See newsletters in color at www.postcard.org — Our name reflects our location, not our only area of interest. San Francisco Bay Area Post Card Club May–June 2014 Saturday, May 24, 11 am to 3 pm Vol. XXX, No. 4 Browsing and Trading, 11 to 1 – Meeting begins at 1 o’clock Fort Mason Center, Bldg. D, Fleet Room ☜ Laguna Street at Marina Boulevard, San Francisco In • Italo Balbo in Chicago Monthly meeting schedule on back cover. • Italian Futurist Poster Cards Visitors and dealers always welcome. This • OWL and the GGIE Issue } • Balbo Postal History PROGRAM NOTES: For the May program Darlene Thorne decided to do something different and with audience participation. Darlene has titled it San Francisco A to Z. How do you chose “A” between Alcatraz and Angel Island? By picking an alternate A. Or maybe not. For those who wish to participate, please have your A-Z San Francisco Places, People or Events already listed and brought to the meeting. Like a game of Bingo, the club member with the most accurate guesses will win a box of Italian candy and a San Francisco postcard. It will be a lot of fun. Everyone should take part. Show & Tell: Collector’s choice; two minute, three card limit. PARKING: Can be tough. Come early; there are many pleasant diversions at Fort Mason Center—espe- cially the library booksale and its coffee area. Inside the gates, $10 or more to park—or free, on-street and through the gates off Bay Street at Franklin above Fort Mason Center. As always, best to take the Muni, bike, walk or carpool. COVER CARD Not out of a cake but from Kathryn Ayres’ album comes Zoe Dell Lantis. Zoe, pronounced to rhyme with Oh!, was a dancer with the San Francisco Ballet, who was hired as a “theme girl” to promote the Golden Gate International Exposi- tion on Treasure Island. This postcard shows her driving a Buffalo Spring- field steamroller over a Per- fect Sleeper mattress in or- der to demonstrate its durability. The Home and Gardens Building is in the background. Zoe Dell was 24 years old at the time the photo for this postcard was taken. She signed the postcard at the age of 93, at an event hosted by the Treasure Island Museum Association. 2 CLUB OFFICERS 2013-2014 President: Newsletter Editor: Ed Herny, 510 428-2500 LΕw ВaΕr, 707 795-2650 edphemra(at)pacbell.net PO Box 621, Penngrove CA 94951 Vice President: editor(at)postcard.org. Deadline: 5th of Kathryn Ayres, 415 929-1653 month piscopunch(at)hotmail.com Recording Secretary: Treasurer/Hall Manager: Nancy Redden, 510 351-4121 Ed Clausen, 510 339-9116 alonestar(at)comcast.net eaclausen(at)comcast.net Webmaster: Jack Daley: daley(at)postcard.org MINUTES, April 26, 2014 Fair; six paper dealers who have never done his With the bright blue skies and ample parking both shows will be set up. in and outside the gates we were able to overlook Ed Herny announced that the Berkeley Historical the chilly breeze and its message of impending rain. Society is working on an exhibit for next year on the Cards were brought for sale or trade by Hal Lutsky, 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement and Joseph Jaynes, Ed Herny, Sue Scott, Lew Bаеr and asks for access to any material on it. Alex Pellegrini. Drawing: Donated items included a recent book Twenty-one members and no guests signed in, while on Lincoln Beachey and a freecard from an Em- there were actually more than 30 present, including barcadero bar showing a rear view of beauties from three guests. Sally Rand’s Nude Ranch. We were called to order at one o’clock by President Old Business: None Ed Herny. New Business: Ed Clausen, wearing his Hall Man- Announcements: Karen Anderson told of the 30th ager chapeau, asked for decision on the place and annual Art Deco Society ball celebrating the 75th timing of our July meeting which conflicts with the anniversary of the GGIE— very fancy (and pricey) SF Vintage Paper Fair: should we move the date back at Bimbo’s on May 10. www.artdecosociety.org/ a week, meet on the patio before the show or meet at Dolores Casey Keppelin showed one of her ten a table at the show. The last choice was a solid win- paintings styled from postcards of Golden Gate ner, and we may put up exhibits as well. Hal told that Park before 1906 to be displayed at the de Young next year there will not be a conflict. Museum; she hopes the club will have a table there Show & Tell: Darlene Thorne told that she is very on weekends; show dates TBA. versatile in her choice of postcards and showed an Kathryn Ayres told that tomorrow is the closing day old card of a woman rising like a mountain above a of the WESTPEX show celebrating the GGIE’s 75th; placid lake and (oddly!) captioned “I love my patent May 17 will be the opening of her postcard exhibit leathers, but oh you kid!” … Sue Scott showed four on Treasure Island featuring 165 postcards and oth- very nice Hallowe’en cards published by Nash. (Are er ephemera from her collection; Kathryn’s talk, fol- they Schmuckers?) … Nancy Redden showed a card lowed by a reception, will be at 10:30 AM that day; of the ship her dad was on in the Navy—the USS the show will run through at least September. Farragut. … Ed Herny showed a new-to-him Max- Hal Lutsky reminded us that next Saturday will be field Parrish card [now in my SF Restaurants box] his new Sacramento edition of the Vintage Paper and a mystery card. … Vera Sepulveda is making 3 per and allowed to dry in the dark. Using vintage cameras, I take photos on black and white film and then develop the negatives as normal. Prints are made by pressing the nega- tive and the cyanotype paper under glass and exposing to sunlight. The UV light rays reduce the mini real photo postcards iron to create an insoluble pigment (ferric ferrocya- at home—cyanotypes nide) known as Prussian blue which after develop- taken with a small format ing them in water gives the prints their character- The size of the film is the size of the antique camera and print- istic color. print, so 120 film is the smallest you can effec- ed by sunlight on the fire tively use. I’ll eventually get a 4x5 press camera escape! … Paul Robert- so that I can make proper sized postcards, but son showed what he found at the recent All Image until then, the mini-postcards are fun! Show: a snapshot of the PPIE Mulgardt Tower with a monoplane soaring above, a sham battle RP from POSTCARD CALENDAR the PPIE and a 3-card set of Frontier Village posted May 25, Sun, HEALDSBURG, Antique show in Pla- in San Jose in 1963 with description by the visitors. za, 8am-4pm,* Free! … Jack Hudson showed an RP of Howard Hughes’ Jun 28-29, Sat-Sun, KENT WA, Greater Seattle Show, 1938 ’round the world flight—three days, 19 hours, Kent Commons, 525 4th Ave, N; 10am-6 and 4pm+ 14 minutes, NY to NY with six people aboard. Jul 12-13, Sat-Sun, SAN MARINO, San Gabriel Val- —Nancy Redden, Secretary and LB ley Show, 3130 Huntington Dr.; 10am-6 and 4pm+ TREASURER/HALL MANAGER REPORT Jul 26-27, Sat-Sun, SAN FRANCISCO. Vintage Pa- per Fair, Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park, 9th As of May 1, 2014 ........................................ $4,584.96 Ave. and Lincoln Way; Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am- We’re in the Fleet Room on the ground floor of 5pm. Free admission!* www.vintagepaperfair.com Bldg D for the May meeting. FMC booked all the Aug 15-17, Fri-Sun, RANCHO CORDOVA, Gold rooms we usually use to another group so they of- Rush Paper Show, 11131 Folsom Blvd, Hwy fered the Fleet Room (that seats 400!) at our regular 50 & Sunrise Exit 18, 10:15 to 6, 6, and 3pm; price. Bring your friends and family. www.goldrushpaper.com. A possible parking alert. May 24th is the date for Sep 14, Sun, (tentative) SCOTTS VALLEY, Santa the San Francisco International Beer Festival at Fort Cruz Postcard Show, Hilton Hotel, La Madrona Mason. That event is in the evening, from 7–10 pm, Dr., 10am-5pm. Free entry for club members!* but we may be competing for parking with the Pil- Oct 4-5, Sat-Sun, KENT WA, Greater Seattle Show, sner peddlers during their set up. Kent Commons, 525 4th Ave, N; 10am-6 and 4pm+ Enjoy the meeting, stay late, bring pretzels. Nov 1-2, Sat-Sun, SAN MARINO, San Gabriel Val- —Ed Clausen, Treasurer/Hall Manager ley Show, 3130 Huntington Dr.; 10am-6 and 4pm+ BLUE AND SMILING Nov 7-9, Fri-Sun, SAN MATEO, Hillsborough An- Vera Sepulveda eagerly shared her method used to tique Show, Expo Fairgrounds, from 11 am* make cyanotype prints: Nov 15, Sat, SAN JOSE, Vintage Paper Fair, 444 The cyanotype process, also known as “blue- West Alma Ave., 10am-5pm; Free Entry!* print,” is simple, inexpensive, and environmen- Bolded calendar entries produced by club members. tally friendly. Two chemicals are mixed to make * Ken Prag will be there; let him know what to bring; the photosensitive solution (ammonium iron ci- 415 586-9386, kprag(at)planetaria.net trate and potassium ferricyanide). The final re- + R&N will have cards and supplies. sult, ferric ferricyanide, is painted on archival pa- Jeremy Leroque show info: 626 665-9435 4 APRIL PROGRAM: Dan Saks and Gary Doyle on ITALO BALBO AT THE WORLD’S FAIR No sooner did Kathryn yet, a Trans-Atlantic cruise Ayres introduce the speak- to the Chicago World’s Fair.
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