ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH Tube-nosed variations–a new species of the genus Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from China DEAR EDITOR, M. shuipuensis from Guangxi and Guizhou (Eger & Lim, 2011), and M. fanjingshanensis (He et al., 2015), M. During a survey in 2014, several tube-nosed bats rongjiangensis (Chen et al., 2017), and M. liboensis (Zeng et (Vespertilionidae: Murininae: Murina) were collected in al., 2018) from Guizhou. Thus, at least 19 species belonging Sichuan Province. Based on morphological characters, these to the genus Murina are currently known from China (Chen et bats did not match any species previously recorded from al., 2017; Eger & Lim, 2011; He et al., 2015; Jiang et al., 2015; China. Morphometric analyses and phylogenetic inference based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences Kuo et al., 2009; Liu & Wu, 2019; Zeng et al., 2018). indicated that they represented a new species, named here as In 2014, several small-sized and impressively colored Murina jinchui sp. nov. Although the new species is presently Murina individuals were collected during field surveys in known only from Wolong National Nature Reserve, it is Sichuan Province (all field surveys and sample collection unlikely to be a rare species in the area based on our capture protocols complied with the current laws of Sichuan Province). frequencies. Morphological and molecular biological examinations revealed Characterized by tubular nostrils and relatively well- them to be distinct from all other recognized Murina taxa; developed anterior upper premolars, the Old World subfamily therefore, they are described herein as a new species. of vespertilionid bats, Murininae Miller, 1907, is rich in cryptic For morphometric analysis, we examined 224 specimens of species. Typically, these species are rare in collections, which Murina deposited in 12 collections (see list of specimens in have contributed to our poor understanding of their diversity Supplementary Material (Appendix I)). Six external and distribution. Simmons (2005) listed 17 species within the measurements (to the nearest 0.1 mm), body mass (to the subfamily, but several new species have been described since nearest 0.1 g), and 16 craniodental measurements (to the due to an increase in survey efforts, improved capture nearest 0.01 mm) were recorded by the same author. methods, re-evaluation of taxonomically informative Definitions and details of measurements are listed in the Table characters, and species delimitations using DNA barcoding 1 and Supplementary Material (Methods). (Csorba et al., 2011; Eger & Lim, 2011; Francis et al., 2010). We performed principal component analysis (PCA) and As such, 39 species are currently recognized based on discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) taxonomic revisions and new species descriptions (Chen et (Jombart, 2008; Jombart et al., 2010) for species al., 2017; Csorba et al., 2007, 2011 Eger & Lim, 2011; Francis discrimination based on external and craniodental & Eger, 2012; Furey et al., 2009; He et al., 2015; Kruskop & measurements. For both PCA and DAPC, the sexes were Eger, 2008; Kuo et al., 2009; Maeda & Matsumura, 1998; analysed separately because sexual dimorphism is noted in Ruedi et al., 2012; Soisook et al., 2013a, 2013b Son et al., 2015; Zeng et al., 2018). In the last decade, intensive survey Received: 04 August 2019; Accepted: 15 November 2019; Online: 11 efforts and morphological and molecular studies have resulted December 2019 in the description of nine new Murina species from China Foundation items: This study was financially supported by the National alone, namely M. bicolor, M. gracilis, and M. recondita from Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 31672258, 31670381, Taiwan (Kuo et al., 2009), M. chrysochaetes, M. lorelieae, and 31970394), NSFC Major International (Regional) Joint Research Project Grant (31110103910), and Guangzhou University's 2017 Open Access Training Program for Young High-Achieving Personnel (BJ201707). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the The research of Gabor Csorba received support from the Hungarian Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( http:// Scientific Research Fund–OTKA K112440, National Research, creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary NKFIH KH130360 and non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, from the SYNTHESYS Project, which is financed by the European provided the original work is properly cited. Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 "Capacities" Copyright ©2020 Editorial Office of Zoological Research, Kunming Program Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.009 70 Science Press Zoological Research 41(1): 70−77, 2020 Table 1 Selected external and craniodental measurements (mm) of Murina jinchui sp. nov and four closely related Murina species M. Murina jinchui sp. nov. M. rongjiangensis M. shuipuensis fanjing- M. leucogaster Item shanensis ♀♀ ♂♂ t-value ♀♀ ♂♂ ♀♀ ♂♂ ♂ ♀♀ ♂ 16.47 (3) 15.73 (3) 16.27±0.3 (5) 15.76±0.29 (5) 16.00, 16.05 15.82 (3) 19.14 (3) GTL 3.25* 19.22 (1) 19.5 (1) (16.10–16.86) (15.66–15.83) (15.88–16.71) (15.32–16.04) (2) (15.60–16.15) (18.77–19.33) 14.42 (3) 13.65 (3) 14.38±0.45 (5) 13.84±0.21 (5) 13.92, 14.26 13.90 (3) 16.81 (3) CCL 14.5* 16.13 (1) 16.84 (1) (14.34–14.48) (13.58–13.68) (13.73–14.98) (13.49–14.03) (2) (13.82–14.00) (16.52–17.13) 15.81 (3) 15.14 (3) 14.65, 15.06 14.64 (3) 17.85 (3) CBL 15.19±0.48 (5) 14.74±0.14 (5) 17.62 (1) 17.91 (1) (15.50–16.07) (15.12–15.15) (14.51–15.78) (14.60–14.95) (2) (14.53–14.83) (17.60–18.09) 7.64 (3) 7.18 (3) 7.63 ±0.21 (5) 7.57±0.1 (5) 7.33 (3) 8.77 (3) BCW 10.18* 7.31, 7.47 (2) 9.43 (1) 8.77 (1) (7.60–7.72) (7.15–7.22) (7.45–7.94) (7.44–7.71) (7.14–7.42) (8.17–9.10) 7.54 (3) 7.26 (3) 7.4 ±0.25 (5) 7.2±0.15 (5) 6.96 (3) 8.27 (3) BCH 2.05NS 6.98, 7.13 (2) 8.74 (1) 8.16 (1) (7.43–7.69) (7.04–7.41) (7.00–7.64) (7.00–7.37) (6.78–7.22) (8.13–8.34) 8.64 (3) 8.55 (3) 9.08 ±0.26 (5) 8.67±0.26 (5) 8.32 (3) 10.74 (3) ZYW 0.88NS 8.58, 8.70 (2) 9.22 (1) 10.84 (1) (8.53–8.79) (8.49–8.60) (8.66–9.37) (8.47–9.06) (8.06–8.60) (10.48–10.99) 8.01 (3) 7.64 (3) 7.97 ±0.2 (5) 7.74±0.16 (5) 7.47 (3) 9.10 (3) MAW 3.53* 7.56, 7.68 (2) 8.66 (1) 9.31 (1) (7.94–8.10) (7.54–7.83) (7.69–8.19) (7.60–7.99) (7.37–7.61) (8.85–9.21) 7.31 (3) 7.15 (3) 7.00 ±0.16 (5) 6.8±0.16 (5) 7.47 (3) 8.66 (3) PL 0.92NS 7.50, 7.56 (2) 9.22 (1) 8.74 (1) (7.09–7.58) (7.03–7.33) (6.79–7.19) (6.70–7.08) (7.13–7.69) (8.44–8.97) 4.41 (3) 4.24 (3) 4.69 ±0.13 (5) 4.54±0.15 (5) 4.47 (3) 5.39 (3) IOW 1.15NS 4.33, 4.57 (2) 5.46 (1) 5.50 (1) (4.32–4.52) (4.05–4.50) (4.54–4.90) (4.30–4.70) (4.30–4.65) (5.10–5.69) 5.52 (3) 5.21 (3) 5.31 ±0.14 (5) 5.06±0.06 (5) 5.33 (3) 6.46 (3) CM3L 4.68* 5.28, 5.33 (2) 6.35 (1) 6.34 (1) (5.47–5.58) (5.12–5.32) (5.13–5.47) (4.97–5.13) (5.25–5.39) (6.36–6.53) 4.05 (3) 3.79 (3) 4.26 ±0.15 (5) 3.92±0.14 (5) 3.92 (3) 4.74 (3) CCW 2.89* 3.94, 4.08 (2) 4.70 (1) 4.91 (1) (3.99–4.16) (3.65–3.88) (4.02–4.38) (3.80–4.13) (3.90–3.94) (4.62–4.91) 5.92 (3) 5.44 (3) 5.71 ±0.18 (5) 5.53±0.19 (5) 5.49 (3) 6.51 (3) M3M3W 7.28* 5.40, 5.57 (2) 6.54 (1) 6.66 (1) (5.88–5.95) (5.32–5.51) (5.49–5.95) (5.27–5.76) (5.38–5.54) (6.04–6.79) 0.68 (3) 0.70 (3) 0.75 ±0.02 (5) 0.71±0.02 (5) 0.71 (3) 0.73 (3) RCM –0.97NS 0.73, 0.73 (2) 0.72 (1) 0.74 (1) (0.67–0.71) (0.69–0.70) (0.73–0.78) (0.69–0.73) (0.70–0.73) (0.69–0.81) 5.78 (3) 5.68 (3) 5.59 ±0.11 (5) 5.52±0.11 (5) 5.65 (3) 6.73 (3) LCM L 1.32NS 5.57, 5.61 (2) – 6.58 (1) 3 (5.68–5.85) (5.57–5.75) (5.44–5.71) (5.42–5.68) (5.53–5.75) (6.49–6.85) 11.25 ±0.32 11.41 (3) 10.79 (3) 10.65±0.23 (5) 10.84, 10.98 10.75 (3) 12.99 (3) ML 8.08* (5) – 12.98 (1) (11.34–11.49) (10.68–10.90) (10.38–11.00) (2) (10.63–10.83) (12.71–13.22) (10.98–11.78) 3.95 (3) 3.37 (3) 3.8 ±0.19 (5) 3.48±0.23 (5) 3.51 (3) 4.86 (3) CPH 14.21* 3.73, 3.88 (2) – 4.97 (1) (3.90–4.01) (3.34–3.42) (3.49–3.99) (3.24–3.80) (3.39–3.68) (4.62–5.02) 7.3 (3) 4.9 (3) 6.8±1.09 (5) 5.0±0.26 (5) 4.7 (3) Wt 4.3, 5.1 (2) 9.0 (1) – 10.9 (1) (7.1–7.5) (4.5–5.2) (5.0–7.8) (4.7–5.4) (4.3–5.0) 44.7 (3) 40.1 (3) 43.5 ± 2.48 (5) 38.8 ± 4.86 (5) 41.4 (3) 47.7 (3) HB 5.45* 40.6, 40.9 (2) 46.3 (1) 50.3 (1) (43.0–45.7) (39.7–40.4) (40.6–46.7) (34.0–46.5) (40.0–43.3) (44.4–51.4) 34.9 (3) 34.9 (3) 34.9 ± 1.90 (5) 33.8 ± 1.38 (5) 33.5 (3) 40.1 (3) T 0.01NS 32.0, 38.4 (2) 39.7 (1) 39.3 (1) (33.0–38.4) (33.6–36.0) (32.9–37.3) (32.3–35.4) (31.9–36.6) (37.7–41.5) 15.3 (3) 14.7 (3) 11.2 ± 0.72 (5) 10.6 ± 0.98 (5) 11.6 (3) 12.8 (3) E 1.08NS 11.7, 13.4 (2) 15.3 (1) 13.8 (1) (14.4–16.1) (14.4–15.1) (10.2–11.9) (9.0–11.6) (10.7–12.4) (12.4–13.3) 8.2 (3) 7.5 (3) 7.8 1.07 (5) 7.5 ± 0.89 (5) 8.5 (3) 9.6 (3) HF 1.03NS 8.7, 9.1 (2) 8.5 (1) 11.4 (1) (7.2–9.4) (7.4–7.7) (5.9–8.7) (6.1–8.4) (7.8–9.1) (8.9–10.3) 36.3 (3) 33.5 (3) 33.0 ±1.36 (5) 31.6 ± 0.81 (5) 30.8 (3) 43.6 (3) FA 4.26* 30.0, 32.7 (2) 42.6 (1) 41.5 (1) (36.1–36.4) (32.4–34.6) (30.6–34.0) (31.0–32.7) (29.7–31.9) (43.0–44.2) Zoological Research 41(1): 70−77, 2020 71 Continued M.
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