~4 * GOVERNMENTGAZETTE. * °Published by Authority ¢ Vol. LVI, No. 74 7th OCTOBER, 1980 Nay 5C igggrsice 25¢ - General Notice 958 of 1980. | LIBRARY . RESERVE i . BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173] 5 Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe . IN terms ofsection 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173), a statementofthe assets and liabilities: of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabweasat the 3rd October, 1980, is published ifthe Schedule. ' a _ D. W. YOUNG, 17-10-80. ' Secretary to the Treasury, ' : ne SCHEDULE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 3rp OCTOBER, 1980 Liabilities: ‘ - ay Assets | Capital . 2 2 ee ew ee 2.000 000. Gold and foreign assets . « . « = 212532549 General Reserve Fund. ..” . err 20,0,000.0.8) Loans and advances coe ° 52 001 201 _ Currency in circulation ... woe et we, «6164 142.310 Internal investments— u , 61 828 533 Deposits and otherliabilities tb the public. 151977096 Government stock. 30170222 Otherliabilities... 6. - ee eet ee TTYN6 466 Other « . vo. 31 658 311 . a - Otherassets 2 2. - - ee 74.873 589 . $401 235 872 $401 235 872 i - General Notice 959 of 1980. | General Notice 960 of 1980. | | me ADVOCATES ACT [CHAPTER 216] “INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT (CHAPTER. 267] Cancellation of Registration of Industrial Council . Admission of Advocates: Local Examinations TT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (2) of section 88 | of the Industrial Conciliation Act [Chapter 267], that - the ‘TP is hereby notified that the lo¢al examinations required to registration of the Industrial: Council for the Commercial be passed in térms ‘of the Advocates Act [Chapter 216] for Undertaking of Umtali has been cancelled. : admission as an advocate of the High Court will be held at . , K. ROBINS, ‘the HighCourt, Salisbury, and the High Court, Bulawayo, at 17-10-80. Deputy the following times on the. following dates:| Industrial Registrar. Constitution and Statute Law (first’ paper): 9 am. on Tuesday, the 9th December, 1980. — i General Notice 961 of 1980, ° -"" Constitution and Statute Law (second paper): 2 Dpm. on- MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] Tuesday, the 9th December, 1980. Rules of Practice and Procedure of the High Court: 9.a.m., Cancellation .of Certificate of ‘Registration: Victoria District on-Wednesday, the 10th December, 1980. -- Roman-Dutch Law (first paper): 9'a.m, on Thursday, the TF is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (5) of section 51 ditt December, 1980. / of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 1651, that the certificate of registration issued in respect of the under-mentioned, block - Roman-Dutch Law (second paper): 2 p.m, on Thursday, was cancelled on the 30th _ “the 1ith December, 1980. September, 1980, in terms of para- graph (a) of subsection (1) of section Si of the said Act. ~~ Candidates, should present themselves to the Registrar of the Registered number: 7419 B.M. _ Genetal Divisionof the High Court at Salisbury or Bulawayo. Name: Werner 35. The syllabus and other details relating to the examination are. |. Registered halder: Southridge Limited. contained in the Advocates Rules, 1973, published in Rhodesia Numberof claims: Government Notice 296 of 1973. , eo 24. Mineral: Beryl. Fhe, mo, : ' MM. F. GARNETT, ‘ J. VANDOROS, 47-10-80. - Secretaryfor Justice and Constitutional Affairs. 17-10-80. - Mining Commissioner. \ * ‘ 986 ZIMBABWEANGOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 177H OCTOBER, 1980 > General Notice 962 of 1980. ; . SO . e.. Dgteof | Number ' Nameof company - Capital: - registration . - LAND SURVEY ACT [CHAPTER147] "he . / $ | . 134/74 The Property Market (Pvt.) Lid. 24000 15.2.74 Application for Cancellation of Portion) of General Plan "325/74 | P. B. Parker (Pyt,) Ltd, . 24 000 5.4.74 . 0G1241 of Stands 1896 and 1897, Gwelo Township, of Stand 452/74 Topslax (Pvt.) Ltd... 32000 .9.5.74- 1895, Gwelo Township, Gwelo District 574/74 Garika (Pyt.) Ltd. /, wo. 32000 10.12.74 350/78 - Brasstique Pvt.) Ltd... 2 we 32000 31.7.78, NOTICE is hereby given, in terms ofsection 44 of the Land 650/79 .- G.I.& Marketing (Pvt.) Ltd. 32000 10.12.79 Survey Act [Chapter -147], that the undersigned intends to to . ‘ . apply to the Surveyor-General for the cancellation of a portion of the above-mentioned general plan. _ General Notice 965 0f 1980. The application will apply to that portion of the general plan defined by the figure RW6, RW1i0, RW12, RW14, curve, MINES, AND MINERALSACT [CHAPTER 165] RW13, RWI, RW9, RW5, RW6 designated as Railway Siding ~ Reserve. Application; forExclusive Prospecting Order: Bulawayo - The general plan is.is. filed in the office of the Surveyor- - L General, Tredgold Building, Bulawayo, where it may. be oo, mo Mining District:; inspected. Any person who objects to the proposed cancellation must IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section 88 | lodge his objection, in writing,ing, giving his name and address _of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165}, that Nicholas and his grounds of objection, with the Surveyor-General, John George Graham has: applied to the Mining Affairs Board . at the above address, or P.O. Box 1580, Bulawayo, within for an exclusive, prospecting order, over the’ area described - 21 days of the final publication of this notice in the Gwelo hereunder, in thé Bulawayo mining district, in relation. to the Times. An objector may, if he considers’ it advisable, lodge a maps references St. Luke’s Mission 1927B2, Lake ‘Alice 1928A1 copy of the objection with the applicant at the address given and Bland 1928A3, all of the First Bdition, of the scale below. \ 1: 50000, produced .by the Surveyor-General. dG. A. R. SMART, i: 17-10-80, Town. Glerk, oo, Description. of area.‘ . ‘Anarea of approximately 25 562 hectares, situated.in the Bulawayo mining district ‘and bounded by a line: com- General Notice 963 of 1980. mencing at an unnamed bore-hole approximatély three a kilometres north-west of Lihio School (grid reference _ LAND SURVEY ACT [CHAPTER 147] 35KNJ805926); thence. ‘proceeding on a true. bearing of approximately 130° 20’ for a distance of approximately. Application for Cancellation of Portion of General Plan — 41,55 kilometres. to the junction of two cut - lines (grid BG1271 .of Stands 617 and 686, Shabani Township, Shabani reference 35KNJ893851);, thénce on-.a true bearing of District _ approximately 104° 20’ for a distance of: approximately 17,09 kilometres to the junction of a narrow tarred road and a gravel road (grid reference 35KPJ059809); thence on NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 44 of the a true bearing of approximately 131° 10’ for a distance of ‘Land Survey “Act. [Chapter 147], that the. undersigned intends approximately 20,61 kilometres to the junction of two cut - to apply to the Surveyor-General for the cancellation of that lines (grid reference: 35KPJ215674); thence on a-true bearing portion of General Plan BG1271 comprising the figure Pole 2, of approximately 103° 50’ for a distance of approximately 617S,, 6868, OF3, Pole 2, representing a 25,19-metre-wide road. - 6,67 Kilometres to the junction of a track and a boundary- _The general plan is filed at the Office of the. Surveyor- fence (grid- reference 35KPN276647); thence on a true General, Tredgold Building, Bulawayo, where it. may be bearing of approximately 217° for adistance of. approxi- inspected. Mnately 5,62. kilometres to the. junction of a gravel road , Any person who objects to the (proposed cancellation must and a full tarred road (gridreference 35KPJ243602); thence lodge :his objection, in (wiiwriting, givingi his name and address on a true bearing of approximately 307° 05’-for a distance and his grounds of objection, with the Surveyor-General, at of approximately 27,35 kilometres to the junction of two the above address, or P.O. Box “1580, Bulawayo, within 21. cut lines (grid reference 35K:PJ025768); thence on a ‘true days of the final publication of thisnotice in The Chronicle, bearing of approximately 286° 55’ for a distance of approxi- « Bulawayo. ’ . mately 22,75 kilometres’ to the junction of two boundary- fences (grid reference 35KNJ807835); thence on a true , EH. J.M: ZVOBGO, bearing 1710-80. Minister of Local of approximately 358° 25’ for a distance of approxi- Government and Housing, | mately 9,12 kilometres to. the starting-point. - The applicant wishes to prospect for gold within the. area; General Notice 964 of 1980. | which has been reserved against prospecting pending. the oo, determination of this application, Prospecting authority is COMPANIES ACT [CHAPTER 190} sought upon registered base mineral blocks within the reserva- tion. ‘ . Companies to be Struck Off the Register t x Any person wishing to lodge any objection to the granting of this application should do so, in writing, with theSecretary,- ‘Mining Affairs Board, Private Bag 7709, Causeway, by not IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 283 of the Friday, Companies Act [Chapter 190], that, at the expiration of three later than the 7th November, 1980. oo months from the date.of publication of this notice, the names . C. M. USHEWOKUNZE, of0} the companies set out in the Schedule will, unless cause is~ .. Chairman, shown to the countrary, be struck off the register, and the said 17-10-80, Mining Affairs Board. companies will thereby be dissolved. R. J. TUCKER, 17-10-80, Registrar of Companies, General Notice 966 of 1980. =: " 2% . , + Scuepute : POLICE ACT [CHAPTER 98} , SS Date of Number Name ofcompany Capital registration ‘ . 3 . , "Promotion of Officers 186/46 Residential Suburbs (Salisbury) (Pvt. Ltd. 200 000 26.9.46 © 597/133/58 CrownRubberStamp Company(Pyt.) Ltd. 4000 11.6,58 428/63 Hillside Farm (Pvt.) Ltd. 2... 8000 19.7.63 © ’ IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (2) of. section 4, 336/68 - Rhodang Enterprises (Pvi.) Ltd..
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