Rev. Biol. Trop., 44(3)/45(l): 395-400, 1996-1997 Alpheus agrogon, a new species of alpheid shrimp (Decapoda: Alpheidae) from Gorgona Island, Pacific coast of Colombia " Gabriel E. Ramos2 1 Contribuci6n No. 63 del CIME, Centra de Investigaciones Marinas y Estuarinas de la Universidad del Valle. • Apartado Aereo 24262, Cali, Colombia. (Rec. 13-IX-1995. Rev. 20-VI-1995. Accep. 28-IX-1995) Abstract: A new species of alpheid shrimp, Alpheus agrogon, is described from Gorgona Island, Pacific coast of Colombia, where it was collected in a tide pool. The new species resembles most closely A. hyeyoungae Kim & Abele, and A. scopulus Kim & Abele, but can be differentiated by the absence of a rostral carina between the base of rostrum and the posterior margin of eyes, of teeth or spines along the inner inferior margin of merus of first pair of pereopods, and of movable spine on the ischium of third and fourth pereopods. Key words: Alpheus agrogon, new species, Alpheidae, Gorgona Island, Colombia Several papers describing new species of description. During an author visit to the alpheid shrimps from the Pacific coast of National Museum of Natural History, Colombia and its islands have been published Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., (Abele 1975, Christoffersen & Ramos 1988a, type material of selected species of this genus, 1988b, Wicksten 1988, 1989, Ramos & Prahl known from the area, were also examined and 1989). Recently, Lemaitre & Alvarez (1992) compared to the collected specimen. The taxo- compiled the published literature on decapod nomic analysis lead to the conclusion that it crustaceans from this coast, and recorded in a belongs to an undescribed species. checklist nineteen species of snapping shrimp The terminology of morphological struc­ of the genus Alpheus from this area, although tures is the one used by Kim & Abele (1988). the reports of A. heterochaelis (Prahl 1986, Abbreviations are: cl = carapace length, mea­ Prahl et al. 1984, Kim & Abele 1988, Wicksten sured between tip of rostrum and posterior dor­ & Hendrickx 1992) for the eastern Pacific may sal margin of carapace; USNM = National be doubtful. Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian The present study described an odd alpheid Institution, Washington, D. C. shrimp of the genus Alpheus, collected in a tide pool on the rocky shore "La Ventana", Alpheus agrogon new species Gorgona Island, during a field trip of the (Figs 1-3) Marine Ecology Course, Universidad del Valle. The specimen was examined and compared Material examined: Holotype 1 Q, cl 6.5 with the descriptions of species of Alpheus cur­ mm; La Ventana, Gorgona Island (2°56'10"N, rently recognized for the eastern Pacific (Kim 78°12'05"W) type locality; collector R. Neira, & Abele 1988), but did not fit with any of these 9 Nov 1989, USNM 259395. * 396 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL Fig. 1. Alpheus agrogon new species, holotype female, cl 6.5 mm, (USNM 259395), Gorgona Island: A, anterior region of the carapace and cephalic appendages, dorsolateral view; B, same, dorsal view, C, major chela, outer face; D, same, inner face; E, carpus, merus and ischium of major cheliped, outer face; F, same, inner face. (Scales = 2 mm). G. E. Ramos: Alpheus agrogon, new species 397 Description: Rostrum short, acute, triangu­ able finger (dactylus) round, overreaching the lar, overreaching middle of visible part of first tip of immovable finger. Palm rather broad. antennular segment (Figs 1 A-B). Rostral cari­ Superior outer palmar depression well defined, na present, linear dorsally, interrupted between rectangular, extending to oblique suture or the rostral base where it is replaced by a deep, linea impressa. Superior transverse groove flattened depression, rising again posteriorly to deep, U-shaped; proximal shoulder with no form a subtriangular area which fades away in overhanging groove. Immovable finger with midgastric region. shallow longitudinal depression along median Ocular hoods unarmed, strongly inflated part of outer face; depression extending poste­ dorsally; anterior margin almost straight. riorly to region between superior and inferior Orbitorostral groove deep and wide, extending palmar depressions. Superior inner palmar between the eyes from the rostral base, occupy­ depression irregular, extending up posteriorly ing the empty space left by the missing portion toward superior margin, just past middle of of rostral carina and continuing beyond the palm; extending anteriorly to dactylar articula­ posterior edge of the ocular hoods, where it tion and continuing downward to join inferior splits in two due to the rising of the rostral cari­ palmar depression, forming a bossy area na (Fig. IB). Carapace smooth, laterally com­ demarcated with numerous short setae. Inferior pressed, pterygostomial margin rounded; ven­ transverse groove deep, directed upward; prox­ tral margin convex between coxae of first to imal shoulder heavy, produced anteriorly, with fourth pereopod; posterior margin rounded ven- numerous small tubercles. Inferior outer palmar trally, with pronounced cardiac notch (Fig. 3). depression narrow, extending obliquely upward Antennular segments slender, with distal to 0.25 times in width of palm. Inferior inner margins bearing a few setae, second segment palmar depression V-shaped, extending upward about 1.7 times as long as broad, slightly to 0.25 times in width of palm; posterior mar­ longer than third segment and visible part of gin well delimited, with several setae, but ante­ the first segment, the latest two almost equal. rior margin ill defined. Merus about 2.2 times Stylocerite dorsally flattened, with distal mar­ as long as broad, without teeth or spines on gin tapering, tip acute, reaching to distal mar­ margins (Figs 1 E-F). gin of first antennular segment (Fig. IB). Minor chela of first pereopods about 3.5 Scaphocerite about 2.5 times as long as times as long as broad, with some scatttered broad; lateral margin concave. Lateral tooth setae, specially on inner face (Figs 2 A-B). overreaching distal end of third antennular seg­ Fingers with acute tip, about 0.5 length of ment, but no reaching the distal end of car- chela and almost as broad as palm. Palm pocerite. Inner blade or squamous portion smooth, without groove. A distinctive, triangu­ shorter than lateral tooth, reaching the distal lar tooth on dactylar articulation of inner face end of third antennular segment (Fig. IB). and obtuse tooth on outer face. Merus about 2.0 Carpocerite overreaching distal end of times as long as broad, without teeth or spines antennular peduncle by 0.7-0.8 times the length on margins (Figs 2 C-D). of third antennular segment. Basicerite with lat­ Second pereopod with first segment of car­ eral tooth small and acute (Fig. 1A). pus 1.5 times as long as second; second seg­ Distal segment of third maxilliped about 3.3 ment about 2.2 times as long as third or times as long as broad and 2.5 times as long as fourth and 1.5 times as long as fifth; third penultimate segment, bearing long setae distal- and fourth segments subequal in size and ly; superior margin with a few scattered setae, length (Fig. 3). and inferior margin with several tufts of short Dactylus of third pereopod simple, conical, setae. Exopod slightly overreaching distal end about 0.3 times as long as propodus. Propodus of antepenultimate segment, with short setae at about 1.2 times as long as carpus, bearing 6-7 distal end (Fig. 2E). spines of different sizes along the inferior mar­ Major chela of first pereopods bearing short gin, and a pair of spines at the distal end. setae on inner and outer faces, compressed lat­ Merus about 2.0 times as long as carpus, about erally and about 2.4 times as long as broad 4.0 times as long as broad, bearing 6-8 setae on (Figs 1 C-D). Fingers occupying distal third of superior margin. Ischium without movable chela, much narrower than palm. Tip of mov­ spine (Fig. 3). 398 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL Fig. 2. Alpheus agrogon new species: A, minor chela, outer face; B, same, inner face; C, carpus, merus and ischium of minor cheliped, outer face; D, same, inner face; E, third maxilliped; F, telson and uropods, dorsal view. (Scales = 2 mm). Fourth pereopod similar to third pereopod. ron of fifth somite elongate on posterior ventral Ischium without spine. margin, with fringe of short setae; sixth Fifth pereopod much narrower than third or abdominal somite produced into narrowly fourth pereopods; propodus with 4-5 small rounded triangular lobe dorsal to insertion of spines and transversal tuft of short setae on uropod, and ventral margin acute posteroven- inferior distal margin. Ischium without spine. trally. Telson (Fig. 2F) about 1.8 times as Abdominal pleura of first through fourth long as broad at distal end, armed with two anterior somites broadly rounded (Fig. 3); pleu- pairs of stout dorsal spines; without a median G. E. Ramos: Alpheus agrogon, new species 399 Fig. 3. Alpheus agrogon new species: Body in lateral view. (Scale = 2 mm). longitudinal depression on dorsal surface. Remarks: Of the 43 valid species of the Posterior margin convex, armed with a pair of genus Alpheus cited from the eastern Pacific spines at each lateral end; inner spine larger by Kim & Abele (1988), only two most close­ than outer one. ly resemble A. agrogon n. sp.: A. hyeyoungae Left uropodal exopod with a stout mov­ Kim & Abele 1988, and A. scopulus Kim & able spine flanked laterally by an acute Abele 1988. These can be differenciated from inmovable tooth and internally by a rounded the new species by the following characters: triangular lobe. Right uropodal exopod sin­ In both species the rostral carina is not inter­ gular with two stout movable spines; trans­ rupted between the eyes; in A. hyeyoungae, verse suture forming three irregular convex the inner inferior margin of merus of first pair lobes (Fig.
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