March 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1411 Baird Farr Lofgren, Zoe Royce Sires Towns today. Had I been present, I would have voted Baldwin Fattah Lowey Ruppersberger Skelton Tsongas Barrow Filner Lucas Ryan (OH) Slaughter Turner ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall votes 112 through 115. Bartlett Fleming Luetkemeyer Ryan (WI) Smith (NE) Upton f Barton (TX) Forbes Luja´ n Salazar Smith (NJ) Van Hollen Becerra Fortenberry Lummis Sa´ nchez, Linda Smith (TX) Vela´ zquez REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Berkley Foster Lungren, Daniel T. Snyder Visclosky AS COSPONSOR OF HOUSE RESO- Berman Foxx E. Sanchez, Loretta Space Walden LUTION 1177 Berry Frank (MA) Lynch Sarbanes Spratt Walz Biggert Franks (AZ) Mack Scalise Stark Wasserman Mr. MINNICK. Madam Speaker, I ask Bilbray Frelinghuysen Maffei Schakowsky Stearns Schultz Schauer Stupak unanimous consent to remove Mr. Bilirakis Fudge Maloney Watson Schiff Sullivan SIMPSON as a cosponsor of House Reso- Bishop (GA) Gallegly Manzullo Watt Schmidt Sutton Bishop (NY) Garrett (NJ) Marchant Waxman lution 1177. He was added in error. Schock Tanner Bishop (UT) Gerlach Markey (CO) Weiner The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Schwartz Taylor Blackburn Giffords Markey (MA) Welch Marshall Scott (GA) Teague objection to the request of the gen- Blumenauer Gonzalez Westmoreland Boccieri Goodlatte Matheson Scott (VA) Terry tleman from Idaho? Whitfield Boehner Gordon (TN) Matsui Sensenbrenner Thompson (CA) Wilson (OH) There was no objection. Bono Mack Granger McCarthy (CA) Serrano Thompson (MS) Wilson (SC) Boren Graves McCarthy (NY) Sessions Thompson (PA) f Wittman Boswell Grayson McCaul Sestak Thornberry Wolf b 1930 Boustany Green, Al McClintock Sherman Tiahrt Woolsey Boyd Green, Gene McCollum Shimkus Tiberi CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- Brady (PA) Griffith McCotter Shuler Tierney Wu Brady (TX) Guthrie McDermott Shuster Titus Yarmuth SITY OF HOUSTON ON ITS NCAA Bright Hall (NY) McGovern Simpson Tonko Young (AK) BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT SE- Broun (GA) Hall (TX) McHenry NAYS—2 LECTION Brown (SC) Halvorson McIntyre Brown, Corrine Hare McKeon Miller (FL) Posey (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked Burgess Harman McMahon and was given permission to address Burton (IN) Harper McMorris NOT VOTING—44 the House for 1 minute.) Calvert Hastings (FL) Rodgers Camp Hastings (WA) McNerney Barrett (SC) Deal (GA) Putnam Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam Campbell Heinrich Meek (FL) Bean Fallin Quigley Speaker, I rise today to honor both my Cantor Heller Meeks (NY) Blunt Flake Rogers (KY) alma mater and hometown school, the Cao Hensarling Melancon Bonner Garamendi Rogers (MI) University of Houston, and its men’s Capito Herger Mica Boozman Gingrey (GA) Ros-Lehtinen Capps Herseth Sandlin Michaud Boucher Gohmert Rush basketball team, for being selected for Capuano Higgins Miller (MI) Braley (IA) Grijalva Schrader the NCAA tournament for the first Cardoza Hill Miller (NC) Brown-Waite, Gutierrez Shadegg time in 18 years. The Cougars secured a Ginny Hoekstra Shea-Porter Carnahan Himes Miller, Gary bid to the tournament by winning the Carney Hinchey Miller, George Buchanan Johnson (IL) Smith (WA) Carson (IN) Hinojosa Minnick Butterfield Kagen Souder Conference USA championship game. Carter Hirono Mitchell Buyer Moran (VA) Speier Houston goes to the tournament with Cassidy Hodes Mollohan Crenshaw Pascrell Wamp the Nation’s leading scorer, Aubrey Castle Holden Moore (KS) Davis (AL) Payne Waters Castor (FL) Holt Moore (WI) Davis (IL) Pence Young (FL) Coleman, and a solid team surrounding him. The team faces the University of Chaffetz Honda Moran (KS) b 1927 Chandler Hoyer Murphy (CT) Maryland on Friday in the opening Childers Hunter Murphy (NY) So (two-thirds being in the affirma- round of the tournament. Chu Inglis Murphy, Patrick tive) the rules were suspended and the Clarke Inslee Murphy, Tim While it’s been some time since Hous- Clay Israel Myrick resolution was agreed to. ton has made an appearance in the Cleaver Issa Nadler (NY) The result of the vote was announced NCAA tournament, we have a long his- Clyburn Jackson (IL) Napolitano as above recorded. tory of success in the NCAA tour- Coble Jackson Lee Neal (MA) Coffman (CO) (TX) Neugebauer A motion to reconsider was laid on nament, most notably in the early Cohen Jenkins Nunes the table. eighties. It was during this time, from Cole Johnson (GA) Nye f 1982 to 1984, that Phi Slama Jama be- Conaway Johnson, E. B. Oberstar came the nickname of the University Connolly (VA) Johnson, Sam Obey PERSONAL EXPLANATION Conyers Jones Olson of Houston Cougars men’s basketball Cooper Jordan (OH) Olver Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I team. The phrase was coined by a local Costa Kanjorski Ortiz missed votes on Monday, March 15, 2010 due sportswriter, Thomas Bonk, and the Costello Kaptur Owens Courtney Kennedy Pallone to travel delays. If I were present, I would nickname was quickly adopted by the Crowley Kildee Pastor (AZ) have voted: players and even appeared on team Cuellar Kilpatrick (MI) Paul ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 112, On Motion to Suspend warm-up suits. Phi Slama Jama was Culberson Kilroy Paulsen Cummings Kind Perlmutter the Rules and Agree to H. Res. 1145—Recog- coached by Guy Lewis and featured Dahlkemper King (IA) Perriello nizing the University of Arizona’s 125 years of NBA Hall of Fame players Hakeem Davis (CA) King (NY) Peters dedication to excellence in higher education; Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler. ‘‘Texas’ Davis (KY) Kingston Peterson ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 113, On Motion to Suspend Tallest Fraternity’’ was known for its Davis (TN) Kirk Petri DeFazio Kirkpatrick (AZ) Pingree (ME) the Rules and Agree to H. Res. 1170—Con- dunking and explosive, fast-breaking DeGette Kissell Pitts gratulating the winners of the Voice of Democ- style of play. While the 2009–2010 team Delahunt Klein (FL) Platts racy national scholarship program; has a different style of play, they’re ex- DeLauro Kline (MN) Poe (TX) Dent Kosmas Polis (CO) ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 114, On Motion to Suspend citing to watch, and we’ll be rooting Diaz-Balart, L. Kratovil Pomeroy the Rules and Agree to H. Res. 1163—Recog- for an upset on the number four seed Diaz-Balart, M. Kucinich Price (GA) nizing Washington State University Honors on Friday. Dicks Lamborn Price (NC) College for 50 years of excellence; Dingell Lance Radanovich f Doggett Langevin Rahall ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 115, On Motion to Suspend Donnelly (IN) Larsen (WA) Rangel the Rules and Agree to H. Res. 267—Recog- GOVERNMENT DOES TOO MUCH Doyle Larson (CT) Rehberg nizing the cultural and historical significance of FOR US, AND TOO MUCH TO US Dreier Latham Reichert Driehaus LaTourette Reyes Nowruz, expressing appreciation to Iranian- (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was Duncan Latta Richardson Americans for their contributions to society, given permission to address the House Edwards (MD) Lee (CA) Rodriguez and wishing Iranian-Americans and the people for 1 minute.) Edwards (TX) Lee (NY) Roe (TN) of Iran a prosperous new year. Ehlers Levin Rogers (AL) Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, Ellison Lewis (CA) Rohrabacher f Dr. Adrian Rogers of Bellevue Baptist Ellsworth Lewis (GA) Rooney Church, Memphis, Tennessee, gave Emerson Linder Roskam PERSONAL EXPLANATION some sage advice over 20 years ago Engel Lipinski Ross Eshoo LoBiondo Rothman (NJ) Mr. GUTIERREZ. Madam Speaker, I was about the role of government. It is as Etheridge Loebsack Roybal-Allard unavoidably absent from the House Chamber relevant today it was when he first said VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:21 Mar 16, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR7.013 H15MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H1412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2010 it. He said, ‘‘You cannot multiply was LaSalle College High School Palm Beach called ‘‘The Acreage.’’ Re- wealth by dividing it. You cannot legis- versus State College High School. La- cently, a pediatric cancer cluster was late the poor into prosperity by legis- Salle won 24–7. Touchdowns were made confirmed in the Acreage, yet the lating the wealthy out of prosperity. by Sam Feleccia, Jamal Abdur- cause is still unknown. In today’s What one person receives without Rahman, and Tim Wade. Going into the meeting, I spoke with mothers who working for, another person must work game, LaSalle had a winning record of have had children with brain tumors, for without receiving. The government 13 wins and only one loss. Feleccia’s 55- along with other residents of the af- cannot give to anybody anything the yard run pushed the Explorers ahead fected area. I was inspired by their op- government does not first take from 24–0 with 4 minutes left in the quarter, timism and dedication to this cause. somebody else. When half of the people sealing the victory for the Catholic They are not seeking to play the get the idea that they do not have to school in front of more than 3,000 La- ‘‘blame game.’’ They are simply look- work because the other half is going to Salle fans. ing for answers. At the same time, I take care of them, then the other half The LaSalle Explorers became the heard their frustration with the overall gets the idea it does no good to work first-ever Philadelphia city team to Federal Government involvement—or because somebody else is going to get win a PIAA football title. They went lack thereof. what they work for. And that is the be- on to the honor of having six of their While the State and local health de- ginning of the end of any Nation.’’ team players selected for the Pennsyl- partments have been active in inves- Madam Speaker, we are in a time vania sports writers’ all-State football tigating and confirming the cluster at when the government does too much teams. LaSalle’s coach, Drew Gordon, the local level, there are limits to what for us and too much to us in the name was selected as the Coach of the Year.
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