereignty of dishonor we could bring to the memory of our dead, let United Press International South Africa’s neighbors.” \ If it hadn't been for a quick­ Potgeiter’s expulsion indicated 4 thinking passerby, the couple WASHINGTON - The adminis­ that the United States could be us rather "take increased devotion to that cause for probably would have lost their tration.' taking a tough action willing to take a tougher line — home of 22 years to flames Friday against the white-minority govern­ aside from the longstanding policy night. ment of South Africa, expelled of “constructive engagement” or “ I ’m glad somebody called.” Pretoria’s top military official in quiet diplomacy — with South which they gave the last full measure of devotion ... said Frank Mordavsky, the Eighth the United States Friday as Africa in efforts to dismantle Utilities District Fire Department punishment for its raids on Bots­ apartheid. assistant chief who was in com­ wana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The order Friday was the first mand at the scene. “ Another five The State Department also an­ U.S. expulsion of South African that government of the people, by the people, for the or ten minutes, we would have had nounced that South Africa will not officials in three years. In 1983. the the roof in flames." be permitted to replace Brigadier United States expelled two mil­ Alexander Potgeiter “ at this time” itary attaches in retaliation for As it happened, the small attic and the United States is calling South Africa’s expulsion of two puople, shall not perish from the earth." fire at 32S W. Middle Turnpike was home its senior defense attache in U.S. military attaches. extinguished by the district fire South Africa, Col, Robert Hastie. The U.S. officials were expelled department minutes after it "for consultations." at that time after the South African started at about 8 p.m. Firefigh­ In a related matter, the U.S. and government discovered their em­ ters were called to the scene after a Britain vetoed a Security Council bassy plane had a secret camera Manchester resident who was resolution Friday night that called installed under the pilot’s seat. driving by the house saw smoke for selective international sanc­ coming from the roof and alerted tions to punish South Africa for its T H E U N IT E D S TA TE S for­ neighbors of the possible fire. raids into three neighboring coun­ mally protested the attacks Mon­ There were no injuries and no tries. Twelve of the 15 Council day on targets of the outlawed structural damage to the house, members supported the resolution African National Congress, the fire officials said. and France abstained. black organization fighting “I’m happy as hell,” Dominick The United States and Britain against South Africa’s apartheid DeDominicis said when he arrived had both declared their willingness system of racial segregation. % ■ This Page Paid For And Sponsored By The Following Civic Minded Businesses at his home moments after the to join other council members in Manus Leroux, spokesman for blaze was put out. “ After 22years. M unanimously condemning South the South African Embassy, said. I don’t want to go anywhere else.’’ Africa for Monday’s raids on “ I don’t think at this point we have The DeDominicis. who live in the alleged guerrilla targets in the anything to say about” the U.S. house by themselves, were visiting black-ruled nations of Botswana. expulsion. He said Ambassador their daughter in Avon Friday Zambia and Zimbabwe. Herbert Beukes. who the State night. Bui the two Western powers Department said was informed of M.SEFFERTS STAN BYSIEWICZ The fire was spotted by Rick balked at binding international the action, was not available for p Ap a u t o p a r t s CANDIOS BY INC. Barrett of Harvard Road, who was sanctions even though they al­ comment. A driving along West Middle Turn­ SmUNCES, TV-AUDW INSURANCE AGENCY 307 Eaal Canlar Slraal Ona Colonial Road ready had imposed limited eco­ Potgeiter has 10 days to leave the 44S Hafiford Road, Manchaalar pike with his wife. Nola. and his 366 Main Slraal Manchaalar * 649-3S26 CAROL Manchaalar • 646-1233 nomic restrictions of their own on United Slates, officials said. 647-9997 Manchaalar a 649-2891 963 Main Slraal mother. Helen Whalen. They were South Africa. Manchaalar a 649-6619 returning home from a shopping At a news conference earlier trip when they noticed smoke A STATE DEPARTMENT OF­ Friday at the State Department pouring out of the attic windows F IC IA L said the expulsion order with the foreign minister of Bots­ MANCHESTER HERAU) and quickly turned around to alert did not suggest Potgeiter. South wana. Gaositwe Chiepe. Shultz 16 Bralnard Placa DONALD S. GENOVESI JACK J. LAPPEN REALTY iroaiiwnnoKT MANCHESTER DRUG neighbors. Africa’s top military official in the said they shared a feeling of rip tio n a/M Manchaalar • 643-2711 INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ------------------------ KRAUSE FLORIST “PreKr^tion SpecialUu“ United States, was guilty of any outrage about the raids he des­ 164 Eaal Cantor SIroal 717 Main Slraal “ She’s the one who saw it," Rick Y 945 Main SIraaT Manchaalar • 643-4263 Manchaalar • 649-4541 Barrett said of his mother. “ She misconduct and was solely a cribed as “ totally without justifi­ & GREENHOUSES punitive measure against Pretoria cation (and) completely Manchaalar • 643-2131 “l.nrgertirg e tl Helail Crnirern in Mancheater" said. ‘gee. there’s smoke coming 621 IHartford Road, Manchaalar out of that building.’’’ for M onday’s raids on its unacceptable.” neighbors. 643-9SS9 Yet Shultz indicated that recal­ Barrett quickly turned the car H «r«ld photo by Pinto Earlier Friday, Secretary of ling U.S. Ambassador Herman around and rushed up to the house State George Shultz strongly con­ DUBE LEWIS INSURANCE OLYMPIA DELICATESSEN Nickel, as the administration did SAVINGS BANK next door, which is owned by Joan Two firemen carry afan uptotheattic motorist alerted neighbors to the fire. demned South Africa’s attack on 697 Main Slraal after a similar South African raid AGENCY JOYCE G. EPSTEIN NORTHWAY REXALL DeDominicis’ cousin, Nancy Mas- its neighbors, saying the United Manchaalar • 643-0609 window at 325 W. Middie Turnpike The fan helps push smoke out of the on Botswana in July, is not a likely 1678 Ellington Road OF MANCHESTER saro of 333 W. Middle Turnpike. States was considering “ many 923 Main Straot REAL ESTATE Friday night, where a smali fire was attic. action at this time. South WIndaor a 644-2528 . PHARMACY options” — indicating Potgeiter’s Manchaalar • 646-1700 "Where The Individual Gels Attention" "Preacriptinn Speciatiata" Please turn to page 10 quickly extinguished after a passing expulsion may not be the final U.S. “ We must remember an ambas­ Serving: Maneherter, EaU Hartjorti, nnlinn, .Antitner. 349 Eaal Center Street 230 North Main SIroal action. sador is in the country to provide Manchaatar • 646-4510 South ff'indtor, EaU ff'tndror, Arhjord A Eattford BOGNERS PACKING CO. Mancheater • 647-8895 The State Department’s an­ representation, on we don’t neces­ Member FDIC 349 Welharall Street nouncement said: “ We trust that sarily accomplish something by OATSUN BY DECORMIER Mancheater • 646-5000 this action will make clear to the removing that representation." “Salfn. Si-rrivv & I’arlx' South African gqvernment that the Shultz said. “ We are considering 28S Broad Staal Little accomplished in Crestfield talks United States cannot tolerate Manchaalar • 643-4165 A. RAYMOND ZERIO KB AUTOMOTIVE many options.” THE CARLYLE JOHNSON & SONS, INC. 311 Broad Street Bv John F. Kirch ment) are taking an unreasonable nuring home owners in the con­ made fair proposals during the CUNUFFE AUTO BODY 409 Now Slata Road Mancheater • 643-SS44 Herald Reporter position,’’ said Kevin Doyle, vice tract negotiations, contended F ri­ talks. MACHINE COMPANY day that management has been “ If the union wants this con­ “Speeialimn in Pnicer Trnnanihvion “Q u a lity Service At fl» Beat" Manchaatar • 643-L166 ROGERS CORP. Roula 63 . Some three months after a bitter president of the New England flexible throughout the process. tract,” Scheer said, “ they’ll have Comar of MW 6 Oakland 8U. Since 190.1“ Health Care Employees Union. Talcoitvilla • 643-0016 ’15-week strike came to an end, “ The employer has made four to accept language that reflects the Memorial Day Manchaalar a 646-5S00 52 Main Straot District 1199. which represents Manchaalar • 643-1531 management and the union that sets of proposals to the union.” realities of the environment at represents employees at the about 60 nurse’s aides, kitchen Scheer .said. “ The union has not Crestfield-Fenwood and not at Monday is Memorial Day, a state and federal holiday. Crestfield-Fenwood nursing home workers and other service em­ responded to any of them.
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