Ferndale Park Reserve Action Plan Reserve Profile are important in maintaining species diversity of birds, reptiles Old interpretive signs have been removed throughout the park. q. Reserve Action Plan progress to be reviewed annually and and mammals. The vulnerably listed Powerful Owl is known to updated after five years. Ferndale Park is a long and narrow 9.8 hectare remnant Bushland Management Goals – Ferndale Park roost and nest within the Park. There are also a suit of mammal bushland reserve that is surrounded by residential properties, Native Plant List for Ferndale Park located within the Lane Cove River catchment, Chatswood. species including four species of Microbats, Echidnas The following management aims from the Urban Bushland Plan Bandicoots and Antechinus that inhabit the area. The of Management 2014 are priory objectives: FORK FERNS Cryptostylis reniformis Allocasuarina distyla MYRTACEAE It plays an important role linking a number of small bushland PSILOTACEAE Dendrobium sp Allocasuarina littoralis Acmena smithii narrowness and proximity to urban impacts restricts greater 4.2c: Provide a high level of planning, support, training and Allocasuarina littoralis x spaces to larger significant bushland reserves like Mowbray Psilotum nudum Dipodium punctatum distyla Angophora costata diversity of many species that would otherwise inhabit the area. supervision of existing and future community volunteers; Park, Blue Gum Park and the Lane Cove National Park. CONIFERS Pterostylis longifolia Allocasuarina torulosa Backhousia myrtifolia 5.3b: Create and/or maintain conditions in which creek and PODOCARPACEAE Pterostylis nutans Casuarina glauca Callistemon linearis Reserve Impacts Podocarpus spinulosus PHILESIACEAE CELASTRACEAE Eucalyptus gummifera Swaines Creek runs through the centre of the park with many drainage lines are protected from increased erosion and/or FERNS Eustrephus latifolius Maytenus silvestris Eucalypus haemastoma stormwater drains from nearby roads and properties feeding into A significant sewer line and stormwater network runs through the sedimentation due to urban impacts; ADIANTACEAE POACEAE CHENOPODIACEAE Eucalyptus pilularis Adiantum aethiopicum Anisopogon avenaceus Atriplex australasica Eucalyptus piperita it. A major sewer line runs parallel with the creek with a series of park, following the creek for its entire length. The associated 6.2f: Preserve and increase ecological links across the LGA and Sarcocornia sewer overflow points found along the creek line. Water from the outlets, sewer chambers and drains greatly impact water quality regionally to assist the movement of fauna; Adiantum hipidulum Aristida vagans quinqueflora Eucalyptus racemosa ASPLENIACEAE Austrodanthonia tenuior CONVOLVULACEAE Eucalyptus resinifera creek flows into the adjacent Chatswood Golf Course before in the park. During heavy rain sewer overflows can pollute creek 6.2g: Maintain natural habitat formations and supplement with Asplenium australasicum Austrostipa sp Calystegia marginata Eucalyptus saligna draining into the Lane Cove River. water and banks. High velocity flows also cause erosion along manufactured structures where natural habitat is depleted. Asplenium flabellifolium Cymbopogon refractus Dichondra repens Kunzea ambigua BLECHNACEAE Dichelachne sp Polymeria calycina Leptospermum trinervium There are sign-posted walking tracks in the reserve and the creek banks. Excess moisture and nutrients facilitate weed 6.3b: Implement weed control programs which are based on Blechnum ambiguum Echinopogon caespitosus CRASSULACEAE Rhodamnia rubescens spread particularly in stormwater lines. regeneration and restoration principles and which increase the Blechnum cartilagineum Entolasia marginata Crassula sieberana Syncarpia glomulifera Ferndale Walking Track is part of the larger Rail to River walk. Doodia caudata Entolasia stricta CUNONIACEAE Tristaniopsis laurina PLANT COMMUNITY : The Park is predominately comprised of Gas pipe and overhead power lines dissect the park, particularly bushland resilience to further weed infestation. Doodia media Imperata cylindrica Callicoma serratifolia OLEACEAE CYATHEACEAE Lachnagrostis filiformis Ceratopetalum apetalum Notel aea lonifolia Coastal Enriched Sandstone Moist Forest (S_WSF02) with between Greville St North and Greville St South. Bushland Management – General Principles and Actions Ceratopetalum Cyathea australis Microlaena stipoides gummiferum Notelaea ovata dominant tree species Smooth-barked Apple ( Angophora Most of the park is bordered by private property. This magnifies a. Bush regeneration is a long term process that requires Cyathea cooperi Oplismenus aemulus Schizomeria ovata OXALIDACEAE costata ), Turpentine ( Syncarpia glomulifera ), and Blackbutt the impact of urbanisation, including invasion by garden staged weed removal to ensure establishment of native plant DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Oplismenus imbecillis DILLENIACEAE Oxalis corniculata Histiopteris incisa Panicum simile Hibbertia dentata PITTOSPORACEAE (Eucalyptus pilularis ). Vegetation along the creekline is classified escapes, minor encroachments, dumping of refuse and fill, light communities. Work should proceed from good bush to Pteridium esculentum Paspalidium criniforme Hibbertia empetrifolia Billardiera scandens as Coastal Sandstone Gallery Rainforest (S_RF02) with low pollution, stormwater run-off and roaming domestic pets in the degraded areas with techniques that encourage DICKSONIACEAE Paspalidium distans Hibbertia linearis Pittosporum revolutum Calochlaena dubia Phragmites australis Hibbertia obtusifolia Pittosporum undulatum diversity of species. It is dominated by Coachwood bush. The western end of the park adjoins Chatswood Golf regeneration, including flame weeding, rather than spraying GLEICHENIACEAE Poa affinis Hibbertia scandens POLYGONACEAE (Ceratopetalum apetalum ), Lilly Pilly ( Acmena smithii ), Black Course. There are no buffers between the bush and the turfed with herbicide. Gleichenia dicarpa Sporobolus creber DROSERACEAE Persicaria decipiens Wattle ( Callicoma serratifolia ) and Tree Ferns (Cyathea sp.) In HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Sporobolus elongatus Drosera auriculata PROTEACEAE area so this boundary is a source of nutrients and weeds. b. If possible, all weed refuse and natural debris to be Hymenphyllum cupressiforme Themeda australis ELAEOCARPACEAE Banksia ericifolia elevated areas of the Park on the edge there are small remnant LINDSAEACEAE SMILACACEAE Elaeocarpus reticulatus Banksia integrifolia ENCROACHMENTS : There are no recorded encroachments. composted or retained on-site. pockets of Blue Gum High Forest (S_WSF01) with Sydney Blue Linds aea linearis Smilax australis EPACRIDACEAE Banksia serrata c. When natural regeneration is deemed inadequate, Lindsaea microphylla Smilax glyciphylla Astroloma humifusum Banksia spinulosa Gum ( Eucalyptus saligna ), Blackbutt ( Eucalyptus pilularis ) and Wildlife Habitat Issues POLYPODIACEAE TYPHACEAE Epacris pulchella Grevillea buxifolia Turpentine ( Syncarpia glomulifera ). This vegetation community is supplementary plantings to mimic local plant communities Platycerium bifurcatum Typha sp. Leucopogon ericoides Grevillea linearifolia Ferndale Park is a vital wildlife corridor linking small suburban and landscapes will be used with local provenance species. Pyrrosia rupestris XANTHORRHOEACEAE Leucopogon juniperinus Grevillea sericea listed as a critically endangered ecological community within the pockets of bushland to larger reserves within the Lane Cove SCHIZAEACEAE Xanthorrhoea arborea Leucopogon lanceolatus Hakea sericea d. Standing dead trees and forest litter (including logs and Schizaea bifida Xanthorrhoea media Monotoca scoparia Lambertia formosa Sydney Basin Bioregion. River catchment. It links smaller reserves Campbell Park, THELYPTERIDACEAE DICOTS Trochocarpa laurina Lomatia silaifolia branches) to be kept for wildlife habitat unless deemed a risk. Christella dentata ACANTHACEAE EUPHORBIACEAE Leucopogon setiger HABITAT : There are a range of hollow bearing and stag trees Lowanna Park, Fullers Road Reserve, Coolaroo Reserve and MONOCOTS Pseuderanthemum variabile Breynia oblongifolia Persoonia laurina providing habitat for micro bat, parrot, possum and owl species. OH Reid Reserve to the larger bushland reserves of Blue Gum e. Monitor, maintain and enhance vegetation connectivity for ARACEAE AMARANTHACEAE Glochidion ferdinanadi Persoonia levis wildlife habitat within the reserve and reserve networks. Gymnostachys anceps Alternathera denticulata Micrantheum ericoides Persoonia linearis Riparian areas contain rocky ledges and sandstone boulders Park, Mowbray Park and the Lane Cove National Park all of COMMELINACEAE APIACEAE Omalanthus populifolius Persoonia pinifolia providing refuge for frogs, reptiles and invertebrates. While rock which support diverse and large numbers of native wildlife. f. Phytophthera cinnamomi (a root rot pathogen) is listed as a Commelina cyanea Actinotus helianthi Phyllanthus hirtellus Xylomelum pyriforme CYPERACEAE Actinotus minor EUPOMATIACEAE RANUNCULACEAE outcrops and bush rock structures are habitat for some bird Without Ferndale as a link these smaller reserves would be key threatening process in NSW and has been identified as a Gahnia clarkei Centella asiatica Eupomatia laurina Clematis aristata species, reptiles, invertebrates and possibly micro bats. isolated. Connectivity should continue to be strengthened to O.H. threat to a number of species. Bushland workers are to use Gahnia radula Hydrocotyle penduncularis
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