November 4, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11667 H.R. 652. A bill to extend the deadline IN THE COAST GUARD Bruce E. Graham, 1599 under the Federal Power Act for the con- The following-named individual for ap- Lamberto D. Sazon, 2681 struction of a hydroelectric project located pointment as a permanent regular officer in Henry D. Kocevar, 1869 in the State of Washington, and for other the United States Coast Guard in the grade Bruce D. Henson, 6391 purposes (Rept. No. 105–134). indicated under title 14, U.S. Code, section Sean A. McBrearty, 1878 H.R. 848. A bill to extend the deadline 211: Robert C. Wilson, 9887 under the Federal Power Act applicable to Gary L. Bruce, 9690 the construction of the AuSable Hydro- To be lieutenant (junior grade) Jim L. Munro, 7204 electric Project in New York, and for other Whitney L. Yelle, 6516 Kevin P. Frost, 8805 purposes (Rept. No. 105–135). The following-named officers for appoint- Robert D. Kirk, 4164 H.R. 1184. A bill to extend the deadline ment to the grade indicated in the U.S. William L. Stinehour, 6022 under the Federal Power Act for the con- Coast Guard under title 14, United States Scott B. Varco, 9386 struction of the Bear Creek hydroelectric Code, section 271: Dawayne R. Penberthy, 6652 project in the State of Washington, and for To be lieutenant commander Keith R. Bills, 8588 other purposes (Rept. No. 105–136). Thomas Flora, 1977 Richard K. Woolford, 7374 H.R. 1217. A bill to extend the deadline Alfredo T. Soriano, 3245 Timothy A. Orner, 9409 under the Federal Power Act for the con- Douglas M. Gordon, 0133 William E. Thompson, 5963 struction of a hydroelectric project located James D. Jenklns, 5482 Allen B. Cleveland, 5661 in the State of Washington, and for other Larry D. Bowling, 8411 Timothy M. Fitzpatrick, 1834 purposes (Rept. No. 105–137). Drew J. Trousdell, 8260 Michael J. Kelly, 6895 By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee Scott W. Bornemann, 8846 Peter W. Seaman, 3947 on Energy and Natural Resources, with an Paul A. Titcombe, 8636 William P. Green, 4602 amendment in the nature of a substitute: William M. Drelling, 2198 John R. Turley, 8780 H.R. 858. A bill to direct the Secretary of Kristin A. Williams, 5974 Markus D. Dausses, 4313 Agriculture to conduct a pilot project on John E. Hurst, 6443 John L. Bragaw, 3661 designated lands within Plumas, Lassen, and Kevin D. Camp, 6677 Tahoe National Forests in the State of Cali- Glenn L. Gebele, 4212 Steven W. Poore, 5565 fornia to demonstrate the effectiveness of Michael S. Sabellico, 8701 Arthur R. Thomas, 4799 the resource management activities pro- Laura H. O’Hare, 6357 Thomas E. Cafferty, 6049 posed by the Quincy Library Group and to Susan K. Vukovich, 5076 Jeffrey A. Reeves, 2042 amend current land and resource manage- Craig O. Fowler, 3715 Ronald L. Hensel, 9354 ment plans for these national forests to con- Daniel S. Cramer, 3202 Marc P. Lebeau, 7776 sider the incorporation of these resource John J. Metcalf, 4539 Barry O. Arnold, 5817 management activities (Rept. No. 105–138). Steven J. Reynolds, 9836 Samuel Short, 7633 By Mr. HELMS, from the Committee on Sean M. Mahoney, 1321 Gary E. Bracken, 7885 Foreign Relations, with an amendment in Kevin J. McKenna, 1964 David C. Hartt, 7003 the nature of a substitute and an amendment Christopher E. Alexander, 5686 Richard T. Gatlin, 3552 to the title: James W. Sebastian, 9852 Joseph P. Kelly, 5257 S. 759. A bill to provide for an annual re- Han Kim, 8423 Eric V. Walters, 6027 port to Congress concerning diplomatic im- Phyllis E. Blanton, 3093 Corey J. Jones, 7371 munity. Andrew C. Palmiotto, 5986 Michael J. Bosley, 7625 By Mr. CHAFEE, from the Committee on Matthew K. Creelman, 5359 Roger R. Laferriere, 6326 Environment and Public Works, with an Caleb Corson, 9543 John G. Keeton, 9728 amendment: Marc H. Nguyen, 3884 Robert S. Young, 5588 S. 1258. A bill to amend the Uniform Relo- Cynthia L. Stowe, 7198 John J. Dolan, 7454 cation Assistance and Real Property Acqui- Charles Jennings, 1640 Alan W. Carver, 4858 sition Policies Act of 1970 to prohibit an Mary J. Sohlberg, 2583 Leonard C. Greig, 6456 alien who is not lawfully present in the John F. Maloney, 3275 David A. Walker, 2710 United States from receiving assistance Craig T. Hoskins, 3608 David L. Hartley, 7876 under that Act. James P. McLeod, 2174 Michael A. Megan, 3989 By Mr. HELMS, from the Committee on Raymond D. Hunt, 2465 William J. Boeh, 3490 Foreign Relations, without amendment and Kenneth V. Fordham, 7677 Stewart M. Dietrick, 7750 with a preamble: Jon S. Kellams, 7003 Thomas Tardibuono, 7928 S. Con. Res. 48. Concurrent resolution ex- Keith M. Smith, 5923 John E. Souza, 8253 pressing the sense of the Congress regarding Donna L. Cottrell, 3421 Timothy J. Heitsch, 1634 proliferation of missile technology from Rus- James W. Crowe, 1207 Julie A. Gahn, 4521 sia to Iran. Peter D. Conley, 7522 Donald E. Culkin, 4485 S. Con. Res. 58. Concurrent resolution ex- Kelly L. Kachele, 6708 Byron L. Black, 7990 pressing the sense of Congress over Russia’s Scott A. Buttrick, 5681 James E. Hanzalik, 0191 newly passed religion law. Janet R. Florey, 8250 Kurt A. Sebastian, 8559 f Melissa A. Bulkley, 2351 Gregory J. Sanial, 8158 EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF James H. Whitehead, 0654 Frank R. Parker, 4486 William R. Kelly, 6357 John A. Healy, 9902 COMMITTEES Jason Lyuke, 0055 Tina L. Burke, 2896 The following executive reports of John M. Danaher, 2841 John D. Wood, 6878 committees were submitted: John E. Boris, 1322 Jan M. Johnson, 7441 By Mr. McCain, from the Committee on Mark D. Berkeley, 7271 Timothy G. Stueve, 8573 Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Richard A. Sandoval, 8247 Keith A. Russell, 1052 Duncan T. Moore, of New York to be an As- Charles M. Greene, 6480 John F. Moriarty, 5799 sociate Director of the Office of Science and Brian P. Hall, 4972 Michael P. Ryan, 2670 Technology Policy. Eric P. Christensen, 7911 John B. Sullivan, 1035 Arthur Bienenstock, of California, to be an Ronald J. Haas, 3994 Larry R. Kennedy, 7449 Associate Director of the Office of Science Mark D. Wallace, 5429 Robert P. Hayes, 2250 and Technology Policy. Matthew C. Stanley, 7668 Stuart L. Lebruska, 7101 Raymond G. Kammer, of Maryland, to be Frank G. DeLeon, 6529 Christopher J. Meade, 9834 Director of the National Institute of Stand- Rod D. Lubasky, 9808 Charles A. Richards, 8949 ards and Technology. Darcy D. Guyant, 1335 Donald Jillson, 8089 Terry D. Garcia, of California, to be Assist- Perry S. Huey, 7794 Charles E. Rawson, 3411 ant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Donald F. Potter, 4090 Janet E. Stevens, 6512 Atmosphere. Kevin M. Balderson, 0693 Cirristopher D. Nichols, 1626 (The above nominations were re- Patrick Flynn, 2133 Joel D. Slotten, 7105 ported with the recommendation that Wayne A. Stacey, 8485 Dominic Dibari, 1055 they be confirmed, subject to the nomi- Patrick G. McLaughlin, 5268 Stephen P. Czerwonka, 3738 Wayne C. Conner, 1137 Kurt C. O’Brien, 0534 nees’ commitment to respond to re- Jeffrey S. Phelps, 3423 Robert T. McCarty, 6264 quests to appear and testify before any Michael G. Bloom, 4211 Kevin P. Freeman, 9325 duly constituted committee of the Sen- Roger D. Mason, 5022 Joel D. Dolbeck, 5478 ate.) Michael W. Duggan, 1775 Richard D. Fontana, 5960 VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:32 Jun 07, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\MISCRE~1\1997\S04NO7.REC S04NO7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S11668 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 4, 1997 Sean M. Burke, 2944 Thurman T. Maine, 8652 Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Edgars A. Auzenbergs, 1579 Craig A. Petersen, 8689 1. Self: none. Joel D. Magnussen, 3176 Robert I. Griffin, 2267 2. Spouse: Wendy J. Walker, none. Michael J. Lopez, 3878 Donald R. Ling, 9189 3. Children: Kathryn E. Walker and Chris- Thomas F. Ryan, 5351 Jeffrey S. Hudkins, 3961 topher J. Walker, none. Alan N. Arsenault, 3958 Mark J. Gandolfo, 4285 4. Parents: Deceased. Peter N. Decola, 8972 Dirk A. Greene, 7181 5. Grandparents: Deceased. Thomas G. Nelson, 0329 David J. Rokes, 2696 6. Brothers: None. James Carlson, 2414 Todd A. Tschannen, 7318 7. Sisters: Josephine F. Walker, none. Philip J. Skowronek, 1126 Michael R. Olson, 1914 Alexander R. Vershbow, of the District of Columbia, a Career Member of the Senior Pat Dequattro, 4688 (The above nominations were re- David M. Dermanelian, 8757 Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, Austin J. Gould, 2015 ported with the recommendation that to be United States Permanent Representa- Stephen M. Sabellico, 8642 they be confirmed.) tive on the Council of the North Atlantic Andy J. Fordham, 8207 By Mr. SPECTER, from the Committee on Treaty Organization, with the rank and sta- Scott D. Pisel, 1756 Veterans’ Affairs: tus of Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Laurence J. Prevost, 2308 William P. Greene, Jr., of West Virginia, to potentiary. Joseph M. Pesci, 4592 be an Associate Judge of the U.S. Court of Nominee: Alexander R. Vershbow. Charles L. Cashin, 9267 Veterans Appeals for the term of fifteen Post: U.S. Ambassador to NATO. Jesse K. Moore, 1449 years. The following is a list of all members of Glenn M. Sulmasy, 3347 Richard J. Griffin, of Illinois, to be Inspec- my immediate family and their spouses. I Matthew J. Zamary, 0480 tor General, Department of Veterans Affairs. have asked each of these persons to inform Anthony S. Lloyd, 1217 Joseph Thompson, of New York, to be me of the pertinent contributions made by Kirk A.
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